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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 1236x820, zimmern.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1236&h=820&crop=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11679056 No.11679056 [Reply] [Original]

“Bizarre Foods” host Andrew Zimmern has been axed from prime time on the Travel Channel amid the controversy over his assertion that Chinese food in the Midwest is being served in “horses--t restaurants.”

The celebrity chef’s “Bizarre Foods” juggernaut franchise and sister show, “The Zimmern List,” have been bumped by network owner Discovery, Inc. into a graveyard rotation slot on Saturday mornings to run their course, Page Six has confirmed.

Filming has stopped on both shows midseason, sources tell us, and is not expected to continue further.

The move comes after the James Beard Award-winning chef offended the Asian-American community in comments to promote his Midwestern Chinese restaurant chain by saying: “I think I’m saving the souls of all the people from having to dine at these horses--t restaurants masquerading as Chinese food that are in the Midwest.”

His comments sparked outrage, with Ruth Tam writing in the Washington Post, “[He] has the noble cause of ‘saving’ white people from eating bad Chinese food. When Chinese people make Americanized Chinese food for white people, Zimmern calls it ‘horses--t.’ But when he does it, it’s ‘unique.’”

Eater also fumed, “Zimmern simultaneously denigrates Philip Chiang ... and elevates himself to the position of being the person capable of opening middle America’s eyes to the myriad regional cuisines of a vast, diverse culture.”

Eating humble pie, Zimmern responded, “I am completely responsible for what I said and I want to apologize to anyone who was offended.”


>> No.11679059

A Travel Channel rep insisted Zimmern wasn’t given the chop because of his insensitive comments, but admitted his remaining episodes have been relegated, saying, “The shows, along with other food content on Travel, will no longer air on prime time, but on Saturday mornings in rotation. This decision came before Andrew’s comments were made.”

It is believed Zimmern’s shows on the Cooking Channel and the Food Network will continue as scheduled.

His rep didn’t get back to us.

>> No.11679065 [DELETED] 

Also, im gay. Is that ok?

>> No.11679097

Guilty of cooking while white, he deserves it

>> No.11679105

I truly wish that everyone who gives a shit about identity politics dies a slow painful death.

>> No.11679118

Well this proves it.
Midwest chinese isn't shit

>> No.11679128

At least he can go back to sucking back alley cock for crack money

>> No.11679144

But he's literally right. Americanized Chinese food is garbage. Why did he apologize?

>> No.11679149

>Chinese food in the Midwest is being served in “horses--t restaurants.”

Flyover fags BTFO.

>> No.11679154

A New York based food personality wouldn't have gotten in the same trouble, the reason he's in this situation is that, despite being from NYC, he's been living in Minnesota for the last 30-some years, has a lot of longstanding relationships with Minnesota restaurant owners, and got help and advice for his new venture FROM the same group of people he just shat on.

It's one thing to fling shit at people you've never seen before but he threw shit in his friend's faces and was too oblivious to understand how his comments would be received.

On top of which, his new restaurant is by his own admission an Asian Fusion joint, so he's actually doing the exact same thing that he derided when Chinese people did it 50 years ago.

You should read the interviews with the Chinese restauranteurs in his community, they said they have no problem with him running a restaurant, they just felt that his comments were out of line and disrespectful.

"Identity politics" is sheltered wh*teboi for "having opinions on stuff I consider to be far too taboo to discuss without getting triggered". Some people have different opinions than you, get over it. For instance people don't appreciate having their food called "horse shit", surprise surprise.

>> No.11679158

it's obvious he was wrong.
So put your money where your mouth is and tell use your name and where you work, otherwise you are hiding in shame behind anonymity.

>> No.11679166

I agree wholeheartedly, but if you're living in that community and benefiting from its support you need to watch your mouth.

>> No.11679193
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>comments about shitty restaurants offending people who literally eat dogs

>> No.11679208
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Is this going to put the flyover fags on the map?

>> No.11679221

na, it just shows that midwest food is great and only people with shit tastes disagree.
Now it's time for the coastie to admit defeat and apologize. Like the hollywood jew, Zimmern.

>> No.11679223

because his food is also garbage, but also extremely pretentious. what the fuck does a closeted fat jew know about MUH AUTHENTIC chinese food?

>> No.11679233 [DELETED] 
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I'm not an expert on cussing, what's the uncensored meaning and exact phrasing?

>> No.11679234
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>Asian fragility
His eyes are open, by the way.

>> No.11679243
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Boys, we found a corn trimmer!

>> No.11679252

No. If you want to inform us of this you need to do it in the first post.

>> No.11679253

no one would have bat an eye if Gordon said thalt

>> No.11679257

t. bootyblasted chink

>> No.11679262

Is that a TNG reference? Darmok?


>> No.11679263


>> No.11679269

Gordon isn't opening fusion restaurants. If Jean-Georges had said that in the 80s when he was introducing Asian Fusion to Americans, he probably would have rustled a few jimmies.

>> No.11679272
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>> No.11679277

>Flyover states have garbage "chinese" food
>Zimmern points this out

>> No.11679278
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>> No.11679288
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It still exists on the coasts too, it's just viewed as a quixotic anachronism that people enjoy ironically

>> No.11679298 [DELETED] 
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Seriously what does the **t stand for?!

>> No.11679323

Well... he’s not wrong. Most Midwest food is nothing but a shitty imitation of a shitty imitation of an actual cuisine. Although, if he’s attempting to open a restaurant there that deviates from the “fried slopashit” standard that Midwesterners are accustomed to eating, I doubt he would stay in business very long.

>> No.11679343

I thought lefites hated Chinese restaurants because they are inauthentic and Americanized? Why are they defending them now?

>> No.11679347 [DELETED] 

Chinks are subhuman.

>> No.11679350

>if he’s attempting to open a restaurant there that deviates from the “fried slopashit” standard that Midwesterners are accustomed to eating, I doubt he would stay in business very long.

Some guy tried it in Shitcago and ended up committing suicide, I forgot the name.

Also, there have been attempts in Minnesota but they've always been shut down almost immediately. Aquavit comes to mind, in downtown Minneapolis. There was also a New Nordic joint that they tried to run in the Linden Hills area, that was closed within a year because the food was too weird and the wine list wasn't just battle-axe Napa cabernets recommended by Robert Parker.

>> No.11679354


>> No.11679355

I mean you could read the original source which was a WaPo article that went into a lot of detail and interviewed the people involved, but if you'd rather just disregard reality and masturabte your faux outrage at "the SJWs" this is definitely the place for it.

>> No.11679362

You MUST say good things about the Olive Garden you RACISM

>> No.11679403
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where is the lie though?

only subhumans eat ching chong food in the west

>> No.11679503


>> No.11679514

>complain about "lefties"
>everyone who responds to me is /pol/
Fragile bitch

>> No.11679555

Wut? /pol/ considers everything that factually reports on Trump "fake news".

>> No.11679572

They shit up this board moaning about shitskins and libtards and the AIDS homos all day, but when they ask a rhetorical question and get a legitimate factual answer that's "offtopic identity politics" apparently

>> No.11679603
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>answering a rhetorical question

>> No.11679612

Fuck chinks, niggers, and jannies.

>> No.11679630

Shaka, when the walls fell.

>> No.11679632

Hasn't everyone always said "Americanized" Chinese food is shit?

Did someone JUST find out Chinese people are usually working in them? Its still just deep-fried, MSG, corn-syrup sauced junk food.

And PF Changs, really? There's a generic Chinese restaurant in every neighborhood in America.

This is no different than some white hipster opening an "authentic" pizza or Italian place then saying "fuck olive garden" but I guess he's insensitive.

Kill yourself, whitey. China's taking over anyway.

>> No.11679646
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>Dat pic
404 not found- my sides

>> No.11679664

Why does Gordon Ramsey get away with it?

>> No.11679678

There actually is decent quality Americhinese food, much like there's good quality Indian food and good quality blueberry wine.

The problem is the target audiences for these products are usually broke alcoholics, so it's not particularly common to actually encounter them in the field. At the higher end for food and beverage, the target audience needs to be reminded that they're not eating "like those other people" so stuff like General Tso's is simply not on the menu at all. Or in the case of the blueberry wine, they switch to grapes and it's estate bottled and has a nice old timey label and the wine expresses "varietal character" as codified by some chateau 7000 miles away.

>> No.11679761

>the wine list wasn't just battle-axe Napa cabernets recommended by Robert Parker.

You're upselling overly expensive shit by 10x to idiots, regardless of the bottle that's every wine list ever. Might as well give them what they want then. To get pretentious about it as a restaurateur is being silly. Don't drink your own kool-aid, or expensive wine.

>> No.11679800

Hmm? I normally see markups of 200-300% over retail, what country do you live in?

As far as "to idiots" and "give the plebs what they want", that was the point of my post, I'm not sure why you seem angry and indignant about this. Minnesotans aren't ready for a serious wine list.

>> No.11679834

>Minnesotans aren't ready for a serious wine list.
Some are, most are not.

>> No.11679841

this fuck chinks, they are literally working to destroy the planet

>> No.11679846

BTFO tbqh, hated this faggot

>> No.11679858

he deserves any harsh treatment for apologizing. You NEVER do that, because then they will just demand more. I would have defended myself and told everyone to stop being cry babies because of one little comment.

>> No.11679859

midwestern horseshit eater detected

>> No.11679864

His arms open

>> No.11679875

>a quixotic anachronism that people enjoy ironically
Plenty of folks unironically love it. I have met many.

>> No.11679878

NY cocksucking drugged out jew detected.

>> No.11679880

Boomers from Riverdale and Forest Hills, maybe

>> No.11679889

The surest sign of weakness is someone who cannot admit they were wrong and apologize for it. Literally below beta level.

>> No.11679896
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>everyone knows chinese food restaraunts are shit
>common knowledge
>somebody points it out and chinks lose their minds

>> No.11679900

Thank god the midwest was once again saved by the White Jew!

>> No.11679902

>For instance people don't appreciate having their food called "horse shit", surprise surprise.
So what? It's a mountain out of a mole hill. And as someone who is from the midwest he really isn't wrong, but that's besides the point. How many people have literally lost jobs over comments like these? Is that really justice? You can't express yourself honestly without offending someone, it will just happen at some point or another. So do we all just tiptoe around each others feelings for fear of the job lynch mob? Or maybe, just maybe are these people overreacting to what was likely an offhand remark?

>> No.11679903

>Chinese people are usually working in them
HAH! In Alabama, it's usually Mexicans working in the chinese places.

>> No.11679905

Good fuck that fucking kike libshit. Fucking hate him.

>> No.11679918

>I don't like his opinions so he should lose his career for insulting some group of over-sensitive faggots
you are the problem

>> No.11679926

He's a kike

>> No.11679928

only him and his employers can decide his career, snowflake. You're not entitled to a career.

>> No.11679933

>getting outraged on behalf of a milloinaire celeb
If you're in the entertainment industry and people stop being entertained, that's it. You're done.

You aren't a celebrity, no need to worry. The PC police aren't coming after you unless you have a secret life running around in an SS uniform. Also, they aren't going to give you a show on Food Network just for shitposting on /ck/, you'll have to find a better angle.

>> No.11679939

i mean, is he wrong?

>> No.11679954

What did I do? He's a libshit jew and libshit WaPo took him down, I didn't. I'm just delighting in it.

>> No.11679961

fuck off bootlicker

>> No.11679970

Hes absolutely right though. Good Chinese and vietnamese places are hard to find I'm the midwest

>> No.11679977

In the kitchen, sure, I believe that. But most I've been to had Chinese people, and I've always assumed that was the way to go if you were an Asian family who could open a little restaurant.

And in Ohio for some reason, I think there's more Asians than Mexicans.

>> No.11679997

There are no serious wine lists. Wine is a money making scheme for restaurants ... the concept that wine somehow pairs best with every dish ever is maintained for no other reason than cold heart cash.

Getting pretentious about a scam is silly.

>> No.11680011

If you enjoy drinking priorat with raw shellfish you should go ahead and do that. If you're going to claim that more people agree than disagree about general principles of wine pairing, you're an idiot and there is nothing that can be done about that.

>> No.11680015

>disagree rather than agree

>> No.11680021

When this guys show came out I didn't watch.
but I could of sworn his name was zimmerman. am I crazy or did he change his name for the shooting thing that happened with a zimmerman?
about the thread, fuck how PC this pussy society is.

>> No.11680027

Well if it is about democracy, the plebs always have the right of it, they have the numbers after all. So the battle-axe Napa cabernets are objectively better than your frou frou whatever.

>> No.11680050

Your argument works if the plebs being described have actually had the wine, and have tried it with different foods. What is your basis for assuming this? Or are you just changing your argument because you have some kind of axe to grind with the mean pretentious wine drinkers who made you feel dumb for sniffing the cork?

>> No.11680084

Why did he need to call anything horseshit? Also why did this turn into a race thing when he mentioned no race? Both sides are wrong, but the side against Zimmern is racist.

>> No.11680086

I don’t know where you all live, but planes fly over you all as well.

>> No.11680088

Because a lot of midwestern asian joints are horseshit

>> No.11680106

Substitute "donut shops" for "Chinese restaurants" and they're still perfectly justified in being mad.

The idea that people aren't allowed to defend their businesses in the public sphere if they happen to be Chinese is far more racist than Chinese people telling off a guy who insulted their food, who happened to be white.

I don't understand why this even needs to be explained, but then, this is the board that thinks limes are a conspiracy to exterminate the white race, so I guess I should'nt be surprised in the least bit.

>> No.11680147

>called him white
He isn't white

>> No.11680178

I haven’t watched since he shot Trevon Martin

>> No.11680197

The jump to placate the offended is what causes concern, since it seems to happen every day now

>> No.11680217

I do agree that a lot of people seem to be having this knee jerk response that the white guy is being wronged, and must be defended. Kinda strange, no? That people get butthurt on behalf of someone without knowing the facts?

>> No.11680227
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>> No.11680287

He wouldn't get in "trouble" or get "axed" from anything for saying midwest donut shops are shit. Its about being a white guy doing what Chinese people do.

The midwest could be regionally offended too, but these types of articles don't really come from the midwest.

>> No.11680345

>Its about being a white guy doing what Chinese people do.
What white guy?

>> No.11680381

The chinese are not that offended. it is the white people and social justice sorts who chimp out and get offended on behalf of 'colored people' who cause businesses to get shut down.

>> No.11680404

> the reactions to Zimmern's comments are more reserved, a mixture of forgiveness, frustration and the kind of resignation that comes, perhaps, from hearing one too many authenticity hounds bad-mouth your menu. At David Fong's, a Chinese American landmark in Bloomington, third-generation restaurateur Edward Fong says Zimmern was simply trying to distance Lucky Cricket from previous generations' efforts to integrate Chinese cooking into their communities. Fong views Zimmern's remarks as little more than self-interested, poorly conceived marketing.

>“I think he understands that he didn’t just insult Chinese independent restaurants like ourselves,” Fong says, “but he really insulted people who like to come to our restaurants, which is a lot of people.” Then he allows himself a good laugh, perhaps a last one.

So I guess white people can't talk back when another white person disparages their own taste in food? Imagine being this fragile.

>> No.11680452
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China publicly demanding an apology from the whole world and offering to compensate whoever apologized best was my favorite fit they ever threw.

>> No.11680481

If he’d said Austin, TX, the comment would have passed without controversy and people would have wholeheartedly agreed with him

>> No.11680650

Flyovers are hopeless, let them die off and be replaced with based latinx

>> No.11680660
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lol. live by the sjw, die by the sjw

>> No.11680695

>Cancelling a show
>During mid season
>Over an anti-white propaganda piece by Huffington Post
Top jej, this is what really happened and the kikes tried to make a spin on it.

>> No.11680701

Whoops, something happened.

>> No.11680730

Might just be an excuse to stop funding his show. I don't think people are really interested in him anymore, his show stopped being interesting a while ago.

He's kind of a twat anyway. He did a show with Native Americans and kept making comments about how white people suck. And on Twitter he was just making a lot of political posts and selling overpriced crap merchandise. He's washed up.

>> No.11680768

>saying some vague comment about non specific Americanized Chinese restaurants is comparable to walking around in an SS uniform

I can smell the bulldyke lesbian from here

>> No.11680776

not sure if /r/asianmasculinity or some white bitch who feels the need to perpetually apologize for being white

>> No.11680831

Wow, whitoids being racist?? Shockerrr

>> No.11680849

When this place got full of niggers and insectoids? Its disgusting they are worse than jews

>> No.11680861

Ovelord for you subhuman.

>> No.11680870

it's just a handful of them that got gold passes so they could shit up slow boards like /ck/ with their garbage, not realizing that the general population ignores /pol/ bait. probably not even PoC just self hating privileged whites who can't stand the idea that people don't give a fuck about their posturing and shaming bullshit. in my experience most of the overtly racist people online aren't even white

>> No.11681143

>There are no serious wine lists
There are a lot of very serious lists out there.
>Wine is a money making scheme for restaurants
It's a great enough markup that the top places can hire a somm to curate their lists and still make lots of money off them.
>the concept that wine somehow pairs best with every dish ever is maintained for no other reason than cold heart cash.
Now you're just being silly. There are a number of classic pairings that date back to the days before restaurants in the modern sense were even a thing.
>Getting pretentious about a scam is silly.
This explains everything. It's pretentious to you, which means you can't afford going out and having wine with dinner, so doing so would be a pretentious gesture for you. That's fine, but you have to remember there are plenty of folks out there for whom it's an indulgence, but not the least bit pretentious. For those folks it's not a scam at all. It's just accepting the markup of drinking wine out, and appreciating the fact that many of the better places where you can have someone who curates the wine list and the staff can make intelligent recommendations when it comes to pairing the list with the menu.

I understand that in parts of the country that have been traditionally beer drinking wine has not only been traditionally associated with either snobs or bums, but more recently it's been a symbol of something people who have newly arrived in the part of the middle class that likes to think of itself of the upper middle class drink. So those drinking it for aspirational reasons are pretentious, but those drinking it to celebrate the fact they have arrived are not.

>> No.11682332

can't simmer the zimmer.

>> No.11682354

Leave your bubble gay boy

>> No.11682375

Hes saying that American-Chinese restaurants in the midwest are shit because he wants people to eat in good Chinese restaurants instead

>> No.11682388
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The amount of butt hurt flyover bird turds in this thread. They're horseshit restaurants because that's what pig skins like to eat, horse shit. Midwest burger boys do not have the palettes to enjoy anything other than pig slop. Enjoy living in your own squander.

>> No.11682467

Funniest thing in this thread is how jew Yorkers and califags act like there isnt a million shitty faux-Chinese restaurants in their areas as well and that everything is authentic just because they pay three times as much for their general tso.

>> No.11682527

Zimmern, his eyes half open.

>> No.11682539

>Eating humble pie
lmao stopped feeling sorry for him here
American-Chinese food is a bastardization invented by the gooks to sell to gullible white people.
He could have doubled down, but instead he recanted. Fuck him.

>> No.11682576

All Chinese food is garbage.

>> No.11682584

>Eating at restaurants in the first place instead of just cooking the food yourself
Only coasties and wannabe coasties are dumb enough to need other people to make their food for them.

>> No.11682600

yet still better than anything jewish or middle eastern

>> No.11682603

Shaka, when the walls fell.

>> No.11682605

he said they ALL were horseshit because he wanted to make shekels and drive customers to his newly opened restaurant.

>> No.11682629

Thank you. Authentic Chinese food is fucking trash, absolute, boring, single note trash.

Americanized Chinese food is the only reason people think real Chinese food might be good, because the Americanized style is crazy good. Orange chicken and shit is flavorful and great.

I'm not kidding in the least.

>> No.11682647

Tabbouleh and Shawarma are delicious you nigger.

>> No.11683703


this tb h here in in belgium the only chinese food worth eating is the westernized. juicy noodles with chicken and fried pork, crusty crab paws, "beijing duck", etc authentic chinese food is fucking disgusting, plain rice, all sorts of weird vegetables, tasteless soup, low quality meats,...

there is not a single chinese restaurant that would exist here if they tried to serve some "true" chinese food, and with good reason

>> No.11683716

>When Chinese people make Americanized Chinese food for white people, Zimmern calls it ‘horses--t.
Where's the lie?

>> No.11683734

was he wrong though? i've eaten "chinese food" consisting of frozen bagged mixed vegetables and minute rice before, it was total horseshit

>> No.11684843


>> No.11684855

>wanting unregulated, poverty dishes from a 2nd world shithole that fetishizes boy urine
Big yikes

>> No.11684941

he literally did nothing wrong
can he not criticise restaurants for being shitty?

>> No.11686638

this is what I dont get. what's next, chef john or gordon ramsey calls McDonald's shit and they lose their YT channels? >>11684941

>> No.11686652

These horseshit restaurants are naturally dying off here of natural causes. He really wasn't saving anyone.

>> No.11686857

No they'll just go back to eating their whataburger and watching the OKC Thunder choke away another season

>> No.11686912

Because in this day and age you aren't allowed to have a dissenting opinion if you are white and or male

>> No.11686933

American Chinese food and tex mex are far superior to their "authentic" counterparts

>> No.11687311
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lumping a lot of different provincial cuisines into one category (chinese food) and generalizing it with a couple vague traits only indicates your ignorance, belgianon. dont just learn few aspects of cantonese and northern home cooking and decide that's all there is to "authentic"
a lot of genuine xianese and sichuanese places have done well in my american hometown because they're just good, man

>> No.11687588

>the Asian-American community proudly defends commercial hibachi

>> No.11688495

But nobody expects authentic Chinese food from these places.

>> No.11688505

Americanized chinese food CAN be great, but it suffers from being bland, sugary, and too often breaded and deep fried. If they would just use more spices/hot peppers it would be a huge improvement but I know many people in my family would not want to eat it

>> No.11688514

A lot of it is great. I am guessing the Chinese restaurants aren't immune to the Midwest cuisine curse, though, and I am giving him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.11688649 [DELETED] 
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LMAO holy FUCK flyovers are INSUFFERABLE. It's a well known FACT that fly*ver subhumans, no matter what race, are DOOMED to making HORSESHIT LOW IQ FEED. CAN'T FLIM FLAM THE ZIM ZAM. Flyovers LITERALLY the TRAYVON'S of the culinary world getting ZIMMED.

>> No.11688694
File: 695 KB, 1400x933, cornpeople'intellectual'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol corn people

>> No.11688721

Why are you people so pathetic and shallow that you give two shits about what some asshole says on the job?

You are all cancer.

You should all be culled.

>> No.11688804


>> No.11688823

>B-but you have to apologize
If you're any kind of celebrity, apologizing is a death sentence. Also I don't see what he did wrong.

>> No.11688826

then why do all of them do it?

>> No.11688894
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>his assertion that Chinese food in the Midwest is being served in “horses--t restaurants.
Nigga that's an accurate statement across the country, not just the Midwest. Hell it's intercontinental with chinks themselves using gutter oil.

>> No.11688900

>eats shit in another country on his tv show
>"this tastes poopy but in a good way"
>calls chinese restaurant food horseshit

most chinese restaurants are bad, i've gotten food poisoning from them more than anywhere else, but he's a bit of a hypocrite

>> No.11688929


>> No.11688953

He's not wrong. All chinese restaurants get their food from the same SYSCO-like distributor.

>> No.11688960

he's a Jew so he'll land on his feet and then shapeshift when someone tries to accuse him of white privilege

>> No.11688987

literally who?

>> No.11689017 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that it's a Flyover Future, sweeties.

>> No.11689024 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that the future is Flyover, sweeties.

>> No.11689041
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Reminder that the future is Flyover, sweeties.

>> No.11689044


>> No.11689051

Keep growing my corn, bitch

>> No.11689080

>7th generation american chink buffet owner plays the BUT WHITE PEOPLE card
What a surprise

>> No.11689084


>> No.11689086

Döner Kebab ain’t shabby

>> No.11689401

What the fuck is this /reddit/TMZ-tier shit doing on /ck/?


Fuck all you gossiping faggots with a cactus. I hope you all get killed by drunk drivers tonight.

>> No.11689418

Go back to your chopsticks thread, weebshit

>> No.11689430

>in ATX
>trying to find a good chinese place for NYE dinner
Any tips?

>> No.11689440

He should not apologize, SJWs smell blood in the water when you do.

>> No.11689452

It is horseshit though.

>> No.11689458

Is there an example of a celebrity involved in a controversy that didn't apologize? Aside from Bill Cosby, because that one clearly didn't end well. I'm just wondering what would happen if he just said "Nah, fuck you. Chinese buffets suck and you know it."

>> No.11689493
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Fuck this guy. I've always hated him especially since he was mean to /ourguy/ mark.

>> No.11689498

When you're dealing with normal people, SJWs just go at you harder when you apologize. Things always go worse when you apologize to the twitter mob.

>> No.11689522

You believe that? They're just trying to save face.

>> No.11689538

>makes fun of midwest food after eating literal shit in 3rd world countries
>gets moved from primetime slot to saturday mornings
talk shit; get hit

>> No.11690593

Zimmern really opened my eyes to Marks bullshit.

>> No.11690615

>Is there an example of a celebrity involved in a controversy that didn't apologize?
Usually you don't hear much about such incidents because they were too minor to become a thing, or because the celebrity was so alpha they snuffed it out.

Like the time some dude got a bad steak from Gordons place and asked Gordon about it and Gordon told him that was his fucking fault for ordering it well done like an idiot

>> No.11690634

A couple years ago he would've been totally right, so all this does is show he's out of touch with the food scene in Minnesota, which isn't surprising seeing as he's more of a gayer world travelling Bourdain-lite

>> No.11690666
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PC culture has really gone too far this time

welp, as a chef I've kept a hot oven going

>> No.11690674


He's got a point... small town Chinese food fucking blows.

>> No.11690685

>I'm too full up on privilege to admit when I am wrong.
Wow, it's no wonder nobody takes the "apologies" that get spewed out of the mouths of the caught.

>> No.11690783

I want to get out of this pussy decade. Somebody freeze me.

>> No.11690798

>China won't buy them now.
Should have stuck with corn, Cletus.

>> No.11690802

>He thinks the future will be better.
Oh sweetie.

>> No.11690824

>>11690783 Sorry, Anon, but it started a century ago, at the very least.
The entire 21st century is going to be either a slow decline into an Orwellian future or the biggest and most destructive class war in history.

>> No.11690873

Jesus just let the sandniggers or Chinese take over already.

>> No.11690902

It'll be better once the revolution takes out the SJWs

>> No.11690928

Whew! How controversial!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11690958
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>sheltered wh*teboi
you may want to try not giving yourself away this badly, so quickly.

>> No.11690973

Nope, he has been buddy buddy with the mud people, his fellow Jews will crucify him.

>> No.11691088

Trump counts as a celeb

>> No.11691090


he shat in the water he was sitting in

>> No.11691100


>> No.11691199

Wow fuck white people.

>> No.11691267

>t. barbarian typing the white man's language on the white man's global communications network through the white man's machine bought with the white man's money

>> No.11691306

>taking bait

>> No.11691332

Except he is completely right. Since the Chinese Dragon burned down decades ago there has been NO good Chinese places in the Midwest.

>> No.11691333

I'm bored.

>> No.11691484

white people (especially men) should just learn when to shut up because the world doesnt belong to them anymore

>> No.11691538

The Chinese dragon is still very strong you weak western pig.

>> No.11691814
File: 29 KB, 446x256, 8AC403DF-7F38-4479-B535-F7CB418C0336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean more ghost adventures? Only other show on that channel.

>> No.11691817

>tells truth
>hurts uncultured flyover whites feefees
>banished as punishment


>> No.11691821

Those shows are so awful. The only thing I hope is that some good comes from them in people realizing how commercialized believing in ghosts is and they stop being so superstitious.

>> No.11691829

There is only one good Chinese restaurant in Minnesota, it's called "Rainbow Chinese." The rest is chop suey and egg foo yung and horseshit like he says. I live in hicksville, MN, and am grateful to be rescued by Zimmerman from the horrible Chinese food here. I don't think it was a racial comment, just an honest appraisal of Chinese restaurants in Minnesota.

>> No.11691831
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T. Smallguy

>> No.11691966

what industrial artist is that?

>> No.11691974
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>> No.11692431

>but I could of sworn his name was zimmerman. am I crazy or did he change his name for the shooting thing that happened with a zimmerman?
can someone answer this. I know some of you remember more than 8 years ago and watched TV

>> No.11692444
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The guy is absolutely right though. Fuck that overly sweetened meat and overly greasy bullshit these chinks call "Chinese food". This stuff is worse than Taco Bell trying to own up to calling their stuff "Mexican food". The majority of Chinese food in America pretty much is horseshit. And fuck the chinks.

>> No.11692454

Bourdain treated Zimmern with some disdain when they've done shows together, so maybe that's just how it works.

>> No.11692482

Pretty sure it was always Zimmern. It's probably confusing because Zimmermann is pretty popular so you have that on your mind when you hear Zimmern and don't pay attention.

>> No.11692484

I usually forget if his last name is Zimmern or Zimmerman but I'm pretty sure it's always been Zimmern. You could probably find the first episode of his first show to get proof.

>> No.11692497

All chink food is shit you utter subhumans.

>> No.11692504

But..Chinese restaurants in the midwest are shit.

As a midwesterner I can say this is very true.

>> No.11692510

all chink restraurants are shit

midwest is the only white part of the un*ted st*tes

coasties are not white and wannabe euros

t. European Master Race

>> No.11692516

>coasties think they're cultured
you're BLACKED, not cultured.
Euros are cultured.

>> No.11692518

I live in the Midwest and he's right. Chinese food here is the most awful shit cuisine available here. And the thing is a lot of these local places are actually Chinese owned and operated.

There are more Asians moving here so they've opened some more Chinese restaurants catering to actual Chinese people. But even then, the food quality is awful. I don't know what the fuck it is. I'd rather go to a PF Chang's or fucking Panda Express because at least it's fresher than whatever the chinks are serving.

>> No.11692522

you are eating rescue dogs

>> No.11692528

Why would you defend chinese food in America anyway. Sounds to me that there are lots of chinks in this thread.

>> No.11692530

>I don't know what the fuck it is. I
Chain restaurants are supposed to have procedures in place so that old food gets thrown out before a customer receives something stale or spoiled. Local places might be more likely to not care about that and serve old food anyway. I've only gotten food poisoning 3 times in my life and 2 were from Chinese restaurants.

>> No.11692554


It's kind of sad tho. I never have this problem with the Japanese and Korean restaurants around here because at least they have standards. The Chinese places around here simply do not. I think they're all owned by older Chinese families. I'd even take some annoying hipster chef if it meant opening up a Chinese restaurant with fresh food and standards.

>> No.11692558

Mandela effect. You're just from the other timeline.

>> No.11692562

>I never have this problem with the Japanese and Korean restaurants around here because at least they have standards.
Yeah the only places I get Chinese food from now emphasize that they're mostly Japanese restaurants first. I think Chinese food just got too popular where that even bad restaurants were able to turn a profit most of the time.

>> No.11692603

>what the fuck does a closeted fat jew know about MUH AUTHENTIC chinese food
He's likely spent more time in china than the mexicans that cook the food at midwest chinese restaraunts.

>> No.11692614

Flyover shits BTFO

no wonder they got mad, they can't handle the truth

>> No.11692616
File: 68 KB, 600x825, less-chat-more-brap-600x825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese food is garbage for a garbage people, midwesterners and mainland chinesers. Take the Thai pill, it's easy to get authentic too just buy a Thai bride and she'll move in and cook for you.

>> No.11692811

But Euros are BLACKED too.

>> No.11692856

Ramsay doesn’t really seem bitter and mean-spirited.
i can’t really remember seeing him talk shit just to be a dick

>> No.11692884

This. Closest thing to 'cultured' in the US these days is the small cities with only one or a few thousand people at the maximum. You need the right balance of enough people to have an actual culture and standard of living, but few enough that subhumans and hipsters don't hear about it and start moving there in droves to ruin everything.

t. older fuck who's lived in the big city, little city, country, and suburbs all during the same relative timespan

>> No.11692948

The last cultured places in the US are towns that still have working flour mills.

>> No.11692967
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>but euros are blacked too

>> No.11693024

>basically the entire southeastern corner of the continent

not even the guy you're responding to but come on now.

>> No.11693032

Fucking racist. Immigrants bring us wonderful culture and in particular, amazing food. We had such bland food here in Germany before we had Turks here.

>> No.11693064

Don't expose the Euro to the truth, they will just double down.

>> No.11693261
File: 105 KB, 464x531, 20181228_041354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always knew he was a closet racist

>> No.11694191

Absolutely nothing of value was lost. His shows suck ass. The only reason why he has any TV time is because the quality requirements for food shows are extremely low.

>> No.11694372

>They are already marathoning this shit.

>> No.11694542

When did Chinese Food go to shit?

>> No.11694556

he's not wrong though, americanized chinese food is usually served in horseshit restaurants.

>> No.11694573

>Chinese food here is the most awful shit cuisine available here.

It didn't used to be fellow midwest guy.
I remember back in the late 80's through the 90's there were awesome Chinese restaurants, small independently owned places, that, sure, had some "Americanized" items, but each place was different and had actual Chinese people working there.

About 10 years ago the best Chinese restaurant in my hometown, the immigrant owners retired and turned the place over to their U.S. citizen daughter (that lives out in Nevada) who's turned the place into just another McChinese food place staffed by Mexican't shits.
There's never any cars there anymore so I have no idea how it stays open.

>> No.11694585

nah, his show was fine

>> No.11694607
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>> No.11694615

I've never met a heroin addict, recovered or otherwise, that wasn't a racist.

>> No.11694652

I unironically enjoy Americanized Chinese food and Zimmern is a pretentious fatass.

>> No.11694721


>> No.11695673

Name a good Chinese or "Chinese" dish besides egg fu yung

I'm genuinely curious because I love Asian food and haven't had good Chinese anywhere I've traveled. I would like to try it if so

>> No.11695698

based & red pilled

>> No.11695743

Asianfag here,

Zimmerman just got overzealous w/ his own shit and forgot that he's peddling the same deep fried chicken, but w/ different sauce.

Like all things, it's only bad cause no competition and lack of know-how. The reason why the coasts have "better" American Chinese Food is because more Asian congregate there. Experience stay where it is, or stay close to home. Out in the Midwest and where ever else there arent as many Chinese and contrary to popular belief not every Chinese can do Americanized Chinese Food.

Zimmerman sounds a like faggot and has manner that of a faggot as well; this is just his true fagotry nature exposed to the world to see. Most likely nothing aint gonna happen cause Asian dont chimpout over trivial shit. It'll die down in a a week or so, and The Food Network will just reinstate his stupid ass back. Now, if this was some sacred niggery taboo shit then he would end up like Paula Deen.

Oh and PF Chang is dogshit; I'd rather eat at Panda Express. At least Panda doesnt pretend to be upscale monkey shit. Even then Panda Express is still pretty shit.

>> No.11695757

Did you just read that from my comment on Reddit discussing Chinese voyeurism towards little boys? lol.

>> No.11695789


>Thinking he wouldnt have gotten away with it if say he was asian and said that about other asian restaurants

Its completely about identity politics you fucking idiot. His only saving grace is he's jewish. If he were less theyd throw his ass out and people would jave implied it was racially motivated.

Shut the fuck up. "It has nothing to with with his race but everything to do with calling their food shit." Like hell it doesnt. Discovery moved him to cover their own ass so they dont have deal with a leftist identitarian shitfit.

>> No.11695792


Cause they have to you dumb cunt. Then what? Lose thier job because the spineless corporation that pays them wont stand behind them against a loud minority?

Of course they have to apologize.

>> No.11695796


>Muh priviledge

Wew sure showed him

>> No.11695805

Literally who?

>> No.11695853

Is Italy that bad? Assumed it was just the big cities

>> No.11695856

>after the James Beard Award-winning chef
The only one winning a Beard award is this guy's wife, amirite?

>> No.11695900

>His comments sparked outrage, with Ruth Tam writing in the Washington Post, “[He] has the noble cause of ‘saving’ white people from eating bad Chinese food. When Chinese people make Americanized Chinese food for white people, Zimmern calls it ‘horses--t.’ But when he does it, it’s ‘unique.’”

>> No.11695948

Just another example of Midwestern whities getting assblasted because they have a terrible food culture.

>> No.11695959

Man, fuck this Twinkie-assed bitch. If I was Zimmern, I'd put her ho ass on blast for being a racist while trying to make him look like one.