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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 960x960, 48405545_10156801166825502_3760172343557619712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11694527 No.11694527 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever bought meat, from a door to door meat salesman?

My dad did last Christmas, and everything looked legit, nice packaging etc.... Meat was fucking horrid, huge scam

>> No.11694533

that tshirt shares the same opinion I do. isn't that something?

>> No.11694552

>Buying meat from a door to door salesman
Do burgers actually do this?

>> No.11694567



>> No.11694568

It was a mexican, wasn't it?
This is a well known scam

>> No.11694575

No, some white guy, gave the speech that the local steak house, ordered wrong and he had excess meat on the truck and would sell it for cheap rather than to bring it back to the warehouse

>> No.11694592

not often, no

>> No.11694600

It's horse meat

>> No.11694604

>Have you ever bought meat, from a door to door meat salesman?

No, but my town has a guy that has a GIANT chest freezer on his pickup truck with "MEAT!" poorly painted on it's side and he'll set up in random empty parking lots with a table a sign board and a cash box.

I'm told he's a farmer that has a butcher shop out on his farm where he does odd cuts of beef, rabbit, deer or other animals.
But it's so incredibly sketchy that I'd never buy anything from him.

>> No.11694611

If you think about it, this is probably a great way to be a serial killer.

>> No.11694638
File: 1.73 MB, 640x1136, 1546346511016.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tatts are for sluts
When you are right you are right

>> No.11694643

probably selling road kill

>> No.11694670

I don’t eat horses...

>> No.11694691
File: 11 KB, 354x142, meat truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but from time to time a sketchy truck will pull up into the parking lot of one of the local plazas and start blasting radio music.

It's pretty much understood that shit like this is a carnival-tier scam.

Only senile boomers fall for this.

>> No.11694696

Do you have opinions that aren't already on bumper stickers and t shirts?

>> No.11694701

All the best opinions have already been written down.

P.S. Make America Great Again

>> No.11694708

T-shirts are just modular tattoos.

>> No.11694744

her parents must be proud

>> No.11694753

I find it hard to believe door-to-door salesmen still even exist

>> No.11694770

>I find it hard to believe door-to-door salesmen still even exist
Old people are not aware of this.
Retired boomers in their 70s-80s are the most often targets of scams.
Every once in a while you'll hear about some negro put on a National Grid hat and just start walking door-to-door telling old people he's an electrician and he needs to come in and check their wires.

How can old people be so trusting? They have lived through the most shit.

>> No.11694871

Tattoos are NOT just for sluts and douchebags. They are also for:

- The unimaginative

- Retards

- Fad-humping attention whores

- People too proud or too dense to realize that they made a childish mistake by disfiguring themselves with retarded scribbling on their flesh by some hepatitis-riddled dirtbag

>> No.11694989
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1529537917259s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents did years ago. Yeah, the meat was mediocre and it's a huge scam. but here's the thing. The 'salesman' was so inept at his job, he forgot to put the case of meat he got my parents steaks from back in his trunk, so they got a whole bunch of free, yet mediocre, meat! So kinda a win I guess????

>> No.11695016

Millenials and zoomers are more likely to be victims of online scammers than boomers.

>> No.11695065

It depends on the scam you're talking about.
The indian tech support scams are targeted directly at old people who don't know shit about computers.

>> No.11695075

redpilled and based

>> No.11695076

>white people
nothing new.

>> No.11695108

>I was tired and my kid was running around so I paid the meat man $200 for some horse meat
Are burgers really this stupid? Just tell the meat man to fuck off.

>> No.11695116

>I don't like something so other people shouldn't like it as well
Typical conservative mindset. I fucking hate tattoos and would never get one myself but I could give fuck all if other people have them.

>> No.11695123

its not the tattoo, its what they signify.
If tattoos are a signifier of loose morals, then "you shouldn't have tattoos" really mean "you should not have loose morals"

>> No.11695124

Yeah don't do it. My friend works at a garage and this old nigger always comes around selling meat out of his truck. He said it was like fake meat.

>> No.11695132

Might wanna try to make yourself great before worrying about the rest of the country

>> No.11695145

great like you?
how are you doing in life?

>> No.11695147

Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself

>> No.11695165

I've got myself pretty well sorted out, morally.
That's why I've come here to help everyone be more like me.

You're quite welcome.

>> No.11695171

Sure thing buddy

>> No.11695174

This >>11695123, it's because society as a whole will be affected by the loose morals attributed to tattooing.
It's a faggot liberal thing to have no concern or think it won't affect you.
You can already see people with looser morals are having a great effect on the unraveling of necessary societal norms and it will affect you eventually.

>> No.11695188


>> No.11695195


not having tattoos is the new tattoos

>> No.11695234

>doing what has been the norm since creation is the new tattoos
enjoy your hepatitis and permanent mark of shame

>> No.11695274

>but dude look its a tattoo about my family

>> No.11695285

I lived with a guy who stole expensive cuts of meat and Tide to fund his crack habit

>> No.11695287

Ha. Did he use the same line to sell you some speakers?

>> No.11695348 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 300x388, Thats+weird+i+just+came+from+the+bus+stop+_f87f2a426146478dcb15de91e8a2635c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need fascism bro. You put the fault here on an honest White woman instead of a scamming aggressive door to door guy. If we had a serious government such practices would not be tolerated.

>> No.11695388

>I dont mind if I live in a depraved sick world thats dark and depressing
You SHOULD shame others for degenerate behavior.
>inb4 muh /pol/ boogeyman
These days tattoos are more common for women to get than men, just like college degrees. That says a lot.
not long ago, tattoos were only for gang members and sailors, now it seems like every stupid bitch has at least 2, and that ugly ass nose septum piercing. Where the hell did that come from anyway?

>> No.11695536
File: 47 KB, 346x404, average millenial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11695751


>claims to be against scumbags
>wears a t-shirt that only a scumbag would wear

>> No.11695761

Yeah like I'm really going to take this faggot seriously. I would pound him into the dirt easily and then take his woman for my pleasure.

>> No.11695771

Based picture, tatts are for fagots. I can appreciate the skill of good tatts, but the amount of retards that get tattoos for some retarded special person meaning should be necked. Stop trying to act like a decision to get a shitty permanent mark when you were an idiot 20 year old was a meaningful moment.

>> No.11695773
File: 7 KB, 303x302, evil_face_or_what_by_darksamwell08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a shirt with that on the front and I'm sleeved up. That guy probably has ink too, it's just a joke

>> No.11695833


>> No.11695913

Used to have one of those Yummy Meat guys trying to sell his shit around my store once.
Got a trespass on him after the second time catching him in my parking lot.

>> No.11696208

wow you're such a badass faggot

>> No.11696265

I gagged

>> No.11696284

Oh shit, I haven't come across Aphex Twin in a minute. Time to see what he's up to.

>> No.11696296

My mom did once. She actually fell for the ol' "my cooling system broke down and I have to unload everything I have for a big discount" trick

The meat actually wasn't bad though

>> No.11696304

I’m willing to bet my fucking soul to Satan the lord of the underworld that his GF there wasn’t even a virgin when they met lmfao clown higher middle class white kids are the worst. I only exclusively date virgins aka the only true non-sluts

>> No.11696309

A girl who's only had sex in committed relationships isn't a slut
Virginity is an okay standard for relationships in mid to possibly even late teens, but after that it's just odd

>> No.11696314

cringe and bluepilled faggot. Any woman who got fucked before me isn’t worth the time. If she wants to suck and fuck on the first date then so be it but anything after that is chasing used goods

>> No.11696326

t. incel

>> No.11696329

>A girl who's only had sex in committed relationships isn't a slut
yeah she a slut

>> No.11696330

If this is your opinion your only options are 11 year olds

>> No.11696333

based horny and lonely anon

>> No.11696334

t. roastie

>> No.11696335

You wish buddy. In fact you’re probably closer to an incel. Have to amount to the most betaesk behavior to get a chance at having a woman that I probably already fucked before you. Should straight up sucked on my cock, swallowed my load and smiled about it before she met you pussy

>> No.11696339

Nice try. I’m currently 23 and seeing a 16 year old. It’s legal in my Based and Redpilled country. You Americans are pathetic

>> No.11696342

Evil image. Exorcism is needed.

>> No.11696345

What other people does affects society and ultimately you.

>> No.11696355

Watch out, we have a badass over here!

>> No.11696358
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>> No.11696700

Some serious retards replying to b8 ITT. Like someone on here has the credibility to speak on """""morals"""""

>> No.11696713

>if you don't approve of ritualized body mutilation you must be a bible thumping republican
I know you're lying about not having tattoos, dirtbag

>> No.11696741

I like how instead of staying on topic, the based post-2016 election magapedes couldnt help but to turn yet another thread into a "hurr muh degenerate liberals" whinefest. I don't care if youre conservative, liberal or a horsefucker. This is a cooking board, at least keep the shitposts relevant to food. This site is worse than it was during chanology with the moral and ideals shitshow on every board.

>> No.11696746

In a libertarian paradise all meat would be sold this way and the free market, through people being poisoned by rancid horse meat, would naturally work itself out.

>> No.11696754

>on topic
>picture of a trollbait t-shirt in a thread that's ostensibly about meat
Never pick an image more interesting than your subject, newfag. Don't expect anyone to believe you're not one of the mobilepost invasion if you can't even figure out the most basic principles of 4chan

>> No.11696756

Not my thread, retard.

>> No.11696762

Sure it isn't. And you don't have tattoos either, you're just defending people's right to "self expression" or something.

>> No.11696768

Yep i said that. Great reading comprehension.

>> No.11696789

As long as they're honest, sluts are fine. Upstanding, even.

>> No.11697025

>'possum in a tree' mentality
What a surprise.

>> No.11697046

This guy got his gf stolen by a dude with tats

>> No.11697050


tattoos have always been the norm

>> No.11697052


>> No.11697055


look at this 4channel bitch. calling people newfags. reciting 'rules for posting threads'. talking some meme junk about cellphones. refers to 'the most basic principles of 4chan' (on 4channel)

what a fuckin faggot, i could beat you up and also you're a virgin an i have an higher IQ for sure.

>> No.11697066

>scribbling on people is degenerate

>> No.11697068

Suzanna looks fuckable. And you know she's dumb enough that you can talk her into anal.

>> No.11697072

>Have you ever bought meat, from a door to door meat salesman?
I've been offered about 4x, and I know people years ago who did buy it and raved about it, but c'mon. At some point in your life you believe the phrase "a sucker is born every minute" but may not understand that dealing with fringe persons exposes you to ....them. Just say no and be about your way. If you want food delivered to your house, you seek it out to be delivered from reputable businesses. If you wish to stock up on meat, you shop big warehouses like Costco or go directly to farms and hunters, and get a deep freezer. You never answer your door to strangers selling you crap. Ever. It's the oldest book in the game.
Who is knocking on your door to blacktop your driveway? Desperate people and criminals that already know are breaking the law. People trying to scope out later targets (yea, they have only 2 cars and both work as teachers, so never home during the day, oh yea, there was a grand piano, and lots of knick knacks of value, oh yea, there was a hawt young daughter). I'm telling you that if you deal with gypsies, you expose yourself to them. People come on your property also to fake slip n falls, while cutting your trees back, or pressure cleaning your driveway, and then they'll go after the liability on your home owner's policy and sue your ass. You policy with settle, because you likely are underinsured and no umbrella protection worth fighting for, so you'll be at fault. Screw them over and find your tires slashed for weeks. Stolen goods aren't necessarily stored properly or as fresh as it's labeled. It can be from diseased animals, or been recalled, or dumpster dived.

Just say no.

>> No.11697131

Yeah, I have a couple dogs that I've trained to chase people ferociously w/o biting and I just send them after those fucks. I do it to the hypocrite bible thumpers who come around, too. Hilarious as hell to see the absolute terror in their eyes as they run to beat hell back to their vehicles.

>> No.11697243

Whenever a sketchy salesman is being persistent, and I know they're sketchy, I google their company right in front of them on my phone.
Usually it comes up with no valid results or people outright complaining they got scammed.
Then I love to see their face when I show them, usually they say some shit like

>"sir, I have hundreds of loyal customers and only a few that don't like us"

But then you have the upperhand so you can say you're not comfortable and don't like their public image so you won't be purchasing.

>> No.11697248

The bible thumpers are fun to talk to though. It's hilarious when they figure out that the filthy heathen they are talking to knows the bible better than they do.

>> No.11697264

I was visiting family in Croatia on 1 of the islands and there was a truck driving around ringing it's bell. I was like, "ice cream, ice cream!!!". My aunt laughed and was like, that's a meat truck. I was kinda surprised. She said that it helps gives additional variety and so people don't have to drive so far to an actual store towns over

>> No.11697269
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>> No.11697496

You forgot soybitch youtube "chefs."

>> No.11698024

Her dad is. Fucked the whore right into her

>> No.11698149


>> No.11698289

in rural korea there are trucks that go around doing the opposite, saying bring out your goats and dogs. they will pay you for them and slaughter and butcher them themselves and sell the meat somewhere else.

>> No.11698347

While you studied the Bible....I studied the blade

>> No.11698382

Fuck off pol

>> No.11698426

I was roped into the speaker scam but as a salesman. My boss asked me to drive to a warehouse in Baltimore to pick up speakers and they were all weird off brand names. I filled up a small uhaul with speakers for about 500 dollars and had to go along with the crack head salesman to parking lots selling the speakers out of a white work van. He actually sold a few pairs in the Best Buy parking lot. I quit that day but kept my original job delivering moonbounces to parties. Never buy speakers from a guy who says he has extras from an installation job

>> No.11698653

i've seen this exact meat truck. surprisingly, people were lined up buying this stuff
>we use non diseased meat from diseased animals
on a similar subject, has anyone bought from omaha steaks? if so, are they legit?

>> No.11698694

what in the FUCK is a possum in a tree mentality?

>> No.11699156

nobody cares
honestly what is with you normalshits and your constant need to mention your worthless opinions
and no, I don't have any tattoos nor do I want any

>> No.11699198

funny thing about that shirt is that youd have to be a bigger douche bag than the tattooed

>> No.11699202


>> No.11699883
File: 47 KB, 750x720, 1539785999827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom bought my meat

>> No.11700320

What the hell is "fake meat?"

>> No.11700341
File: 131 KB, 800x890, 1546270826886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shady salesman is a scam artist.
Who would have thought?

>> No.11700506

I don't see any scam here, those look like steaks.

>> No.11700535

You mean a bounce house.

>> No.11700539

Sure... Bootlicker

>> No.11701353
File: 78 KB, 486x474, 1488936103490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is she? Some instagram model?

>> No.11701387

>other people should pay for some retard's stupidity

>> No.11701682

Yeah she seems gullible as fuck like porn movie character tier.

>> No.11702151
File: 2.42 MB, 1475x1475, whelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like how they look

>> No.11702292
File: 122 KB, 600x699, 1422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with his t-shirt, but I would NEVER have the balls to wear that in public. Kudo's to him.

>> No.11702297

And can confirm, they were really good. Which is to be expected from any dry aged steak (the best, and frankly only way anyone should really be eating steak.)

>> No.11702312

unironically based

>> No.11702723

What's that mark on the inside of his right calf?

>> No.11702739

You actually expect me to read all that shit?

>> No.11702751

>buy trump steaks
>receive trump steaks
What's the scam?

>> No.11702767


>> No.11702928

But I love sluts (so long as they use protection and get tested regularly). They make dick happy.

>> No.11702934


>> No.11702950

>hey, lets go buy up a bunch of average meat on the cheap from Sysco and brand it with the Trump stamp of approval and charge outrageous prices for it
>hey, guys, if you eat it well done, smothered in ketchup, it's really good.
>oops, it lasted 2 months
Apparently, people were a lot smarter in 2007 than now.


>> No.11702969

You've obviously never had a slut before. There's a reason why the expression "practice makes perfect" exists.

>> No.11702983


>> No.11703009

>I'm sleeved up
whew what a faggot

>> No.11703034

Never seen a meat truck but I have seen the seafood trucks a lot(the ford ranger with a top open fridge). Kinda odd considering I'm not near an ocean.

>> No.11703224

My ice cream man sells us meat and it's pretty damn good. He carries shit you can't get at the store like venison, quail meat and pheasant. Shit is cash.

>> No.11703310

Nah, he's right. The wildest fuck I ever had was an evangelical preacher's daughter who was known to be the town nympho, and was a literal wildcat in bed.

>> No.11703508

based, MAGA bitches

>> No.11705128



>> No.11705251

Nothing comparable, in pedophilia there is a victim which is the child, and that's the real problem. There is no victim when doing a tatoo

>> No.11705337

Don't jokes all too often contain a nugget of truth though?

>> No.11705349

Sure. Everyone is kind of a scumbag or slut.

>> No.11705384

i hope you die a horrible and painful death :)

>> No.11705405

mayocide cant come fast enough

>> No.11705409

Lots of butthurt ITT :^)

>> No.11705430

To rub in that our choices are better.

>> No.11705565

Did he have an irish or strange sounding name, because if he did it was probably a gypsy or a traveller
>I know your in America but they have them there they're just not in Europe

>> No.11705764


>> No.11705806

>With The economey diwndleing down to nothing everyone is looking for fool proof ways to make money
>Selling Frozen Food products door to door is probally the easiest sales career I have ever been involved in
>This is a business you can take anywhere, and it really doesn't cost alot of money up front to start.

Literally how is this a thing

>> No.11706243

LMAO @ virtue-signaling conservatives

>> No.11706259

Nice coping

>> No.11706318

it's only bad if libtards do it.

>> No.11706852


based t-shirt, tats are for degenerates

beat them at their own game, based af

>> No.11706935

:^) >>11706243

>> No.11706961

99% of people who use that term joyfully slurp corporate or government dick

>> No.11706989 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 703x613, report all posts complaining about pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look it's the retard who derails threads by false flagging as someone from /pol/
moved on to trump have we?

>> No.11707159
File: 335 KB, 464x310, Thread-Derailed-At-First-Post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you use that image OP? Did you want to derail your own thread? Surely you must have known what was going to happen

>> No.11707185

Never heard of that in Canada. It's weird. Nice shirt. Also who the fuck are these losers bringing politics into this out of nowhere? Sounds like butthurt r3ddit commies triggered by /pol/ and taking it out on bystanders. Remember to report.

>> No.11707272

I can hear it

>> No.11708237

So much hatred and bigotry towards tattooed people, must be miserable to feel hate towards people with tattoos because everyone has them these days

>> No.11708266
File: 1.10 MB, 371x209, trigd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone in your low class circle perhaps.

>> No.11708312

:^) >>11706243

>> No.11708440

When it comes to great steaks, I've just raised the stakes. The Sharper image is one of my favorite stores with fantastic products of all kinds. That's why I'm thrilled they agree with me. Trump steaks are the world's greatest stakes, and I mean that in every sense of the word. And the Sharper image is the only store where you can buy them. Trump steaks are by far the best tasting most flavorful beef you've ever had, truly in a league of their own. Trump steaks are five star gourmet, quality that belong in a very very select category of restaurant, and are certified Angus beef prime. There's nothing better than that. Of all of the beef produced in America, less than one percent qualifies for that category. It's the best of the best! Until now you could only enjoy steaks of this quality in one of my resort restaurants or America's finest steak houses, but now that's changed. Today through the Sharper image, you can enjoy the world's greatest steaks in your own home, with family, friends, anytime. Trump steaks are aged to perfection to provide the ultimate in tenderness and flavor. If you like your steak, you'll absolutely love Trump steaks. Treat yourself to the very very best life has to offer. And as a gift, Trump steaks are the best you can give. One bite, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. And believe me, I understand steaks, it's my favorite food, and these are the best.

>> No.11708942

i wouldn't sleep with a slut but this

if ur gonna slut it up own up to it

>> No.11709184

Didn't know so many low class people posted here

>> No.11710519

This is why newfags like you are encouraged to lurk more before you post.

>> No.11711064

trump steaks are actually good, way better than omaha or similar. Many high end steak houses use them coupled with sous vide. Not that /ck/ would ever eat at a place like mortons or delmoicos anyway.

>> No.11712277

>have vehicle
>have cooler
>buy meat
>drive around selling meat at a markup
A guy in my town has a 16 foot trailer converted hold multiple coolers that he parks in the lot of an empty building and sells seafood out of it. It's actually pretty good seafood as he purchases direct from the processing companies in the morning.

>> No.11712464

>Trump Steaks is a discontinued brand of steak and other meats that was owned by businessman, reality television host and later US President Donald Trump. The brand was launched in 2007 and was exclusively sold through The Sharper Image[1] and QVC.[2][3] Trump Steaks failed to sell well through The Sharper Image, which discontinued sales of the product line after two months.[4]

>As of April 2016 the only place the steaks can still be purchased is at Trump's various properties.[17]

They are literally choice grade steaks, the same level walmart sells, lol!


>> No.11712556

You link clearly states the steaks were prime-graded.

>> No.11712713

Where? It was a massive failure after 2 months because it was choice grade at high-end prime prices - literal PT Barnum shit.

>> No.11713382

how can one man be so based?

>> No.11713393

You can see the edge of a tattoo just above is right ankle.

>> No.11713448

Someone on a Reddit darknet forum literally sent me $650usd just because I told him I had good drugs. I did not.