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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11687810 No.11687810 [Reply] [Original]

Okay. So my dad made a beef pot roast (I think). I was drunk at the time but he told me to put it in our slow cooker tomorrow at 10-11AM on LOW. I didn't listen right and put it on today at around 7-8am and it was on until like 2pm when I texted him asking him when he wanted it put on. So today he's like "yeah put it on at like 10-11am tomorrow." So I panicked and put it in the fridge to cool down, then after a few hours, then I wrapped it in plastic (like he did) and put it in a better fridge(maybe a freezer) (that he put it in).

So my question is this: Tomorrow, what time should I put this shit back in the slow cooker? Please I am drink again and I am kinda panicking so fast answer would really help.

First time posting on /ck/ so I am sorry if I have broken any rules. I can probably post pictures of this shit if it is absolutely necessary but I'm about 250ml in to some vodka and I worry I'll drop it and ruin everything. You're the only guys I can ask please help fast.

>> No.11687818

Sorry I should add I am about 10 hours away from when I should put this in the slow cooker. Depending on how much more I drink I am probably aat most 5 hours away from falling asleep.

Jesus Christ please help /ck/

>> No.11687848

For me its the McChicken.

>> No.11687855

Jesus Christ hold it together faggot. Take a chunk of beef out of the fridge and cut a piece off of it. Taste it. Does it taste fully done? If so, you just need to warm it fully through. If it’s still tough you will probably want a few more hours.

>> No.11687857

The first step is accepting god

>> No.11687860

This. stop drinking,OP.

>> No.11687870

thank you Anon I will try this

>> No.11687871

What this guy said. Assuming you have a big slab of beef, I'd stick a skewer through it myself to see the consistency. How big is the meat?

>> No.11687878
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>a better fridge(maybe a freezer)

>> No.11687881

It has already been cooking for about 6 hours so I'd say that it's pretty much done and just needs to be reheated. That said, I think it would be a good idea to start it again around lunch time (close to what your father says) and let it reheat/finish cooking slowly. Maybe add some more liquid.

Good luck and get help for your other thing too.

>> No.11687888
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Okay so I took it out and it looks like this. So I just cut some off and see if it looked cooked/tastes cooked?

Ahhh I am srsly freaking out now. It looks ruined or something

>> No.11687895

I think it tastes pretty cooked. So I should text dad when he'll be home anf put it on like an hour before he is home?

>> No.11687900

Yes cut some meat off and taste it. Try to get an idea if it’s edible/tastes ok. The amount of fat here + the pull away from the bone looks like everything is fully rendered and you will just want to warm through.

>> No.11687908

Thank you so much Anon. How long so you think warming it with the slow cooker will take?

>> No.11687914

Yes. Maybe go two hours if on low heat and add a half cup of water to make up for prior evaporation. Try to get liquid covering the meat or flip them over when it starts to loosen up.

>> No.11687917

It's fucking ruined. Your dad is going to kill you when he gets home!

>> No.11687922

Better move out now before he gets home to see this. Don't look back!

>> No.11687928

I’d say there are 50/50 odds it comes out better than usual as sometimes slow cookery is best on day 2.

>> No.11687930

Yeah I know he's got it sorted now so it's time to have some fun with it.

>> No.11687932

maybe if you weren't drunk you wouldn't have been in this messy situation!

>> No.11687933

Thank you so much Anon. You've really helped. You are a hero. Thank you. Thanks a lot.

>> No.11687934

yor dun for m80

>> No.11687939

>tfw your dad browses 4channel
Wait until I get home young man!

>> No.11687944

As long as you add water anyway. I spent nearly 15 quid on some good meat and fell asleep drunk and woke up to charcoal and the flat fucking stunk.

Anon, looks good, just make sure you get the meat submerged later, maybe start on high to melt that fat. Now txt your dad, set a few alarms and go lay down.

>> No.11687953

>add 1/2 cup if water
>flip/submerge the top most meat
>do this 2 hours before dad is home

Thanks a lot /ck/ you guys responded much faster than I thhought you would.

Will the fat not melt unless it is on a higher heat?

>> No.11687965

idn't recommend laying down because OP is drunk as fuck rn.

>> No.11687985

It melts either way but only starts “working for you” when melted, so starting high until melted maximises “workng for you” time. But either high or low is fine as long as covered. But I agree with that poster, high to melt, flip/submerge, switch to low is ideal.

>> No.11687989

Don't worry Anon. I'll need over 500ml to actually get silly, 250ml and I'm probably a normal person. Don't even think I'm joking, my family, work-mates, therapist and friends think I am great at 250.

>> No.11689767

Oi knobhead, how did your whadja'ma'fuck knows turn out?

>> No.11690600

>How big is the meat?
About 7 inches.

>> No.11690909
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>> No.11691379

Just decided to come back and say it turned out well. It wasn't beef but pork ribs, we ate them with BBQ sauce.

>> No.11692235


>> No.11693087

>mummified beef roast
Don't drink and cook, it will go wrong in some way 80% of the time.

>> No.11693118
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>mummy meat submerged in cum

dude wtf

>> No.11693583
File: 99 KB, 1200x1200, ED87718B-DC78-44E0-A595-B6B308E3600A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no OP is gonna get spanked by daddy

>> No.11694817

Is this what alcoholism looks like