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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11689662 No.11689662 [Reply] [Original]

Which peanut butter is healthier?

>> No.11689668

isn't it generally cancerogenic due to the processing?

>> No.11689676

Right: it has less additives and higher brotein

>> No.11689686


>> No.11689703

left is literally toxic
>oil blend (wtf? peanuts already have oil)
>flaxseed (high in phytoestrogens, same as soy)

all you want to see in peanut butter is just peanuts and salt if desired. No hydrogenated palm oil or whatever else bullshit they add in to not let the natural peanut oil separate

>> No.11689717

>being afraid of flax
Fucking yikes to the tenth power.

>> No.11689721

no matter what u think about phytoestrogens why would you want it in your peanut butter? dont sell me shit i didnt ask for

>> No.11689724

Left has added sugar
afaik flaxseed oil is actually good for you though. Not sure about palm oil, I just know that people want it banned cuz of the enviroment

>> No.11689725

never eat flax if you are male

>> No.11689726

I'm not arguing that, I'm just saying you're a gigantic floppy pussy if you're too stupid to understand science (despite what you sponged up from the autists over on /fit/).

>> No.11689731

>thinking science can never be wrong

just 50 years ago they pushed for a high carb low fat diet that made americans into landwhales with diabetes

>> No.11689739
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Yeah, and you're basement NEET ass is ahead of the game, right? Holy fuck you're retarded.

>> No.11689748

teddies crunchy all day my dude

>> No.11689749
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The biggest change in diet from ~50 years ago is fat (via cooking oils, aka fast food), not carbs.


>> No.11689751

stop being so triggered you soyboy. Go ahead and eat all the flax and soy that you like, since apparently you have so much faith in (((science))) that phytoestrogens are okay to consume. You have no counterargument besides calling people retarded? great debate

why would you want shit additives in your food?

>> No.11689752

>demands a counterargument
>has no argument

>> No.11689759

your argument is literally trust science without thinking or reservations . The same industry which used to sell cigarettes as healthy in the 1940s. You are a sheep.

>> No.11689771

Your argument is you heard from some autist somewhere on the internet that you should be a blubbering pussy about food. The same site that sucks Donald's cock and idolizes trannies and faggots. You are a sheep.

I can do this all day, fuckstick.

>> No.11689778

Store bought 100% PB is nasty. If you want that, make your own pb out of roasted peanuts.

Go with the more processed peanut butter (the one on the left) it will taste better and last longer.

>> No.11689779

you have anger issues. Maybe you should eat less poison soy. Ranting like a blue haired NPC, kek

>> No.11689780

I wouldn't mind an additive to stabilize peanut butter if it wasn't an oil. I don't really know anything about food processing, but I would think there would be something inert that could keep it from separating without changing the nutrition.

>> No.11689785

>taste better
but natural peanut butter tastes great
>last longer
I eat it in 1 or 2 days, so no issue there

>> No.11689789

dont touch flax my man

using your knife to stir it takes like 5 seconds

>> No.11689790

>still no argument
>more ad hom
Come back when you're out of 8th grade.

>> No.11689791

>but natural peanut butter tastes great
not store bought. it tastes pretty rancid, acually.

>> No.11689795

you need to go back

>> No.11689803

>no point
Try again.

>> No.11689813

right becos the left is filled with junk
generally the less ingredients (less processed) is better for you

>> No.11689830

Extremely hot take

>> No.11689837

>using your knife to stir it takes like 5 seconds
>implying that shit ever mixes properly

>> No.11689840

the differences between them are minuscule, just pick whatever one tastes better

>> No.11689848


oy vey its just some trans fats and sugar and estrogen, you dont like that? it taste good

>> No.11689870

Pretty sure right is teddy bear, literally my go to peanut butter

>> No.11689874

Oh look, retard's back.

>> No.11689909


>Flaxseed is the richest dietary source of lignans, a type of phytoestrogen. A phytoestrogen is a plant nutrient that is somewhat similar to the female hormone estrogen. Due to this similarity, lignans may have estrogenic and/or anti-estrogenic effects in the body.

>has so much plant estrogen a fucking breast cancer website has to include a page advising consumption of it

what do you think it does to the male body?

>> No.11689912

>teddy bear,
yeah that pb tastes terrible... try other brands some time.

>> No.11689922
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>1 ingredient vs multiple ingredients
The jar with one ingredient. Teddy is the brand on the right and it's amazing for PB too. Also look at these /fit/-tier broscience paint huffers thinking flax seeds are going to turn you into a tranny
News flash retard/s you get multiple times more phytoestrogens and cancerous materials from any animal product from meat to eggs to milk. Multiple times the amount compared to something like soy or flax seed. I dont know who honestly likes gross shit like soy but 2-3tbsp of ground flax seed is a solid alternative to fish oils for daily omega/dha.

>> No.11689931

>found the vegan ranting about meat

>> No.11689933


>> No.11689956

>and/or anti-estrogenic
>in cited studies effect was noticed ON WOMEN at 30g of flax supplementation PER day, or close to 5 tablespoons
>most other phyto-estrogen studies have been conducted in women, specifically those with cancer, for their beneficial effect
>no conclusive studies to date that show or even suggest negative effects of phyto-estrogens in males
>leafy greens, grapes, and other plant-based healthy foods can balance flax's or soy's POSSIBLE effect on androgen receptors in men

Forest for the trees, you fucking goon. It's like you're trying to be fucking retarded. Use your noodle instead of being a drone, you're literally as ignorant about nutrition as an anti-vaxxer is about vaccinations.

>> No.11689957

the one on the right is slightly healthier but the on on the left will taste better due to extra sodium (and probable msg)

both may contain traces of nuts tho so watch out for that

>> No.11689961

>afaik flaxseed oil is actually good for you though
Nigga you dumb

>> No.11689974

>leafy greens, grapes, and other plant-based healthy foods can balance flax's or soy's effect on androgen receptors

>have to eat extra shit just to repair the damage phytoestrogens does to the body
>my sides. jpg

you know instead of going through all this yes-no-maybe you can just AVOID eating that shit and save yourself the headache

>> No.11689978

Oh I forgot, your fatass probably lives on fast food and tendies. Which leads me to my next question: why do you care about phytoestrogens when you've got bigger tits than most chicks anyway?

>> No.11689981

Teddy's I eat it everyday

>> No.11689984

nice strawman
>hurr durr you must be fat and unhealthy!

>> No.11689991

>you know instead of going through all this yes-no-maybe you can just AVOID eating that shit and save yourself the headache

like lactose? but lactose intollerant people are inferior!!

>> No.11689993

.... what?

what are you even saying?

>> No.11689995



>> No.11689996

>never presented an argument in the first place
kek, imagine being this retarded.

>> No.11689999

nigga, flax has female hormones

>> No.11690004

people who are lactose intollerant get shit on as having ""inferior genes"".

kind of annoys me

>> No.11690012

you already lost the argument and went to talk about fast food and tendies when this thread is about peanut butter

>> No.11690014

>brainwashed retard detected

>> No.11690020

if you have that, yes, you are genetically inferior, thats what inferior means, aka 'not as food'

>> No.11690025


>> No.11690026

imy adult form has evolved

>> No.11690036

combining foods for better absorbsion is nothing new.

lactose needs to be combined with lactase, fructose needs to be combined with sucrose, curcumin is absorbed 1000 times better when comined with piperine, etc. so combining flax with spinach should be considered fairly normal. like milk in coffee or cream in carbonara.

it's just what you do.

>> No.11690125

based retards!
>dont eat these nuts because i heard unga phytoestrogens bad for men
>says nothing about animal products which will actually give you gross man titties
If you're going to try to stop people from eating healthy amounts of flax seed because you're so scared of phytoestrogens then clearly you would steer clear of animal products too, right? Probably not so please don't give others misinformed nutrition advice. Please also ignore that daily consumption of 2-3 tbsp of ground flax seed has over twice the benefit to blood pressure compared to any combination of statin drugs.

>> No.11690151

Jesus christ, you really are stupid

>> No.11690179

>calls someone stupid
>is scared of imaginary harm
kek, ironic

>> No.11690207

No. You're stupid because you don't know how to read

>> No.11691024

eating a spoonful of flax is like chugging down a gallon of soy milk

>> No.11691076

Almost everything presents the potential for negative effects, you chucklefuck. Do you avoid hot beverages for fear of oral/throat cancers? Have you sworn off sun exposure, getting your vitamin D from pills? How confident are you that the binders in said pills are free of any side-effects? Have you sworn off food with any sort of browning, due to the carcinogenic potential of acrylamide?

>> No.11691095

the stuff on the right by about 100000x

>> No.11693143

whoa what brand is the right one?

>> No.11693163

>added oil
>palm oil


>> No.11693164
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Teddie. It's pretty cheap too. A 16oz jar costs about $3.

I don't know if it's available outside New England, but you can get it on Amazon.