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11667251 No.11667251 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyway to be sure that an alcoholic beverage is vegan friendly?

Like for example I found a bottle of bacon infused whiskey in a liquor store, which startled e. I started to look on the bottles for vegan certified to make sure no meat or animals were harmed in making the liquor but can't find one.

How do I find out if a bottle of liquor or beer or wine is vegan?

>> No.11667258

Every alcoholic drink is made by the death of living yeast. So no. It cannot ever be vegan.

>> No.11667264

99.9999% of liquors are vegan, maybe stop buying bacon flavored vodka and baileys

>> No.11667268

Bread is vegan. To be vegan one must not consume animals, seafood, bugs like snails, or products that come from animal torture like milk and eggs.

>> No.11667269

What about other flavored drinks like vanilla, any dairy in those?

>> No.11667272

I kinda figured you guys just like, ate rocks or something
A rock was never alive

>> No.11667277

nope, they use vanilla to simulate dairy in some drinks, but not the other way around

>> No.11667278


nigga you just pick up the egg like how is that torture

>> No.11667329

Hey guys OP here again. I only eat cum to get my protein so if there's a vegan liquor that goes well with lots of man jizz please let me know!

>> No.11667333

I'm afraid that's completely wrong my dude.
Nearly all beers and wines using isinglass, gelatin or egg as a fining agent. Loads of whiskeys and almost all dark rums have honey added and pretty much all barrel aged spirits use animal products to make the barrels, especially wax.

>> No.11667360

do you think cum could be substituted for wax so us vegans could enjoy it too? TIA - OP

>> No.11667364

Vegans are fucking insane if they care about that shit

>> No.11667379

Most craft beer uses irish moss, a plant, added at the end of the boil for clarity. Megacorporate pisswater is just run through a filter. Full bodied reds don't use clarifiers at all.

>> No.11667400

>Megacorporate pisswater is just run through a filter.
Not that anyone should care, but most macro brews do use isinglass. Even dark beers like Guinness

>> No.11667401

Why is moss ok but eggs aren't? Has anybody owned chickens? That's a thing they do. What do you do with the eggs if you don't eat them?

>> No.11667420

Vegans want Chickens, dogs, cows etc all domestic animals to go extinct and for people not to own them at all

>> No.11667436

It depends on how autistic of a vegan you are. Animal products were surely used in the building of the facility that produced the product as well, and in supporting industries like packaging. Really tough to find a completely animal product free food/drink

>> No.11667437

>Bugs like snail

Wut ?

Also, are vegan allowed to kill their parasites ?

>Eggs are murder but abortion is great !

They are, and they do.

>> No.11667440


This site asks various companies about their fining processes so you can be sure you’re getting an animal-free product. Remember to drink responsibly, killing yourself with alcohol poisoning is not vegan.

>> No.11667449

The chicken eggs we eat are not fertilized, it’s more like chicken menstruation.

>> No.11667453

>killing yourself with alcohol poisoning is not vegan.
bullshit, killing a human is a net positive to vegans

>> No.11667481

If it doesn't contain meat, dairy or egg - so most alcoholic beverages aside from advocaat/eggnog, (Irish) cream liqueurs, and meat flavoured spirits/beers - it should be vegan. Some beers use isinglas for clarity, that is derived from fish, so unfortunately regular Guinness isn't vegan, but Extra Stout usually is.

Some bacon flavouring is quite literally smoke flavour - whether real from apple or mesquite wood, or fake from phenolic esters, which would be vegan despite the name.

When in doubt, check the website. If things aren't listed, pretty much everybody has a contact page.

>> No.11667490

As long as the drunk in question is freely giving of his flesh, he's just marinating himself for a vegan feast. Long pork is the best pork.

>> No.11667566

I dont care if this is bait but not eating honey because its not vegan is retarded if anything it actually helps bee populations to support local keepers

>> No.11667811
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>> No.11667873


>> No.11667888

>t. soyboy cuck

>> No.11668417

No we don't want them extinct we just want them to have equal rights.

>> No.11668453

Some (most) wines use egg whites as a fining agent. This is declared on the bottle. Other than that, use your head. If it's bacon infused, it probably contains bacon.

>> No.11668463
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>bugs like snails
If a vegan gets a tapeworm can they kill it?

>> No.11668472


>> No.11668474

Just drink vodka you fucks

>> No.11668476
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>> No.11668585

they do care being vegan means absolutely no animal products unlike being vegetarian which is just not eating meat

>> No.11668601

Hopefully not.

>> No.11668603

I fucking hate vegans so fucking much. Animals can have the same rights when they get one of their kind on the moon. We conquered this world, we are entitled to its resources.

>> No.11668637


>> No.11668695

alcohol is made by exploiting yeast, the yeast eventually dies if the alcohol level gets too high
how is that vegan?

>> No.11669047
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Bruh, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11669059

When the UK changed from paper bank notes to plastic notes, it transpired that there was a small amount of tallow used to make the plastic.
Vegans had a shit fit and started refusing to handle the money, it was glorious.

>> No.11669089

By committing suicide.

>> No.11669099

How are snails bugs, they don't have any legs. They are molluscs.

>> No.11669103

>yeast are animals
You’re a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.11669134

Why is yeast and carrots (for example) okay to eat? But honey and milk is not okay. Honey and milk were never alive, unlike all plants and yeast.

Your definitions of what counts as vegan is arbitrary bullshit. But no one is suprised as vegans are fucking mentally ill.

>> No.11669280

Dont buy bacon alcohol you absolute autist. Just buy normal booze.

>> No.11669299

Vegan are almost worse than niggers

>> No.11670092

Also read the thread before you comment. Listen before spouting. Especially to trips.

>> No.11670105

Care to explain your contribution for the class please?

>> No.11670111

pretty much all liquor is vegan unless it has honey in it. Budweiser is vegan too

>> No.11670206

Molluscs are a type of bug, anything that doesn't fall into mammal, or bird, or fish or crawfish, is a type of bug.

Monkeys have made it to the moon. They've been in space several times.

>> No.11670218

I've heard of fruitarians that only eat vetebales and fruits that have fallen off the branch, they don't believe in picking things off trees as it's a type of murder.

Is there any sort of vulturetarians or buzzardtarians, where people only eat dead animals they find, be it road kill or animals that died of natural causes like the vulture birds do?

>> No.11670221

Hey just wanted to let you know that even if you're stupid I forgive you and I still think you're great :)

>> No.11670223

>Molluscs are a type of bug
Oh, so you're a retard.

>>Monkeys have made it to the moon
No, humans sent them into space. They didn't do any of it on their own.

>> No.11670232

>like snails
do you even biology?
read book nigga

>> No.11670429

sorry bro, just talked to that very pig, and he said that hes fine with being eaten after being murdered

>> No.11670970

So molluscs are bugs and insects are bugs but crawfish aren't bugs? That makes no sense.

>> No.11670994

how do you know for sure?

>> No.11671086

It's simple anything on land that is not mammal or bird is bug.

>> No.11671094

They endured the journey.

Would you be fine with people eating you after you die? Or raping you?

>> No.11671127

Lizards are bugs. Got it

>> No.11671181

as human being no, but its hard to find different perspectives when everyone is you

>> No.11671333

Except the reptiles, forgot them, everything that isn't mammal, bird, or reptile is bug... so like beetles spiders slugs snails worms, caterpillars all that crap.

>> No.11671349

kill yourself you mentally deranged Resetera tranny

>> No.11671479

I also like to be the one drawing the arbitrary lines so as to live conveniently with my set of morals that I will then impose upon others. nice

>> No.11672494

It aint abritrary it's real, egss and milk harm animals cause of cramped spaced and abuse, bees are harmed through the stealing of honey, peaches and tomatoes don't feel nothing.

>> No.11672597

>frogs are bugs
you're a fuckin retard, just stop

>> No.11672624

Bleach is vegan friendly, everyone should try it.

>> No.11672826
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Reading retards talk about biology is painful, but I forgive you mr.retard. Have merry christmas

>> No.11674518
File: 56 KB, 650x491, tfw not vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11674595

My god you are the dumbest motherfucker in town

>> No.11674645

Harvesting grain fields kill more animals than slaughter houses. You can’t really eat or drink anything bro.

>> No.11674653

Dumb weeb.

>> No.11675935

Fuck this edgy 13 year old atheist looking hack

>> No.11675944
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>microorganisms die when i breathe air
>therefore its okay to torture puppies with ice picks and slit a cows throat

>> No.11676345

Irish moss and isinglass are used at different stages of brewing and most places use both.

>> No.11676410

>torture puppies with ice picks and slit a cows throat
You mean OHKO a cow with a bolt device?
Unless you mean halal/kosher shit, which is indefensible.

>> No.11676416

Slitting a live pigs throat makes the best blood sausage because its free of any death hormones or early stage coagulation. Also, fuck pigs.

>> No.11676426

And since you dumbfuckistani leftists think that responsible forestry is murdering trees, you might as well avoid anything aged in barrels.

>> No.11676428


>> No.11676432


>> No.11676438

i work for a large soda and alcoholic beverage company and i can confirm i keep a steak in my sock just to dip into every batch.

>> No.11676444

peta kidnaps people's dogs and cats and then kills them

>> No.11676447

Based cringe poster

>> No.11677185

Egg white is traditionally used in wine making. Fuck vegans.

>> No.11677798

Nigga. Spiders are arachnids

>> No.11678271

I think their stance is pretty clear. It's based on sentience. They believe that organisms from the animal kingdom have sentience or at least it is likely and that other organisms do not. They believe it is wrong to kill something with sentience. Vegans correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.11678291

Usually the chickens will eat them if you leave em there

>> No.11678300

Animals are not made in God's image and therefore do not have any of the rights afforded to Man. Fight me.

>> No.11678441
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Oh yeah?

>> No.11678548

Yeast is a fungus and fungus is NOT vegan friendly; therefore vegans shouldn't be drinking liquor and they shouldn't be eating bread, if they really truly do care about being vegan

>> No.11678600
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Doggos too

>> No.11679840

Almost all liquor is vegan. Stay away from infused shit, stay away from heavily flavored shit i.e. cinnamon apple cherry anusfart vodka, garbage like that - Stick to only craft beers, who always list their ingredients proudly on their website or merchandise. Im sure someone out there has made a giant master list of vegan alcohol.

>> No.11679850

Dont worry boo, reincarnation is real. You will live as one of those pigs sooner or later.

>> No.11680517

Except for sedimentary rocks

>> No.11682331

The shit that doesn't make any sense is okay, take animals with no brains. Like oysters.

No oyster suffered ever. It is a lump of meat surrounded by a shell that just kinda lives.

>> No.11682348

Guiness has been completely vegan since November 2017.

I simply decline to accept any English bank notes. Scottish and Northern Irish banknotes are not made of the decaying flesh of rotting carcasses.

>> No.11682362

I honestly don't mind. The thought of living an uncomfortable life which ends with being slaughtered to sustain other beings is real comfy.

>> No.11682367
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>Implying you aren't living that life now.

>> No.11683009
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>actually this braindead

>> No.11683531

Do people eat that because it looks tasty

>> No.11683745

>or products that come from animal torture like milk and eggs.
i dont think you understand torture or perhaps animals.

>> No.11683860
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>ungus is NOT vegan friendly

>> No.11683863

contact the manufacturer.

>> No.11683922

RIP Laika.

>> No.11683965

really though, you draw the line at bees? do you also hesitate to kill wasps and ants?

>> No.11685077

Nigger, do you think eggs are cut out of birds?

>> No.11685477

Guinness stopped that a few years ago and is a vegan beer now

>> No.11686560

forbidden tomato

>> No.11688467

Nobody told me this wtf