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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11677256 No.11677256 [Reply] [Original]

I cant get over this. As an asian I refuse to be ashamed for liking dog. It is really good in stews during cold winter months.

Unless you personally are a vegan you have no leg to stand on as well.

>> No.11677261

>It is really good
This is how I know you never had dog meat. It's greasy, gamey, chewy, and all around inferior meat.

>> No.11677282



>> No.11677289

The gutter oil really sticks to it.

>> No.11677291

I'm told that dog tastes like sweeter pork.

>> No.11677300

not him but dog is really gamey. It tastes like how dogs smell.

>> No.11677319

I wouldn't eat dog, or cat, since those are pets. Maybe I'd eat a wolf though, they got a nice pelt. Squirrel, gopher, groundhog, beaver are also a maybe.

>> No.11677330

>bug man would eat man's best friend
Are you going to throw your car into reverse to crush the skull of the toddler your car nicked too?

>> No.11677336

Dogs evolved alongside humans as we progressed towards civilization. Only sub-humans consider them a food and that's a fact.

>> No.11677340

>hur durr they evolved alongside us they our friends

pigs and cows and sheep did the same too.

you think farm pigs are anything like wild boars?

>> No.11677345

if a non-sentient animal is your "best friend" your life needs some serious looking into. The dog cant even call you by your name.

>> No.11677348
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>Pigs and dogs are the same animal

>> No.11677352

>t. shitskin
What is it with non-whites and not being able to create a bond with a loving animal?

>> No.11677353
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>thinking pigs cant be pets

pigs are actually smarter than dogs, just so you know

>> No.11677358

>waah the dog my only fren :'((

what is it with autists and not being able create a bond with actual members of their own species that they have to resort to projecting personalities onto a pet just so they feel less alone?

>> No.11677359

If that's a fact I'll stop eating pork

>> No.11677362



>> No.11677363

>you can only have a dog best friend and nothing else
Me and my girlfriend spoiler our dog because he protects our house from apes like you tyrone

>> No.11677366

Imagine how good that apartment fire would've smelled

>> No.11677368

It's not eating dog I have a problem with, it's having festivals where you happily boil or skin dogs alive

>> No.11677370

so you'd be okay with eating dogs that were solely raised for food?

after all, they were never pets.

if you are not okay with eating -any- dog, why do you class farmed and pet animals the same for their case? after all, many people have pet pigs, chickens, ducks.

>> No.11677371

Who invented the internal combustion engine? Was it Porky the Pig? No, it was Lincoln Rawls, wasn't it? And the Theory of Relativity. Was Pythagoras a pig? No, he was a Greek, wasn't he? So tell me. What's the major piggie contribution to civilization?

It's bacon, isn't it? Bacon and rooling around in the mud. Look out, Michaelangelo, here comes the new piggie Renaissance!

>> No.11677375

I tried dog stew in Korea and liked it.

>> No.11677377

>misses the entire point of my post
>goes on some stupid tangent to vomit fact tidbits in an attempt to look intelligent

if you were truly smart you would have no problem separating logic from feelings

>> No.11677381

yea i'll be okay with eating farmed dogs. Someone should invent a breed with more meat to bone ratio, and downplay the gaminess.

>> No.11677387

ah, the modern white couple with no babies so they make the dog their baby


>> No.11677388

Would you eat a parrot? Goldfish? How about a hamster? A ferret?

Why not?

>> No.11677390


i would eat any of them as long as they are cooked nicely.

goldfish is a freshwater fish so it'll probably taste of mud though

>> No.11677392

>As an asian
who else would make a thread about eating dogs lmao

>> No.11677399

imagine how boring /ck/ would be if people did nothing but make threads about bacon or steak over and over

>> No.11677419

People with souls have the ability to determine what animals should not be eaten, a morality they are born with. As a superstitious bugman who believes he needs elephant tusks and rhino horns and tiger pelts to bring his bug family good luck every year, it is of course not surprising you have no issue with consuming pets. Your entire race is robbing the earth of her beautiful creatures and you have no remorse.

I'll pray for you.

>> No.11677422
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>he believes in souls

>calls other people "superstitious" in the same paragraph

>> No.11677432

>people surprised chinks eat dogs
They'd eat other people if it didn't hurt their social credit scores.