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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11670543 No.11670543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do your co-workers eat for lunch?

What do you eat for lunch?

>> No.11670550

Wow what a slut. She knows what she's doing wearing those shoes to work.

>> No.11670552

Most have sandwiches/salads, I'll usually bring in Fish curry leftovers and reheat that in the lounge area.

>> No.11670564

Nice. For me its kung pao shrimp over Singapore noodle.

>> No.11670569

My cock

>> No.11670571

for me its a turkey sandwich.
white and black and hispanic coworkers either bring a sandwich too or get overpriced shit out of the vending machine.
and asian (Hmong) coworkers eat their weird food and babble in their Hmong language while having terrible English even though they were born in America and went to American high schools with English class like the rest of us but can barely speak it
the lady's are cute tho

>> No.11670582
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>> No.11670583

>hot fish curry
Sure, bring in the stinkiest, most pungent dishes in to eat at work, I bet all your coworkers appreciate your ethnic cuisine

>> No.11670599

feeling bad for you guys that only eat turkey on Thanksgiving and don't know the deliciousness of a good turkey sandwich every day on break at work
truly the finest cold cut meat

>> No.11670611

Oh great! Another racist Drumpftard form /pol/!

>> No.11670618


>> No.11670633

i'm 'boutta eat that ass, knawmsayn?

>> No.11670638


no u

>> No.11670643

u eat fish curry everyday for lunch and dinner? fuck u must stink

>> No.11670646

They usually want me to pick up something from where ever i go.
>hey, anon...where ya goin'
Taco hell
>cool, bring me back____________
Are you asking me, or telling me?
>well, you're gonna be there, just grab me a_______________
Sure. $250
My service costs $250
>man, i can use uber for less than that
So use uber
Thanks for noticing :)

>> No.11670654

i get pretty annoyed when people ask me to grab them stuff, but all my coworkers are super nice and go out of their way to ask me if i want anything whenever they go somewhere so i suck it up and i don't complain.

>> No.11670661

fuck off

>> No.11670668

I wish i could throw you in front of a freight train you dumb piece of shit

>> No.11670670

The one time i got a coworker to bring food back, he sampled evrrything in the bag on his way back to office. I prefer being away from the office during lunch anyway. I'm lucky enough to live 10 minutes from the office. I usually go home for lunch.

>> No.11670673

no, u
if you don't like people saying what they want this is not the website for you

>> No.11670682

Sure, I'll leave this obvious troll thread. No need for you to start crying like a bitch.

>> No.11670692
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>> No.11670698

Wood spank/20

>> No.11670707

you can't do that
t. HR department

>> No.11670708



>> No.11670715

I'd offer her $40 for her panties after she's worn them for a day.

>> No.11670718

>What do you eat for lunch?
Nothing. OMAD.

>> No.11670737

Well, not everyone can add value to a company.

>> No.11670738

All of my co-workers and I go out for lunch. I work in the city, so it's something different every day

>> No.11670750

you laugh but wait until a gay man coworker grabs your junk

>> No.11670762

Seems strange to go to the effort of using a standing desk yet wear high heels at the same time.

>> No.11670769

>no chair and desk is nearly empty.
Are you guys mistreating her, OP

>> No.11670780

Even if that did happen I could handle it better myself.
Seriously, fuck HR

>> No.11670785
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>> No.11670789

Hot desking / clean desk policy

>> No.11670796
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>standing office means no seats to smell
guess you'll have to offer to drive her somewhere

>> No.11670802

what, and beat the guy up?
enjoy no job and assault charges.

>> No.11670828

he means he'd teach him a lesson by furiously sucking him off in the bathroom. at his house. again.

>> No.11670842


>> No.11670849

do you think I actually work in HR ahahahahaha

>> No.11670854

Damn straight

>> No.11670874
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>> No.11670876

What a sad looking butt

>> No.11670888


>> No.11670913

I'm self-employed and my office is in my house. Lunch is either leftovers from last night, or what will most likely be leftovers for tonight. Sometimes I'll make a casserole-y something that I can have for lunch through the week, and then make something different for supper. Today I had the last of the spaghetti Bolognese. Tonight I'm making a ribeye, so there won't be leftovers tomorrow!

>> No.11670925


>> No.11670926

I'm also gay, if that matters.

>> No.11670932

Imagine the stench

>> No.11670937

Ladies and gentlemen, the comic stylings of Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber!

>> No.11670940

How did you type that while being a

>> No.11670944

That's the point, you dumbass.

>> No.11670945

poop in a loop

>> No.11670946

No. U.

>> No.11670958

Subway, chips, or lollipops. It's complicated.

>> No.11670966

4channel is chock full of quirky memes xD !!1!

>> No.11670967


>> No.11670977

Celery and chaos

>> No.11670982

>What do your co-workers eat for lunch?
They usually buy frozen TV dinner meals. We’re in a building with a pizza joint too so some of them order food from there, like pizza or a grinder.

>What do you eat for lunch?
I try to remember to bring leftovers or I’ll walk across the road to Cumberland Farms to buy something there.

>> No.11671516

I'd wear them

>> No.11671530

I'd make a tea out of them.

>> No.11671533

i would worker-co if you know what i mean

>> No.11671580

you mean you'd have a nice conversation with her while you still have your boss's semen on your breath?

>> No.11671612

I am my own boss but sadly I'm not that flexible

>> No.11671616

>giving a damn about infantile tastelets fee fees
Not even once.

>> No.11671617

Gay nigger lover

>> No.11671620

Would spank with my dick before sticking in pooper

>> No.11671643
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Hopefully beans and eggs

>> No.11671650
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>> No.11671661

I usually just have some boiled eggs and cabbage in the canteen, my coworkers will usually have

>> No.11671681

That's a literal wine aunt butt riddled with fat dimples and lines, ffs.

>> No.11671691
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reply or mom nostril

>> No.11671703
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>Eating ethnic food
Nigger, that's a minority you're attacking, what a bigot!

>> No.11671734

Doubtful, I haven't seen a forty year old roastie that thin in decades

>> No.11671864

wine aunts are fucking hoooot. why are aunts so fucking appealing bros?

>> No.11671913

>Understands the smells of fish and curry
>must be racist


>> No.11671947

People ate the bait and swallowed the hook too.

>> No.11671957

nice fantasy, fag

>> No.11671965

Who gives a shit, I'm not stupid enough to work in some so called "open office" environment.

>> No.11671966
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please go back.

>> No.11671980
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Long ways to go until she's a tried and true braphog, but she has potential

>> No.11671990

Ahh the stench of liverwurst and onions or worse currynigger stench.

>> No.11672673
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I eat sardines at work but it is a stealth operation. I open the tin in the break room in the sink to avoid splashing oil on my desk. Cover them with a napkin to hide them from the NPC's bitches that I expect will comment in disgust if they see them. I eat them at my desk then throw the tin in the break room trash so my area will not smell delicious.

>> No.11672690

Some of them bring food, some of them go out. I don't really see what they eat since we eat in our own offices because there's not really a lunch area.

I try to bring leftovers a couple of times a week, but it's also nice to go out for lunch with coworkers and get out of the office for a while. The only really good place near work is a hole in the wall Vietnamese place, other than that there's a sandwich shop with homemade bread, and various chain or fast food restaurants.

>> No.11672692

What the fuck kind of weird places do you people work for where you have to go out to lunch with your coworkers on a daily basis? I don't mind once every couple months but I'm at work to do my work and leave, I'd rather get out and maybe take my GF out to dinner or something instead of make retard smalltalk and bullshit with coworkers.
I and the rest of us are there to do our jobs, not to yap around socializing, that's for secretaries.

>> No.11672725

A chemical plant. I don't dislike my coworkers, I go out drinking or play poker with some of them about once a month. Working 9 hours straight with no lunch break sucks and eating at your desk with your work in front of you sucks, so it's nice to get out and have a break. I don't go to lunch with coworkers I don't like.

I'll also have lunch in the control room every once in a while. The operators aren't allowed to leave for lunch, but they have a kitchen so they cook lunch sometimes. I'll also return the favor by picking up some breakfast or lunch for them sometimes.

>> No.11672737

Me and my coworkers all go out to lunch together (around 8 people) usually chicken and chips and salad sometimes pizza or fish and chips.

>> No.11672763


>> No.11672817

One of my coworkers goes to the McDonalds across the street every day and eats 3 McChickens in his car.

For me, it's the daily special at the employee lounge.

>> No.11672905

if you amass everyone together you can get them to do abstract work off the clock. some people just can't take breaks

>> No.11673067

I love taking breaks, that doesn't mean that I want to take them with coworkers.

>> No.11673078

We're not suckers at companies that I've worked for, working off the clock makes no sense, that's for retards.