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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11706670 No.11706670 [Reply] [Original]

>drinking coffee everyday

>> No.11706675

>drinking soda every day

>> No.11706679

That goes without saying

>> No.11706698
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>not knowing the difference between 'everyday' and 'every day'

>> No.11706750
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*crack sssiiiippppp*

Way ahead of you

>> No.11707953

I honestly think drinking a sip every day would be worse for you than smoking 1 cigarette (without added chemicals and fillers) a day

>> No.11707970
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>drinking beer and liquor every day

>> No.11708006

This. Apparently this guy needs some coffee

>> No.11708516
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ay buddy

>> No.11710024

What's wrong with coffee? I drink it every morning.

>> No.11710037

You're not alone brother.

>> No.11710093

>using the internet every day

>> No.11710096

You honestly think that? On the basis of what? Nothing at all? Fascinating. Just as fascinating as a global warming denier.

>> No.11710106

Productive people have a cup of coffee on the way to work every day. I'm half asleep and stuck in traffic for 30 minutes. I might as well drink some coffee.

>> No.11710107

There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're not overdoing it. Maybe you should slow down on your high consumption of semen.

>> No.11710115

Yes. One cup on the way to work, and one or two cups to allay the 2 or 3PM slump. If you're not productive enough to fill the role these coffees enable, your job is forfeit, your mortgage is forfeit, and your theoretical family will never love you because you can't fill your basic duties.

>> No.11710119

But the earth is flat tho, how would there be global warming?

>> No.11710139
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>tfw wake 'n bake everyday

>> No.11710144

>I don't drink coffee
>I just wake up and smoke a bowl every morning
How's high school?

>> No.11710148

I love coffee and weed. I drink a cup of black coffee on the way to work in the morning, and one after lunch, and I smoke when I get home. I can't smoke before work. I can't do my job high. I'll fuck things up.

>> No.11710154

>And knowing that you would have wanted it this way
>I do believe I'm drinking coffee every day

>> No.11710192

They force me to do so every day
> I feel you bro

>> No.11710198

What are you doing in job bro? I work high sometimes

>> No.11711643
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>have a glass of milk
>"shit, this is good, i'll have some more"

>have a cup of coffee

>> No.11711674

>yankees are such a bunch of pussy they need to add milk and water to their coffee and think it makes you shorter if you don't

>> No.11711692

degenerate loser

>> No.11711809

I didn't even know that was a possible job. How much does it pay?

>> No.11711949

$10.50 hourly

>> No.11711952

Well you are honestly wrong about that

>> No.11712131

Drinking coffee for energy and not just to be comfy

>> No.11712148
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>"I NEED my coffee in the mornings!"
>"I ONLY take my coffee black!"
>"My wife's bull just bought me an Aeropress!"

>> No.11712324
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>smoking heroin every day

>> No.11712410


>> No.11712451

I stopped drinking coffee because of that. It only seemed to happen randomly too but it feels like it permanently fucked up my digestive system.

>> No.11712467

caffeine has a laxative effect in general

>> No.11712488
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>eating every day
Who else here /fast/?

>> No.11712497

Don't be a pussy and slam it into your veins

>> No.11712500

Eating every other day is the final dietpill.

>> No.11712501

I fast because i dont bother with breakfast, forget to make lunch and am too tired for dinner

>> No.11712506

Cringe and bluepilled. Daily coffee drinkers have longer life spans, it will be fun seeing you guys unhappily rotting and dying.

>> No.11712543

>not tasting that tabasco-esque flavor

>> No.11712836

Based depressed-anon

>> No.11712882

Was it the taking coffee black part or the wife's bull part that struck a nerve?

>> No.11712947

>Not drinking coffee
Enjoy your Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.
>Coffee versus Alzheimer’s disease
>A 2007 quantitative review of observational studies demonstrated a new, positive effect of coffee consumption on lowering the risk for AD – approximately by 30% as compared to non-coffee consumers. A 2010 review of longitudinal epidemiological studies suggested that daily intake of 3–5 cups of coffee in middle age may lower the risk of the disease by 64% as compared to lower amounts of coffee.
>Coffee versus Parkinson’s disease
>Male non-coffee drinkers were at a 3–5-fold higher risk of developing PD as compared to men who consumed at least 800 ml of coffee daily.
>A cohort study from Finland in a population aged 50–79, conducted over a period of 22 years, demonstrated that the highest consumption of coffee was associated with the lowest risk of the disease (74% lower than for non-drinkers).

>> No.11713143

Doesn't seem to be a problem with tea or chocolate even in high amounts. I think it might be the roasting of coffee but I'm not sure.

>> No.11713170
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>coffee in the morning
>liqour in the evening
>every fucking day

>> No.11713183

Based Coffeechad

>> No.11713188

Is the daily coffee going to counter all the fucking beer I drink on the weekends?
>2 on fridays
>Six on saturdays
>2 on Sundays

>> No.11713268

The antioxidants in tea and probably coffee as well aid the liver in metabolizing alcohol but I don't believe that makes the alcohol completely safe, just safer compared to baseline alcohol consumption.

>> No.11713281

smoke weed everyday

>> No.11713305
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>mfw don't depend on caffeine to function and receive all of my energy naturally through a balanced diet, healthy sleep cycle, and by doing the things I take interest in.


>> No.11713311

are you at least banging new grills every weekend or is all of this teetotaling for nothing?

>> No.11713717

Probably not since most normal people aleady drink coffee, so whatever negative effects alcohol has would have been found in a normal coffee drinking majority population.

>> No.11713803

It's called satire. We've all seen posts like yours a million times here. It's terribly unoriginal. Drink your coffee with stuff or without stuff. It's your coffee. Drink it how you want, make it how you want.

>> No.11713990

Hey your comment made me just realize that you could say “bullpilled” instead of blue pilled if referring to a cuck. Just saying.