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File: 119 KB, 864x576, Pho-closeup-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11697602 No.11697602 [Reply] [Original]


It's not as great as you all made it out to be.

>> No.11697615
File: 235 KB, 787x768, 1505739647117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pho is a does-what-it-says-on-the-box dish. It's warm and flavorful and a godsend when you're hungover. Dunno what you could be disappointed by, it's like a grilled cheese, even when it's bad it's still pretty great

>> No.11697629

>hurr why doesn't everyone have the same taste in stuff
why do these fucking retards make these threads whenever they try something that literally everyone in the world has already tried and discussed 10 years ago

>> No.11697635

worthless compared to ramen

>> No.11697637

I'd been waiting a long time and was so excited but ended up being so underwhelmed.

I'd say it's just nice, no wow factor though. I have no idea where all the praise came from.

>> No.11697639
File: 63 KB, 640x960, 1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pho is pretty tasty. just my opinion?

>> No.11697641

it's a primarily soiboi dish that birds will eat when they feel hungry

no person who thinks pho is delicious weighs over 140 pounds, prove me wrong

>> No.11697648

Its tasty in my opinion and I could drink the broth with a straw. Of course its not the best food in the world but like
>>11697615 said, it's just a generally good dish, hard to go wrong (unless you eat it at some shitty place)
I don't know why you would believe some retards on the Internet that say pho is the greatest food of man and chink-kind. It was a fad food for a while until all the Instagram "influencers" moved on to sushi doughnuts and shoving shit into jars. It's not some food of gods, it's just a generally tasty dish. Try a food without setting a bar and let it speak for yourself and form your own opinions.

>> No.11697654

This isn't a shitpost, I hate the "why don't you like what I like" threads too, but this is far from one. i wanted a second opinion because if feel like I mst be missing something.

I do like it, I'd be pleased if I was at someones house hungry and they whipped it up.

>> No.11697664

sorry that your tongue is fucked up, you can't blame me for that

>> No.11697667

Ramen was second on the list, I really want to try it because i hear its divine, but i don't know now, I think some of you guys are just easily pleased.

>> No.11697669

I honestly prefer it to ramen

>> No.11697670

It's bun bo hue's hipster cousin.

>> No.11697672

You fool. You fell for it.

>> No.11697673

Fuck this hipster ramen

>> No.11697694

nah ramen is miles ahead in terms of everything from broth to all possible additions

pho is just a boring asian soup, a stepping stone if anything

>> No.11697702

>listening to weeb and hipster faggots
>ever ever ever
you're killing your father, Larry

>> No.11697708
File: 18 KB, 546x442, 1489099330850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean hipster bun bo hue!

>> No.11697709


>> No.11697713

why would I not believe them? there are some foods out there that will blow you away. if I recommend a dish its because it's that good.

having food fads is retarded.

>> No.11697727

tastes like soap desu senpai

>> No.11697728

yes can't believe it. From now on i'll just keep it simple and go back to trying what I think looks nice.

the internet is good for a lot of things but people get too carried away fueling the hype.

>> No.11697770

Glad you learned your lesson.

>> No.11697774

I'm 200 lbs semi fit and love pho. Obviously some are better than others.

>> No.11697782

thanks dad.

>> No.11697820

Not sure if shit post or weeb.

>> No.11697821


>> No.11697824

I stumbled upon it once, went in with no expectations, and it was very good. My only regret was that I got it with tripe or something weird like that, which was frightening and had a weird texture, even though it doesn't taste bad. Oh and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put all the stuff they give you on the side in the bowl.

>> No.11697829

Bun bo hue>Vietnamese pho>American pho
Personally I enjoy a good banh bao and papaya salad.

>> No.11697837

Oh, and to break it down further Southern Vietnamese pho>northern Vietnamese pho.

>> No.11697838

Shut up bitch.

>> No.11697849

I'm 230 6'5" and pho with tripe is my favorite

>> No.11697852

That was genuine.

>> No.11697904


>> No.11698003

Im 300lbs lean and pho is my favourite meal

>> No.11698016

Vegetables in salt water. All Asian soups I've ever had are this. And boiled meat isn't really that great. It's all fine though.

>> No.11698022
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I'm 500 lbs with extremely powerful legs and I drink pho.

>> No.11698028
File: 241 KB, 1080x1080, best_style_of_pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phở is tasty, incredibly flavourful and quite cheap as well. Its large variety of styles also makes phở extremely versatile. It's probably the best noodle soup for its price range.
On the other hand, Americanised "pho" such as your pic related is a fucking abomination.
Just my 2 cent :^)

>> No.11698036

This. I love soup and will often buy it as a stand-alone meal at Chinese or Japanese places as well as loving a variety of western soups but Pho is just not great soup. Broth is watery even by soup standards and piling raw shoots on top and a few thin slices of meat does not a meal make.

>> No.11698042

See now that looks good but I've never seen pho like that irl.

>> No.11698047

My bad.

>> No.11698050


It's all right, but usually at the local Vietnamese place I get grilled beef of chicken over rice.

>> No.11698051

It is a glorious and perfect soup. Get brisket, steak or tendon. Dont get meatballs.

You have to dish it up right with the sprouts, hot sauce, lime etc.

>> No.11698064

>This isn't a shitpost, I hate the "why don't you like what I like" threads too, but this is far from one.
The first post is literally "It's not as great as you all made it out to be" you dumb asshole

>> No.11698085
File: 197 KB, 660x502, 224092017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that particular pho once when I visited Vietnam and I loved it. Too bad I couldn't find any restaurant that sell it here in Europe.

>> No.11698097

it's really great when it's good
but the good stuff is sometimes hard to find
and when it's bad i can be TERRIBLE

>> No.11698155

Make it yourself. It's not hard and it is great.

>> No.11698166

The broth tends to be much less rich and flavorful than ramen so it's lighter which is appropriate given vietnam is a tropical country.

>> No.11698171

300lb and lean. Either you're an ifbb pro, don't know the definition of lean, a fat cunt or some 15 year old normie.

>> No.11698182

Why choose between soup or salad when you have both in the same bowl and call it fu,/ck/?

>> No.11698183

>toast spices
>char-broil onion
>cook bone/oxtail broth for 5-10 hours
>thinly slice and prepare meat


>buy cinnamon sticks
>buy star anise
>buy cilantro
>buy green onions
>buy broth meat
>buy sprouts/pepper/lime
>buy rice noodles

Thats looking like 10 hours of work and 50 bucks in ingredients, you fucking dumbass. You could just walk into a pho restaurant, pay 8 bucks and have a perfect hot soup in front of you in 5 minutes.

Making pho could be fun if you have a full house to cook for during a vacation or something, but for single and working people its preposterous.

>> No.11698190

As in believe I mean "taking what they say to heart rather than with a grain of salt." If you believe everyone on the Internet when they say some food is the greatest thing in the world, you're probably going to be dissapointed a lot if you go in thinking it's going to be the greatest thing in the world. Your tastes are probably going to differ from someone so if you go in expecting to have the same exact experience as someone else you're not going to have a good time. Take everything as a recommendation, if someone tells you to try a filet minot because "it's literally the greatest steak ever" but you prefer the taste of a bone in sirloin, that's entirely you're taste. Is the filet extremely tender? Yeah, but it's usually lower in fat and some people either prefer it or they don't. When it comes to food, listen to what people have to say but don't let it dictate your opinions. The only way you can find out if something is great, good, or garbage is of you actually eat it yourself. I've been told never to eat certain dishes only to find that I really enjoy them.

>> No.11698238

Nice meme, faggot

>> No.11698243

>I'm obese and eat literally everything

>> No.11698245

That's the cilantro, you subhuman

>> No.11698247

simmering broth is work for you? onion/rice noodles/cilantro are expensive? I'm sorry you suck so hard

>> No.11698305
File: 242 KB, 582x411, Neck Yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding something that tastes like soap to you
>acting superior about it

>> No.11698310

Whatever, guy who lives with his mommy.

>> No.11698317

>literally has subhuman monkey genes that can't appreciate cilantro
Literally everyone else is superior to you

>> No.11698415

Bro, im 300lbs, lean and on the internet. Dont fuck with me

>> No.11698463
File: 47 KB, 680x450, Bouillabaisse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>places cilantro leaves are most popular
>South America, India, South East Asia
>calls developed parts of the world subhuman monkeys
Have fun shitskin.

>> No.11698484

you can literally leave the stove unattended if you're not retarded, but you keep eating fast food daily and complaining about it

>> No.11698516

I dont eat fast food and I cook chicken soup about once a week from scratch. I have a gas stove so no, i can't leave it on, dumbass.

Have fun wasting a saturday cooking pho, im gonna buy a bowl and go enjoy myself. Of course spending a whole day cooking isnt so hard when youre a shameless NEET, is it?

>> No.11698535

lol, why are you on a cooking board if you don't cook?
>chicken soup
lol again, good job bud, one day you'll get a job that allows you to have more than a 20 minute lunch and check on your shit

>> No.11698626

i thought rich piana was dead

>> No.11698885

I think that pho > ramen. The broth has a more complex flavor than ramen due to the spices added to it, I also prefer its lightness to the slightly thicker and darker ramen broth. Also I prefer the toppings used in pho, beef tripe and rare sliced beef are delicious and I like all of the fresh herbs and vegetables that you get to add, as opposed to maybe and egg, some scallions, and tofu or fish cake in ramen.

>> No.11698909

um. bug soup. wtf

>> No.11698946

It really depends on the broth. If you're using boxed broth or skimping on the bones, it's going to be more watery and bland.

>> No.11698968

It's difficult to find really good pho unless you live in a major city. Your average flyover state chain restaurant pho probably tastes like dirty dish rag soup

>> No.11698972

you're right that many generic pho places are shit, but there are random pockets of viets throughout the country, and you can find good stuff in surprising places

>> No.11698983

Did you eat it from some fast-food place that aren't even dedicated to SE Asia food?

>> No.11698990

because the majority of 4changers are kids and they're still growing up, learning and experiencing new things you grouchy cunt

>> No.11699007


>sea roaches

You were trying to prove something with that disgusting slob?

>> No.11699021
File: 1.77 MB, 368x273, 1532734883822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not as great as you all made it out to be.

If you're not trolling, then I'll say:
There are two basic Pho's. I dont know which one you had, but it breaks down like this,
1) Pho from the North of Vietnam has little to no veggies and few seasonings.
2) Pho from the south is full of veggies & lots of toasted aromatics in the broth.

Did you have Pho with tripe? those awful asian meatballs?

t. dude married to a Vietnamese

>> No.11699032

Phock off.

>> No.11699047

>spent christmas day and boxing day npo
>clear liquids only on the 27th
>made my sister bring pho broth to the hospital
Yes, I ain’t eatin no pleb hospital chicken broth

>> No.11699049

I've only had Pho at one place and it basically tasted like ham water, in a bad way. Really disappointed, I'm not very adventurous but I try to test stuff other people recommend and it was a complete waste of money.
That said the restaurant wasn't the best since none of my friends were completely satisfied with their dishes either.

>> No.11699053

fuck that I'm not their daddy

>> No.11699055


>ham water

Something was certainly not right there.

>> No.11699069

I like hot ham water, it tastes very watert with a smack of ham in it. Goes great with a cream soda.

>> No.11699079

i know.
you're one of them. stupid zoomer

>> No.11699086

>none of my friends were completely satisfied with their dishes either.
and it was a sad day for a table of flyover connoisseurs

>> No.11699099

dude i wish pho made you thin

>> No.11699196

Probably tendons. I usually order mine without tendon and tripe.

>> No.11699212

I like it over ramen since pho has meat than ramen more often than not.

>> No.11699231

idk, I like beef, I like rice noodles, and noodle soup is pretty okay. It's great, but not national treasure level of great.

>> No.11699258

Pho quality really depends on the restaurant. If you're not in Orange County, San Jose, Los Angeles, Houston, or Portland, you're probably gonna have a bad time.

>> No.11699263

It's okay, I've had it a few times. I don't know why it turned into some sort of hipster food. It seems like it's getting up there with avocado toast, Starbucks and sushi.

>> No.11699292
File: 181 KB, 960x960, 589842-1169407-14785179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, northern style uses lots of toasted spices too, and both styles use pretty much the same spices. However, the noodles used in the north are generally thinner compare to the southern one. And while northern style's broth is more savory/umami due to the MSG, southern style puts more emphasis on the sweetness of the broth. Northerners usually have some simple youtiao as side dish when eating phở, for southerner, the side dish is comprised of various veggies and fresh herbs like you said.
t. vietnamese

>> No.11699335

Can confirm Houston has lots of great pho. The noodles and cilantro and stuff are all mostly the same shit, the meat doesn't taste like anything on its own, what really makes a difference is finding a place that makes a good broth. Some places have really watery pho, some places don't have the right mix of spices and sauces and stuff, some places get it right.

Maybe I haven't found the right place yet, but I've tried ramen at a few different places and it's trash compared to a good pho.

>> No.11699340


>> No.11699360

It Cooks in the broth

>> No.11699369

Yeah I'm sure the sodium bloat is keeping those pho eaters super thin

>> No.11699377
File: 98 KB, 1024x683, 1528837504751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats Pho Tai, the best version if you want to taste the beef.

>> No.11699386

I went to a vietnamese restaurant and got something called "french style beef" which is essentially cubed steak, although prepared with an asian-style sauce. It was pretty good.

>> No.11699396

Brisket in your pho is the patrician beef lover's choice.

>> No.11699398

Oh banh mi is great, but you have to get it from an INauthentic, Americanized place or the baguette will be dry as fuck.

>> No.11699401

Pretty interesting, so this one pho place nearby is a southern vietnamese restaurant then since their broth is sweet compared to the other ones which I would assume are northern because they differ so much

>> No.11699469

You probably went somewhere that was actually meh in a medium size city. You probably think sushi is overrated too because you've never had it in a real city.

>> No.11699634

Do you get store bought cream soda or do you make your own?

>> No.11699636

it ain't cook that shit raw n pinker than pussy

>> No.11700487

it's bone soup with onions in it what were you expecting
young people like it because it's cheap
old people like it because it's their culture

>> No.11702469
File: 82 KB, 750x500, pho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not as great as you all made it out to be.
Only if you have the kind of overpriced, hipster Pho in OP's pic.
Go to Pho-king authentic places before you say "hurr durr it's overrated'
Also, post pics of real Pho.

>> No.11702494

>only one vietnamese place in my city
>neat place with vietnamese kitchen staff
>the food is extremely underwhelming and bland
>every other asian restaurant I remember going to has had nice flavourful food
Is vietnamese food just bland as hell, or is it by some very unlikely coincidence that it just happens to be the only bad asian restaurant in town?

>> No.11702500

its chink shit, of course its not great.

>> No.11702517

For me it's the tempura udon

>> No.11702522

It's my personal favorite soup. I love it. Best pho I ever had was at this tiny tiny hole in the wall place in Reno NV. A giant bowl was $6 and I got extra beef for $2 more. Literally all I had to eat in an entire day. Sadly no other place has come close to replicating this one.

>> No.11702529

Bun bo based.

>> No.11702557

I find it kind of lame, also the spelling. I'm expected to call it one thing but it's spelled as another, since it's a transliteration in the first place, just spell it properly in English. I'm expected to say pha or some shit when it's spelled pho? Then fucking spell it as pha.

>> No.11702563

or even fa.

>> No.11702565

>An English speaker with this opinion

>> No.11702568

Can confirm, good advice brother.

>> No.11702570

Golden Flower perchance? I ask since I'm U of Reno alumni.

>> No.11702583

I just get pissed off at overpriced shit that's not spelled properly.

>> No.11702588

... I also call it bullshit. That's some proper English there. Overpriced noodles, GTFO!

>> No.11702593

Do those overpriced noodles get folded thirty million times by some jap sneak attacker? I'm just not impressed by that BS.

>> No.11702664

>What are diacritics and accent marks?

>> No.11702685

it is meme ramen for le elite foodie adventurers of the world

if you like to "go off the beaten path", bum around in SE asia, and thinks tourists are the plauge of the world and you are more culturally immersed than the next person, chances are you will love PHO

>> No.11702699

>overpriced shit
This is how you spot the people who've only ever ate from places that rip off unsuspecting non-viets.

Here in Sydney, pho in Viet-dense suburbs like Cabramatta and Bankstown have a price range of about $9-12 AUD, and it changes depending on the size you order, if you get the special (combo of all the cuts of meat), or just the rare beef, and the restaurant.

I've tried $15AUD pho from a place outside those suburbs. Tastes pretty similar to a standard pho, beef quality seems to be a bit better, but portion size was tiny af and not worth the price.

>> No.11702731

does the success of vietnamese cuisine alleviate or intensify racism

>> No.11702789

Negro what? Phở is the cheapest amongst noodle soup dish which originated from East Asia. A ramen here where I live cost about 9€ ~ 15€ depend on the type of ramen and the restaurant. Phở's price range is around 6€ ~ 12€. Ramen and korean ramen are the overpriced shit here.

>> No.11702894

It's like $.80 USD.

>> No.11702903

Still over priced. Should be about $0.60

>> No.11702906

I see your nose, Mr. Jewstein.

>> No.11703580
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1460089097838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietniggers are just as racist as they've ever been

>> No.11705146

I'm currently in Vietnam, does anyone want an in depth pho analysis

>> No.11705152

Pho sucks but there really is no better hangover cure

>> No.11705175

Beer is better hangover cure.

>> No.11705186

>yfw everyone ITT is yelling at each other about soup
this is so fucking funny to me

>> No.11705189

Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares.

>> No.11705215

no u

>> No.11705248

>Pho broth is only good for one meal
>Pho is too expensive for you, but cheap enough for third world Viets
Alright bro, the OTHER guy is the retard, sure.

>> No.11705362

Pho Bo Kho is amazing, go to Pho Quynh in Ho Chi Minh if you're ever there

>> No.11705374

Post it.

>> No.11705573

usually not a fan of gook chow, but that looks pretty good.
i don't like the way it usually has a fuckton of scallions and a fucking EGG (!) on it... whatever good soup that is, but pic related looks ok. i'd nosh that shit
and hey, not trying to be rassis against chinamen, i'm totally serious

>> No.11705581

yeah, but it's still pretty good
fuck paying $15 a bowl for it though

>> No.11705715

Not interested in fat sex tourist opinions.

>> No.11705732

>Fat sex tourist
You mean skinny drug tourist

>> No.11705738

I weight 10,000 pounds and I rinse out my mouth with a gallon of pho every morning.

>> No.11705746

Drug possession is a death sentence in Vietnam.

>> No.11705770

Its really strict on paper, but barely enforced. People smoke weed in the streets n shit

>> No.11705811
File: 82 KB, 1000x765, pepehands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on where you get it from. Most places I've had it at it was pretty meh. I've had a really good one from this Vietnamese place when they had it on as a special that night. Haven't had a good one ever since.

>> No.11705832

I'm sure someone makes bad pho somewhere, but here it's a flavourful soup, that is only served two sizes larger than advertised, and priced three sizes smaller.

>> No.11705854

I have tried to like pho. Jesus Christ have I tried.
Wanna know how hard I’ve tried? My wife is Vietnamese hard that’s how hard.
It’s total and utter shit.
Fuck you if you think it even remotely competes with even ramen.

>> No.11705866

There are plenty of vietnamese women who are absolutely shit at making pho and also have absolutely shit taste in it

>> No.11705900

I've traveled quite a bit in the south, and have never seen that. But I'm also not a degenerate or commie.

>> No.11706072

>there are plenty of Vietnamese women who are totally shit at cooking
*There are plenty of women who are totally shit

>> No.11706073


Yeah its everybody else thats wrong. Ok.

>> No.11706100

Wow, you may want to get that anger at women looked at, fampie. Somebody got some mommy issues

>> No.11706496

Sound like your wife can't cook for shit.