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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11723348 No.11723348 [Reply] [Original]

Oh God it's not the fucking food supply that makes out food bad, it's the fucking airman who are tasked to make it and take an online course on how to cook eggs yes STILL XNANOT COOK EGGS.
Disgrace that these fuckers manage to fuck up rice, potatoes and even turn mashed sweet potatoes into apple sauce looking liquid. Why the fuck are all these retards in charge of our meals.

>> No.11723373

Shut the fuck up, eat your slop, and die for money like good little cannon fodder.

>> No.11723388

Surprise surprise, none of us actually die and we get tax free paychecks multiplied to pretend to be working, now fuck off fag this thread isn't for you.

>> No.11723420

I thought the US military has outsourced all its fresh food to companies owned by Dick Cheney etc.
I’m former Australian Army Catering Corps and I’d have been rightfully lynched if I’d served shit like OP’s pic.

>> No.11723431

They put fellow low rankees in charge of food, they only bring out the big ranks when no low rankees are around or for officers
Low rankees fuck up basic food and laughs about while making sure to deplete ALL of the grilled chicken and burgers. Fucking fags.

>> No.11723435

>dumb enough to join the army
>complains about getting treated like an animal
be proud, soldier! kek

>> No.11723447

>says air force
>think army
Grats for being a dumbass. Why do you think people at the same rank are treating themselves like animals. They are just lazy and stupid and also have to eat the food they fuck up if there is nothing else.

>> No.11723466

Not that guy but thanks for the laugh champ.

>> No.11723472

The food when I was stationed in alaska was great so was the food while deployed stop being a little bitch

>> No.11723483

When I was at Alaska food fucking sucks you piece of shit they don't know what the fuck they're doing you just got fucking lucky or cooked your own food.

>> No.11723555

When I was in the army and not deployed in the field, the breakfasts on base were very good. Lunches were decent but dinner was often mediocre. When I worked as a liaison officer at a Korean Army Headquarters, I ate at the ROKA officers mess hall every day and it was goat af.

>> No.11723573

I don't even know why you guys still wear uniforms, as you're about as "military" as the TWA ground crews at any major airport. You're worse than the army for welfare in uniform cases.

>> No.11723580

this guy eats burger king at the PX 3 meals a day and needs help paying for his 2015 mustang

>> No.11723639

>2015 Mustang
The fuck? Ironically, after I was commisioned as an MI officer and attending OBC, all of my classmates immediately went into debt buying the latest new meme car and I bought an old Dodge Dart with the reliable slant six I could repair myself, for $800 cash money. When I got stationed overseas, I sold it for $1000 after doing some body work myself.

As far as the food comment, my post was referring to the mess halls not the mall fastfood tier bullshit.

>> No.11723662

So you're a LARPer? Kys.

>> No.11723675

sorry meant to reply to >>11723483

>> No.11723682
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Hardtack the true meal of soldiers

>> No.11723724

so was all your time repairing it worth your meme $200? did you get as much pussy as the other guys pulled with their new meme mobiles?

>> No.11723895

actual active duty here. the food isn't bad, even on deployment, but for some reason they always fuck up rice.

>> No.11724074

I am referring to the dfac dipshit

>> No.11724104

>did you get as much pussy as the other guys pulled with their new meme mobiles?
Yeah. When I was flying down to Ft. Huachuca, AZ for MIOBC wearing Class A's I hooked up with a mex gal from San Antonio in her uniform heading there. We hit it off pretty good and in orientation she and the girl she rented an apartment with invited me to live there thirding the rent. Mex gal ended up moving into my bedroom. Tbf, I was in damn good shape at the time and went to Airborne school after OBC and it was nothing. Can't say much for my physical shape nowadays, though, alcohol you know, keeping the memories of actions performed in the line of duty squashed.

>> No.11724105

Thank you for your service

>> No.11724518

When I was in (Ausfag airforce), what bugged me about the food wasn't the average quality, it was the total inconsistency. A lot of our messes were partially or totally contracted out to civilians - our own military cooks were usually amazing.

We have usually got 4 or so meal options, and the 'average' quality of food was fine, if you are happy with a big plate of basic unfuckable slop (curry, stir fry, pasta, meatloaf, stew). The problem comes in when - depending on the meal rotation, which crew is on shift, are there any civilian contract cooks making up for sick-days - some days you go down and you'll have
> inedible mystery meat "schnitzel"
> undercooked pink gristly chicken drumsticks
> brown vegetable water served as 'stew'
> 'vegetable medley', unseasoned and straight out of the frozen packet, half-warmed served as a standalone meal option

Some days you go down and they've got chicken schnitzel, roast pork, vindaloo and a stir fry and you've hit the jackpot but you can't exactly store up the good ones for later. Other days, after you've bothered to go down to the mess, you realise you should have just ordered cardboard pizza. This was the real bullshit that made military food a minefield.

These guys, on the other hand, hit a consistently high standard, and were always a treat to have when you were on exercise at some remote airfield.

>> No.11724575

I can confirm. The Army mess halls at Ft Richardson were always top-notch back during the cold war.

>> No.11724810

the us military is actually a very safe job
However, it will probably drive any decent person crazy. You're probably going to get some kind of (((disability))) like sleep apnea and get out in four years with get 50% disability

>> No.11724829

yeah if youre a faggot

>> No.11724866

It's really 98% sheer boredom and 2% absolute fear.

>> No.11724895

I find it incredible how a country like the USA serves its troops fucking slop but then Eastern European countries have MREs that are full of pate and other delicious shit

>> No.11724922

>wonders why the US Israeli/Multinational Corporate Offense Force has shit food
Hmm, really makes you (((think))).

>> No.11724938

>No, we're not dismissing anyone even though the building is literally closed and all operations are suspended and the civilians didn't have to come in at all. You're staying here till five no matter what.
>What do you mean you're an evangelical christian?????

>> No.11724977
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I’m in the Royal Leaf Navy and I think we generally eat well. You can have fresh cracked eggs for breakfast, and on Thursday nights we always have steak, with all the trimmings, and frequently even surf and turf.

No pics of food unfortunately but he’s a random pic

>> No.11725010

honest question: how is it that people gain muscular weight in the army? is it a combination of the eating slop + exercising?
would an army diet be good for gaining weight for a lanklet?

>> No.11725017

the way it works is everyone around you has muscles and your muscles activate sort of like popcorn or how women synchronize their menstrual cycles

>> No.11725023

fucking kek, thanks

>> No.11725182

I grew up on worse food than this you big baby. Come on you're in the military at least pretend you're an adult man

>> No.11725231

In the US navy surf and turf is usually a bad thing because it means something bad is going to happen i.e. the captain is about to tell everyone deployment just got extended. It's always amazed me seeing a sailor walk by the mess line, see it's steak and lobster, and yell FUCK.

>> No.11725236

>I grew up on worse food
>I ate shit
>you should be okay with eating shit too!

>> No.11725241

>how is it that people gain muscular weight in the army?
As a grunt, it's a combination of physical training, and doing mission shit like carrying 30-60% + of your body-weight for anywhere from 3-12 hours at a time over rolling terrain. You carry a mortar base plate, a 240, tripod or spare barrel, or a SAW and you're going to build up your upper body as a result.

>> No.11725275

>walk with 100lbs of gear on you
>yes sir
>proceed to do nothing but stand there with heaver gear for the next 13 hours (extra hour because next person will always take too long to relieve you)
>fall asleep and you'll just get articled or work more hours until you ultimately fuck up
literally grab this shit and wait here jobs for nothing to happen, and when something does happen you go fucking MAD because you've been forced into insane amounts of boredom that you want something to happen and kill everything the first chance you get

>> No.11726507

You don’t know suffering until you’ve eaten at the 6th reg chow hall on camp lejuenne

>> No.11726580
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>> No.11726605

Some of the best fod I've eaten in the military was when I was on deployment.

The aviation DFAC at Bagram in 2009 served an amazing gumbo once a week.

The main DFAC in Camp Leatherneck in 2011 and 2013 had really good choices, both healthy and not so healthy.

The Turkish DFAC in Kabul in 2017 served some really tasty kebabs and the curries in the other DFAC were also delicious.

>> No.11726837

>Stationed on 3 different usmc bases. Food is sub-par.
>Sent to Rammstein AFB for a month. They literally have gorgeous blonde E-2s making sandwiches in the chowhall at 2 in the morning.
Boy did I join the wrong branch.

>> No.11726856

will people finally like me if i join the army?
will Iose weight?

>> No.11726905
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Good Lord what is that

>> No.11727174

BULLSHIT. It is NOT tax free unless you're deployed, you faking fuck.

>> No.11727517

>will people finally like me if i join the army?
No. They'll hate you even more for being the pussy that you are.
>will Iose weight?
Yes, at the expense of your team mates who you will undoubtedly slow down like a bitch.

We all wanted to murder people like you, so stay the fuck out.

>> No.11727696

That's what I meant retard. When you get deployed you pretend to be working. Unless you're walking land mines in badistan you ain't doing shit. You don't actually think EVERYONE gets sent to badistan? So many people get "deployed" to played like Hawaii, Japan, fancistan etc with luxury af stays and get tax free paychecks while they do fucking nothing.

>> No.11727884

looks like a passable stew to me.

wtf do you expect?

>> No.11728011

Literally nothing wrong with a properly prepared meat stick.

>> No.11728076

aren't you a badass though? from what i understand the corps is the only branch where you can be a POG and also a hard motherfucker

>> No.11728165
File: 467 KB, 385x468, Not a PAC clerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a POG and also a hard motherfucker

>> No.11729885

not eating puke