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File: 108 KB, 1170x660, because-hangovers-suck-1170x660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11715001 No.11715001 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do people get hangovers? Just drink water lmfao

>> No.11715017

>drinking water in 2019


>> No.11715030 [DELETED] 

>using goyim years
fuck off, 4channel is an israel-friendly site.

>> No.11715039 [DELETED] 
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Oh, really?

>> No.11715062

It's mostly my stomach now that gets fucked. Water dodges the headache, but no matter what I drink my stomach is fucked the next day

>> No.11715075

tfw you drink so much that you never ever get sick or get hangovers anymore, you just get withdrawals and maybe some nice 4 day long DTs after a particularly healthy bender

>> No.11715087

If I don't drink alcohol regularly I find I get headaches from it when I finally have a drink. Water can reduce the handover severity but won't get rid of it for the most part.

>> No.11715096

Dehydration is only part of the story. If you drink enough you will get a hangover no matter how much water you drink.

>> No.11715104

Completely false. You just need to drink more water.

>> No.11715119

Same. Vomiting bile and hot tar shits. Are you late 20s/early 30s?

>> No.11715125

A bottle of orange juice through the night as you drink can do wonders. In my experience, i always felt great after a night of hard drinking when i also drank orange juice with it or directly after. No hangovers usually and im good to go. Nothing better than a fucking delicious breakfast after a hard night of drinking.

>> No.11715128

its called knowing your limits anons.

>> No.11715145

Okay retard. Come at me when you've had a handle of vodka in a single night.

>> No.11715152


>> No.11715156

Ayy lmao, same here. I never really get headaches anymore but my stomach fucking dies the day after heavy drinking.

>> No.11715186

I used to shit blood after nights of heavy drinking. I'm glad I DUDE WEED instead these days even though I'd probably be better off sober

>> No.11715195

I throw up digested blood nowadays. Feels like a weight in my stomach. Takes a long time to recover. Anyway, I'd do water or pedialyte. Ramen or canned soup.

>> No.11715209

even if you drink water and take a tylenol before sleep you can still get a hangover
the main issue is mixed drinks or alcohols with high sugar contents like wine or cider.
if you go to a party and only drink rum and cokes for example, you could easily consume upwards of 100g of sugar, that will just metabolize into more toxins over the course of the night and leave you feeling like death
nowadays if im going out drinking, i either stick to 1 type of booze, and if im doing hard liquor i use seltzer as the mixer, or just drink it straight up.

>> No.11715219

The fuck is digested blood?

>> No.11715245

I uhh.. I'm not sure how else to describe it. Blood that was digested in the stomach.

>> No.11715256

What? Why? What does it look like?

>> No.11715288


I don't get physical hangovers as much as I get emotional hangovers.. apparently its withdrawal.

>> No.11715300

Okay retard. Come at me when you've had two handles of vodka in a single hour.

>> No.11715304

Okay retard. Come at me when you've had five handles of vodka

>> No.11715319

Okay retard. Come at me when you've had 17 gallons of vodka in 4 seconds.

>> No.11715323

Okay retard. Come on my face

>> No.11715328

Retard comes on me after vodka

>> No.11715331

Coffee grounds or loose tobacco.

>> No.11715344

Sounds like a party desu senpai

>> No.11715449

I guess that through my life I've had that amount

>> No.11715463

You might have an ulcer.

>> No.11715495

Is hangover sex, best sex?

>> No.11715520

Dehydration is the normie idea of what happens when you drink. Mostly the bigger issues are disruptions of your gut bacteria and increased ATP production in response to the Acetaldehyde being processed from the breakdown of the alcohol. You can counter-act this by taking L-Cysteine, which causes the acetaldehyde to break down by stopping the oxidation process: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cysteine#Precursor_to_the_antioxidant_glutathione.. https://www.myfooddata.com/articles/high-cysteine-foods.php -- pairing alcohol with some of the high cysteine foods above will allow you to sufficiently avoid a hangover, especially if you cycle that with water and increase your sodium intake to increase fluid absorption. Painkillers will cover up the after effects but won't fix it, your best bet after is activated charcoal to help clean up any toxins, followed by caffeine to speed up the water cycling process, water, and a source of cysteine & B-vitamins.

Happy drinking folks.

>> No.11716276

yeah otherwise beer drinkers would be less hungover than vodka drinkers, because of the additional water. they aren't. in fact a beer hangover is worse because of another factor, congeners.
all you really need to know is that alcohol is retarded fucking boomer poison, and that weed instead is the only sensible option.

>> No.11716286


I'm lying. I think dude weed has a bad rap

>> No.11716291

yes. lets kill our lungs instead of our livers

>> No.11716293

i still dont know how a "hangover meal" would cure a hangover. its just an excuse to eat shitty food.

>> No.11716305

You can eat your dude weed too, my misguided friend
I don't think so, but the idea of eating something heavy and greasy never made sense to me. Ramen or canned soup to put some salt back in you does.

>> No.11716306

you stop getting hangovers after you get used to drinking. water didn't help me at all, that's all i drink, sometimes with some lime juice in it but i get my daily 64oz

>> No.11716334

>tfw get a headache after 1 drink
>6/10 nausea after 2
>8/10 nausea after 3
I guess it helps prevent me from ever becoming an alky

>> No.11716364

I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance (downed 1L of whiskey over the course of a night multiple times) but my hangovers are absolute hell on earth. It doesn't matter whether i've had a few drinks or a whole bottle, the morning, or rather the whole day after are just terrbile. I can't eat anything to get stomach started cause that's an instant vomit. Can't drink more than a few sips of water or i'm about to throw up. And then around 2PM i just need to puke stomach juices out anyway. I only start feeling "acceptable" around 9PM.
I guess that's the reason i have very low chances of ever becoming alcoholic.

>> No.11716526 [DELETED] 

I never got hangovers until I was in my 30s

It will happen to you too. Eventually binge drinking is no longer fun

>> No.11716564

t. lightweight who doesnt actually drink

>> No.11716584
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>he drinks Beer

>> No.11716686

The alcohol + drinking larger amount of liquid than you normally would flushes out the minerals in your body making it impossible to retain fluid in your body, however much water you drink you still don't get more hydrated. That's why you crave salty food when hangover to get back the electrolytes.

>> No.11716708

I only risk a hangover if i get piss drunk. How is being piss drunk enjoyable?
>not being able to keep a stable level of drunkenness

>> No.11716758

Both can compliment each other which can help prevent overdoing either.

>> No.11716784
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oh hell yes. The momentary adrenaline burst that makes you feel human just long enough to take a qyick shower afterwards and go right to the couch before the light sensitivity returns.

>> No.11716794
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>not drinking to blackout to prevent hanging yourself

I mean come ON

>> No.11716809

Pay £4 for a pint of beer and then drink a pint of water to dilute it to £2 worth of beer.

No thank you.

>> No.11717187
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>americans who think three bud lights is "drinking" giving hangover tips

>> No.11717212

I found that i can drink far more without getting bloody shits if i avoid anything contained in plastic.

>> No.11717307

Nah I've gotten shit looked at. I just have a crappy stomach

>> No.11717368


also this thread convinced me to cut back on my drinking thanks lads

>> No.11717388

>binge drinking past the age of 20

>> No.11717425

Going through it right now.
I’m on my 4th poop today

>> No.11717436
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This seems like a good thread to ask. Because of a puritan lifestyle I postponed drinking alcohol until much older than most people, and now that I recently tried beer it tastes salty as fuck, how do people enjoy drinking this?
My tastebuds are very mature. I drink coffee and sencha tea without sweeteners, so bitter tastes don't bother me, but I didn't expect it to be this salty, it felt like drinking liquid bread. Wouldn't that drink be much better if it had a bitter and sweet after-taste instead of a salty one? Has no one thought of that so far?

>> No.11717438

The ultimate hangover cure is a nice fat shit imo

>> No.11717441

Try a milk stout or any stout or porter really

>> No.11717449
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>My tastebuds are very mature

>> No.11717471

I don't get hangovers. I wake up still drunk.

>> No.11717486

Salty? What kind of stuff have you tried?

>> No.11717511

It almost sounds like a pseudoscience to me, the science behind it is when you drink, your body converts the alcohol into whatever it is that gives you a hangover, but if I was an alcoholic I would never get a hangover.

So did I train my body to stop producing the thing that causes hangovers or am I just so used to being drunk that I don't notice it or what.

>> No.11717521

Probably dont notice. Its also caused by a lack of glutathione mostly.

>> No.11717550

The salty one is a "premium lager beer".
I'll look into it

>> No.11717817

>I recently tried beer it tastes salty as fuck

You may want to drink beer instead of cum

>> No.11717994

stouts, porters, you can use alcohol content as a rule of thumb regarding that. Also any wheat beer really should give you banana and floral notes.
good lagers first (don't buy bud light or generic big brand eurolager, regional breweries usually do lagers well), then pale ales. I love especially australian hops. IPAs and all the realted shit should have strong citrus and herbal taste. A lot of people shit at IPAs here but it's my beer of choice.
anything that has "sour" in the name. Berliner Weisse, gose, probably a bunch of styles I can't remember.

As for bitterness, the taste that comes from hops is different than the one coming from coffee, so you might still adjust to that.

>> No.11718017

you aren't white

>> No.11718026

Same. Anxiety like a mofo.

>> No.11718420

Now I tried another brand that was literally 8x more expensive, couldn't even have one cup this time. It wasn't salty but it was extremely bitter and I mean holy shit it made coffee look like raw sugar in comparison. The bottle did say it was "extra bitter".
That's it, I'm done with beer and alcohol overall, seems like I never missed on anything.

>> No.11718495

>like drinking liquid bread
i hate beer.
it also makes me feel like shit.
i think i had two beers last year and i didn't enjoy them
i do however enjoy drinking spirits, usually bourbon or scotch

>> No.11718525

what the hell kinda maniac beer are you getting your hands on

>> No.11718538

mate that feeling is called "getting drunk"

>> No.11718550

No it isn't.

a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit

>> No.11718648

>the state of this faggot

>> No.11718699

technically it would be easier to avoid a hangover if you were drinking vodka rather than something with a ton of congeners

>> No.11718759

post pic of the bottle. I'm really curious as to what you are on about here. Am I to understand you think Fuller's ESB is more bitter than coffee? Everything you're saying in this thread is blowing my mind and makes zero sense.

>> No.11718788

It's a Brazilian beer, you wouldn't know it.
But yes, it is more bitter than coffee. I drink strong coffee without sweeteners, but a few sips from this made me want to vomit it because of the overwhelmingly bitter taste. Maybe it's because it's not only bitter but also slightly salty and sour, but not nearly as salty as the first one that felt like making bread juice and throwing a lot of salt into it

>> No.11718810


>not eating shrooms every single day all day because you like how it makes you feel and it improves your performance at work


>> No.11718812

Post the bottle faggot

>> No.11718815

Steak and eggs while blasted at midnight, gotcha

>> No.11718872
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>> No.11718882



>> No.11718894

Welcome to your late 20's. It's your body trying to tell you your party years are over and it's time to grow up.

>> No.11718895

I'll also just translate the description for you since you're unlikely to speak Portuguese:
"The Baden Baden American IPA is a beer in the American India Pale Ale style, with intense passion fruit smell as result of the addition of the fruit's juices and hop. It has copper color and potent bitterness, balanced by the sour flavor and high alcohol content. This beer is produced with the Dip Hop technique, which allows for greater differentiation and customization of the noble smells of the hop, without interfering with the quality of the bitterness.
Type: American India Pale Ale

>> No.11718901

Nigger I just googled this and IPA is considered high bitterness

>> No.11718921


i thought it was legit brazilian beer that's just super disgusting, not just some random fly by night american craft shit hop brew beer that was pushed into brazil by some cunt to commercialize on americanization of shit, when american craft brew ipas and shit are all shit, they're SHIT they're FUCKING SHIT, i'd be happier if you posted 211 steel reserve because fuck if that isn't the best beer in the world. fuck you you ignorant hue monkey, i hope you choke to death on cock while getting stabbed.

>> No.11718933

>Baden Baden (a german city)
>American style
>India Pale Ale
>Made in Brazil
Jesus Christ what kind of clusterfuck of a beer did you buy

>> No.11718937
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If it's so shit why does one single bottle of it cost twice as much as a 6-pack of a popular regional beer here

>> No.11718947


because your country is fucking impoverished, for one, and for another reason, because people buy it just because it's expensive.

that's how it works. sell some absolute GARBAGE, but charge more for it. and people will pretend it's awesome.

>> No.11718957

Fuck my body for being such a faggot.

>> No.11719016
File: 14 KB, 183x238, 1524353224590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europoor calling my country impoverished
>"it's expensive because people like expensive things"
You sound smarter when you talk about beer, not geography and economics

>> No.11719025


listen dude. hue monkey.

>> No.11719031

>be an alcohol
>no hangovers at all
>liver hurts like I have a big bruise on by back/side 24/7

This is it lads. See you all in hell

>> No.11719045

Nigga you got an ulcer, stop drinking.

>> No.11719159

Shit quality alcohol with the worst preservatives known to man in it is why people get bad hang overs. Drinking a lot of Natural Ice, Bud Light, will cause this.

>> No.11719177

Early 30s here
For me it's just really awful shits and general bad feels
I try not to drink any more because I apparently love to drink and drive

>> No.11719537
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>tfw NORF
>everyone is drunk before they show up to predrinks
>we're all gleefully pissed by time we're in toon
>half of us can't remember the night
Good shit man, I hardly ever get hungover
>tfw go down SOUF
>no one gets properly drunk
>they think I'm mad because I drink more than a few beers in a night