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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 640x428, D2AD4245-0BE1-4AFE-900D-012714255EB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11712822 No.11712822 [Reply] [Original]

July 28, 2013

The greatest food in human history

In terms of cost-per-calorie, no locavore, organic veggie can compete with the McDouble

What is “the cheapest, most nutritious and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history”
Hint: It has 390 calories. It contains 23g, or half a daily serving, of protein, plus 7% of daily fiber,
20% of daily calcium and so on.

Also, you can get it in 14,000 locations in the US and it usually costs $1. Presenting one of the
unsung wonders of modern life, the McDonald’s McDouble cheeseburger.

The argument above was made by a commenter on the Freakonomics blog run by economics
writer Stephen Dubner and professor Steven Leavitt, who co-wrote the million-selling books on
the hidden side of everything.

Dubner mischievously built an episode of his highly amusing weekly podcast around the debate.
Many huffy back-to-the-earth types wrote in to suggest the alternative meal of boiled lentils.
Great idea. Now go open a restaurant called McBoiled Lentils and see how many customers
line up.

But we all know fast food makes us fat, right? Not necessarily. People who eat out tend to eat
less at home that day in partial compensation; the net gain, according to a 2008 study out of
Berkeley and Northwestern, is only about 24 calories a day.

>> No.11712833

Neoliberalism was a mistake

>> No.11712841

based kyle

>> No.11712853

based New York Post.

>> No.11712885

Calories From Fat: 160
Saturated Fat: 8g (42% DV) 8 grams (42% DV)
Trans Fat: 1g 1 grams
Cholesterol: 70mg (23% DV) 70 milligram (23% DV)
Sodium: 850mg (35% DV)

>> No.11712905

>23g protein
>92 calories
>18g fat
>162 calories
>34g carbs of which 7 are sugar
>136 calories
>390 calories of 80% fat and carbs is a nutritious meal

You know what else is available at over 14,000 gas stations across the nation? A 25 cent banana or 50 cent bag of peanuts, both much more nutritious. Shill marketing article.

>> No.11712912

Typical Daily News reader

>> No.11712919

How much sodium is in a mcdouble?

>> No.11712925
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>> No.11712951

my chiropractor has a mcdouble thats been sitting in a glass case in the lobby for 7 years. it hasnt biodegraded or molded or composted in the slightest. mcdonalds IS NOT FOOD

>> No.11712968

around here the double cheese and the mcdouble are $2 and $1.69
i wish they were still $1.

>> No.11712970

Why does food have to spoil quickly for you to be able to eat it? Do you avoid rice because it lasts a long time?

>> No.11712996
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>comparing uncooked rice with cooked meat, cheese, and bread

>> No.11713006

First of all fuck off. Second mcdoubles cost me 2.09 which is actually retarded because bacon mcdoubles cost 2.00 even.

>> No.11713007

>my chiropracter
Stopped reading there

>> No.11713061

I unironically want that in my face right now

>> No.11713072
File: 194 KB, 550x325, Screenshot_20180522-034949~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't read a fucking word of your post so fuck off child.

>> No.11713081

This is actually false. I tried it once and McDonalds food does indeed get covered with mold. It took about a week. The french fries are a different story. I find french fries in between my car seats and they must have been there for years.

>> No.11713093

I've turned of images to save on data but I'm dying to know what you want in you face. Is it a line of naked ghetto thugs with erections?

>> No.11713109
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>> No.11713117
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long live McDonald's

>> No.11713133

I'm fishing, cannot bring my 5 grand iMac pro.

>> No.11713141

>you cannot compare food
>these oranges came from the same tree? conflict of interest

>> No.11713150

You're not fishing. You're posting on 4chan.

>> No.11713153

I don't know where you are, but here, bananas are a lot more than 25 cents, more like $1.

>> No.11713157

well it was my exes chiropractor. didnt see that detail as necessary since we are talking about how fucking retarded you and/or OP are.

>> No.11713166

I've just baited up, already got a bite mate.

>> No.11713226

There is not a single location in the U.S. that sells bananas for a dollar each. Fuck off with your bullshit.

>> No.11713244

Timestamped pic of your catch.

>> No.11713259

The McDouble doesn't cost $1 any more. The McChicken is still $1 now. For me, it is the mcchicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.11713306
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Wait what? people actually browse an imageboard with images turned off?

>> No.11713310

I said I already had a bite not caught a fish. Fucking Americans no idea about fishing.

>> No.11713316

Yes. Why not. Do all your books have pictures in still?

>> No.11713322

maybe dont type vague ambiguous one liners then you stupid kangaroo fucker

>> No.11713325

2 bites now, I will land very soon.

>> No.11713336


it’s an IMAGE board.

go to reddit if you want text

>> No.11713339

>kangaroo fucker
Are you insinuating I had a marsupial smuggled 6000 miles to make love to it?

>> No.11713346
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I guess it means less frogposters in your life but still...

>> No.11713347

I'm not bothered about kiddy little memes. Maybe it's you who needs to go to Reddit mate.

>> No.11713390

>fucking americans

its a pretty solid assumption

>> No.11713424

The zoo. Where you belong

>> No.11713453

Imagine wasting 5 grand on a shitmac pro

>> No.11713468

Whilst you faggots have been wanking to cartoons I've had some good catches.

>> No.11713490

>Are you insinuating I had a marsupial smuggled 6000 miles to make love to it?
>The zoo. Where you belong

Care to make any sense of your nonsense?

>> No.11713532

Chiropracty is a total scam invented by a conman. Only morons believe in it or date people who do.

>> No.11713543

I once dated a girl who believed in chiropractory. Things didn't end well, she was killed in a car crash.

>> No.11713565


>> No.11713579

Lol, not the ending I was expecting. Thought you were going to say ate by a shark. Talking of which, seeing as it's /ck/ and OPs boring what animal would you like to be eaten by? I'd say a tiger because they're better than lions.

>> No.11713588

What's it a picture of mate?

>> No.11713616
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By a Pitbull would be best.

>> No.11713649

Where are you living where a bag of peanuts are 50 cents? Where I am peanuts are like 10 cents a piece, a bag of them coming out to $50 a bag

>> No.11713687
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this is your brain on veganism

>> No.11713733

Damn McDonalds pays that much?!

>> No.11713739


>> No.11713753

>Somewhere along the thread this poster has offended me, oh I know I'll say he works at MacDonalds. That will teach him a lesson.
Pathetic banter mate.

>> No.11713772

Lmao what a fucking peasant.

>> No.11713774

Here you go:

>> No.11713783


>> No.11713789

>Lmao what a fucking peasant
For not wanting to look at stupid meme's like a fucking child.
Lmao at you.

>> No.11713799

1985, why where are you?

>> No.11713865
File: 341 KB, 1200x1200, mcgangbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to get 2 McChickens and 2 McDoubles for $4 and make 2 McGangbangs with them
>tfw McDoubles are now $1.75 where I live and I can't support such heinous price gouging
>tfw stuck getting 2 cheeseburgers instead because they're still $1

Feels awful, bros.