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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11698250 No.11698250 [Reply] [Original]

uh oh guys someone ordered their coffee atypically somewhere in Canada

Do Canadians really care about these things?

>> No.11698257

Were you the retard doing a cream rinse? That poster is right. Working in fast food/retail is torcher, especially when dealing with idiots like you.

>> No.11698261

I'd have decked someone asking for a cream rinse regardless of the establishment.

>> No.11698267
File: 12 KB, 261x195, ei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be the dumbest person alive if you think putting cream in a cup and then holding the cup upside down is a difficult task.

>> No.11698278

I’ve worked at a Tim Hortons years ago and usually it isn’t the weird orders that get us it’s usually retards like that OP who make a big deal out of literally everything or get pissed and want a refund if they have to wait 2 minutes for a fresh pot of decaf.
Also take that Reddit shit out of here.

>> No.11698281

and you must not even be functioning if you think it’s not torture having to deal with fat greasy butterwads telling you to do some stupid bullshit that wastes money just to please them. these workers are kids for fucks sake

>> No.11698284

I order black when I go to Timmies and I dab on retards with their "Dubbow dubbows!"

>> No.11698288

Not surprised you work retail

>> No.11698290

I do the same thing, but I ask for my coffee "plain". It gets them every time, they ask for verification of what I want, and then I get to say incredulously:

>you don't know what the word plain means?

They're basically robots that shortcircuit if they receive nonstandard inputs.

>> No.11698293

I've never worked in a coffee shop, but I've worked at a bowling alley with alcohol. If someone asked me to pour X in a cup then pour it out, I'd just do it. Especially if it's a free liquid like a shot of grenadine or something. This is not even close to being an inconvenience.

>> No.11698295

There's nothing unusual about a cream rinse.

>> No.11698299

People asking for cream to rinse the cardboard cup before adding coffee is fucking obscure. I worked there full time for an entire year and not once did I get an order like that.

>> No.11698302

Shut up you cunt, what the fuck is a cream rinse? What could the point of it possibly be? Do you think it gives you magic powers or something? You are obviously both the person who ordered a cream rinse and the OP of this thread. Stay out of my Canada

>> No.11698311

you'll rinse my cup with cream, wageslave and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11698324


>> No.11698337

>drinking Tim's black
why not eat chunks of asphalt out of potholes?

>> No.11698398

imagine coming home from work and continuing to think about your job in your free time FOR FREE

>> No.11698411
File: 111 KB, 850x1200, wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just tried a cream rinse because of this thread
>it was actually great

>> No.11698429
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, impressive_very_nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, I bet everyone in the establishment clapped after this quirky, witty redditor placed his order

>> No.11698477

Makes me think of a dry martini or sazerac, where you rinse the glass with vermouth or absinthe and then toss it. Hell of a lot more wasteful than just swirling a cup with milk.

>> No.11698748

you don't get a good ol' cream rinse when you go to your local coffee shop?
every day i strut into peets, say hi to my buddy behind the counter, and order a medium dark roast with a rinse. sometimes folks in line ask me what i mean, and i tell them to give it a try. i've gotten plenty of em hooked! now it's not too rare to here a patron asking for a cream rinse at my local peets.

>> No.11698759

>and then the whole store clapped

>> No.11698769

it was just some trolling faggot cream rinse wtf is that anyway

>> No.11698781

it's not whether they'd do it or not, it's the fact it's a fucking weird thing to ask for

>> No.11698796

Any order where you "rinse" a container with something and throw it out sounds pretty retarded to me. It's like whoever wants that done is trying to show off how sensitive their palette is that they can detect microscopic residue of a liquid that made contact with the container.

>> No.11698800

I do. The burden of suffering cannot be shared.

>> No.11698849

>You must be the dumbest person alive
Ironic from a Reifag

>> No.11699346

Is the money coming out of your pocket? Why do you care? Just do your job and shut up, wagie.

>> No.11699470

this has been going on for over twenty years
and misato is never considered ( ;∀;)

>> No.11699490
File: 224 KB, 409x505, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.47_[2018.10.19_21.43.41].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah just give me a lube rinse, you know, just lube up my ass and don't slide your cock inside

>> No.11699511

>"what the fuck is a cream rinse"
>google it
>only results are fucking shampoo
I think someone got trolled.

>> No.11699512

>misato is never considered
She's for men of taste only.
I'd clap her cheeks harded than the third impact.

>> No.11699516

>bad enough that someone might ask for half a sugar

my god these people are such fucking pussies, you're paying $3 for a cup of coffee yet it's out of bounds to ask them to put in the ingredients you want?

>> No.11699530

just pour the cream back into the container it cane from

>> No.11699533
File: 138 KB, 1350x648, Without Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone ordered something unusual but super easy
>autistic Canadian screeches

>> No.11699541

Why is HnK so popular with fags and shitposters?

>> No.11699558

so have any of you tried the Pokemon go frappachino?

>> No.11699764

>They're basically robots that shortcircuit if they receive nonstandard inputs.
Anybody working a menial job is, it's not the person, it's the job. You go on autopilot for it because you can and because there's insufficient stimuli to occupy your brain.

>> No.11699770

Why is PnB so popular with /ck/?

>> No.11699771
File: 134 KB, 355x347, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.30_[2018.06.16_13.28.55].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11699779

Fast food workers hate when you try to use food lingo that isn’t used by employees there or on the menu board.

>> No.11699800

You heard what I said, faggot

They also avatarfag with it

Did you mean BnP?

>> No.11700210

fast food workers are lazy whiners and literally nothing they think matters

>> No.11700257

Imagine working a job you hate so much just for a paycheque. I'm working on creating Valentine's day desserts right now while perusing this board.

>> No.11700282

>waste money.
Fucking /ck/ is so full of poorfags. Oh, we can't rinse your cup with $.02 of cream, that would be a waste. Just shut the fuck up and rinse my cup, you coffee shop loser.

>> No.11700291


>> No.11700366

>x is dumb and bad so I don’t need to articulate myself when I order my shit
It’s always you fucks holding up the line like you presume the stoned 16 year old behind the counter knows what nonexistant off menu shit you think you’re trying to get

>> No.11700447

Why has nobody asked what the fuck a double double decaf rinse regular is yet?

>> No.11700458

>double double decaf rinse regular
They've filtered out ALL the caffeine and recommended the whore try rinsing her angry vag out regularly after her passive aggressive exchange with a customer.

>> No.11700590

What's your opinion on immigration, out of curiosity?

>> No.11700694
File: 136 KB, 634x904, 1541638206180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagecuck laughs at my joke
>tip him a few bucks
Canadian "people"

>> No.11700703

>guy who watches anime calling anyone retarded

>> No.11700708

I'll rince your butt out with my cream lol

>> No.11700710
File: 77 KB, 800x522, 1542832087770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11700742

This is why you stay in school, kids.

>> No.11700749

>he doesn't know
Lurk moar

>> No.11700807

Not Canadian, but I'd bitchslap someone for wasting perfectly good cream like that. The cups are clean from the start, so there's no need to rinse anything. If all of the cream is perfectly removed from the cup, one would not be able to taste the difference. If there was a few drops of cream floating around, it would make no difference from saying "add like a couple of drops of cream to my coffee". But no, fucker wants to waste all of that cream? Fuck off and don't waste food!

>> No.11700830

>they don't drink cream rinse
Lmao, I bet you are still in your 'I drink my coffee black like my soul and wife's bull' contrarian phase.

>> No.11700835

When I do my cream rinses, I pour the cream back in the carton after I swirl it around.

>> No.11700839
File: 151 KB, 285x279, 1523871215104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually laughed. ishouldnt hav

>> No.11700841


I mean I suppose that's fine, but I think any establishment serving food might have to adhere to certain regulations that would not permit that.

>> No.11700850
File: 49 KB, 540x540, 67317B09-D461-4CE0-8F70-7680DC5C6ED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The customer is always right

>> No.11700857

Fucking commie bootlicker.
>moving cream from one container to another of forbidden

I hope no chefs ever use a measuring cup, that isn't allowed in communist indo-china!

>> No.11700900

can you even tip at tim horton's?
I thought that jar went to an underprivileged children's camp

>> No.11700908

I never put my money in the jars, they use that money as a tax write-off. They aren't being charitable, they are just a dumb middle man, getting all the benefits of being charitable without giving one cent from their sausage biscuit proceeds.

I also don't give money to charity in general.

>> No.11700911

no one said you did