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File: 58 KB, 1000x760, Rob-Greenfields-Guide-to-Dumpster-Diving-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11684228 No.11684228 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on ck got experience in dumpster diving? I live in NYC and beginning to get short on cash, I can barely pay rent.

Anyway since I am willing to throw away my pride instead of starving to death. Any of you guys got solid tips do's and don'ts of dumpster diving in big cities?

>> No.11684241

Move out, you faggot.

>> No.11684245

Why not go to a food bank/apply for EBT? If you're struggling that much and are willing to throw away your pride, these options are much easier, and a bit more legal to do.

>> No.11685312

Probably go for food that's still in its packaging

>> No.11685325

Are you a non-obese female between 18 and 25? Maybe I can help you with your bills. You don't have to do anything you don't agree to.

>> No.11685332

>white culture

>> No.11685381

>this creep

>> No.11685474

>it’s creepy to help someone younger than you going through hard times
If you say so

>> No.11685479

It's the whole "you must be a young woman" thing that gives off creep vibes, bud.

>> No.11685484


>> No.11685557

It’s natural for an older man to look after a young girl. Nothing sexual is intended, this is more of a fatherly interest. Hot shower, an experienced soul to talk to who will never judge and never spread stories to her friends. No nasty rumors. Uber fare covered. She can leave her dirty underthings and they will be fresh and clean for next time. Much like her young body. In a platonic fatherly way, obviously.

I have a lot of nice bath stuff from Jo Malone, she’ll love the experience. I am not pushy and I am very patient with shy girls.

>> No.11685565

wizard detected

>> No.11685683

>You have to eat all the eggs

>> No.11685710

Thread successfully derailed.
On topic: fucking move away from NYC then

>> No.11685729

How many cages do you have in your base.ent creep?

>> No.11685736

How do I apply?

>> No.11685749
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>older man

>> No.11685751

Stay away from diapers, they can poison you. Stay away from eating fecal matter/ waste in general, it can make you sick.

>> No.11685757

Implying that's what anyone on here wouldn't go for first

>> No.11685776

That's exactly why I thought it was important to state clearly. I've known many others that succumbed to the allure of eating diapers and other fecal waste that was scavenged from dumpsters, and the majority of them got pretty sick.

>> No.11685792

Pretty common knowledge stuff. Go where the food would be, markets, n'such. Have a stick of some sort, and a flash light. A stick to move stuff around just in case there is some sort of varmint, and the light needs to be kept under the lip of the dump so you don't arouse suspicion. Do it super early, hobos don't get up early, and people don't bother you. Also, call up those places before hand, they might not mind you going through the garbage, and it is good to know if they spray the shit.

>> No.11685868

You will have competition, anon. This is a big thing in big cities. There's an urban movement on surviving solely on dumpster diving for food. Google it. There's even youtube channels dedicated to it. People stake out their turf, and will fight to keep others away from "their" claim. Be safe, don't get stabbed or shot over a half rotten cabbage.

>> No.11685893

i feel like you could just eat ramen and not starve. it's like 6 packs for 2$. do that until you get your shit in order.

>> No.11685934

watch out for the itis

>> No.11686001
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Why non obese tho

>> No.11686026

i feel like nyc would suck for dumpster diving. that being said, getting a load of food and other shit for free is p based.

>> No.11686038

Roastie detected

>> No.11686050

Go be creepy somewhere else

>> No.11686054

>She can leave her dirty underthings
Please leave this board

>> No.11686065

Why don't you just read Rob Greenfields Guide To Dumpster Diving?

>> No.11686089

You say that like everyone should already have thought of it. Also that book has a lot of fluff as I remember.

>> No.11686100

No, I'm not a coastie so I don't have to worry about being able to afford food

>> No.11686110
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>> No.11686182

It is popular, even among womyn. I met my current gf scrounging in garbage together. We've both got our shit together now but she was definitely a diamond in the rough worth the scrounging. She cleaned up real good.

>> No.11686206

Oops, look like you've had enough internet for the evening there champ!

>> No.11686519


>> No.11687782

We don’t have dumpsters here, the c*gers think it’s an encroachment on their freedumbs if they cannot park anywhere they please for free, so we just pile up garbage on the sidewalk instead

Ban cars

>> No.11687794

Do you accept 27 year-old men? Not gay

>> No.11687996
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Not belong

>> No.11688795

where is this?

>> No.11688825

If D'agostino's still exists, hit those up. They throw out stuff that isn't expired, and mystery cans (they just have no labels so nobody knows what's inside). Don't do fruits, veg or meats unless they're in cans because some stores pour bleach all over everything.

>> No.11688840

We lock our dumpsters just to be able to charge these gross dumpster divers with tresspassing and destruction of property lol

>> No.11688844

high kek

>> No.11688848

Back to Facebook, young man.

>> No.11688853

>playing 4channel-police for free

>> No.11688950

hungary, i suppose

>> No.11688982


>> No.11688985
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>> No.11688996

>sheltered and ignorant
i bet your life has been a cake walk

>> No.11689035

confirmed jealous roastie

>> No.11689049
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>Nothing sexual is intended

>> No.11689081

He has a blog for fucks sake no need to find the book

>> No.11690084

>white pride cartoons
When did you people get this fragile?

>> No.11690175

imagine knowing this little about history

>> No.11690664

>aztecs and incas

>> No.11690667

That's why we are rewriting it, Wh*toid

>> No.11690677


>> No.11690730

Look for a local soup kitchen. For fucks sake its new York aren't they everywhere? Buy one a day multivitamins anon. You don't need to get fucking scurvy.

If you see any, you can eat dandelions: edible and higher in vitamin c than oranges. Leaves can be eaten as a salad. Roots can be a tea. Causes you to piss a lot so watch out.

>> No.11691884

> Dandelions
Get them young and only pick them far away from traffic or anywhere polluted and try not to get ones that dogs have pissed on.

>> No.11691895

beg people for their leftovers they are carrying as they leave restaurants. 9/10 will just give you the shit.
t. formerly voluntarily squatter in new orleans

>> No.11692084

>Get them young

>> No.11692171

All of my points still apply.

>> No.11692252

Translation I will watch you shower and sniff your dirty underwear

>> No.11692332

I thought you were just fucking around but now I'm legitimately concerned.

>> No.11692580

>that absolute beta in the rear

>> No.11692885

All young girls have the right to feel safe. Accidents happen when and where a father’s vigilance lapses. It’s easy to underestimate the dangers when you see the world from an ordinary man’s perspective. But one only need imagine a daughter having slipped, lying naked and unconscious, hot water rushing over her air holes, to understand the father’s instinct. Who will protect her when she’s knocked senseless? Whose strength?

Especially today with so many crazy people out to inflict pain, young girls have a deep need to be watched by an older man especially when they are vulnerable. There is no need to hypersexualize every glance, a girl has enough stress in her life paying rent, keeping up with the mounting student loan interest, not to mention the predations of the boss, the grabbing and pushing from strange men in the crowded subway where they have no escape.

Other people have their own problems, they will not help. It is important for these girls to have a safe place where they can let their guard down, without any obligations or pressure. She will never be hurt by me. Nothing weird, no humiliation, no pictures taken, I won’t even touch her skin unless she lets me.

>> No.11692974

High effort so I'll give you this (You)

>> No.11692983

>lives in NYC
>guys why am I short on cash, i can't even pay rent


>> No.11693046

Holy fuck, hahaha. We've got ourselves the genuine product here. A real live psychopath.

>> No.11693061

>hot water rushing over her air holes

>> No.11693070

If you're not larping, you should actually- no joke- kill yourself.

>> No.11693074

>there are people skeeved out more by this than rummaging for food in a dumpster

Jack threads were a mistake.

>> No.11693088

Why did you specify a 'non-obese female between 18 and 25' in the first post?

>> No.11693097


i enjoyed reading these. Keep triggering the reddit tourists lmao

>> No.11693214

most places in big cities use compactors or pad lock their dumpsters to keep the homeless from loitering.

>> No.11693327

I've never seen compactors but businesses definitely padlock their dumpsters. This might be enough to keep away the winos and derelicts, but I could easily cut through one of those locks. I'm just worried about a criminal charge, I'm an aspiring normie and recently had my criminal record pardoned, I don't need to fuck that up over something stupid. Has anyone ever gotten convicted for a dumpster-diving related charge? Food waste is a pet peeve of mine and I would love to steal from those companies tbqh.

>> No.11693330

Point is non-black.

>> No.11693392

Anything is food as long as you cook it!

>> No.11693402

dont cut the locks it pisses the owner off n theyll prolly make it a personal mission to finding catch you in the act

>> No.11693414

Just ask them if they've got food they're going to throw away? It's not hard

>> No.11693420


>ask walmart for expired foods
>walmart gives you expired food
>eat expired food and get food poisoning due to bad luck
>sue walmart for $2,000,000


>> No.11693435

Food goes bad way after the date
Just be careful about expired meat

>> No.11693438

most grocery chains use compactors in cities now. so produce is harder to find you can always just walk round back n check what kind of dumpster they use. if its winter time n you just need bread ive had good luck from chains like subway n jimmy johns they use locks but day before pickup they usually leave it unlocked after they close so the garbage truck can pick it up. if its not cold out the bread will prolly b no good but in the winter time it stays fresh n is usually baged seperate from other trash. just scope diff places see what kind of system they have and look at a garbage pickup map. some times the garbage truck pick up as early as 2am so you juet gotta experiment.

>> No.11693460

i will willingly get sick if i get to sue the store for $.

>> No.11693609

Things White people do thread

>> No.11693643



>> No.11694029

t. has never had actual food poisoning
>but I got a tummy ache once
lol no

>> No.11694288

Actually, starving and eating garbage is more of a black thing. So 'cultural appropriation' is more correct.

>> No.11694312

Why are you even here, smoothbrain?

>> No.11694349 [DELETED] 


>New York

Fellow NYer here, I'm 70ish miles north of you. Come up here and do what the bums do, say you're homeless and want to kill yourself at Saint Francis Hospital in Poughkeepsie and enjoy your 3 day evaluation full of as much food/beverages as you'd like. While there claim poverty and they'll get you rush approved for Medicaid and foodstamps for when they release your "crazy" self. That's all you need to do. Deny that you're still residing in the city. It'll last a year until they close your case for fraud (if they even bother investigating that shit). You can use your EBT/SNAP card in any of the 50 states without it being denied. If illegals and bums can get $300+ a month for a single person in monthly foodstamps you should be able to as well. You're not more retarded than illegals and bums are you?

>> No.11694378

What I find most amusing about this post is that you've got an encyclopedic knowledge of how to commit public benefits fraud and you're extremely fluent in all the welfare acronyms, but you think you're somehow better than homeless people and undocumented immigrants

>> No.11694383

>t. Post-wall roastbeef

>> No.11694397

I like money too

>> No.11694453

Daily reminder: Illegals don't get EBT or any federal assistance. If they have a baby on US soil, then as per the Constitution, the babby is a US citizen and eligible for benefits. Cry harder, founding fathers were infinitely smarter than you.

>> No.11694518 [DELETED] 


Samefag. You're ignorant of how welfare works in New York, and how easily exploited it is. Illegals do in fact receive foodstamps and thanks to DeBlasio's "undocumented migrant IDcard" system, they're "entitled" to medicaid and foodstamps. They cost a staggering 5.1 BILLION to maintain while only paying $800something million into taxes through sales tax and taxes on wages through eVerify. Anyone paying into social security is using someone else's identity to work.


>> No.11694529

Yeah, social security fraud is a rarely talked about for how severe it is. Random people get fucked over.

>> No.11694530 [DELETED] 

Are niggers allowed on 4ch*n?!

>> No.11694540

I think you're misusing that word grandpa, it's understood that you are >>11694349 and you don't need to "declare samefag".

And yeah of course I'm ignorant of how welfare works in New York, you're just rewording my post and trying to turn it back against me as if that wasn't an insult towards you. Have fun feeling superior to the brown little workmen standing in line with you at the EBT center, and you're welcome BTW.

>> No.11694618

Niggah, the average illegal picking blueberries for $10/hour pays more in taxes than certain billionaire orange entities and as far as social security fraud, they pay but never receive benefits.


>> No.11694694 [DELETED] 


>all illegals are brown

That's racist. Indicative of never being in a large city and seeing a wide variety of illegals from across the planet.


Sales tax only homie, can't pay federal taxes as an undocumented person. The government takes money from people based on their documentation. Also, fieldhands don't make more than federal minimum wage, also also...not all illegals are fieldhands.

>> No.11694719

Oh lol, trying to turn things back against me once again. If I had a nickel for every time one of you people said "go back to (insert country here, I look ethnically ambiguous so you can pick pretty much all of them)", I'd be building a new headquarters in LIC right now.

Stay in your hudson valley meth town, we don't want your kind coming down here and shitting the place up.

>> No.11694743 [DELETED] 


>you people

Seems you use blanket statements like that for everyone. Leave the basement for once in your life. Thanks in advance for all the glorious food posts you'll make.

>stay in your Hudson Valley meth town

Heroin is popular here, you should know this as someone living in New York. Meth is a Pennsylvania and Ohio problem. They're heroin junkies as well, but New York has never had a penchant for amphetamines. I'm trying to solve OPs problems by accessing the same goods/services illegals get in his/her country. I don't see you solving anyone's problems.

>> No.11694756

>can't pay federal taxes as an undocumented person
Of course you didn't read the article with multiple sources identifying the billions in fed taxes paid by illegals, but stay stupid, that's what your hero's hoping, ok?

>> No.11694775

>Seems you use blanket statements like that for everyone
Yes, I can do that, because you've given me more than enough information about yourself. You're a paranoid white right winger who lives in the hudson valley and hates brown people. Fill in the blanks as needed, you're not exactly an interesting demographic with a rainbow of diverse beliefs and opinions.
>Leave the basement for once in your life.
I only go down there to do laundry.
>Heroin is popular here, you should know this as someone living in New York. Meth is a Pennsylvania and Ohio problem.
EBT HDTV SNAP. Meth, heroin. That's the world you live in, not mine. Enjoy your drugs, welfare acronyms, and aggrieved white entitlement

>> No.11694790

You wouldn't subject yourself to food poisoning for thousands of dollars? What a weenie.

>> No.11694792 [DELETED] 


Explain the process in which the Federal government withholds taxes from a person with no documentation. That's literally how taxes are collected. IF an undocumented person is paying into Social Security, they're using someone's identity to pay said taxes. That's illegal. Same with FICA, Local and State taxes. Illegal immigrants cost more in taxes than they generate. It is a system which is supported by legal immigrants and citizens. You can see them very easily here, Ohio or Georgia plates (states which don't require a license to put a car on the road), rims that cost more than the car itself, a trail of hair-grease and waft/cloud of axe body spray lingering in the air. I love immigrants, but the illegal ones cost more than they contribute. They have to go.

>> No.11694812 [DELETED] 
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>and hates brown people

Why do you think all illegals are brown?

>I can do that.

How smug, seeing as you're a racist who thinks all illegals are brown.

>That's the world you live in

No. Now explain, without insulting me and resorting to another tantrum, why you think illegals DON'T get foodstamps and Medicaid (they do) and that they're all brown? You're aware the US census bureau classifies Latinos and Arabs as white... right? How do you know I'm not from a legal migrant family and dislike illegals because they give me and my kin a bad name? You're supremely racist and I feel bad for you.

>> No.11694824

First of all, I never said all undocumented immigrants are brown. Nevertheless, there is no need to pretend that your rage towards "illegal immigrants" is just a proxy for your rage towards brown people. You use the two as synonyms because for some reason you feel the need to be PC, in this day and age, which I find a bit confusing but I suppose you have your reasons.

And yes, yes, racism isn't real because race isn't real, it is the democrats who are racist, yawn.

>> No.11694836

Oh you’re a deluded champagne socialist kike faggot oblivious to any actual issues around him. Heroin has torn up the entirety of the Northeast especially in the past decade in conjunction with opiod medications

>> No.11694855

Actual heroin is a problem here in the city

Up there in Rhinebeck for all I know you guys are doing krokodil, why the fuck should anyone outside of Rhinebeck know what's in fashion?

>> No.11694875

>heroin isnt a problem

>well actually it is but thats not what i meant despite making no clear distinction before

Great job

>> No.11694891

>complains about inferring false characterizations from text from implication of illegals all being brown

>follows every mention of illegals with “you just hate brown people!!!”

Kikes are really dreadful to argue with. I can smell your giant bitchtits lactating from here.

>> No.11694897

Yes, I definitely said all that. Also the democrats are the real heroin addicts. Also I am Jewish, as you said before, and I drink Egly-Ouriet with my matzo which is leavened with the blood of unbaptized Christian babies.

>> No.11694900

Make up your mind, am I an illegal anchor baby stealing your EBT/HDTV, or am I a Jew.

>> No.11694916

You seem to be a dumb nigger under the impression only one person isn’t retarded enough to point out a stupid nigger when they see one

Anywho, are false mischaracterizations okay when you do it? Yes or no?

>> No.11694941

See I know, in your fantasy world, saying "I just hate illegals" gives you the moral high ground so you can complain about "reverse racism"

The thing is, nobody seriously believes that you're actually concerned about an administrative offense, it's like the sign at the bong shop that says "tobacco only".

So since we can both agree that you hate brown people, I get to say "kill whitey" and it's fair game. We're both playing by the same rules.

If you want an adult-level discussion, try having adult-level thoughts and opinions.

>> No.11694952

I know you’re a dumb nigger who can only speak in faux smug so I’ll explain this carefully

Like, lmao, dude..... are false mischaracterizations only okay when you do it.... or?!?!?

>> No.11694955 [DELETED] 


>he thinks he's talking to one user still

Heh. Why do you think only brown people are illegals? Why do you think they pay taxes only documented persons can pay, why do you think they contribute more than they cost and why aren't you helping OP solve his food crisis?

>> No.11694957

Don't say "nigger", that's racist.

>> No.11694960 [DELETED] 



That's a boutique village populated by retired yuppies from the city though...

>> No.11694965
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>> No.11694969 [DELETED] 


>first of all

Estrogen detected.

>I didn't say

Yes you did, you said I'm scared of short brown people on line to get welfare. Short term memory is an issue with you?

>> No.11694974

It's actually a thing in the Philippines.

>> No.11694977

Wrong site. Also, repeating yourself and getting increasingly agitated isn't making you look smart.
Arr rook same.
You are scared of short brown people. You do not care about administrative offenses, as demonstrated by your detailed experience defrauding the government. I'm sorry the radiation from Indian Point gave you brain damage, but you're not fooling anyone with this "ah care about breakin' da LAW" nonsense.

>> No.11694980

Are false mischaracterizations only okay when you do it?

>> No.11694984

NYC is a shithole

>> No.11694991

Why are people so obsessed with identity politics? Ask any non-american and they don't get it.

>> No.11694999

Because it’s thrust upon them by every media outlet in the country. Also, you shouldn’t act as if it’s a uniquely American thing — the entire West is afflicted to some degree.

>> No.11695001

Fuck white ppl

>> No.11695017


I live in NYC as well

>> No.11695019

Do you think you're Perry Mason or something? That you've "got me"? Kill whitey. Unironically, kill whitey.

>> No.11695038 [DELETED] 


What part of your babbling solves OPs problem or proves me wrong? At this point i think you're replying to yourself, which is amusing but weird. Why do you think all illegals are brown people?

>> No.11695045 [DELETED] 


It's funny because the US census bureau classifies you as white.

>> No.11695060

I can check whatever box I want, also I think you think I'm Mexican or something, which is not altogether unexpected of someone with your level of intelligence.

Also, you just outed yourself as underage since you weren't old enough in the last census to actually know better.

>> No.11695074

Oldfags detected. God damn I forgot about that shit.

>> No.11695077

Well then eat something!

>> No.11695080

That range is patrician, all else is degenerate.

>> No.11695086
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>not 16-23

>> No.11695089

top zoz, sides are lunar

>> No.11695101
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>You know what to do

>> No.11695112

>being this triggered by a liberal cartoon being re-written
Back to redddit you go!

>> No.11695117

Maximum triggering.

>> No.11695120


>> No.11695134

Who did you win then?

>> No.11695135 [DELETED] 



That's a Nationality though. Not a race. Have you ever been to Mexico? I have. So many blacks and chinese there it's crazy. Also whites and indigenous persons. It kinda sounds like you don't know what Mexicans are, strange. The US census bureau classifies you as white, whatever you identify as other than what you are is your mental illness to carry through life. Feel better. Why do you think all Mexicans are short and brown? Is Canelo Alvarez short and brown? He looks like a white redheaded guy to me.

>> No.11695169

Serious question: how did you survive in Mexico without shitting yourself from fear? Also they talk Mexican there, which is very rude when they do it in front of you!

Also, no matter how many times you stamp your feet, the US Census Bureau does not think I'm white.

>> No.11695395


>> No.11695404
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It's OK if you microwave them

>> No.11695504

>find little Caesars or maybe a pizza joint that does premade pizzas
>wait till closing or when they throw out garbage
little Caesars can't keep premade pizzas for a certain period if no one buys them so they have to throw them out. wait till closing you can get 3-4 pizzas some crazy bread and wings. As long as the food isn't in complete shit, you'll be ok.

>> No.11695516

remember the pizza comes in boxes so you're not just picking pizza out of bags**

>> No.11696633

>as long as the food isn't complete shit
>little ceasers

>> No.11696645

No one likes fat people.

>> No.11696655

I love when you shit skins say this nonsense. you know what white culture is? Its iphones, airplanes, men on the moon. Its the kindness we give to you dindus and other shit skins through programs like ebt, affirmative action, and other systems you dont appreciate or even deserve. The very fact you even have the ability to enjoy these things is white culture, and thats only because whites have spread there culture so far that you dont even recognize its origin. At this point there is not one single aspect of shit skin culture that hasn't been built on the back of or at the very least radically altered by "white culture".

>> No.11696699

What the fuck is happening in this thread??

>> No.11696707
File: 38 KB, 363x380, zTFosaE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ lurks this board looking for ways to turn all food discussions into a soapboxing session about how the jooz and the nig-nogs are keeping the white man down

hiromoot tried to save it by splitting the domains but it's not working

>> No.11696712
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Thank you good sir, for making this my favorite thread all night jej!

>> No.11696792 [DELETED] 
File: 621 KB, 500x500, Roly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/pol/ lurks this board

Thanks for keeping a vigilant watch over a food and cooking board waiting for Nazis to pounce, Hiroshimoot surely appreciates your equal but more socially acceptable biases shitting up boards with off-topic nonsense.


>How did you survive Mexico without shitting yourself?

By not going to Cartel influenced "all inclusive" tourist trap resorts and staying in downtown Mexico City, where doctors/lawyers/bankers/auto mechanics/professional Chefs etc etc etc live and thrive, and don't need to cross illegally into another country because they're valuable to their own. Same thing goes for Puebla, and Veracruz, and Baja. Dope places full of a very diverse spectrum of people.

Anyway, have you solved OPs problem yet, or explained why you think all illegals are brown? You understand that makes you a condescending racist, right?

>> No.11696822
File: 170 KB, 1001x1242, 9EEA14CF-0F80-4C6A-94F7-1D79966A4D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11696828

>auto mechanics
I love how you think that's some kind of high status profession, like the grease monkey at the local Jiffy Lube is totally living in a mansion in Lomas de Chapultepec.

I guess the nice thing about the cartel wars, from the US point of view, is that even working class chumps from Rhinebeck can afford a luxury vacation in Mexico if they can get over their fear of brown people

>> No.11696844

Wingdog, the voice of reason.

>> No.11696848 [DELETED] 


You equate a professional mechanic with an oil change technician at Jiffy Lube? That's strange. The few mechanics I personally know make over $100,000 a year as specialists of "foreign" vehicles (European) and rake in money hand over fist. There are Mexican equivalent(s) to these professionals.

>luxury vacation in Mexico if they can get over their fear of brown people

Half of Mexico isn't brown though. Mexico is ethnically diverse. The second article of the Mexican Constitution defines the country to be a pluricultural state originally based on the indigenous peoples and combined with European heritage through the process of colonization and "mestizaje". Now that we've got that out of the way, why do you think all illegals are brown and what have you done ITT to remedy OPs issues?

>> No.11696863


this guy is right >>11685868

there is a lot of competition. My mom was a dumpster diver when it wasn't a weird hipster thing to do. I hated it at the time, cuz we weren't poor, mom just was an insane person about frugality.

I know some squatters/anarchists from occupy who basically had a google map of manhattan + brooklyn + urban/nonsuburban queens with every spot mapped out, with timing of when the stores put out trash. Because there are all these people trying to snake garbagestream food, you gotta beat them to the bags before they get there. also, in nyc, store owners will chase you or call cops if you are rooting around in the trash.

why not throw out your pride and just apply for food stamps? I don't think dumpster diving in the suburbs is quite as risky, but nyc grocery stores are ALREADY gnarly and selling shit past their prime. + ample rats/roaches/other gross shit. I literally grew up on dumpster-rescued food, but I would never ever do it in nyc. I would never ever do it anyways, cuz I have a job. have you considered getting a job?

>> No.11696869

Yes because of course when you say "mechanic" it's understood to mean the 1 in 10,000,000 positions like F1 team pit managers. That's what "mechanic" means!

>muh mestizaje

Latin America subscribes to the principle of hypodescent, and we both know you subscribe to the One Drop Rule. This is the race relation version of "but the Democrats supported slavery".

>> No.11696872

Fixed for me, anyway enjoy your dreams of buying that Chapultepec home, the prices are in funny money so of course that must mean anyone can buy one as long as white gringo

>> No.11696888 [DELETED] 


>F1 team pit managers

I mean people who are specialized to work with SAABs, Mercedes/BMW, Jaguar, Volvo etc etc etc. Fairly standard/regular job.

>we both know you subscribe to the One Drop Rule

What's that? Why do you think all illegals are brown and why haven't you solved OPs problem yet? I ensured he could eat for free off my tax dollars.

>> No.11696892

>living in jew york city
Id imagine its like brown coastal shitholes like LA where people with full time jobs cant afford housing so they sleep in the work parking lot in a car.

>> No.11696896

Does this work in Europe? I feel this only works in America because they consume and throw away so much stuff

>> No.11696906

wow thats considered as oldfag? i've been here too long fucking hell. anyone remember get on the floor and do the dinosaur?

>> No.11696912 [DELETED] 
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>I'm proud of wasting more of my life on a website known to host terrorists and pedophiles, that gives me a sense of self worth and value.

>> No.11696939

Move out.

>> No.11697331

Attempt making the world a better place by reducing food waste?

>> No.11697597

who cares? I’d rather starve and be free than be fed and cucked. fuck europe and fuck socialists

>> No.11697656
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>> No.11697662

Put me in the screencap pls

>> No.11697691

Gosh, white culture is really gross to me

>> No.11697789


>> No.11697794
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Where do you work anon?
A few years ago I worked in a bistro and mostly was on the closing shift with one other guy
we thew out 300+ dollars of food nightly, we were suppose to weight up how much was being thrown away and pitch it
I would weigh up all the waste and then me and the other guy would take however much we wanted of the food going to waste and take it home with us but still threw the bulk of it away

I don't think we were suppose to but shit man we were throwing away so much food, plus it was headed for the trashcan anyway, what are they gonna do about it

>> No.11698032

Seek help

>> No.11698067

I hate my life but then I see posts like this and my day gets a little bit brighter.

>> No.11698081

>I live in NYC and beginning to get short on cash, I can barely pay rent.
Just move then you dumb nigger

>> No.11698087

Based and groomingpilled

>> No.11698095

>Nothing weird
It's far too late for that, anon

>> No.11698335

I used to work in a food hall and we were officially required to render all excess food inedible before closing the shift

>> No.11698432

3 please

>> No.11698493

are you fucking retarted illegals work under the table

>> No.11698503


>> No.11698510

thanks for the picture

>> No.11698514
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>the notion of people consenting to acting on what is possibly the oldest trade in human history makes me nervous and sexually frustrated
Imagine being this fucking reddit in day to day life?

>> No.11698524

Okay fucking scratch what I just posted, yeah this dudes a creep.

>> No.11698529

3 twice

>> No.11698551 [DELETED] 



>> No.11698559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11698737

Our direct boss couldn't have given a less of a shit really, they always left by like 4 pm and we were stuck there till 8
it was upper management who would have reprimanded us

>> No.11698755 [DELETED] 
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What the actual fuck.

>> No.11698989

based /jp/ bro catching them neets

>> No.11698997
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>> No.11699005 [DELETED] 


based get

>> No.11699028

I still have my cassette tape of Wuz Not Wuz's album with that on it. I've been here 11 years anon, you can't leave.
It's nothing to be proud of, but I do value the worthwhile opinions and information I get on here more than other places. It's easy to tell when people are being honest or if they're a newfag just trying to fit in.

>> No.11699034
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>> No.11699052
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You are right though we shouldn't help young women the world does that far too much anyway if they are digging out the trash that's good, women are all skanky gutter trash now, and they should feel comfortable in dumpsters it will be a humbling experience for her. She won't learn that with whiteknight faggots offering to take care of her every want and need.

>> No.11699057
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>> No.11699060

we used to throw washing detergent on top of the food back when I worked in a supermarket. I thought it was wasteful but after reading this thread all you faggots can starve.

>> No.11699068
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>Going out with a factual gutterskank

>> No.11699071


>> No.11699124

is he still alive? last I heard he thought his asshole was turning into a vag

>> No.11700745 [DELETED] 


>> No.11700876

These were funnier before they got appropriated by racist mall shooter types, thereby validating the woman in the bottom right quadrant, who was supposed to be portrayed as the unreasonable one.

>> No.11700884 [DELETED] 


Such large areolas for a man.

>> No.11701008

Peak freedom man, eating trash. Meanwhile i'm growing my own veggies and get my meat from the local butcher's shop/ bread from the mill/bakery.
Sure i'm not making half of what you people make and i gots no instant amazon delivery, but damn it feels good to live freely on my own range.
>t. yuropoor who lived in the states but moved back home

>> No.11701658

I don’t think downies live much past 30

>> No.11701700

that fucking cat

>> No.11701713

Become a bug chaser

I lived in NYC and was broke as fuck and plenty of dudes were willing to give me really good food if I'd let them shoot their poz load into me

>> No.11702179
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I just ate a hamburger I found in the dumpster and I'm not feeling so good.

>> No.11702216

>poor in NYC
go back to the corn fields cletus.

>> No.11702387

I ate a Arbys roast beef gyro I found in the trash today. Good thing I didn't pay for it, I would have been more disappointed. It was not there yesterday, so I know it was less than a day old. Nuked 1 minute to kill any germs. Had a fake meat or not meaty flavor.

>> No.11703477

Yeah when it was explained they said they knew it sounded fucked up but management didn’t want to incentivize overproduction

>> No.11703569
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t. man who hasnt interected with anyone in over a year

>> No.11703600

Feel like a proper cuck paying for food when they throw so much good stuff away. Unfortunately don't have time to go scavenge for it though.

>> No.11703755

Do they really throw good food in locked down dumpsters rather than giving it away?

>> No.11703790


>> No.11704693



>> No.11704756

I love you old anon, please keep washing these poor whores and clean their souls

>> No.11705459
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He probably is referring to "pagpag" which is a kind of informal restaurant for ultrapoor slum dwellers. Food is retrieved from trash piles, prepped, cooked, and served for a surprisingly low cost.

>> No.11705509

Used to do it in London as a student. Genuinely great times.
Got a few tips, they may not apply for you:
Some supermarkets literally pour poison or detergent over their bins to stop you, learn which ones and ignore them or report them (it's illegal).
Never go more than about two layers down, if it isn't off, it's crushed and shit.
Go for higher end food stores, they get stuff fresher and throw it out more. in the UK, it's M&S, waitrose, whole foods, so organic, and fancy high street grocers. Also if you're a poorfag your not their target market anyway.
Don't take too much, it takes too long and it's gonna go off anyway. Take max 2-3 meals.
Take from the centre, not the edge.
One taker, one spotter wherever possible. Dumb cunt security guards think they are Vigilante heroes for some reason.
Learn which veg spoils overnight, you won't be having good bell pepper, cucumber or tomato unless you are within a decent time frame. Onions, green apples, lemons last days.
Cheese and pasta last ages.
Don't become an insufferable cunt about it. I did. People don't want to hear about your "freganism". If you enjoy it, great, you're not Check geuvara of the bins though.

>> No.11705889

waitrose is considered fancy?

>> No.11705914
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In mexico , people go through every bit of garbage you toss out.

>> No.11705956

The absolute state of coasties.

>> No.11705986

Many whites are tired of white guilt. That bothers people who believe that white guilt is necessary. You have no rebuttal and can only resort to changing the subject so you should step down or else accept that it has a point.

>> No.11706015

Indeed, every time I go to Chipotle a purple haired socialist screams at me to apologize for being white while smugly forcing me to pronounce “carnitas”, a word xe probably learned in a sanctuary university. Why can’t we just have normal food?

>> No.11706051

>surprisingly low cost
It's be surprising if it's not low cost

>> No.11706068

Isn't there some law about you can't sue about food poisoning from donated food?

>> No.11706089


>all these people who don't want to keep New Yawkers quarantined

>> No.11706097
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jesus fucking christ

>> No.11706130
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>> No.11706147
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>> No.11706211

Huh, well alright, good to know

>> No.11706219

Daily reminder this guy got cancer from wearing dirty microwaved diapers
So if you think it can't happen to you, you're WRONG

>> No.11706240

Came here to post this, ya beat me to it.

>> No.11706255
