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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11667356 No.11667356 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat your sides or meat piece first for meals like this?

>> No.11667393

Cut meat and scoop it with the side into your mouth hole

If the sides are well picked they will taste good with the entree

>> No.11667394

Both together

>> No.11667403

i usually let the meat rest and eat it last. but with a meal like that i'd eat mouthfulls of both alternatively while ensuring to leave some pasta for the end to soak up any remaining sauce. sure, you can use bread for that but you're eating a huge amount of carbs there. why did you order such trash, op?

>> No.11667404

what the fuck kind of faggot are you? do you also want everything on separate plates?

>> No.11667410

a thread died for this
believe it or not, this board does have maybe 10% decent and useful threads at any time
and then you get this

>> No.11667422

social stigma and anxiety is a real thing fuckbag

if you're not helping then you're part of the problem

>> No.11667434

sort it out on another board, then. this is for cooking, not your broken head you fucking faggot

>> No.11667460


Chicken or veal? Also I'd alternate between the two.

>> No.11667461

Your cooking sucks and nobody likes it.

>> No.11667466

not your personal board

>> No.11667468

stopping everything to help those who cannot help themselves is the opposite of helping.
back before "ADD" or "ADHD" or the plethora of other ridiculous diagnoses that enable the retards and plague our mental health facilities, we'd simply give the retards a job they could handle.
why don't you think about, next time you see a retard having a hard time, giving him a stick to push a barrel hoop to the junk yard. he will remember you for it.

>> No.11667476

Just so you know, every time I see a post like this, I make sure I make at least two fast food threads sometime during the day/night. Wa la, gore mand.

>> No.11667489

Please refrain from making meta posts outside of /qa/.

>> No.11667510

>stopping everything
what did i stop? a logical thought process form you?

fyi, a lot of modern conditions are the side effect of prescription drugs for other conditions.

but whatever the case, an anon asked a simple question related to eating cooked food on the food and cooking board. if you have nothing to add then you must have add. (< see what i did there?)

>> No.11667522

i'd drink the wine first, obviously. then take off my clothes and dance around the pub naked while stealing food from other people's plates.

>> No.11667542

I eat the meat on prime numbered bites, like bites number 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and so on. Things just work out better that way. It's hell on my mom though, let me tell you. She has to arrange the bites

>> No.11667683

good board
functioning as intended

>> No.11667700
File: 1.25 MB, 400x400, aww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighten up, scrooge.

>> No.11667711

do americans really eat this?

>> No.11667724

I'm gonna go get a glass of milk

>> No.11667731


Yummmers. How did Americans get so good at cooking Italian food?

>> No.11667735
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you do that. i'll be busy fucking ur mum in the pooper.

>> No.11667778

I'm gonna touch your eardrum with my penis. At least 3 or 4 times.

>> No.11667785

my ear canal isn't very big so that must mean, erm, anon you really didn't think this through, did you.

>> No.11667795

No I'm vegan. Shit's huge. It's gonna cave your head in

>> No.11667796

>Do you eat your sides or meat piece first for meals like this?
That's a 3-step breaded cutlet that has been covered in soppy wet sauce and broiled for melted cheese. Letting it sit awhile longer is a horrible idea as the texture disintegrates from lightly crisp breadcrumbs and oozy cheese into soft microwaved frozen dinner quality crap. If you are dining out, you want a fresh-from-scratch entree in a restaurant literally coming right out from the kitchen to your mouth to savor bite by bite. Sometimes I'll only eat 5 or so bites of the pasta, since it's usually an afterthought like that.

>> No.11667797
File: 9 KB, 204x248, 1538336876829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm part of the fucking problem, you little bitch. i'm here to make your life hell, make you sweat and wish you were never born. i'm here to torment you, i've spent my entire life practicing and have become exceedingly adept at it; the things that make you not want to live are what i live for. your weaknesses are my bread and butter, i will gouge you in your most sensitive spots, just to hear you squeal. i will pretend to be your friend while secretly arranging the worst turns of events possible for you, and i'll be there to watch you suffer in misery as you lose all hope. i AM the fucking problem and i AM NOT going away

>> No.11667822

tldr, by digits beat your digits so i win by default. suck on them apples. digit.

>> No.11667828


i've got your moms digits

>> No.11667842

I usually completely fill up on salad and bread so I can bring the whole thing home.
My whole family does this too.
Waiters hate us.

>> No.11668046

The power of the melting pot my friend

>> No.11668079

The odds are high that you are an American baiting, which is pathetic
Or you're a Europoor, which is also pathetic

>> No.11669149

if there's no ham then it's not a real parma

>> No.11670939

>a thread died for this
a thread got bumped for this