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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11710504 No.11710504 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys black pill me on beer?

>> No.11710508

beer is full of titty horomones and you will regret ever taking a sip off one

>> No.11711770

Excellent to order when people drag you somewhere. Large volume, low alcohol, cheap. Tastes like shit but hey it's just for a few hours.

>> No.11711811


I like beer. It tastes nice and it earns me money and is a distraction from the semi disaster that is my life.

>> No.11711824
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Coloradans can finally buy the real stuff.

>> No.11711836

Only IPAS have a reasonable amount of phytoestrogens. Also, moderate alcohol consumption might give you more and higher quality jizzum.


>> No.11713097

usually when people call something an "acquired taste" they're just memeing about something shitty, but its true for beer. everyone starts off hating the taste and just drinking it to get fucked up, but then you kind of start to enjoy it. now i like even shitty domestic beers like miller lite and pabst blue ribbon, i think they go well with fast food or chinese take out. the alcohol has become secondary

>> No.11713127
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Beer is awesome, it's as old as time itself, and if stored properly (like wine and hard liquor) it can last centuries.

Beer is the adult's soda that gets you drunk. Comes in any number of flavors and varieties, and a lot of times costs less than actual soda.

People hate on beer because they had bad experiences with domestic garbage at shit get togethers or parties. Their parents drank that stuff too much and they don't want anything to do with it and know very little about it. They're afraid of something different and see it as dangerous, gives you tits, kills brain cells and gains.

Everything in moderation, even beer.

>> No.11713139

Liquor when?
I miss california... kinda

>> No.11713402
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Beer makes you look like a pregnant woman.

You were peer pressured into drinking beer by society's expectations, and now you're becoming addicted to it. If you ever want to get into shape, cut out beer. It's totally superfluous, even if you like the taste. Drink water, make that a habit.

Alcohol is general is superfluous, cut it out, alongside sugar, and refined flour.

>> No.11713470

You want negative truths about beer?

It's bittered with hops because it's very sweet on its own. Of the sugars that aren't converted to alcohol, some will be digestible, and you will see caloric gain from drinking beer. To add to this, the alcohol will lower your inhibitions, and probably make you hungry, which can lead to overeating. The 8-prenylnaringenin in hops might increase estrogenic activity, but you're far likely to grow titties because you will probably eat (and smoke) while drinking.

The overhopped nonsense is more fad than flavour, and variations are popping up to keep up hop sales (and through sales: marketing, breeding, and lab work). It's a very Monsanto-esque conspiracy between macro beers, the bigger little guys, big-barley, and hopped up agriculture.

>> No.11714028
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so's being a cunt

>> No.11714040

What a cougar.

>> No.11714045

Who wants to buy beer at the grocery store to begin with? If it's not sold directly by the brewery, it's usually not worth drinking.

>> No.11714055

if you want someone to take you? what does that mean... :x

>> No.11714066

Phew, that’s a hot one. Definitely can’t have that in moderation

>> No.11714068

If you drink more than 7 or 8 you will have goopy black tar shits that smell highly of alcohol.

>> No.11714075
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u no wut it mens anon...

>> No.11714098
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how do i take myself?

>> No.11714110

He's too fat. Looks like he loves to drink beer with that nasty fat gut.

>> No.11714136

alcohol is bad and if you can't look around and see that for yourself then I can't help you
you shouldn't need convincing to not drink alcohol

don't smoke
don't drink
don't use drugs unless for specific medical purposes
don't consume caffeine
don't consume refined sugar

it's really simple stuff

>> No.11714143

>Actually having these opinions about beer

>> No.11714148

You're a fun fella

>> No.11714470

achieving mental clarity and a fit body is more fun than wallowing in in a dimly lit room

one day I'm going to have a party and the party will be on a platform, and the only way to get to the platform will be to climb a wall and cross on monkey bars
and if you can't make it then you're stuck on noobie island and need to watch everyone else have fun on cool guy island while you rethink your life choices up until that point

>> No.11714484

>t. 300 pound NEET larping as /fit/ because weight loss is his New Year’s resolution

>> No.11714517

my new years resolution is to find a gf!

I'd be a world champion right now except I have bad knees

>> No.11714549

Just enough alcohol to get you there but not so much that it's bitter

>> No.11714730
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Fucking hell she's stunning, I drink the water out her toilet.

>> No.11714752
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There is only one pill, Anon. STEEL PILL. 6 for $10. I drank one on my way home.

>> No.11714791

>having low standards and bad taste

>> No.11714792

Honestly, dont get into it. Its fucking delicious and almost impossible to resist once you get a taste for it. It's my number one vice. I dont even like getting drunk I just like drinking beer

>> No.11714821

>The study relied on men reporting how much they drank, which can lead to inaccuracies due to the imperfections of memory, Professor Fishel cautioned. In addition, the study focused on men attending a fertility clinic, so the results may not apply to a healthy population.
>Dr Channa Jayasena, a reproductive endocrinologist at Imperial College London who was also not involved with the study, agreed: 'It is important to highlight that non-drinkers had arguably the best sperm quality of anyone studied.
You really should read the stuff you link first.

>> No.11715543

There aren't any regulations on the kind of water they use so there is probably fluoride in the beer unless they are exceptionally careful with it for some reason. In addition, there's no way that they can inspect 100% of each bit of hops, malt, etc., so it's very likely that bugs, mold, and other undesirable ingredients are added or included to the final brewing process. Even when they "filter" it, you're just ending up with basically a tea of every toxic ingredient that may happen to be lurking in any particular beer. Most macro beers are made with rice, which has a huge arsenic problem: https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/arsenic-food-faq.. https://www.laweekly.com/restaurants/trader-joe-s-says-dont-freak-out-over-arsenic-in-wine-5462051 http://thefermentedfruit.com/arsenic-in-wine-trader-joes-wine-a-possible-culprit/

Based on the two cases above, arsenic doesn't have to be disclosed in beer/wine and other alcohol beverages because they already include a warning that it 'may be damaging to your health', so you might be consuming something which is infused with arsenic and toxins because "hey we warned ya!". It'll make you fat and gross too, and deplete your dopamine and B-vitamin levels over time to the point where you need alcohol to get a dopamine release but are too depressed to stop because of the other negative effects.

That's my most pure blackpill on beer/wine, et al.

>> No.11715550

Fluoride inhibits fermentation. So does chlorine. I doubt any serious brewer would risk using anything other than distilled water.

>> No.11715977
File: 72 KB, 400x600, ci-pabst-blue-ribbon-16cdc21d4cdd2998[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black pill
drink nothing but PBR until you die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.11716048

It's not true at all. If you don't like beer, just admit you don't like beer. I loved it from the first time I tried it.

>> No.11717042

It took me a while to find negatives about beer aside from the obvious "Too much of a good thing is a bad thing, so enjoy your hangover."

>> No.11717072

>There aren't any regulations on the kind of water they use so there is probably fluoride
Your realize that it is government regulations that put fluoride into water, right? Its not something that is in the groundwater on its own. Its pretty absurd to frame this as an issue of lack of regulation. Also, breweries, even very small ones take water quality very seriously because water chemistry effects the fermentation in ways that are tastable in the final product. Breweries will purify water beyond what the government requires for drinking water. You have no idea what you are talking about
>Most macro beers are made with rice
Bud brands use rice, but Miller and Coors use corn, but most good beer uses neither

>and deplete your dopamine and B-vitamin levels over time to the point where you need alcohol to get a dopamine release but are too depressed to stop because of the other negative effects.
No, most people do not suffer from this upon drinking

>> No.11717078

Well its true that most children perceive bitter compounds as much more bitter than adults do so many people do not like beer when young but come to like it as they mature

>> No.11717091
File: 96 KB, 700x883, imagine my soyprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading something that isn't in schizo collage format
these people legitimately think that a plant makes you gay because a british talking head on youtube told them so

>> No.11717099 [DELETED] 

>everyone starts off hating the taste and just drinking it to get fucked up
t. child

>> No.11717386

I'm not from US, but I've heard that Sierra Nevada is a rly good beer.

>> No.11717434


you should take another look at your life. doesn't sound like you take the right decisions.

>> No.11717454


If you don't like beer, don't drink it.


>> No.11717487

Lmao'ing at the fucking Mormons on /ck/

>> No.11717496

Its not just Mormons, southern evangelicals are almost as bad when it comes to advocating abstinance

>> No.11717530

All beer tastes like liquid bread, except ipa’s which taste like weed, and cheap light beer, which tastes like unsalted nacho chips

>> No.11717547

Yeah, but a lot of them drink when no one is looking and then put on their holier-than-thou act in public. Smarmy, hypocrite fucks.

>> No.11717551

True, but drinkings rates in evangelical areas are considerably lower than in normal states none the less

>> No.11717574

Wont be much of a party without alcohol, drugs, refined sugar or refined flour now will it faggot?

>> No.11717585

It sounds like they get out in public and do things with their friends, which is probably more than you can say.

>> No.11717648

The thing with alcohol is that it's a social lubricant. If you are an introvert it's a great help for you to socialize with your friends at the pub, and I imagine there are a lot of introverts in this website who need this.

>> No.11717659

Too fat, she could cut down on some of her meat consumption. I prefer nice small breasts with little soybean nipples.

>> No.11717729

bout time.
I grew up in Colorado and have always idolized coloradan beer but honestly Michigan beer is so much better

>> No.11717750

>don't consume caffeine

how does Caffeine make you fat?

>> No.11717762

does she know that a bikini is supposed to cover the whole cooch?

>> No.11718338

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

>> No.11718445

I like making beer, it's like cooking your own food, sure you could go and pay for it easy, but it is usually more worth it both quality and value wise to understand and learn the methods because you can make it better yourself. Like many things in life.