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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11702637 No.11702637 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your secret recipes that you won't share with anybody else? Measurements and all.

>> No.11702644

I don't share them.

>> No.11702651

>1 pound this dick
>1 whole ur mum puss
>serve to OP

>> No.11702652
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but if you did.

>> No.11702656

Then they wouldn't be secret. Even if I was willing, it wouldn't be to an inbred frogposter.

>> No.11702897
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>> No.11702930

But anon, that would be telling.

>> No.11702935

you weren't supposed to reveal our family secret, anon. I'm telling dad.

>> No.11702989

there's no such thing as a secret recipe, prove me wrong

>> No.11703891

I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours

>> No.11703960

L&P worchestershire used to be a secret, but I think it got revealed a few years ago.

>> No.11704281

Fuck off Gordon. Quit getting rich off plebs and come up with your own shit

>> No.11704286

Pickle juice is great in a lot of things, shhh!

>> No.11704295


one part bleach
one part ammonia

>> No.11704298


What about the Colonel's 12 herbs and spices?

>> No.11704303

Smoked Mac+Cheese
About 1 Tbs Mckormick mesquite seasoning, 1/2 tsp hickory powder, 1/2 tsp mesquite powder, 8 oz melted white cheddar-1 tsp sodium citrate.
1/2 box cavatappi.
Broil results with yellow cheddar and plain bread crumbs, garnish with scallions.

>> No.11704323

Didn't that get ratted out at some point too? I seem to remember that it did.
Chick Fil A is pretty easy to recreate as well, I've made their nugs a few times.

>> No.11704348


Allegedly. There's a recipe floating around, but nothing 100% confirmed.

>> No.11704359

How fucking new are you?

>> No.11704605

chocolate chips butterscotch chiips peanut butter peanuts mini marshmallows
My grandmas fudge do not steal

>> No.11704710
File: 286 KB, 1000x667, CindyApple_20180901_morocco_594_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not "secret" but go-tos that I've perfected over the years

Side Hoe Brekkie Sammich: Two toasted English muffins with 1tbsp honey, smear of old-fashioned peanut butter, banana slices, and nutella. Eat immediately.

Date Night Fish, Broiled Branzino:

Night before date:
>Get a whole fresh branzino. Rinse it off, cut off all the fins (scissors are easy), scrape off the outermost scales, remove the guts (or have the fishmonger do it for you).
>Score the fish deeply like in pic related on both sides. Rub 1-2 tbsp kosher salt over the whole thing and leave it in the fridge overnight, uncovered.

All this prep is super worth it, because on date night:

>Have the risotto and a nice Greek or Caesar salad ready before date arrives, or have them help you prepare those. Or w/e side dishes you want.
>Preheat the broiler, you want max heat and the oven rack as close to the burner as you can.
>Look like a total Chad who knows how to handle seafood elegantly as you pull that whole 1 to 1.5 pound fish out of the fridge. It will be slightly cured so there won't be much fish odor at all.
>Confidently rub it all over with olive oil and pop it under the broiler for 4 to 5 minutes a side.
>Watch it closely, once a side starts to char and crisp up a bit it's done.
>Serve immediately

I would have taken a picture tonight bc it was so perfect coming right out of the oven that we ate almost the whole thing right away. Just serve it right on a plate with a metal spatula or something to serve with, it should fall apart pretty easily. Branzino is also fun to say, belongs to the moronidae family, and the fish head might be a unique experience for her if she doesn't have whole fish ever.
Got this technique from a Korean cookbook, they know their shit.

>> No.11704715


You can squeeze lemons onto it too but we didn't need them, the saltiness and the fat of the flesh was perfect on its own.

>> No.11704721

heckin keks

>> No.11704727

Nice try, Plankton. Nice try.

>> No.11704731

Whole branzino, one of my favorite dishes.

>> No.11704747

I mix coke with fanta and add a teaspoon of soy sauce per glass.
Don't ask.

>> No.11704773


I've made it three times now, I'm in love! Can't believe I'd never even heard of it until I read this recipe and tried it. I guess a lot of menus might just call it sea bass, but here in the US it has to compete with "Chilean" '"Sea Bass'" so maybe not. Either way I now feel like less of a pleb

>> No.11704803

do you just spit the bones out as you eat it? also do you eat it with your hands?

>> No.11704811


Pretty much, there's only a few and they're pretty small. Honestly we ended up picking at it with our hands to get every last bit, but it's pretty easy to get most of the fish onto your plate when you're serving it family style. Fork and knife is fine.