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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11709509 No.11709509 [Reply] [Original]

Now that nu males have ruined steaks with their faux masculine obsession with them, What is some tasty meat I can enjoy from now on? I'm thinking about duck breast or tuna

>> No.11709518

>duck breast or tuna
I love both of those things, but it's like you decided one cut of meat is all of a sudden effeminate and are gravitating towards two far less masculine ones. Just eat what you like and don't open salt bae webms if you don't like that social media garbage.

>> No.11709521

Anything in a can. Tuna's fine. Sardines are great. Spam is particularly good. No nu male is going to invade the canned stuff, and real men can eat it with a satisfied sneer because we're too tough to care that it's a little bit shit.

>> No.11709522

sasuage, whole roasted fish, turkey legs and crabs

>> No.11709526

for me it's lamb chops

>> No.11709532
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>no soy boy will even have it cross their mind.

Potted meat is the most chad meat of the canned foods

>> No.11709579

Yeah, I'd say a home without it is incomplete.
I prefer Plumtree's myself, though.

>> No.11709638
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caring so much that you would change your diet over soy boys makes you one

>> No.11709648
File: 322 KB, 1318x1600, riistamakkara tuoremakkara tuorepasta makkarapasta (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organ meats make nu-males cringe but are generally enjoyed by hardmen so there's that option. Sausages are also an option, you get infinite variety and they're easily paired with forest berry jams and beer.

>> No.11709658

I love spam, is potted meat similar/the same thing?

>> No.11709662
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yeah, you think about sausages all day and all night

>> No.11709701

potted meat is more of a spread and not held together as much as spam, its got a lot of fat so if you down a can you can be full for a while.

>> No.11709702

also if chicken and pork, with a salty flavor, good on crackers and toast.
you can make your own with chicken and a blender.

>> No.11709710

Thanks for confirming that bugmen are intimidated by sausages.

>> No.11709719

Diversify, Sausage is a few times a month.

>> No.11709853
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Pork chops or pork loin steaks

>> No.11709856

Its the chemicals that are causing problems just like the chemicals in all packaged foods are doing exactly the same thing except meat has been singled out to be used for vegan propoganda.

“Group 2a. PROBABLY causes cancer. Lmao it PROBABLY also doesnt.

>> No.11709858


Lamb, it's versatile as fuck and it's got way more flavour.

>> No.11709863

fuck off akhmed

>> No.11709867

It probably depends on where you live. Here in Australia lamb always tastes a little off, because it's just the meat pf excess offspring of sheep that were originally bred for wool production. Our wool industry has fallen from being a major element of the national economy to being a niche source of income, so we cynically fob off the flesh of our wool breeds to provide an income to failing farmers unable to adapt their ancestral property to modern demands.

>> No.11709869

I'd rather have cancer than be vegan

>> No.11710065

Well vegans usually have pozzed immune systems so they can't naturally deal with cancer outbreaks.

>> No.11710089

>stop enjoying things because other people do

Also: Eat liver, it's tasty, rather healthy and has a nice texture.

>> No.11710130

Eat more fish. Not enough people can cook it well

>> No.11710147

It tastes "off" everywhere, that's why it's something of a hipster darling - because it's "different".

Also if you have ever eaten beef from a cow that served as a beast of burden you'll understand that beef isn't automatically tender and inoffensive all the time. Carnists just think that everything is bacon, boneless chicken tenders, hamboigahs, and beef tenderloin. Meat comes from the store!

>> No.11710157

Uh no, it makes me NOT one. Your script is broken, NPC.

>> No.11710170

Not even a vegan, and you're already a condescending tripfag.

>> No.11710171

>Getting bullied by nu males
>Stop eating steaks because they're obsessing over them

I'm literally going to go buy EVERY steak at the store right now just to mark my territory. Might leave one in the soy section to provide evidence that the kill is mine

>> No.11710173

Wow, anon, I always wondered why my poor Australian friends treated lamb as a staple food rather than a delicacy, and now I know. Thanks!

>> No.11710177

Meat Minimalist has been here a lot longer than you, faggot.

>> No.11710179

I'm not even a vegan either though, I just enjoyed some plain unsweetened sheep yogurt and local late-season honey (since carnists are not attuned to this stuff, the point is late season honey is supposedly harder on the bees)

Just because someone isn't a carnist doesn't require them to abstain from various kinds of food. The thing that makes me better than you is awareness

>> No.11710185

Pork belly is cheap, flavorful and cheap as fuck.

>> No.11710187

And yet he's still all that much of a faggot.

Shouldn't have included the comma. You act like a pretentious vegan fuck with no reason to back it up other than your dietary autism. Fuck off.

>> No.11710189

Imagine getting upset because you met someone who is better than you.

Instead of being upset you should be inspired.

>> No.11710191

Sometimes you get a bonus and the nipple is still attached. That peice becomes my gf

>> No.11710194

>he lets other people dictate his way of life
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11710200

Yeah I ear pork belly occasionally but it takes a little too long to cook, minimum of 2 hours

>> No.11710201

Shove it up your urethra, faggot. I don't give a shit about you. But stop giving fucking advice like "well lamb tastes different because you've never had lean work animals before like me" whilst fellating yourself with your other hand when it's obvious that poster had had lamb that was bred for consumption and was comparing the two.

>> No.11710207

No I'm dictating it myself, can't you read?

>> No.11710208

>ruined steaks with their faux masculine obsession with them
If someone ELSE'S obsession with steak has ruined YOUR appreciation of the steak, that's your own fault.

In fact this is probably the most cucked post I've seen in awhile.

Why can't you just be yourself anon?

>> No.11710214


>> No.11710228

Just like some people stop eating meat after watching those horrying vegan videos of slaughterhouses I have decided to top eating steak after watching so many nu males, soy cucks and trannies OBSESS so much over steak, trying desperately to appear masculine.
The last time I ate steak I literally felt a little floating nu male on my shoulder talking about sous vide, cast iron, perfect medium rare and raspberry-wasabi IPAs I couldn't stand it and lost it and threw the steak in the garbage.

>> No.11710235

seems like you're the one obsessing

>> No.11710244


>> No.11710370

Duck Breast is awesome, still love my steak though. I don’t bail on what I like because faggots like them because I’m a man with a backbone.

>> No.11710388

said like a true soiboi

>> No.11710413

Lmao, this is sad. Anon, the obsessed one here is yourself. There is no sudden surge in "nu males, soy cucks, and trannies" obsessing over steak like you seem to imply.

>> No.11710417

>as fuck
why is this place filled with underage cancer

>> No.11710432

Joke's on you, I fast 2 consecutive days each month for that sweet, sweet autophagy. This lowers my cancer risk way more than eating meat will ever increase it.

>> No.11710727

Not him but you are wrong

>> No.11710768
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>whole roasted fish, with vegetables, lime and some delicate noodles and a umami broth on side on a cold fall evening :O :D
>crabs, stir fired in pepper, garlic, ginger and chili, asian style :DD
not so fast, those foods are nu-male central

>> No.11710775
File: 16 KB, 320x245, Tasty_Treat-Ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not have Ortolon?

>> No.11710782
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>"Oh no, söyboys enjoy breathing and being alive! I will throw myself in the ocean now!"
You're as much of an NPC as they are. Retarded sheep """person""".

>> No.11710789
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>using the word "carnist" unironically

>> No.11710850

What the fuck is that

>> No.11710887

> Organ meats
I made a resolution to eat at least a little more organ meats this year. Any recommendations? I've had liver in the past and the occasional set of giblets and that's about it.

>> No.11711104
File: 82 KB, 640x478, Organ Meats vs. Fruits and Vegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11711111


>> No.11711132
File: 423 KB, 2000x1325, 180917-putin-xi-panckes-mc-1404_a1e7f4cba39dd1306d9ab4486ec050d7.fit-2000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Cow heart and chicken hearts.

2. Rocky Mountain Oysters if you can get them cheap (soyim ruined the price of them, they used to be $3/pound, now they're like $10/pound).

3. Pork brain (nutritious, the most dense source of DHA/PS per serving) Don't eat all the time if you are worried about cholesterol.

4. Ox tail.

5. Cow Tongue.

>> No.11711141

what planet are you living on? nose to tail was one of the biggest coastie food memes of the ‘00s

>> No.11711151

>eating/not eating something based on the clientele
What a pussy

>> No.11711197

nice digits

>> No.11711206

Thank you. I think I'll start with cow tongue. Been meaning to try it for years.

>> No.11711252

you are npc

>> No.11711270

Go watch Rick and morty while playing switch and smoking weed numale

>> No.11711676

>Lets toxic neo-masculinity memes ruin his enjoyment of an entire food type
Real beta move, bro.

>> No.11711681

>i cant enjoy steak because others enjoy it

what a beta

>> No.11711690

Tough, long cook meats have always been prized by people who know what they're doing, asshat.

>> No.11711691

The lady doth protest too much. If you thought what the other anon said wasn't true, then you wouldn't have felt a need to defend yourself and just let it ride. Face it, you are so impressionable and weak that you base your opinions on other people's.

>> No.11711704

>So insecure that people enjoying a food in ways they enjoy makes him want to give it up the way he enjoys it
Have you also destroyed your own Keurig and Nikes to "show them" after they already got your money?

>> No.11711707

if y'all estronauts would eat steak exclusively it would fix your hormone problem... the irony...

>> No.11711819

I wonder what the next thing you'll convince yourself is fruity so you avoid it. Maybe your F250 you use to buy groceries.

>> No.11711842

Hey faggots, money is gay as hell. I'm gay, so it's cool if you send it all to me. It's God's will, let's go.

>> No.11711848

lamb chops. lamb loin.

>> No.11711855

>responding to -5/10 bait

>> No.11711856
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 0CA19843-48A8-42CB-8FEB-EFB5EF3E2F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down before your master

>> No.11711860

>Le bait
Please leave

>> No.11712192

all forms of wild game.
local fish
wild boars etc

>> No.11712210

>letting other people ruin what you like
seems pretty stupid

>> No.11713618


No amount of fuckery can diminish a good steak. Still, you can't go wrong with spam, or a can of kippers.

>> No.11713632

Please increase your iq

>> No.11713736

pork chops.

>> No.11713798

Just get some lengua tacos to start

>> No.11713815
File: 59 KB, 799x587, 29F54DD0-EF5D-498D-B37F-DCDE99042FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut them into slices and pan fry them

>> No.11713900

No, I was think of the fish I catch from the sea and just pop in the oven. and for crabs I was thinking of joes crab shack.

>> No.11713908

Know how I know you're a flip?

>> No.11713948

Chinky meme cut.

>> No.11713951


>> No.11714095

I'm not a flip.
I'm just cheap.

>> No.11714103
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>> No.11714124

You might be a fucking faggot... you should get that checked out.

>> No.11714174

>can eat undercooked in places like the US due to antibiotics and shit