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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11680041 No.11680041 [Reply] [Original]

Why is second shift so fucking lazy and dirty? Every restaurant I've ever worked at. And their entitled. They always think because they work nights they are special and first shift should prep everything for them so they can forget to wrap it or even put it in the fridge. They think breakfast and lunch is so easy. Cooking eggs is not easy. A screen full of poached medium, over easy, basted, omelette w/10 ingredients, sunny, poached soft, egg white omlette, etc. is not easy, especially because people are in a hurry for breakfast in the morning, we can't have 20 minute tickets.

I've worked morning and nights, and this is my experience. What are your thoughts?

>> No.11680044

morning shift preps, night shift cleans.
I thought you worked in restaurants

>> No.11680045

I work nights as a server and usually double/triple the money of the people who work mornings. I tell every restaurant I work at up front that I'm nights only and laugh my ass off at the dumbass kids who give open availability and are stuck doing double after double. Advice? Grow a fucking dick or get off the morning shift, unlike being a server as a cook you actually have to be worth your salt to work a busy breakfast/lunch.

>> No.11680047

night shift is literally entitled to more money in most employment situations because it is less desirable and more damaging than day shifts are.
That aside if you think cooking breakfast is hard you might want to find some ditches to dig.

>> No.11680049
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Restaurant workers
meth heads
HS drop outs
children of molesters
heroin addicts
worn out prostitutes

yeah, I'm gonna toss my respect their way
shut the fuck up and bring me some more bread sticks before I cut your throat

>> No.11680051

Night is supposed to clean they don't do shit.

>> No.11680054

This. I've also never worked anywhere that does breakfast, so lunch is much slower than dinner and dinner cooks are the A team. Should still be wrapping and putting things away.

>> No.11680056

the list was going pretty good until
>children of molesters

what bearing does this have on ones personality or likelihood of working in a restaurant?

>> No.11680064

>to build a fire
oh I bet you're a fucking drag to talk to

>> No.11680067

find a place with an open kitchen. they usually clean there
I would rather do knife work than maid work. but I would rather work a busy cooking shift rather than lunch.
like the anon above said about servers. find a place that you can work in the kitchen at lunch and split for a couple hours and come back to serve the dinner shift. a lot of restaurant's don't check shit on apps so just lie and act like you've done it before (if you never served)

>> No.11680080

>Night shift cleans

I didn't say breakfast was hard, but it's not easy. Our night shift fucking pre cooks burgers and grilled chicken. We have to cook and prep. I work in a nice hotel, so breakfast is super busy, well do three or four hundred with just two of us, and we regularly get 40.tops for lunch. And we have to make grits and Mornay and stout onions and BBQ sauce and wing sauce and Demi and mashed and par cook wings and ham and beans and all the dressings and turkeys and pork loin for Cubans and chicken breasts grilled and cubed and all those meats have to be portioned, labeled and dated.

Meanwhie, nightshift can't even stock their stations when there is four of them and we leave back up for them right fucking there. And they don't label or date shit. And even when they are slow as fuck,like when a big group checks out, they leave us a prep list. And dirty dishes laying around, dirty knives, dirty char broiler. I shouldn't have to scrub the flat top when I get there at 4:30 a.m.

And I've worked second shift. When they're slow, they smoke cigarettes and flirt with the waitresses. They're lazy. Every place I've worked is like this.

>> No.11680090

I'm sorry but no, I do not believe that you've ever worked second shift. Communicate with them if these "problems" actually exist. If you don't see them tell the boss that you cannot take it anymore and quit.

>> No.11680091


it means they're fucked up

>> No.11680093

How do they do your pay? I make $14/hour. Do you clock out and clock back in under a different wage? How does that work?

>> No.11680107
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actually I'm a wonderful conversationalist
I just find kitchen workers push to hard for recognition and dignity
as a child of God, the dignity is a given
but you work in a kitchen for Chrissakes

"To Build a Fire" is a literary reference, to a story about a very stupid man

>> No.11680114

Why the fuck would I lie? I worked at RiRa's Irish pub in a very busy spot second shift. We did $15k one night.I used to work split shifts there. And I work second shift at the hotel sometimes. There's no chef there at night, just one sous chef and he's in banquets. Our executive chef is new and he's a beta happy faggot. He bums cigarettes from everyone because his wife won't let him smoke and she keeps his debit card. I've told him several times I don't care if they stock, but they can at least clean. I don't give a shit if they're last order came in at 11:45.

>> No.11680117

kek, fair enough it seems like you make a point

>> No.11680120

You're on the cooking board you faggot. This is a thread about working in kitchens. What the fuck are you on about and why are you here?

>> No.11680142

Depends on the restaurants. From what Ive seen tho, day staff usually grown folk who been doin it for years and prep cooks. PM Crew a rotating door of young to old ranging from actual chefs just picking up more work to first timers. Most of them the part timmers apart from ones who there till last call and shut down. Full time closers are weirdos. The later they work, the more degenerate they are. PM staff are junkies for the most part. People who wake up early dont tend to be crack stars but you have those exceptions.

>> No.11680155

Shift angst exists in every workplace.

>> No.11680162

>Do you clock out and clock back in under a different wage
one pay/tax rate for server shift. another for your cook shift... best of both worlds if you ask me

>> No.11680183

I worked night shift at my work for over 4 years and in November I switched to morning shift.
I run rings around my morning shift co-workers, I'm faster, more efficient and do a better job overall.
They all ask me why I strut around like I own the place.
It's because fuck you, stay out of my way.

>> No.11680234
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Guess I got spoiled by Bourdain, who was first a writer and maybe always a writer first, and then a cook.
Worked in a kitchen when I was 15. First real job after paper routes. Started as a dishwasher, then made line cook. Going to an all boy's school gave me access to very pretty girls. We hung out together until one of us got fired for something and the gang adjusted.

I always liked the Sunday morning shift as a dishwasher. Made salads for the day, vacuumed the restaurant, cleaned the Johns, made coleslaw. Then the cooks would make anything I wanted for breakfast. Not a fancy place, had steak and eggs, hash browns, Texas toast, and always an Eclair for dessert. Ate with the cooks.

In response to your question about this thread. There are assholes in every workplace. You just hope they aren't fucking the boss, or worse, are related to the boss, so you can wait them out if you like the place you're working.

>> No.11680243

>Going to an all boy's school gave me access to very pretty girls.
imagine the smell of their bussy, weeewww

>> No.11680290


yeah I see it
everybody's a fucking re-write man

>> No.11680312

I'm not speaking about individuals. There's just something about working nights that's different. It was even like that at McDonald's when I was a kid. I'm not sure if second shift attracts a certain type of person, or if waking up late and staying up mostly after dark affects human behavior, or if it's simply because the real managers aren't there, but it always seems that second shift is always way more laid back, have more fun, are more irresponsible, don't like to clean, but are also more creative and often work under pressure.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's hard to score drugs at 4:00 a.m., so most of the degenerates work at night. Oddly though, my company drug tests before they hire, so this is actually the least degenerate kitchen I've worked in, but that's like being the skinniest kid at fat camp.

But what you say has merit. Older people tend to work mornings. But I also think if you take a person, especially a younger person, and put them on morning shift, they will behave different then they would at night, especially with the GM and executive chef there.

>> No.11680367

>second shift is always way more laid back

I always liked the swing swift though I wasn't working in a kitchen. Less management on the premises was nice because everybody who was working knew their job, did their job, and sometimes loved their job. We had a working supervisor who was very cool and a good manager. You might see her on a shift or not. I miss her as I write about her.

>> No.11680426 [DELETED] 

>you will never loco Audrey Hepburn's toes
feels bad

>> No.11680431

>you will never lick Audrey Hepburn's toes
feels bad

>> No.11680453
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isn't that Kate Hepburn, her Mom?
word was she was a real looker in her day

>> No.11680478
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This is the worst feel

>> No.11680614
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Audrey was the most perfect woman to ever exist.

>> No.11680639

Are you in portsmouth?

>> No.11680661

I think that may be true in turn and burn places like Surf or the wharf.
Dinner can be much more spaced out than lunch and breakfast.

I think we can all agree that brunch sucks ass

>> No.11680736
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I like to hang out in bars after the lunch rush. Mid-afternoon when the place has a few (or maybe only one who looks like me) boozers and maybe some star-crossed lovers, age-fucking -inappropriate, who just want a table (where one did look like me) and who keep playing Tom Waits on the jukebox. Staff is usually laid back, some shift change, chatty, good company, still putting on their game face, tired already, that's why I love them.

what do you call that time of day?