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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 521x588, FFB7A255-5206-4445-B41F-6AA847FBE944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11682393 No.11682393 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll have a glass of liquid fat and sugar thanks!

>> No.11682395

Haha fuck off nigger milk is delicious. Too bad your inferior genes can't handle it.

>> No.11682402

>nigger milk

>> No.11682413
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>> No.11682418

>macros are bad
>i live on vitamin pills alone

>> No.11682420

Humans are the only thing on earth that drink the milk of another animal. Think about that.

>> No.11682422

We're also the only animals on earth that shitpost on 4channel.org

>> No.11682425
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O rly?

>> No.11682476

Humans are the only thing on earth. Think about that.

>> No.11682481

humans are earth, think about.

>> No.11682672

that's fucking deep, man. Pass me the blunt.

>> No.11682695

Wow, I guess I'd better go out and start raping females, trying to kill men who come onto my territory, and slaughtering babies if I don't like how they smell. Gotta be more in touch with nature.

>> No.11682709

I love dairy products, cheese, cream etc, but I've never seen the appeal in drinking milk. Unless it's really fresh it just tastes nasty too.

>> No.11682710

Lactose is better for you than refined sugar. It also has good protein too. It's a pretty balanced food, just have to watch the calories since it's like 150 calories per cup.

>> No.11682723

>1% milk is 99% sugar

>> No.11682729

>whole milk is 100% fat

>> No.11682732

my cat wants a word with you (i trained him to talk)

>> No.11682734


>Some species of ants farm aphids, protecting them on the plants where they are feeding, and consuming the honeydew the aphids release from the terminations of their alimentary canals. This is a mutualistic relationship, with these dairying ants milking the aphids by stroking them with their antennae.

>> No.11682736


there's plenty more if you actually look

>> No.11682738

then what's the other stuff? OP says that milk is just fat and sugar.

>> No.11682741

That's not milk though, it's aphid poo.

>> No.11682744

bears will eat bee milk (honey)

>> No.11682754

Only because we're the only ones with the genes giving us the ability to digest it till old age. At least human proper. Don't be sad, we do our best to act like your kind counts as human as well.

>> No.11682782

based thing poster

>> No.11682795
File: 174 KB, 618x316, poor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much brownskin jealousy in this thread. Sorry nonwhites, we evolved beyond you and now we get to drink delicious sugarfat without getting sick.

>> No.11682807

I think like 15% of white populations are still lactose intolerant while 15% of nonwhite populations aren't and can drink it without problems.

Even some white people think milk is bad for you because they bought into the "it's unnatural" propaganda while ignoring all the other "unnatural" shit they do.

>> No.11682809

I can never tell who's joking and who isn't, do wh*teoids really believe that nobody else can drink milk without dying?

>> No.11682819

It's part of the racialist ideology here, they have to invent """superpowers""" for whites or else the whole thing falls apart.

>> No.11682825

Sometimes what you really need is a bit of fat and sugar to supplement your diet with. And it's absolutely wonderful in almost anything to do with baking.

>> No.11682831

White people are much more likely to be able to digest lactose properly, but it's a little more complicated than that. Not every nonwhite is lactose intolerant, and even lactose intolerant people can drink a cup or so without having problems.

There are also places in India, Africa, and Asia with dairy cultures too, it's not just a European thing.

>> No.11682832

Milk is full of nutrients, great for brain and body, and it helped us evolve from Savannah-dwelling apes into civilized man, while the Africans stayed the same. It's also what makes our former slaves so big and fast. Insectile races like the Indians and the Asians don't get that nutrition so they're small and ugly. Whites are truly God's creation perfected.

>> No.11682842

>appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.11682844

>the veganigger made a new thread
Aww, poor baby was so buttblasted he had to keep the conversation going.

>> No.11682850

Indians consume a lot of dairy, actually. They use a ton of ghee in cooking, have a specific kind of cheese that's good for cooking, yogurt drinks, etc.

>> No.11682859

Ghee and cheese don't have lactose, anon.

>> No.11682861
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*thinking emoji*

>> No.11682862
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That's all goat cheese and gross, though. Not good pasteurized cow's milk like we have.

>> No.11682867

>I'm just going to make up random shit
Did you know that chickens in Italy actually lay eggs with their mouths?

>> No.11682869
File: 27 KB, 187x204, Its+really+great+edit+_7648ec605f003f22e9fbd80ece9b7192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But goy, didn't you get the memo. Milk is now bad and racist!


>> No.11682873

Ghee is literally pure fat and cheese, at least most common sorts, don't have any relevant lactose anymore due to the process in which they have been made. Most cheeses in europe even advertise in beeing lactose free, pleb.

>> No.11682874

lol. you obviously don't know how silly you look right now

>> No.11682875
File: 64 KB, 640x360, 120109024832-india-singh-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the process in which they have been made
yeah, milk and acid, wow, magic! it destroyed all the lactose!

>> No.11682877
File: 88 KB, 474x696, 1531218615843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third worlders, what did you expect. That's one of the few things with which currynibbas can meme to be proper humans.

>> No.11682878

We're the only animals to do a lot of things, retard. That's what makes us better than every other animal.

>> No.11682880

t. butthurt italian chicken farmer

>> No.11682881

>imagine beeing that mentally challenged
>Milk from ordinary livestock is more than sufficient. Most of the problematic lactose is either removed or converted into more easily digestible forms during routine cheesemaking processes. “The cheesemaking process isn’t altered to make lactose-free a reality. It’s just part of the science of making [our] cheddar,” explains Nate Formalarie, communications manager for Cabot Creamery. For those with a dairy allergy, this unfortunately isn’t much use. However, for those who battle intolerance, there is a wide array of pungent, creamy, salty, crumbly and digestion-friendly cheese goodness out there. So go ahead, order the burger. Cheese yo’self.

Just fucking google it you, lactose intolerant insectoid.

>> No.11682887

Yes. Indians make cheese in the same way as "Cabot Creamery", whatever the fuck that is.

You've never been more than 30 miles from your birthplace, have you.

>> No.11682892
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>> No.11682899

I've been across most european countries, half of asia and north africa, living in most of them at least for a couple weeks.

The poit is that processed milk, like fat or cheese simply isn't the same thing lactose-wise. I know it directly from a couple friends, which can eat a shitton of cheese but will get the forst smelly shits after a cup of proper milk.

>> No.11682905

You obviously only ate at McDonalds

"Cheese" is an extremely broad concept, the chemical processes involved vary depending on how the... you know what? Why am I wasting my time. Just google "lactose cheese levels", you illiterate fool.

>> No.11682915

>You obviously only ate at McDonalds
Can you just stop making up shit? I haven't eaten at any fast food joint since my 8th birthday. Let alone that this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

>"Cheese" is an extremely broad concept
Ah, so we let the ghee slight under the table. Now you don't claim that ghee and cheese have lactose, only that a couple cheeses still ave some lactose.

You're making yourself look more retarded by the post.

>> No.11682922

>throwing out this many logical fallacies
This is called the gish gallop, you are trying to dilute the conversation with garbage and nonsense, you want to keep talking about Italian chickens laying eggs now?

Indians do not have bacterially aged cheese, you'd know this if you weren't an obese fast food addicted shut-in. Their cheese making process has absolutely zero impact on the lactose content.

>> No.11682941

>you are trying to dilute the conversation with garbage and nonsense
This has to be a joke, coming out of your mouth.
>muh McDonalds
>muh never been abroad
>muh chickenfarming
Your room temperature IQ is showing.

>Indians do not have bacterially aged cheese
That's not cheese, that's quark which has on average half of the lactose of the fresh milk, which goes out with the whey. Try again.

>> No.11682944

>paneer is quark
>it's not cheese unless I say it is
Imagine being so committed to your peculiar white supremacist theories that you need to change the definition of cheese

>> No.11682952

Instead of kvetching show me the lactose amounts of 100g Paneer or the other indian cheeses you mean. Easy peasy to show me how wrong I am.

Btw, the fewer worlds a population has for stuff, the lower their average IQ. Just something to jogg that nogging about.

>> No.11682964

How do you say "divide by zero" in retard?

The answer is infinitely more than the cave-aged cheeses you were using to push your agenda earlier, most of which are lactose-free.

>> No.11682968

i think you mean 'words'

>> No.11682972

You can never be too sure with these people, it probably means something special in his stormfaggot universe

>> No.11682975

>Paneer has a fairly high level of fat (22–25%) and protein (16–18%) and a low level of lactose (2.0–2.7%) (Kanawjia and Singh 1996).

Fresh cowmilk as an average of 4,8-5% lactose.

>> No.11682981

You have been shown wrong.
Butter, ghee and most cheeses have low to no lactose. Now stop kvetching and go poo somewhere.

>> No.11682987

I like how you're backsliding from "it has no lactose" to "well it has some ok but I don't consider it to be a large amount"

For the next round: "ok so it's enough to be a problem but I bet they don't eat it much"

>> No.11682991

>it keeps digging in
What are you trying to accomplish here? Because all you're doing is making yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.11682997

How about backslidding on that chickenfarm after claiming that ghee and all cheeses mean you are just as lactose tolerant as whites?

Also, learn to properly read for fucks sake:
>at least most common sorts, don't have any relevant lactose anymore due to the process in which they have been made

>For the next round: "ok so it's enough to be a problem but I bet they don't eat it much"
Lactose tolerance isn't just an off and on, retard. Everyone can consume different amounts of it. Most people on this planet can eat small amounts of lactose without problems. Otherwise non-whites would literally shit themselves to death living in europe and north america.

>> No.11682999

lactose intollerant people can eat cheese and butter

the second to you start projecting you lose by default. this was a pitiful performance by you.
try as you might, you were unable to save face.


>> No.11683004

And the backsliding continues, you're almost quoting my first post verbatim and acting like it's your own argument. Nice.

>No U

>> No.11683025
File: 1.50 MB, 631x8893, 1532007843833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kvetch kvetch
>no u
Thank God that the rising technologization will make you script and support monkey obsolete.

>> No.11683031

>it thinks I'm Indian
Is this why you're so angry? Some H1-B took your job? Maybe you shouldn't have sucked at it.

>> No.11683036

Does it really matter what kind of brown you are? I don't think so. Your reasoning and argumentation skills as well as the lack of previous knowledge on topics you want to discuss shows me that you are at least a honorary brainlet. You did it to yourself, now stop shitting up this thread with your inability to accept a defeat and grow from it.

>> No.11683047

Progress so far:
>They'll literally die if they consume dairy
>Well except that dairy but that dairy is lactose free
>Well it's not actually dairy in the first place it's something else
>Uhh I mean ok it's dairy but it contains less lactose than some other kinds of dairy
>Uh ok fine but ur a shitskin poo, also I never said any of that
>Uh ok I did say it but what I meant was something else
>Uh ok I did mean that but you're a shitskin poo, also I won ok?

I think we still haven't done "go back to rebbit" and "I don't have time for this", you want to cover those next or you got something else you want to do first?

>> No.11683049

not sure if denial or learning disability

>> No.11683062

>strawmaning and making up shit that hard to safe face
Those are my posts:
I've been saying from the start that most common cheeses and ghee don't have relevant amounts of lactose. You've been startng shit about McDonald and something about chickeneggs. I have been the only one proving my point with links or even studies.

You are simply unable to accept that someone else has shown you to be wrong. Me making fun of you beeing a brainlet and statistically speaking therefore non-white is just the cherry on top to make this whole thing worthwhile.

>> No.11683068

>Those are my posts:
So in other words, you did exactly as I described?

>> No.11683072

definitely a learning disability.

get help, dude.

>> No.11683075

Going for the "you're mentally ill" approach now, good deflect.

>> No.11683077

Is it just me, or is the room temperature falling?

>> No.11683078

You're writting with different people, all making fun out of you. Maybe something to think about.

>> No.11683080

Writting, yes. I'm starting to see why you couldn't hold your own against an H1-B.

>> No.11683081

>They'll literally die if they consume dairy
>Well except that dairy but that dairy is lactose free
>Well it's not actually dairy in the first place it's something else
>Uhh I mean ok it's dairy but it contains less lactose than some other kinds of dairy
>Uh ok fine but ur a shitskin poo, also I never said any of that
>Uh ok I did say it but what I meant was something else
>Uh ok I did mean that but you're a shitskin poo, also I won ok?
Quote me, retard. Come on, do it. I gave you all my posts.

>> No.11683085

Milk increases IGF-1, which (in large amounts) decreases GH.

>> No.11683087

I'm not american. If you would have processed my posts, you could have seen that I am european, so no H1-B. But it's amusing how subverting the law of your host nation is the only thing you can pick up as an insult. And you also outed yourself as a brownie.

>> No.11683088

See >>11683062

>> No.11683089

>subverting the law of your host nation
In your head, what do you think that means?

>> No.11683091
File: 78 KB, 680x723, Is+your+999999999+iq+failing+you+cuz+you+are+a+_7934c393ab66c4f835f6fb9837b7d506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I even trying, I should have known that animals can only communiate with humans on christmas.

>> No.11683095
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imagine arguing on the internet you bunch of fucking faggots lmao

>> No.11683114

>slaughter babies if I dont like how they smell
its natural for animals (or you?) to smell babies? I mean youd just be alpha for doing those other 2 things.

>> No.11683127

>building civilization isnt a superpower
>flight isnt a superpower
>nuclear weapons arent a superpower
>high explosives, automatic weapons, computers, vaccines, space travel, heart transplants arent superpowers
name one nonwhite superpower. Running fast?

>> No.11683194

If you see a vegan doctor... Be afraid, be very afraid


>> No.11683201

>>another fucking vegan faggotry thread...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSM4s12ULWs [

>> No.11683206

i also think your post is retarted

>> No.11683250

Vegans are Lions who were raised all wrong, and have rejected their own nature. Vegans are literally Lions who spend all their time kvetching about what the other Lions eat.


>> No.11683524

>durr the most basic components of caloric intake and biological sustenance are bad
This is b8, right?

>> No.11683548

you don't have to drink it
turn it into yogurt
it's easy.

>> No.11683553

vegans are just picky eaters whining about trivial first world problems

>> No.11683627

>glossing over 1 gram of protein per 1 fluid oz
Never gonna make it lad.

>> No.11684673

>posted from my asian designed and asian built iToy

>> No.11685972
File: 35 KB, 385x375, 1518538985583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, if cute girls would let me buy their breast milk or let me suck their tits I would, but as it is I'll stick to cow milk.

>> No.11685981

we're also the only species that stays in committed long-term homosexual relationships :-)

>> No.11685993

0.5 - 3% fat
2 - 5% sugar

>> No.11686025

> >>11683085

>> No.11686033

moths drink tears out of a cows eyes
ants drink they honeydew secreted by aphids, and even take it a step further where ants will raise them like livestock by carrying them around to new food sources for them so they can drink the secretion

so if you're going to nit pick and specifically harp on milk then you're being dishonest
>its ok when those animals drink the secretions of others, but not when you do it

>> No.11686146

My cat will do it if I leave a glass unattended.

>> No.11686169

>committed long-term homosexual relationships

Is that what hundreds of partners are to a homosexual?

>> No.11686173

humans are. think

>> No.11686174

Then what's the rest of it? Water isn't that expensive

>> No.11686186

milk is the only thing that gets drank from another animal. think about that!

>> No.11686220

I've got a secretion you might like to wholistically sample.

>> No.11686231

Sadly all he can say is meow.

>> No.11686244

>water isn't that expensive
You've lost me entirely anon. What does cost of water have to do with milk components?

>> No.11686444

>Humans are the only thing on earth that drink the milk of another animal. Think about that.

Humans are the only thing on earth to cook their food. Think about that.

Humans are the only thing on earth to use written language. Think about that.

Humans are the only thing on earth to have created vehicles that can reach outer space. Think about that.

Humans are the only thing on earth capable of advanced medical care. Think about that.

Humans are the only thing on earth that did a lot of amazing things. The ability to process lactose gave early humans a reliable, complete protein source throughout long winters and when food was otherwise scarce and it directly contributed to the successes of the Indo-European people. Your argument is silly and short-sighted. Think about that.

>> No.11686493
File: 129 KB, 272x519, HO_2015HG__LF_Whole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying the laughs here as i enjoy a cool glass

>> No.11686499

I can only imagine how testosterone-free you are

>> No.11686508

yea but there are 50 shades of meow, and each with a different meaning.

true story.

>> No.11686515

You know why that is? We have the ability to get it and animals don't. Put a bowl of milk out where an animal can get to it and it will be consumed. Even bugs will try to get some.

>> No.11686540

Humans are the only thing on Earth that do a lot of things. What's your point?

>> No.11686580

Alfa lions kill the offspring of beta lions.

>> No.11686587
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>Alfa lions

>> No.11686590


>> No.11686606
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>> No.11686617
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kek. you're thinking of an alfa romeo

but you're absolutely right about the alpha lions killing beta offspring.

>> No.11686622
File: 132 KB, 1000x842, helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being so committed to your peculiar white supremacist theories that you need to change the definition of cheese
The really funny thing about it is he's repeatedly used the Yiddish word "kvetch," meaning he's actually a jew roleplaying as a white supremacist.

>> No.11686636

Beta Lions never have offspring.

>> No.11686644

Alfa e alpha é como potato potato.

>> No.11686645

they may have been the alpha lion in another pride

>> No.11686657

>Even bugs will try to get some
Nah, that's just what happens to your mum, lol.

>> No.11686675

cucumbers are 80% sugar, really makes you think.

>> No.11686790

If sugar is water, yeah you're right.

>> No.11686816
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>> No.11686850

cucumber and candy is the same thing, really makes you think

>> No.11686859

Make sense fag and maybe it will offend someone

>> No.11687336

>not using kvetching ironically
Go back to plebbit.

>> No.11687423

this is the most sad cringey thread ive ever seen on this board

>> No.11688044

>he doesn't drink Luxury Milk

>> No.11688099

if it's only 8% fat and sugar, what makes up the liquid?

>> No.11688111
File: 66 KB, 501x598, milk-nutrients-graphic-crp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11688141

What kind of nerd orders milk in a restaurant / cafe anyway? If you were clever you'dmade the thread about that.

>> No.11688142

I stopped reading when the author used "thereby" twice in a sentence.

>> No.11688714


>> No.11688729

Modern smokeless powder was invented by an Italian.

>> No.11689248

>There are also places in India, Africa, and Asia with dairy cultures too, it's not just a European thing.

Lactose tolerance is only a thing in India, because, around 2,000 BCE (maybe earlier), various Indo-European tribes descended into the subcontinent and mixed with the indigenous Dravidian population. They can only drink milk because they are, technically, descendents of the historical Aryan people.

>> No.11689264

>I stopped reading when the author used "thereby" twice in a sentence.

If it helps, the author is being very tongue-in-cheek and it becomes clear that she feels that the "milk is racist" argument is ridiculous. She does explain where the idea comes from, but thinks that both sides (the racists who are claiming superiority because they can process lactose and the leftists who are crying that milk is a hate drink) are being stupid.

>> No.11689291

>We're the only animals to do a lot of things, retard. That's what makes us better than every other animal.

Thank you.

Why has the "humans do x; other animals can't to x; x, therefore, is unnatural and bad" become so popular? Everyone who does this is completely missing the irony that they're doing so through the use of written language and harnessed electrical currents which are then sent and can be accessed by anyone with a metal and plastic device, through wires or through the atmosphere, which translates it back into a written language which, despite the fact that we could be anywhere on the planet, can be understood, because the language is organized.

>b-but other animals don't DRINK milk!

Then strip naked and go live in a fucking tree, dipshit.

>> No.11689308
File: 52 KB, 600x604, ruretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says having more words in your language means you're smarter
>misuses and misspells so many words

wew lad

>> No.11689316


I can only imagine how many cocks you gobble. See i can shitpost too, yay!

>> No.11689321

I drank off my wife's titty yesterday, human milk is surgary as fuck.

>> No.11689322

>I’ll have a glass of liquid fat and sugar thanks!

One sentence.

Have you read through this thread? Have you seen all the hatred and vitriol you've incited? Do you feel any guilt, at all, for what you've done?

>> No.11689333
File: 19 KB, 491x488, 1490521860774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is my third or fourth language (speaking two completly different language families, two of those also known to be fucking autistic about their vocabulary). Don't epect me to give enough shits to bother spell checking on a taiwanese pizza spelunking forum.

Labeling things - and especially abstract contexts is a direct result from ones tribes intelectual capabilities. People which don't have concepts for things (for example "beeing on time") don't have words for those things. The more things you think and understand, the more words naturaly arise, and the more specific they get (that's how you get many different words for things barely differentiable in a country where said thing is very important).

And english is known to be one of the easiest languages on the planet (discounting obviously click sounds from africa). This is also one of the reasons why it got picked as the universal language and not german, which was together with french the main international language till the 20th century.

Next time keep in mind that trying to blame spelling when ou lack any other proper argument will ony bring shame on yourself - if you're even mentally able to feel self-critically.

>> No.11689337

Humans are also the only animal on earth that has went to the moon. Think about that

>> No.11689356

Humans are also the only species where some of them spend their entire lives kvetching and kvelling about what other members of the same species eat...


>> No.11689362

Shitty spelling isn’t a language barrier, it’s a dumbass barrier, if you grammatical or punctuation issues thatd make sense. You’re obviously just a fuckin dork

>> No.11689365

Nobody is going to watch your soon to be demonetized videos

>> No.11689366

>thinking his opinion matters


>> No.11689372
File: 557 KB, 224x199, ballert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reee take more effort on 4chins or I call you stubid
>t. amerigoblin salty about beeing found out

>> No.11689378

Lmao you wrote an entire essay for SHIT, bird brains

>> No.11689384

Hey what languages do you speak that's awesome.

>> No.11689388

Nah, enough people are lurking. All those now know what to look for and they will encounter this time and time again. Slowly but surely they will realise that those are facts, even if they despise this knowledge. If you post for some random shitskins which sill spend the next hours on here shitposting instead of celebrating the civilized worlds new year, you don't understand the power this medium has.

On that note, have a nice evening. Don't be too sad, one day you might get incarnated into a proper human.

>> No.11689393

None of these videos are mine. But they are hillarious


>> No.11689719

appeal to nature is not a fallacy, but the vegan is still wrong

>> No.11690095
File: 6 KB, 96x202, kefir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I love milk but prefer Kefir since the sugars in Kefir are broken down. I try to consume a lot of animal based fats and extra-fatty Kefir is great.

>> No.11690103


>> No.11690127

Look up 'lesbian lizards' and 'animal homosexuality' and try that again.

>> No.11690155

Humans. Think

>> No.11690170
File: 244 KB, 1374x884, 1542507576879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao gottem! upvoted

>> No.11690613

From the human cow

>> No.11690637

If you drink 2% milk it is perfectly balanced 33% of all three macros.

>> No.11690647

>And english is known to be one of the easiest languages on the planet

This is false. English is considered a very difficult language to learn, even moreso for speakers of distantly or unrelated languages.

>This is also one of the reasons why it got picked as the universal language and not german, which was together with french the main international language till the 20th century.

False, again. English is considered a "universal language" due to the far reach of the British Empire and the United States' globally influencing economy.

>Next time keep in mind that trying to blame spelling when ou lack any other proper argument will ony bring shame on yourself - if you're even mentally able to feel self-critically.

>misuses and misspells so many words
>wew lad

What a doofus.

>> No.11690660

>Hey what languages do you speak that's awesome.

I speak english, big latin, and ubbi-dubbi (i learnd it from watch zoom on pbs). With my sooperiour intellecet, I am able to pwn losers on 4chn.

>> No.11690676
File: 190 KB, 360x360, cats like milk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats will actively hunt for milk

>> No.11690724

When predators kill a lactating mother they usually drink the milk.

>> No.11690963

A- Vegans are all faggots

B- I found a very penetrating and insightful expose on milk and milk wrt veganism here it is...

>> No.11691236
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1540808250803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really make you think

>> No.11691259

Fuck off Ephemeral Rift.

>> No.11691476
File: 99 KB, 885x1280, 1532324362109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lactose intolerance chart looks the same as the average IQ chart, what's up with that?

>> No.11691634

Milk is heroin. Think about it.

>> No.11691635

is that pete hines

>> No.11691669

not drinking milk fuck off nigger

>> No.11691860
File: 48 KB, 492x449, 1484043411148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks english is diffucult for the maority of the civilized world which belongs to the same language family
And still english is one of the most easiest ones, due to very few tempus and easy systems of conjugating. This i a fact. The only difficult thing is the pronounciation, which is non-intitiv.

>due to the far reach of the British Empire
>can't understand the phrase "one of"

>It is possible to try giving a strictly linguistic explanation; it could be that English is a simple language which is relatively easy to pick up. English has no noun genders, no complicated morphology, no tone system, it is written in the Roman alphabet which is pretty good at accurately mapping sounds to symbols, and the prevalence of English-language films, TV, and music makes it readily accessible and easy to practise. However, English also has an extensive vocabulary, a highly inconsistent spelling system, many irregular verbs, some problematic sounds such as "th", and a large inventory of vowels which can make it difficult for non-native speakers to tell words apart. Arguments about which languages are easy or difficult to learn are ultimately circular, as the perception of what is easy and what is difficult to learn depends on the person doing the learning.
Learn to properly read.

>> No.11691885

This thread is making me want to drink a glass of milk for the first time in years

>> No.11691908

Update, just drank a glass of milk, 2%
It was good

>> No.11691911

>It was good
pick one

>> No.11691913

I knew someone would respond with that
I grew up my whole life with 2% so anything else doesn't taste right

>> No.11691963

Yeah that was a predictable response, it's okay if you prefer it. My parents always bought skim milk though and I hated it, and even 2% feels too watery to me. Wish it wasn't so hard to find whole fat yogurt too, dunno why they're almost all 0%.

>> No.11691968

They are 0% because so they can sell the fat as heavy cream. Just buy fresh grass fed full fat ones at 3,8% and make your own jogurt. Don't buy homogenised ones, only pasteurised.

>> No.11691973

>I knew someone would respond with that
>I grew up my whole life with 2% so anything else doesn't taste right
u should only drink skim milk. turn it into yogurt to make it even better. it's so easy with a water-bath on a hotplate to incubate yogurt, everyone should do it.

>> No.11691976

Skim milk is literal industrial trash only sold to women and retards to make even more profit. If you want to drink milk, drink proper milk not that sugar water without nutrients.

>> No.11691994

The only difference between 'sugar water without nutrients' and whole milk is that skim milk is missing a whole lot of fat as well as saturated fat.
All the nutrients are still in skim milk, without the empty fat calories that nobody needs nowadays, because our diets are already way too high in fat as it is.

>> No.11691999
File: 35 KB, 540x468, 1544922311307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empty fat calories
whole milk is only around 3% fat anyway, it's not a huge amount.

>> No.11692013

>what are fat soluble vitamins like Vit D and Omega 3
>muh sugar is better than fat
The problem with modern diets isn't fat, it's sufar and carbs, retard. That's why slaughter animals get feed corn and soy. Consuming animal fats is far essential to avoid actually industrial transfats. Your nutritional understanding in stuck in the 70s which has been one of the reasons why the obesiety epidemic only really took off in the first place. Fat and proteins keep you sated far quicker and far longer, while beeing harder to transform in body fat.

Stop beeing stupid. Whole milk is a full spectrum nutritional benefit, while skim milk is nothing but coloured water with sugars as the industrial trash to make high fat products.

>> No.11692021

>The problem with modern diets isn't fat, it's sufar and carbs
Maybe if you're talking about refined sugar and carbs. Milk has carbs from lactose, and fruit, whole grains, beans, etc. are okay. General problem is with overconsumption too and people stuffing themselves at every meal while snacking all the time.

>> No.11692028

True. I was obvisouyl speaking about refinde sugar and carbs as the memed base of the pyramid. But even than, fruits should be eaten in moderation, as they are perfect to gain weight before winter and all vitamins and minerals can be found in higher and better composition in vegs and meat. Personally I like to stuff myself, but than again I only eat once a day to get some fasting phases during the remaining day. The "three big meals plus in between snacks" really is retarded and fuels the world wide obesiety. At least for those not working in a fucking coal mine burning 5K kCal a day having trouble not loosing weight.

>> No.11692030

Inhuman and cringepilled

>> No.11692039

>perfect to gain weight
not sure about that. fat is most calorically dense. and all the fiber in fruit balances the sugar while making it harder to really overeat. problems with sugar almost never come from eating too much fruit unless you were doing some kind of extreme fruitarian diet.

>> No.11692055

Caloric density isn't really that important. Try eiting 3000kCal worth of sugar (eg Coke) and 3000kCal worth of fat (buttercream cake). You will see that your body will rather make you vomit than toconsume all that acces fat, while suga instantly goes into your blood, spikes your insulin and makes you crave even more sugar in a couple minutes while your body puts it first into your organs to store and if that's full (arund 60g) it goes right into filling and creating more fat cells.

There also is nealry no fiber in most fruits if you don't start eating oranges with the skin on. Of course sugar problems don'T come really from fruits, but that'S only because most westerners rarely eat fruit in the first place as other sources of sugar are far cheaper.

Again, sugar is no better than alcohol for your body - if not even worse. It only suits a few small uses and can be fully cut out of the diet thanks to gluconeogenesis. Humans literally don't need any sugar at all to be healthy,

>> No.11692066

I would vomit from 3k calories of sugar. I don't eat sugar often anymore although I have fruit, but last time I tried to drink a soda I felt really bad after. I can eat like 250g of cheese in one meal though.

>> No.11692078

Yeah, but that's your tongue beeing sensitised to sugar. take a normie consuming standard ready made shit which puts sugar even in meat and report back. Just watch some 600lbs life episode and what does people eat. It's mostly white flour (carbs and sugar), direct refined sugar in sweets and fast food with implemented sugar in the bun, meat and sauce. All fat which they consume comes mostly from industrial grade plant oils, mostly hardened (transfats). If you would count all their actual meat, egg and full fat dairy products you would understand why most fatties are internally starving.

Plus even you will be sated far longer on that cheese than on sugar, this is simple human metabolism. So even tho you just ate quarter of a cheese loaf (~900kCal), you will be sated till the evening or next day. Eat the equivalent of sugar, even in mutiple sittings and you will be graving more sugar or other food quickly afterwards, even if only to feed your insulin.

>> No.11692097

People routinely eat large amounts of fat without any issues.
Fat is a high calorie sludge that sits in the intestinal tract for a while before being digested, (because it first must be emulsified and broken apart by enzymes) so we can eat enormous quantities of fat before our body says 'no more.'
Fat is also highly inflammatory. Fat eaters suffer from all sorts of health problems as a result.

>> No.11692102

>Fat is also highly inflammatory.
My body is perfectly fine if I'm eating fatty food but sugar causes a ton of issues for me

>> No.11692105

>consuming fat equals body fat
Thank me for showing that you don't understand anything and your opinion can be dischaged. The 70s are calling and want their fat and cholesterol meme back.

>> No.11692106

Your gut will literally explode (mostly with non beneficial bacteria) while eating sugar, not while eating fat. Thats why we raise petri dish cultures in a sugar solution, not a fat one. Yeast infections will fuck you up and cause futher problems down the line, while fat worst case slimply gives you squeezy shits, as your body stops absobring them down the line.

>> No.11692113

>My body is perfectly fine if I'm eating fatty food but sugar causes a ton of issues for me
I doubt it. Try eating no fat at all, only starches. I bet you will have no problems at all. I suspect that it is the fat you are eating that is actually causing the problems. Fat globs in your intestinal tract really screw everything up.
refined sugar/liquid sugar is obviously not healthy and nobody is advocating a diet of this when we warn about the dangers of a high fat diet.

>> No.11692119

Dietary fat fills the gut with bile and other inflammatory enzymes. It's unhealthy and inflammatory. high fat diets cause cancer and arthritis.

>> No.11692120

>Try eating no fat at all, only starches.
I mostly did that when I was trying to figure out what the problem was. Starchy food is fine, I have no problem with grains and beans/legumes. Eating high sugar fruits just causes problems with my skin and makes me feel shitty in general.

Everyone is genetically different though and needs to find what kind of diet works for them. I'm fine mostly eating grains, dairy, veg, and small amounts of berries. Other people won't tolerate dairy and most grains. You can't make sweeping generalizations with diet.

>> No.11692123

Mutiple animals fats are necesary in high amounts to give enough nutrients like Omega 3 into ones diet. Your kid will literally come out retarded if you don't eat enough of them during preggo and growing phase.

Unessential starches which are know to cause mutiple problems not only due to higher modern gluten contents, FOTMAPS and ATI and their remodeling into simple sugars get memed due to their cheapness only. Seriously, fucking read up on the modern research, you are only spouting ancient pseudo.nutritional propaganda. The fucking food pyramid was made to sell useless corn to the populus.

>> No.11692125

>humans eat high protein/ high fat for millenia = perfectly healthy
>change to agriculture due to economics = shrink in height, evolve civilizational illnesses
Pre 60s people ate littel sugar and carbs, mostly staying with vegs and meat freid in massive amounts of butter or made with tons of whole milk and littel whole grains, post it they cut out fat and "cholesterol" and wala, people exploded in size.

>> No.11692137

>>humans eat high protein/ high fat for millenia = perfectly healthy
Early man had a max lifespan of around 40 years you brainwashed keto-tard
>change to agriculture due to economics = shrink in height, evolve civilizational illnesses
wrong. humans flourished when we farmed starches. Hunter gatherers are almost extinct. And our lifespans have doubled.

>> No.11692139

>Pre 60s people ate littel sugar and carbs
It was pretty common for people to eat a bowl of porridge for breakfast back then and bread every day with other meals. They just didn't shy away from meat and fat either, were more physically active, and also didn't have nearly as much refined sugar.

>> No.11692144

>Early man had a max lifespan of around 40 years you brainwashed keto-tard
Early man lived to around 60, high rates of child death are what drove the average down.

>> No.11692160

>Early man had a max lifespan of around 40 years you brainwashed keto-tard
>what is infant mortality
Imagine beeing that retarded and thinking your opinion matters.

>humans flourished when we farmed starches
Our archeological finds literally show how our stature and health fucked up. It was starvation food, due to climat changes and migration. It took till the 21 century of people to again reach that height. Just stop posting you mentally challenged cunt.

>> No.11692351

Does your comment cover pasturized milk, or just raw milk?

>> No.11692368

Considering that most of us don't live on a farm, getting raw milk is rarely safe, it's like raw meat - better but only if you actually can get it fresh. Pasteurized milk is the next best thing (only filtered out, due date mostly onyl a week in the future). Homogenised barely even milk (usually good to consume within two weeks). "Long shelf life" some frankensteinian abomination which tastes disgustingly sweet somehow and can last months in the cupboard.

Most grass feed benefitial additions are in the fat, so going low fat is wasting it and that just to avoi some 2-3% which is nothing in comparison to your normal diet.

>> No.11692384

Tks I'll try to find some milk that's not homogenized, I thought there were just two kinds of milk, raw and pasurized/homogenized. I Only buy whole milk

>> No.11692403

>I thought there were just two kinds of milk
1) Fat content. Skim, 2%, whole?
2) Pasteurized: No, yes, or UHT (ultra high temperature).
3) Homogenized yes or no?

>Pasteurized milk is the next best thing (only filtered out,
you are an idiot. Pasteurization is heating the milk to kill bacteria within. It has nothing to do with filtering. All milk is filtered.

>> No.11692411
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Nah, depending on where you live you can get them in the "eco/bio" shops or "Reformhaus" as we germans call it. If you can, I would additionally stick to glass bottles, as the tetra pack lining in soft plastic, which has been shown multiple time to leek into food and especially into fatty ones. I also think it tastes much nicer, somehow "cooler" in taste than the tetra pack ones. And don't be surprised, they do cost more on average. I can get 1L long shelf life for 0,60€, bottled grass feed pasteurised costs around 1,60-2€.

But it's really worth the price, especially the butter made out of such milk is fatty goodness.

>> No.11692419

My bad, not yet sober. Doesn't really make a difference, as it only get heated super shortly to reduce the bacteria. Having been able to drink raw tittie warm milk for years it makes the least difference. Plus the bacteria, due to only beeing reduced still grow back in the followig days, so it only pulls the clock back, so it can get transported to the consumer in time.

>> No.11692526

>he's not white

>> No.11692613

Thanks but I live in a state in the US where all healthy food is banned lol. (Along with everything else)

>> No.11692651

kek what?
Don't you have local farmers markets? Or at least some hipster shops selling local produce? Fight the goblinisation, anon.

>> No.11692670


You're a faggot. Think about that.

>> No.11692949

Oh yes delicious spoiled milk flavor just what the doctor ordered. This shit is horrible.

>> No.11692973

Fermented foods are actually very healthy, as it's a digestive step and gives you beneficial bacteria for your gut health. Know the difference, plep.

>> No.11693299
File: 88 KB, 841x553, 274671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking the liquid muslim

not even once lad

>> No.11693306

>fermented milk traditionally been consumed on all of europe and containing alcohol
Sneppy that necky.

>> No.11693321
File: 76 KB, 949x208, Skærmbillede 2019-01-01 kl. 20.39.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhm try again sweety

>> No.11693329
File: 63 KB, 1035x176, Skærmbillede 2019-01-01 kl. 20.41.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of burger education

>> No.11693338

>skythian home land
>not the land of our pre-aryan invasion forefathers
Imagine beeing that much of a brainlet.
The land has simply later been re-populated by muzzies, just like all of the mediteranean and nothern africa was european till quite recently. Kefir is one of the many natural development of raw milk.

>> No.11693339
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>> No.11693360
File: 45 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Scythians invented kefir.

kefir derives from kef, a persian word for foam.
you have the same intellectual capacity as a 15 year old

>> No.11693376

a drink has to contain 3% or more to be considered alcoholic

>> No.11693381

>not part of the indo-european invasion
>implying persians are muzzies
You do know that they hate muzzies probably more than your average scandinavian? Their fate is yours, Sven.

>> No.11693389

Thanks for the information, Memmet.

>> No.11693416
File: 86 KB, 780x521, joe-pera-talks-with-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"persia" became muslim in the year 650

you are mixing history together and deny obvious facts. saying that iranians hate islam and muslims is the dumbest thing i have heard today!
and im not a swedecuck.

kefir is a fucking muzzie shit drink that has nothing to do with europe

>> No.11693443

>"persia" became muslim in the year 650
So kefir only came about in the year 651 or later? Otherwise you're still wrong calling it a muzzie drink.

>saying that iranians hate islam and muslims is the dumbest thing i have heard today!
Do you even understand what "Persian" means?

>kefir is a fucking muzzie shit drink that has nothing to do with europe
Wrong, its simply fermented milk, something which happens naturally in a population of lactose tolerant people, which for the most part are caucasians and this evolved around 6000 years back, far before anything called Muhammed existed.

Kefir isn't muslim, you imply consider it that because you lack any historical or cultural knowledge even about your own country. It's pure cringe to see peopel bitch about shit like this. Its like bitching about hijabs, not knowing that for the laste couple tousand years, all women around the world nearly covered their hair when married.

>ib4 you'Re a muzzie
I'm a Polish ethno nationalist Catholic.

>> No.11693462

the first use of the word kefir was in 18hundredsomething you dumbass

we are discussing the particular drink kefir. not fermented milk beverages as a whole.

ok. so iran is not persian? iran=arya=aryan

>> No.11693472

>I'm a Polish ethno nationalist Catholic.

who fucking cares

>> No.11693488

Are now seriously implyng that kefir never existed before it has made it into the books of history? Kefir just liek all the other ways of fermenting milk arise naturall and are kept becaue it makes the milk last longer. The only reason we never heard of it is because the anglos only than got down there but still russians and many other slavs (purest indo europeans still alive due to R1a) used it and us it still.

Iran is a political and religious state which oppresses the ethnically different persian minority trying to convert them to islam or kill them off. That's why the hate muzzies beyond pretty much anything else.

Just stop it, you sound like a uneducated american at this point.

>> No.11693497
File: 77 KB, 645x729, y2uNb2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>kefir is the same as Lyntyca

>> No.11693515

>persians wich represent 61% of the population are not muslims and are being repressed

yes im the idiot here

>> No.11693525

>germans which represent the majority in germany aren't oppressed and made to submit to invasice species
>americans which are the majority aren't made to submit to (((their)))subversion
Funny how that works, right?

>> No.11693536

no. i am not implying that it never existed before that. i am however stating the obvious fact that it did not exist 900 bc and was made by scythians. i am sure they had a fermented milk drink as well but i assure you it was not called kefir.

>> No.11693554

>it was not called kefir
So your whole point is that of nomenclatur? You do know that language evolves but practical things remain the same? Does it mean that coptic christians prayingto allah, aren't christians because allah is commonly used by muzzies and a muzzie cultural term?

>> No.11693555

completely different situation.

are you saying that the 61% persian ethnic majority is not muslim?

>> No.11693565

Persians are a dying breed, just like pure germanic or anglo americans. Adopting a new religion doesn't change how you prepare your fucking milk, unlike its forbiden by the religion.

It's simply time to accept that the recipe for kefir is far older than any muzzies and stop this retarded shit about everything muzzies touch beeing theirs. Just because a piece of land is called Instanbul, doesn't make it less actually beeing constantinopel.

>> No.11693567

just shut the fuck up you retard.
what about ayran? is that a european drink as well?

language changes. so does food. is the beer we drink the same as the one our forefathers from say year 300 was drinking? no. different recipe, different name.

>> No.11693569

lol you are wrong.

>> No.11693575
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 1518562735639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conquering land and subjugating its people has zero impact on culture and citizen behaviour

>> No.11693578

> is the beer we drink the same as the one our forefathers from say year 300 was drinking?
He doesn't have a Reinheitsgebot.

>> No.11693587

Stop samefagging in such an obvious way.

>> No.11693590

Good lord, you people are dense as a nigga. But than again it winter-summertime, so I can only blame myself.

>> No.11693593

law passed in 1516
thats only like 500 years ago anon

>> No.11693597

how is that samefagging you sperg

>> No.11693600

please enlighten us, oh great one

>> No.11693625
File: 19 KB, 397x131, inspector gadget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong lol

>> No.11693651

We're the only ones to split the atom. Think about that.

>> No.11694257

aww.. yeah.. better stick to your industrialized processed irradiated sugar-laden ultra-pasteurized homogenized milk - f*cking faggot :>(

>> No.11694293

"Blumenbach considered the skulls of the Georgians to be the epitome of the white race, and he named the first class of humans after the country's home in the Caucasus Mountains. Blumenbach's class of Caucasians included most Europeans, Northern Africans, and Asians as far east as the Ganges Delta in modern India."

>not drinking kefir like a nigger

>> No.11694681

My milk is true milk

Cows milk strengthens the body, my milk strengthens the mind

Few people can stomach my true milk, because of its white milky goodness, but those who can crave more of my milk

>> No.11694705

They can never get enough

>> No.11695039

Let's see your udders.

>> No.11695818

>muh fat

>> No.11696457

That's spit not milk

>> No.11696460
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>> No.11697383

biological weapons>any other weapon
>muh nuclear power
yeah kid, destroy a city, A bio-weapon can clean the world

>> No.11698193

>thinks english is diffucult for the maority of the civilized world which belongs to the same language family

Two languages being from the same language family does not make one easy to learn for speakers of the other. You seem to be under the impression that a Spanish speaker could just pick-up Lithuanian, seeing as they're both Indo-European languages.

Also, you're neglecting the fact that English and French are spoken as second languages in several Asian countries as well as the Pacific Islands and throughout Africa. How what language tree do both French and Vietnamese stem from, again?

>due to the far reach of the British Empire
>can't understand the phrase "one of"

Grasping at straws. That's the same as me saying that one of the reasons that pasta is common in Italian cuisine is because they have access to water. "One of" is used correctly, but you and I both know what you're doing.

>Is written in the Roman alphabet which is pretty good at accurately mapping sounds to symbols

So are Norwegian, Gaelic, Latvian, Frisian, and Polish. Please, give me "one of" reasons why these, super easy languages to learn aren't considered "universal".

>the prevalence of English-language films, TV, and music makes it readily accessible and easy to practise.

This has always been the case, too. When the British Empire was moving through India, the southern Dravidians, at least, had "Friends" and "Little Britain" to help teach them the language. I concede on this point.

>However, English also has an extensive vocabulary, a highly inconsistent spelling system, many irregular verbs, some problematic sounds such as "th", and a large inventory of vowels which can make it difficult for non-native speakers to tell words apart.
>Learn to properly read.

You posted this. Maybe you ought to learn to properly read.

Also, this fails to mention just how highly idiomatic English is.

Try again?