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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11696543 No.11696543 [Reply] [Original]

>Foods you hate eating or refuse to eat, just because.

>pig liver
>blood cockles
>cauliflower (dislike)
>alfalfa sprouts

>> No.11696545

There are very few foods I dislike but the number one on my shit list are sweet pickles.

>> No.11696546

also i hate coriander but have been working on eating them more

>> No.11696858

Eggplant, urchin, licorice, kale. That's really it.

>> No.11696880

Eggs, milk, chicken and some kinds of fish.
I just hate the smell, especially raw eggs and milk.

>> No.11696905

Ketchup, mayo, mustard, anything with a noticeable vinegar taste, cow tongue, are all degenerate and I wouldn't ever eat.
I really don't like pasta.

>> No.11696970
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Olives, sour cream, and maybe salmon roe. I actually came into the thread expecting to have a ton I could list given my actual childhood autism-fueled pickiness. Then it sorta dawned on me that, after going through college, I really can't think of anything I won't eat, or at least try. Feels weird, like I've lost something important.

>> No.11696982

The big ol 'tism has me hating lettuce and cabbage. People always say "anon, it's just crunchy water!" but I always taste this odd floral-plant-ness in them that makes me genuinely gag. Weird stuff. I'm fine with vegetables otherwise.
Also, offal. Liver in particular. The texture and taste just don't agree with me.

>> No.11696988

Onions! Oh, onions...

>> No.11696990

Why do a lot of NPCs hate tomatoes?

>> No.11696994

Everything except cauliflower in any form. Even the honey-insects stew a korean friend invited me to had a better taste than fucking cauliflower.

>> No.11697004

>Everything except cauliflower in any form
Even in stews and sauces? To me it feels like cauliflower absorbs flavours so easily when cooked, that it really requires effort to keep cauliflower tasting like cauliflower.

>> No.11697017

its everything, the texture, the taste, the "not-smell" when they're steamed. maybe if you blend them to liquid and add a ton of spices. Weirdly, I don't have the problem with broccoli, even if they're quite similar texture-wise

>> No.11697021

Most cheese. Especially any that are yellow.

>> No.11697044

it straddles the line between savoury and sweet and fries their brain

>> No.11697112

celery, any kind of internal organ, cauliflower, broccoli, blackberries, peaches, olives with the exception of black olives, and mint in any sweet food or beverage

>> No.11697118

>olives with the exception of black olives

do green and black olives taste that different?

>> No.11697126

If you're open minded to try it again, could I suggest a gratin? Parboil a head of cauliflower (cut into florets) until semi-tender in heavily salted water. As it cooks whip up a quick bechamel with 3 tbsp of butter, 3 tbsp of flour, and 2 cups of milk. When it's thickened enough, stir in salt, pepper, a dash of cayenne, and about a cup of your favorite cheese (works especially well with swiss, gruyere, or cheddar). When cauliflower is done, add to a buttered baking dish and hit it with extra seasoning, then ladle on your cheese sauce and top with fresh parmesan. Bake in the over at 400 until cauliflower is fully tender, then hit it with the broiler for a couple of minutes.

>> No.11697128

Fresh tomatoes that you can purchase in American supermarkets are garbage. Likely garbage in the rest of the world too. Vine-ripened are better but usually they use a shittier tasting variety because it's hardier.

Most people like the taste of tomato (ketchup, pizza sauce, certain curries), they just dislike the fruit itself.

>> No.11697147


>> No.11697172

I have no idea. A cherry tomato picked fresh from the vine is one of life's greatest joys.

>> No.11697193

Absolutely, but probably 90% of people have never had it and their only experience with tomatoes is from their grocer.

>> No.11697204

All other dairy is ok though.

>> No.11697207

Ramen. It tastes like salty poverty.

>> No.11697214

I've always hated potatoes. That, and cauliflower. Otherwise, I eat and enjoy a lot of vegetables. But potato's texture can fuck right off

>> No.11697222

I'm a vegan so I don't eat literally everything, does that make me autistic?

Oh I'm also a faggot, so I'm not sure if that has to do with anything.

>> No.11697224

i used to think sweet pickles were horrible until someone gave me some homemade spicy bread and butters that were off the chain and now i know it's just factory sweet pickles that suck

i hate bananas and most seafood, especially if it comes from china

>> No.11697262

Sweet potatoes. Whoever crossbred potatoes and sweetness needs to be gassed immediately

>> No.11697277

Eggplant, olives, fennel, most shellfish aside from shrimp and scallops
Coincidentally my family's favorite foods.

>> No.11697287

>be gay and vegan

can you swallow semen then?

>> No.11697351

No, I wish. Ejaculate is an animal product and all animal products involve a level of cruelty, no matter if it is voluntary or a byproduct of some natural process.

>> No.11697397

yes there is a very noticeable difference

>> No.11697416

90% watery mush 10% nice flavor ruined by it's suspension in a matrix of watery mush.

>> No.11697454

>Breakfast cereal
>Ranch dressing

>> No.11697520

Pickles. Fuck 'em. That's it. Doubt I'll ever try one voluntarily and I believe it ruins the flavor of anything it's used in.

>> No.11697541

Can you eat your own cum?

>> No.11697958

>brussel sprouts
ive tried and every time I hate it
im actually having a hard time thinking of food I flat out refuse to eat. Maybe the kind of cake that has that hard fake bullshit frosting on it that nobody likes.

>> No.11697992

Odd, Nowhere in scientific literature do I see anything about autists being picky with food. In fact, I eat everything that is not overly spicy.

>> No.11697995

>and all animal products involve a level of cruelty,
How does jerking off your boyfriend involve cruelty ?

>> No.11698004

Mushrooms, pickles, and beans.
I just hate them and can't eat em.

>> No.11698009

I don't hate anything, but my fiancee hates chicken and bacon.

>> No.11698014

Friction, anon!

>> No.11698019

Some people have a gene that makes coriander taste like soap. You might have that.

>> No.11698057

urchin is foul. tastes like low tide smells. >>11696970
you really need to get over the sour cream and salmon roe thing. roe is fugging AWESOME

>> No.11698062

this is good advice.

>> No.11698080

Coleslaw. Fuck the stuff.

>> No.11698162

I think licorce is about the only thing I eont eat.
I dont mind anise like flavours at all, I like ouzo, sambuca, drink anise tea but licorice is gay.

>> No.11698214

You been eating shit uni.
I honestly think it’s one of the most delicious foods on earth.

>> No.11698223

While I disagree with veganism and despise homosexuality, semen should be A-OK because humans are not animals, therefore consuming human-product is not animal-product.

>> No.11698226

Have you tried homemade coleslaw? I didn't like it either as I only ever tried the pre-made or restaurant stuff

>> No.11698330

I'm similar but it's baked beans for me.

>> No.11698709

pickled beets
korean dead body soup
stinky tofu
most fast food
anything on an "all you can eat buffet"

>> No.11699539
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licorice as in the candy or the herb?

>> No.11699605

Tomato slices and pickles, mostly for texture more than taste. I used to hate onions in any form but they've somehow transitioned into being one of my favorite ingredients.

>> No.11699745

it gets me a lot of weird looks

>> No.11700027
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Refried beans is baby food for adults. It has the worlds worst texture and color and it doesn't taste nearly good enough to compensate.

>> No.11700031

i really want to appreciate licorice because it's so fucking gross but try as i might i just cannot do it

>> No.11700153
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I've tried and tried and tried Key Lime Pie from some of the best places you could hope to find it (the Florida Keys, for example). To no avail, I could only finish no more than two bites (the rule for all food is two bites).

I eat the worst kinds of food (in other people's opinions) and have enjoyed everything. Only Citrus based desserts make my face scowl and my tongue retreat back into my throat. I have no idea why. It looks so delicious!

>> No.11700181

Translation: I grew up on Mac n Cheese

>> No.11700197
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It's time you sought a better suitor.

>> No.11700204

Yep! I helped raise an autistic child. She loves everything! What a great person she turned out to be too.

>> No.11700220
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Sweet potato fries are an excellent replacement for French fires. Try them. You'll surprise yourself.

>> No.11700259
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When I was in kindergarten the lunch lady scooped chick peas onto my tray and I said "heh. they're like little butts" and then i popped one in my mouth and INSTANTLY fucking puked onto my tray. Never again, no chick peas, no hummus, no nothing.

>> No.11700262

mayo, and raw tomatoes trigger me

>> No.11700267

Mushrooms and raisins.

>> No.11700315

picky eater here it's a big list

animals with more than 4 or less than 2 legs
green vegetables
cottage cheese
bread that came out of a plastic bag

>> No.11700325

Meant for

>> No.11700340

These are always limp, soggy, and at best barely acceptable.
The thought of sweet potato fries sounds good, in practice it simply does not work. Its impossible to get a nice crispy fry. This is for hipster faggots who are trying to look sophisticated for their tee-hee girlfriends at some overpriced pub. AVOID

>> No.11700368
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cucumber tastes like rancid water and it ruins every dish it's put in. literally the gayest vegetable too, only flamers and sissies eat it.

and btw pickles are overrated

>> No.11700379

Brussel sprouts smell like piss and taste decomposing to me. I can’t eat them.

>> No.11700396

>less than 2 legs
fish? snakes? walrus? wtf anon

>> No.11700399

fenugreek is fucking disgusting

>> No.11700401
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>> No.11700417

I like everything besides bell peppers

dont knw why, I like other spicier peppers

>> No.11700418
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>> No.11700436
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That's not Shadman.

>> No.11700454

is there bread that doesnt come out of a plastic bag? even if you buy them from a bakery dont they put it in a plastic bag as well

>> No.11700459

French/italian bread comes in a paper sleeve from the grocery store. Which is...much worse because it goes stale 30 seconds after you get it home.

>> No.11701275

Almost all fish and yoghurt. Vile shit.
However, i like anchovies and gravlax

>> No.11701305

i don't fuck with birthday cake

>> No.11701315

Bell peppers
brussel sprouts
green beans
black olives
lots more that I'm not remembering right now

>> No.11701331

Holy shit, do you just eat tendies?

>> No.11701333

Mmmmm man my absolute favorite thing to eat with cherry tomatoes are one of my sandwiches.
>sourdough bread
>any kind of mayo (i prefer mcCormick with lime
>honey smoked ham, and honey smoked Turkey
>Roman lettuce
>swiss cheese
>thinly sliced cucumber
>side of spear dill pickles
>and of course cherry tomatoes that you pop in with each bite

I'm getting a chub just thinking about it

>> No.11701884

>slice cucumbers
>a pray bottle of vinegar
>salt shaker
>shake a little salt on the slices cucumbers and apraw vinegar onto them
Its weird unorthodoxed snack my mother used to feed me but I actually prefer it over potato chips, still eat it to this day.

>> No.11701891

My phone posting powerlevel is revealed, fuck.

>> No.11701978

I'm one of those people who thinks cilantro tastes like soap, so that's really it. There's no dish I outright refuse to eat. I'm pretty sensitive to bitter flavors, so those kinds of things tend to turn me off, but not enough to outright refuse a dish. Unless it has cilantro in it. Fuck cilantro.

>> No.11701989

this is the product of being raised by a single parent on TV dinners

>> No.11701996

Vinegar on cucumbers is pretty common here and pretty good too.

>> No.11702001

Sweet or english peas. I love split pea soup but can't stand plain ol peas or peas in anything else.

>> No.11702013

I don't eat vegetables at all unless you want to count pizza sauce as a vegetable. I also don't eat fruit at all unless you count lemonade and orange juice as fruits.

>> No.11702026

Do you eat meat that isn't pepperoni or chicken nuggets/tenders?

>> No.11702031

Yes. I don't eat much pepperoni pizza or chicken at all. Lamb schwarma is probably my favorite, with some rice. Also flat bread with humus (again not sure if this counts as a vegetable even though it technically is).

>> No.11702034

Cherry/Grape tomatoes. I'll.eat anything else under the sun, but for some reason they just taste like grass and pus.

>> No.11702064

i hate vinegar, mustard and mayo. i feel like i can smell vinegar from a mile away and it is offensive beyond words

>> No.11702114

I have never eaten carrots during my 26 years on this earth

>> No.11702152
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cilantro, pickles, limes, jello (I can't get over the texture, and nori

>> No.11702192

>cheap as water
>excellent source of vitamin a and c

you are missing out, also raw carrot tastes better than cooked carrot

why not nori? its nice af

>> No.11702202
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Bread that is older than 5 days

Any dairy a week before its sell-by date

Uncooked lettuce or vegetables at restaurants

>> No.11702205

>why not nori?
it makes my stomach turn, I have to stick to sashimi style sushi because of it.

>> No.11702213

Then how do you know you won't like them?

>> No.11702367

>Uncooked lettuce or vegetables at restaurants

That's enough America for me today.

>> No.11702413

Beans, beef tongue, kale, liver, cauliflower, and lettuce. Tofu sometimes, depends on the medium it's made in. All of these and other shit I can't be assed to list are due to textures my autismo ass self can't handle.

>> No.11702420

u trust minimum wage cooks to wash your veggies properly?

>> No.11703093

I hate toxic farmed fish and don't trust most fish.

>> No.11703103

Carrots slow cooked together with meat are great IMO.

>> No.11703125

anything that has expired
microwaved food/microwaving leftover food

>> No.11703161

the absolute state of this board

>> No.11704121


That's the taste of comfort for many poor people, please understand.

>> No.11704126


I feel similar, but only when the potato is mashed and has nothing to complement it.

>> No.11704129

it has a sweet taste which im not fond of in savoury meals

>> No.11704130


It's an acquired taste, I'll give you that.

>> No.11704139


Only Pizza? What part of the experience turns you off?

>> No.11704150


Try eating thinner slices.

>> No.11704159


Anywhere that has any kind of taste has bakeries making fresh bread all day long. Even in bumfuck places like Brazil, they have fresh bread in almost every street corner.

>> No.11704169


You have to put them in a bread container so it doesn't go stale, ya dingus.

Depending on the quality of the bread, it can stay edible for 12 to 18 hours.

>> No.11704291

I can eat just about anything but I can't fucking stand lettuce.

Cabbage is great, especially when cooked. Raw lettuce just tastes like liquid dirt and it's the worst feeling imaginable when you order something without lettuce and still crunch down on a stray fleck or two while eating.

I feel like I'm the ONLY person in the world who likes licorice, though

>> No.11705569

fried onions
non-raw cabbage

>> No.11705630
File: 31 KB, 598x597, BCCE8B9F-D8AA-4199-94BB-6BECF85B6B9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these tastlets hating on olives and pickles

>> No.11705651

Oysters but I do like when others eat oysters because red wine vinegar and shallots sauce is fantastic.

>> No.11705708

but lettuce taste like nothing

had you ever had iceberg lettuce? its like water

>> No.11706086

Used to be super picky but I'll eat most things now. Can't eat
>black olives
But I like green olives just fine.