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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11676462 No.11676462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who’s more pretentious? Tea drinkers or coffee drinkers?

>> No.11676472

Coffee. Tea:
>has been drunken by royal families since the beginning
>has had wars fought over it
>no subculture of "don't talk to me till I've had my tea XD"
>no one throws a fit when they see instant tea
>don't need $5000 machines to enjoy the """perfect""" cup of meme water

>> No.11676474

Pshhht. Don't put a tea bag as a example of tea. It ripes their puh-er and oversteeps their drinks just to think about it.

>> No.11676484

>adds to the pretense
>adds to the pretense
>this is true i'll admit
>loose leafer bitch out about bagged tea all the time

>> No.11676487


>> No.11676491
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tea drinkers are faggots if that's what you're getting at

>> No.11676509

Do americants really do this?

>> No.11676558

The straight edge faggots that keep posting these threads

>> No.11676588

Tea. I know three people who have spent over 1M each on a single tea pot. No coffee machine is that expensive.

>> No.11676632

Coffee fanatics are wankers.
Tea is banging.
>Earl Grey.
>Lady Grey.
>Lapsang Souchong.
It's fucking all good.

>> No.11676639

Are you British or something
I use a $7 thing from ollie's

>> No.11676649

Can't wait for the total shit head fueled false dichotomy bait fest that this thread will be, why even drink these things "regularly"? Are you a drug addict? Just drink water. Jesus.

>> No.11676651

If you post below this line you've been trolled. If you don't post below this line I win. Good luck bitches.

>> No.11676657

My dad called me a fag for buying a gaiwan so probably tea

>> No.11676683
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Jokes on you: I like being trolled.

>> No.11676700

Budget here, I have an electric kettle but don't use it too much because my tap water is hard as FUCK and the inside gets covered in deposits in like a week.

>> No.11676711

Invest in a filter pitcher bro

>> No.11676842

This thread is a shit.

I like tea more than coffee because it's less caffeine. Coffee just makes me feel too hyper, tea is more of a thing I like to wake up to.

>> No.11676856

Both have their insufferables. Tea drinkers who pretend to be fancy and coffee drinkers who sperg about equipment. Both have their benefits, and both have enough varieties to satisfy any taste, but neither is better than the other.

>> No.11676867
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Both are just as bad, as far as I'm concerned. I've heard pretension from the two sides.

>> No.11676919

>muh both sides meme
Fuck off limp-dick centrist.

>> No.11677038

Aussie but my wife is Chinese, those cunts are crazy about tea

>> No.11677052

explain yourself

>> No.11677175
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>> No.11677200

Isn't believing people who hold serious convictions/ beliefs are fucking retards a sided statement/opinion.

>> No.11677209
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Neither, both have their vocal minorities, and neither is too overwhelming in their opinions.
Brewing coffee and tea together in the same cup is the choice to go with.

>> No.11677218

>Instant coffee=teabags
>Multiple steepings=pour-over
>"Muh fair trade"
>"Muh terroir"

>> No.11677734

An electric kettle is $10. Boiling water in the microwave is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.11677738

boiling water in the microwave is free. it's hot fucking water dude. the heating method has zero effect on the end product.

>> No.11677744

>has had wars fought over it
yeah you just discredit your point

>> No.11677753

I misread 'Tea' in the thumbnail as 'jew' and am disappointed as I am relieved about this thread.

>> No.11677755
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The patricians coffee.

>> No.11677759

Microwaving it can leave the water unevenly heated. It’s not a terrible problem, but it is a fault of that method

>> No.11677818

People that microwave water really need to be fucking hung

>> No.11677829

Coffee, due to the amount of machinery needed.

>> No.11677849

Except the smells of the microwave seeping into the water, as well as unevenly heating it. But why should I care, you also believe in wearing shoes indoors and that assholes only need dry toilet paper, and then have a huge fetish for tonguing suchsame holes

>> No.11678098

Who the fuck complains about tea bags? I've never seen this. There's no difference one is just in a small bag.

>> No.11678103

I actually mix coffee and tea together. Cheap black tea cuts that weird tangy flavor you get from instant coffee and the coffee makes the drink more filling.

But if we're talking fancy drinks I only drink tea.

>> No.11678117

>have a huge fetish for tonguing suchsame holes
yeah this is pretty insane.
Is it a zoomer twitter/facebook thing or is it real?

>> No.11678133

If you live in the US, tea is pretentious. If you're British tea is normal so it isn't pretentious. Regular coffee isn't pretentious at all, it's a simple working man's tool to make getting up in the morning something to look forward to instead of a sad disconnect from comfy sleeping and to keep you awake throughout the day while at work. Coffee, like everything else, can be made pretentious though if you treat it like some hipster hobbyist thing and obsess about brewing methods and speak phrases like "I can really notice the strong citrus notes" or ever use the word "mouthfeel."

>> No.11678135

People obsessed with how pretentious a particular beverage is.

>> No.11678136

That might be annoying to you but it's definitely not pretentious.

>> No.11678156

Fix up your diet and you won't need a stimulant to wake up in the morning.

>> No.11678164

Objects such as food are never pretentious. Pretentiousness is a characterist of people, because it all hinges on motivation.
>Person does X because they enjoy it. Not pretentious.
>Person does X because they want to show off and impress people. Pretentious.

>> No.11678165

Nobody said you need it. Believe it or not people "enjoy" it. It's not like you won't wake up in the morning without coffee. You don't need to do most things, we do what we do because we want and choose to. Fix up your diet and you'll stop getting confused when trying to read small amounts of text.

>> No.11678170

>Objects such as food are never pretentious.
They are if you try being slightly less autistic about it and open your eyes.

>> No.11678174

>>you should be stupid like I am!

>> No.11678189

Yes, you're being very clever by pointing out it's not food but people who are sentient. Nobody understood that before and now that we all know better we can stop mistakenly talking about sad songs or ambitious business models. The problem wasn't you not being able to parse out what everyone else understands and has no trouble communicating in terms of on a regular basis, it was everyone else for not acknowledging that inanimate objects aren't people.

>> No.11678205

Nobody enjoys coffee. They enjoy the high because they're addicts. If you had a proper diet you'd feel full of energy all the time and coffee would have basically no effect on you so you'd never really get addicted.

>> No.11678210

>not having a tongue ruined by fifty years of chainsmoking means you're a hipster now

Shit dude who knew it was this easy

>> No.11678221

>>It's OK for people to be wrong because other people do it too.

>> No.11678226

>Nobody enjoys coffee. They enjoy the high because they're addicts.
you actually belive that crap? Frankly, I hate coffee. And I'm sure that many people are indeed addicted to caffiene, But you're painting with an awfully wide brush. Surely there exist people who enjoy the taste but do not guzzle it by the potful like some jonesing addict.

How far do you want to take this?
>>Nobody actually enjoys music, they just listen to it because society tells them to
>>Food is disgusting, the only people who eat it are fat fucks with eating disorders
>>Movies? Nobody enjoys that either, they just go because their friends go.

>> No.11678232

>Nobody actually enjoys music, they just listen to it because society tells them to
No, people actually enjoy music, it's why they sing in the fucking shower when they think no one can hear them. Music is part of the natural human experience.

>Food is disgusting, the only people who eat it are fat fucks with eating disorders
Everyone eats food anon...

>Movies? Nobody enjoys that either, they just go because their friends go.
Yeah? Why? do you go to the movies by yourself? That's pretty sad. It's a social thing. Doing it with your friends is what makes it enjoyable.

>> No.11678238

>Nobody enjoys coffee.
lol, fuck off you absolutely delusional contrarian. I can tell you read one of those brainlet Allen Carr books and confused reality with his approach to tricking readers into believing there's nothing genuinely enjoyable about their habits as a way to make quitting easier. Well surprise, characterizations like that are extremely biased and no reasonable person sincerely believes there's no pleasure in drinking coffee or smoking. It's also a stupid argument because it can be applied to almost anything.
>durr you don't really like mountain climbing, you're just addicted to adrenaline
>hurr you only believe you like music because your brain makes you think that
Yeah, no shit. You're a biochemical machine, that's how pleasure works.

>> No.11678249

Check out the Alan Carr books, it's always super-obvious what brainwashing these anons are spewing when they start bringing up addiction and claiming enjoyment of a habit is a trick, ironically not realizing the real trick the author played on them by getting them to adopt that frame of reference.

>> No.11678253

The taste is only okay for me, but the smell, my god. The smell of hot coffee is one of the greatest pleasures on earth.

>> No.11678258

>No, people actually enjoy music, it's why they sing in the fucking shower when they think no one can hear them. Music is part of the natural human experience.
People actually enjoy coffee, it's why they drink it when nobody else is in the room. Doesn't make sense? Neither does your stupid sentence about singing when they think no one can here them there, hope that helps. And psychoactive compounds have been part of the natural human experience for as long as music has if not longer depending on how broadly you define either term.

>> No.11678259

Yeah I don't know who that is because I don't read books written by pretentious twats and I'm not addicted to pretentious dirt water.

All I'm saying is, eat a balanced diet and your life will improve 100 fold.

>> No.11678260

>Nobody enjoys coffee. They enjoy the high because they're addicts.
I drink decaf, because I like the taste without the boost. What now?

>> No.11678264

Don't lie. It's obvious where you got your stupid ideas from, you can fuck off now.

>> No.11678272

So you actually go around correcting people when they talk about "sad songs" or "ambitious business models" by explaining to them it's really *people* who are sad or ambitious? Please start recording yourself doing this and post to youtube, that's hilarious.

>> No.11678366

>Nobody enjoys coffee. They enjoy the high because they're addicts.

If nobody enjoys coffee, why are there so many delicious, non-caffeinated, coffee flavored sweets?

>> No.11678424

Nope. I think you are misunderstanding my point.

Anyone can read a business plan and can conclude it is ambitous. Likewise anyone can read or listen to the lyrics of a song and conclude that it is sad (or happy, or whatever else). The problem with pretentiousness is that its definition lies in the mindset of the person doing the act, and since we aren't mindreaders we have no way of knowing what that motivation is. Any schmuck can listen to a song and conclude that it's sad. Nobody except the eater knows whether his/her motivation is pretentious or otherwise. That's the distinction.

>> No.11678500

This. Or decaf coffee for that matter