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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 405 KB, 1080x4144, A4B09969-03C6-49E5-8949-8C5BE12954A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11711330 No.11711330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it still expected for men to pay?

>> No.11711354

Imagine believing this is real

>> No.11711360

imagine being the guy who made it

>> No.11711362

Well I've had experiences with more unreasonable people than this. Its not THAT crazy

>> No.11711363

I don't mind paying...but if the chick spends the entire time on her phone, i'm eating steak and lobster. After, i'll excuse myself to 'go to the men's room' and leave her with the tab.

>> No.11711369

Not if they get the most expensive thing on the menu

>> No.11711374

Imagine the smell of his dirty clothes hamper

>> No.11711375

it's not the situation just the language/how they talk it's obviously just one person trying to create some scenario he fantasizes about, going on a shitty date and then harassing some dumb ho

>> No.11711377

I believe you should always offer to pay.

>> No.11711380

Fake and gay. But the guy would be at fault in this made up scenario for being too desperate amd asking her to go out again after she was a cunt

>> No.11711383

This but metaphysically

It’s just a concern still trying to make you hate women so you don’t reproduce and instead import the next generation from easily controllable low IQ nations

>> No.11711387

I usually pay but my girlfriend always let's me order for us or if she's ordering she gets the cheapest thing that appeals to her, out of courtesy, unless I encourage her to get anything she wants if it's a special occasion or I'm splurging.

>> No.11711388

Probably in a lot of places. But the last time I had a date didn't pay for her own meal was three or so years ago. Fuck yea equality

>> No.11711393

so a girl invites you out, she orders 110+ worth of shit and then you're going to offer to pay? grow a pair

>> No.11711397

in my experience most pathetic/transparent posts on the internet are simply pathetic people posting for their own pathetic reasons with no grand agenda behind it

>> No.11711398

So did you fuck her or what?

>> No.11711399

Why is this board so obsessed with Carbonara?

>> No.11711403

name 5 movies where this happens

>> No.11711405

yeah bro, women are saints who would never do such a thing. it's all a jew psy op. based white knight

>> No.11711407

Ah okay I didn’t think of it that way

>> No.11711418

>t. Incel

>> No.11711419
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>> No.11711424


>> No.11711426

I wouldn't pay for anybodys meal if they wasted 90$ on rotten fruit juice
Offering to pay creates a sense of entitlement in a time where not everybody can afford to throw away 100$, leading to people eating out with others, spending more money than the person they're with hoping they got to eat a lot on their dime. It's actually pretty fucking rude. If people learn to be thankful maybe their food would be paid for.

I get my food paid for without asking all the time and always make sure to thank them greatly which leads to me getting more free shit, as a platonic friend. Who sells their body for food anyways

>> No.11711428

I fucked her brother though, I’m gay btw

>> No.11711432

did you think of that one all by yourself roastie?

>> No.11711435

>I’m gay btw
not sure if that matters

>> No.11711522

>comparing movies to "real" life

>> No.11711549

do euros often converse in broken english to each other?

>> No.11711960
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>> No.11711990

absolutely based, have an upvote friend!

>> No.11712133

I knew a girl that fucked a guy because he took her to Ruth Chris steakhouse and she felt bad he paid so much.
This was 2 weeks after she broke up with her bf of 4 years.

>> No.11712158

the swedish side of my family only speaks english to each other.

>> No.11712168

Face bottom right

>> No.11712178

You should pay only if it is implied/stated that you're on a date with the intention of seeing each other again,
otherwise they're too wishy-washy and it shouldn't be assumed you're paying if you can't assume you're dating.

>> No.11712203

Now that woman are "equal" I would say they should pay, men paying is an artefact of when women werent expected to work anf the man was the primary bread winner.

However if it was a date scenario not offering to pay could ruin your chances of getting laid, but the upside is that the chicks handling of the situation would quickly expose her personality and if she didnt offer to pay half or acknowldge it somehowe then you know she is trash.

>> No.11712209

As often as we talk with people from other countries if communication in other language is impossible or suboptimal.

>> No.11712229

Among my people usually the party which invites pays unless stated otherwise before the meeting. If payment wasn't discussed and somebody pays for you, you usually offer to pay, and get politely refused at which point you say thank you and move on.

>> No.11712233

guess we really do need feminism, thanks this image has convinced me.

>> No.11712246

>the party which invites pays
So if your friends ask you to hang out they need to pay you? lmao

>> No.11712250

fake and gay

>> No.11712259


>> No.11712273

check out this tough guy lmao

>> No.11712280

I migh not be specific enough. This is how it works when 1 (one) person asks you to hang out with him/her (friend, collague, etc.). When it's group of friends the standard is everyone pays for themselves.

>> No.11712288

I know for a fact you have written literal paragraphs about the wage gap at some point or another

>> No.11712290

Also, it works both ways, when I want to invite someone it's my treat.

>> No.11712341

I'm not the person you replied to but you're still retarded. You see a paragraph really isn't that long of a passage to write. In fact what I just wrote can be considered a paragraph.

>> No.11712357

Smells like victory.

>> No.11712364

Proof that steak makes girls put out.
Ball is in your court, vegans.

>> No.11712375

I'd like to say to the people who haven't been in a relationship that breakups like this are often something that are a long time coming and not out of nowhere, often times the passion will die for longer than the relationship had been going on for in the first place.

>> No.11712408

I know for a fact you are either a mentally ill tranny from Resetera or a very angry roastie.

>> No.11712448

Imagine paying for someone else’s food lmao

>> No.11712469

This definitely didn't

>> No.11712655
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why do you use reddit mannerisms on a site that isn't reddit

>> No.11712668

If they don't want to marry each other after a year they should break up. Relationships fail so frequently because people put sex first. You'd figure out quickly if you actually love and want to be with someone if you didn't have sex, so the woman or man would have to bring something of substance to the relationship that isn't their genitals or bodies. Relationships cannot survive on sex alone, a strong companionship makes the sex always worth it.

>> No.11712729
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I haven't, but I got more images

>> No.11712764

>not just replying "lol" after her second message
>instead send a massive wall of text defending yourself
whew lad someone's sensitive

>> No.11712782

>reply lol
>girl doesn't think about her actions and texts the next free meal

>> No.11712797

that's fine, she can go whore herself to someone else, it's 100% the fault of the idiots who pay. if women paid for men i'd be rolling in ribeye erryday.

>> No.11712798

Imagine being this cucked

>> No.11712815


It's fucking 2018 you dumb faggots, if a girl wants you to pay you call her a reactionary thot and publicly shame her . Splitting is the only way

>> No.11712850


>> No.11712852

>among my people
Obviously not American. Here, it's implied (through tradition) that the man will pay for the meal during the date.
However, given the recent climate with women demanding more independence and for men to assume less,
the burden should also be removed from men when it comes to old dating or paying rituals. It's only fair.
It would be unfair otherwise.

>> No.11712854

I wouldn't do that, but I'd silently finish my meal while feigning interest in what she's saying, then politely ask for the check to be split. I'd pay for what I ordered, then excuse myself and leave.

>> No.11712856

Choosing to speak a foreign language instead of your native tongue with other native speakers of your language

>> No.11712873

I've been married 6 years and only paid for my wife's food MAYBE 20 times. Her money is her money and my money is my money and we both pay for our own stuff.

>> No.11712898

>dating and getting married before the dating scene took a shit and hit the fan
wew, grats.

>> No.11712901

I fail to see what at all that has to do with cuckholdem. I think this site is doing weird things to your perception, breh.

>> No.11712931

yeah, and then she calls the cops on you and they come by that roach hovel you rent in and haul you off to prison.

>> No.11712950
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>calling yourself a gentleman
>offering to go on another date with her after she talked about how much she wanted to make out with another guy

>> No.11712960

you do know that divorces have been popular for 40 years and that women can change their mind any time and just decide to fuck you over?

>> No.11712973

reminder that divorces are steadily decreasing because the only real reason divorces were so high was because people were marrying for the sake of having families rather than marrying for the sake of spending time with each other or tax purposes

>> No.11712994 [DELETED] 

Sure smells like incel in here

>> No.11713073

I am >>11712873 and I was smart enough to get a prenup. If we split, everything I earned and own is mine.

>> No.11713265

First of all, you can tell from tge way these people speak that this is fake
Second what restaurant can one person get a meal for 17$ and the other 110$?
Third who ever issues an invitation pays. End of discusion.

>> No.11713277

>Third who ever issues an invitation pays. End of discusion.
Serious question, but does this rule extend to when a group of friends invite you out to eat with them?

>> No.11713290

lmao tell that cunt to shut the fuck up and go find some other guy to leech off of.

>> No.11713298

no actually divorces are decreasing because no one is getting married anymore

>> No.11713594

>Second what restaurant can one person get a meal for 17$ and the other 110$?
A restaurant that sells wine. There are restaurants with food under $20 and glasses of wine over $50.

>> No.11713637

>he thinks this is true because there are graphs

>> No.11714150

Phew, I almost hated a woman there, good thing you were here to speak up for some random female in a throwaway story.

>> No.11714189
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Shockingly based.

>> No.11714310

name of this qt.314 plz???

>> No.11714320

Way to out yourself, reddit.

>> No.11714328

You got the reddit roasties really riled up with this one.

>> No.11714331

Drew Barrymore

>> No.11714370

What's the charge and how would she know where I live?

>> No.11714382

The charge is not paying for your own food. Theft. She knows where you live because that's where she had to pick you up from.

>> No.11714391

I don't care what's "expected." If I'm making more money than some chick I find it pretty cool that I can pay for us. It's not a big deal to me either way.

>> No.11714394

When did I agree to pay? She picked me up so the date is all her responsibility.

>> No.11714423
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The source is in the picture retard

>> No.11714433

Based Luci.
All her friends will now be having bastard children so they too can buy some super amazing coach shoes!
But Luci set the trend first.
Redpilled Luci.

>> No.11714450

I wish I weren't a virgin so I wouldn't have to feel like I'm somehow connected to these people in spirit.

>> No.11714465

>I find it pretty cool that I can pay for us
>some chick
the brainwashing is strong in this one

>> No.11714480

Have you considered the fact that perhaps you're just a cheap ass fuck?

>> No.11714527

Im getting a lot of incel vibes in this thread....

>> No.11714538

Do we really need TWO incel containment threads right now? /pol/ must working overtime tonight.

>> No.11714556

>Newfags think incel threads are new
Lmaoing at your life these shit threads have been here for the last 2 years

>> No.11714579

Shove your ellipses up your pussy you dumb, redundant fuckhole.
Is that enough of a vibe for you?

>> No.11714585

You could, uh, I don’t know, maybe a wacky idea, have a brief agreement before you go out that you will split the check? You know, how two normal well adjusted adults act. Incel vibes are strong here.

>> No.11714589

The one who invited the other person should be prepared for pay for the entire check regardless of what the other person orders and should be the first to attempt to pay when the check comes. The other person should be polite enough to order reasonably priced things if they intend to let the other person pay, but should also be prepared for pay for their own half of the bill if needed. When the check comes, the other person should offer to split the bill to be polite. If the person who invited them insists on paying the entire bill, then the other person shouldn't demand to split the check unless there's an appropriate reason. Basically, don't start an argument over it.

It's bad form to invite someone out and then expect them to pay the entire bill. It's also bad form to be invited out and to make it obvious that you expect the other person to pay (e.g. shoving the bill over to their side of the table). The gender of either person has nothing to do with these basic guidelines for not being rude.

>> No.11714599

>Shove your ellipses up your pussy you dumb, redundant fuckhole.
What did the anon mean by this?

>> No.11714600

Or maybe you could go in expecting to pay for your own meal like a responsible fucking adult you dumb bitch.

>> No.11714607

Oh well how convenient that all women are whores and only go out with a man if he invites them.

>> No.11714628

It's absurd to think you need to pay for people to hang out with you and eat. Kill yourself, all people should be expected to foot their half of the bill unless it's an invitation to a catered party.

>> No.11714633

filename retard

>> No.11714640

The incel is strong with this one.

>> No.11714641

It may be less common than the other way around, but women do invite men on dates quite often nowadays. They just never ask you.

>> No.11714648

Lmao @ the one incel dmage controlling itt

>> No.11714651


>> No.11714654

Would you rather buy someone’s dinner, or suck a dick? Choose one.

>> No.11714657


I invited my boyfriend to our first date and I paid the entire bill. Since then, we alternate on covering the bill. I cover it a bit more often than he does because I tend to have more spare cash.

>> No.11714667

If you make threads about male/female relations on any board incels will show up so you're being redundant.
People who use ellipses for no apparent reason fucking annoy me. Just say whatever you're trying to imply by using them.
Fuckhole is a synonym for female since the post totally lacked any character whatsoever.
Does that clear things up?

>> No.11714682

Fuck back to twitter newfag

>> No.11714689

So how often do you peg him? I hope you use lube.

>> No.11714778
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nope she not be there

>> No.11714840

Gwen Stefani

>> No.11715092


Idris Elba

>> No.11715105

Same but it's my wife.

>> No.11715109


I can smell your stink from here, Hole.

>> No.11715124


I smell fish.

>> No.11715135

>Baby daddy shows this to judge.
>Gets reamed and thrown in jail because he is a evil bigot who hates women.
>On the plus side, jail doesn't pay that much, so those shoes are on layaway.

>> No.11715154

Which just proves you're an incel if that's how you think vag smells.

>> No.11715235

While I agree that the Anon you're quoting is an angry permavirgin, I have encountered a vagina that smelled like fish/bacteria.

>> No.11715283
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i've rarely had this issue of women expecting me to foot the bill.
i'd say 8 girls out of 10 will offer to split because its the first date and we don't know if we have a future together yet, its just common courtesy.
i usually offer to get the first round of drinks, and more often than not they offer the 2nd round without any prompting.
sometimes, the girl offers to pay without me saying a word.
i guess just not being a fucking douche and being charming can go a long way to having a pleasant first date.

>> No.11715292

What bullshit. I'm a nice guy. A gentleman, even. It's just that girls don't like nice guys like me. It's not exciting enough for them.

>> No.11715330

>I'm a nice guy. A gentleman, even. It's just that girls don't like nice guys like me
this is a huge red flag desu, everytime i hear this shit i can garuntee whoever said it isnt as nice as they claim.
you sound entitled as fuck, and thats probably why you have no luck.
stop taking it as a personal affront when a girl says no to you, and start working on self-improvement.
blame others as much as you want but at the end of the day, youre the one going home alone.

>> No.11715369

>you sound entitled as fuck
What is he entitled to?

>> No.11715412

he thinks hes entitled to women sleeping with him
because he's "nice"
no one owes you shit in this life, remember that, and you may just get past your hangups.

>> No.11715415

>I'm a nice guy. A gentleman, even.

>> No.11715504

>he thinks hes entitled to women sleeping with him
But you said he was entitled, or at least that you thought he was.

>> No.11715542

we're reaching levels of obsession that shouldnt even be possible. try going outside anon

>> No.11716570

I only offer to pay for both meals if I invite the girl out, other than that I’ve never had an issue with the bill, most dates I’ve been on the woman usually offers to pay for both. Don’t know what kind of women you guys are going dates with lol

>> No.11716590

wow, somebody actually normal in this thread
it's not hard to have some empathy and figure out whether it'd be better for you to pay or suggest a split, depending on what your date is like and how the dinner goes, but.. 4chan

>> No.11716593

Nah when my wife and I were dating she paid for everything

>> No.11716605

>It's only fair.
Women didnt demand "equality" for the fairness.

>> No.11716673

Actually men pay women to do all unpaid or under paid jobs like raising and educating ungrateful shits such as yourself.

>> No.11716699
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>> No.11716719

Don't be stupid and pedantic. You know 100% if you eat something at a restaurant, the responsibility is on you to pay for it. There's no legal precedence that a date would have to pick up the bill because you think they should. If you eat and leave without making sure the bill is paid, that's dine and dashing, and restaurants have cameras in the bar, the lobby, and in the parking lot to turn into police for identification of dine and dashers.
-t. Worked in industry a long time and love to check the cameras for ID when there's been an incident.

>> No.11716743

Flyover statefag here.
I've only ever paid when it was a date and even then some wanted to split the bill.
I've never had a single woman go all out in my dime.
Non-date friend scenario is typically splitting the bill although I have gone back and forth on "who picks up the tab this time".
Never had a chimp out like OP.
I assume this is the rule and not the exception.

>> No.11716787

I'm not a virgin and I found this to be generally true.

>> No.11716817

As if cops are going to bother tracking some one down and prosecuting because they ate some of your precious pig slop and left w/o paying, lol!

>> No.11716900

100% Arab, where from friend? Lebanon???

>> No.11717092

Similar experience here.
Only time a woman has gone all out at a restaurant was when I took my gf out for a birthday gift and told her she could.
Even then, it wasn't like I was eating off of the bargain menu so it wasn't a big deal.
As for friends, we usually all split unless it's like an order of wings or something and one guy doesn't mind spending a few bucks.

>> No.11717524


>> No.11717622

Is this unironic?