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File: 23 KB, 450x300, CC3E4A2B-4464-48A3-A8CD-65F046CD170D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11660150 No.11660150 [Reply] [Original]

In Queensland Australia you can’t buy alcohol on Xmas day (unless you are having it with lunch at the few places actually open for it.
I purposely didn’t buy any New Year’s Eve so I wouldn’t drink today.
Plan worked really well.
I’m having tea and cake lol.
What are the laws where you live?
Are you drinking too much?

>> No.11660284
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If I didn't have any booze in my house and I didn't have time to get any and I couldn't buy any booze for Christmas day dinner... Jesus I'd be fucked, the panic would set in, I'd probably start searching my house for anything to get drunk or high off of. Being sober on holidays (or most days) is so unbelievably uncomfortable I'd go stir crazy or take benedryl just to pass out. It's like when you were in high school and you knew a guy who'd buy you booze and you have all the money ready but he never shows up and you start freaking out. It's uh.. It's fun being an addict lel..

>> No.11660300

>reddit letter media

>> No.11660348
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Liking a quality channel that creates free, funny, and competent reviews of movies/b-movies makes me reddit... Okay bubby

>> No.11660350

Does your phone autocorrect Christmas Eve into New Year's Eve, or are you more drunk than you care to admit?

>> No.11660360

Let's go to the Treasury at midnight for pokies and drinks.

>> No.11660365

how would buying it on new years eve help you today? that isn't for a few days

>> No.11660370

using ellipses and reddit frog makes you reddit you sack of shit

>> No.11660403

Does it open spot on midnight??

>> No.11660406

Lol didn’t drink for ~24 hrs now.
Didn’t even notice my typo until you pointed it out...

>> No.11660410

Meant to reply to this post.

>> No.11660432

>free, funny, and competent
it's like you get redditer by the post.

>> No.11660451

It did last year and there was a huge line of thirsty people.

>> No.11660486

Eat some grilled witchey grubs and down them with nice fizzy Coca-Cola!

>> No.11660493

I’m tempted now.
Imma just get silly if I go and either win or lose a bunch of money.
I was planning to go in tomorrow about lunch desu.

>> No.11660497

Win bitch!

>> No.11660499

I always make sure I have plenty of booze in my fridge Christmas Eve, because I never need a drink as badly as I do when I come home from the family Christmas lunch.

I live in NSW, so the laws are probably similar. I thought all the pubs were still open, but maybe not. I never checked. We got super uptight after those one-punch kills a few years ago, so I doubt we're more lenient than QLD. No takeaway alcohol on Australia Day and ANZAC Day, though. That I know for sure.

>> No.11660511

Haven't had a drink in 17 days. Queensland sucks. Never met a good person from there.

>> No.11660512
File: 87 KB, 900x600, japanese-unit_731-germs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love you folk from New Zealand and Aussieland, we might not have won the pacific theatre without you. Not just you. All of the allies vs. those treacherous jap sneak attack cunts, they never stood a chance.

Never forget the jap unit 731.

>> No.11660513

In Queensland, to be specific, you can go to a licensed place Xmas day and drink for three hours - as long as it’s at asitdown licensed facility, restaurant or pub.
3 hrs drinking = 1 hour prior meal, one hour during and one hr after meal. All at your table.
Anyway, you did the right thing it sounds yummy stocking up. Nice one anon.

>> No.11660516

I'll be there around 12:30.
Only taking $1500 with me and leaving my cards at home so I don't get out of control.

>> No.11660518

Great you have been sober so long.
I’m sweating up a treat here, I guess waiting for my next drink.
Getting weird cramps in my hands and feet, too.

>> No.11660519

Does $1500 AUS bucks only get you like 3 or 4 beers these days?

>> No.11660525

No that's gambling funds, probably need another $200 for drinking as a casino beer is ~$10.

>> No.11660532

Damn so tempted to go.
I’d just go with $800.
What do you play?
I like Texas Bonus. I win as (almost?) often as I lose. One night I walked away with $9 from ~ $1k starting $$.

>> No.11660537

Understood, in Las Vegas, they'd pay you to go there with $1500, give you free drinks and probably give you a room too. Never let them know your limit.

>> No.11660539

Based. Keep it up, Australians. Us Chinese are patiently waiting to take your place when you die prematurely.

>> No.11660542

Yeah, half past midnight.
Usually play the video roulette, a bit of blackjack and then several hundred through the pokies.
I've had good and bad nights there, most Ive walked out with is $27,000 (jackpot) and most Ive done my ass on is about $5,000.
Just as well I don't live close.
If you do go, leave a message on here and I'll buy you a round.

>> No.11660543

You chinks can't do shit unless we stop you from stealing our stuff in the USA. We pay for R&D and everything then you chinks steal it. If we put a halt to that, it would kill you.

>> No.11660550

Real cheap for you chinks when you steal everything from other nations without doing your own R&D then claim the glory of communism. Do you know how pathetic you sound, even the USSR and now Russia wasn't that pathetic and their girls are much hotter than yours.

>> No.11660552

Jesus, $27000 must have felt nice.
Hope you invested it well?
How old are you btw?
I’m in 4109, so just far enough away I don’t make it a regular thing.

>> No.11660553

Support your free market, please. Do not deviate like this.

>> No.11660557

Also, I’m 40 with two kids so I’d be stupid to make a thing of it.
Went last month and walked away $1200 up.
Month before $1500 up,
Month before $1300 down :/

>> No.11660562

I'm 35, no kids.
I'm 4207.
Yeah, I have zero debt.
Last thing I paid off was my mortgage 2 years ago.

>> No.11660567

Congrats anon!
How did you manage that?
I’ve got until retirement to pay off mine fml.

>> No.11660568

I deviated your mum last night if you know what I mean!

>> No.11660570

I’m sure your chink sized dick was very disappointing for her.

>> No.11660580

Thanks, bought the house for $290k in 2006 in Rochedale South.
Used roommates to pay the mortgage and landed a really good job.
Money isn't something I even care about, I'm sure if things were tight I'd have a different point of view though.

>> No.11660582
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She's pretty good at drawing out loads.
Apparently she has a lot of experience.

>> No.11660585

I went to japan for ten years, which killed my career back here. I’m doing okay but sounds like you are killing it.
Smart to get the roommates to pay off mortgage. I hope there weren’t too many dramas?

>> No.11660586

Notice how you didn’t deny tiny dik there.
Well, at least you are honest about one thing.

>> No.11660588

There's no reason for anyone to really care about money as such, but tangible assets like land are pretty good. The government can always steal it from you for a pittance of compensation if it decides there's a need, but it's still better than cash and shares.

>> No.11660592
File: 47 KB, 625x267, Negative_Waves-Early_Morning-Kellys_Heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of cold here in the NE USA so it takes a hot chick to make it look large, nothing that any of you savage girls are capable of. Lemmie guess negative waves turns you on?

>> No.11660594

Go to bed anon, you are drunk.

>> No.11660595

There were often small dramas, usually things like unwashed dishes, carpet stains, etc.
After the house was paid off I cleared them all out and completely renovated.
Sounds like a great experience you had.
Now that I have the money to get away I no longer have the time.
Maybe I'll change careers at 40 and see the world then.

Yeah good points.
I have had mixed success with shares/stock but made a killing on Bitcoin.

>> No.11660598

This stuff is still funny.

>> No.11660602

Check out hotel rooms with UV light.

>> No.11660605

I always lol’d at people investing in bitcoin until I started crying.
What price did you get in/out at?

>> No.11660612

... this is what happens when pakis and indians run hotels.

>> No.11660616

So why do they take my towels for cleaning every day even though the sign says they won't clean my towels when I leave them on a rack instead of the floor? They lie about not cleaning and also lie about cleaning? What are these fucks thinking?

>> No.11660617

Fuck, why'd you have to be nice. Did you scale down your drinking? Or just cold turkey? I went on fluoxetine when I quit and I didn't get any withdrawal. But I did scale down.

>> No.11660618

I mined in a pool 24/7 from early to mid 2011.
I had several Bitcoin by the time I stopped and left them forgotten on a harddrive in storage.
Sold near the peak at US $18,500.

>> No.11660619

They are too busy thinking about their beloved designated poo streets back home to ever consider changing what looks to be a clean bedsheet.

>> No.11660627

Here in New Zealand all business are closed for Christmas, though I just stocked up the day before.

>> No.11660630

I’d love to catch up tonight anon, but my wife would likely be annoyed.
I’ll keep you posted though.
I am only 24hrs sober.
I drink almost nightly but not excessively unless out with friends, etc.

>> No.11660637

No problem, maybe next time, I'm on here at least every other day.
All the best.

>> No.11660647

You, too.
Good luck tonight.
If I can’t sleep or the itch gets too strong I’ll hit you up here.
If we both go, greater the odds that at least one of us leave a winner...

>> No.11660649

Even in Tamworth?

>> No.11660653

>posting newfag frog
Literally proves you're both a newfag and reddit.

>> No.11660657
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>> No.11660695

It’s funny, but I don’t get the Finland reference.
Is it just a joke about how incompetent the media is?

>> No.11660697

It's probably just an old image. Scandinavia used to be the leftist wet dream, before they had to invoke hard right policies to avoid being fucked over.

>> No.11660710

Ahhh, gotcha.
Ty anon.

>> No.11661121

Did you make it in yet anon.
Just had my alarm bell (aka youngest child) wake us up for a feed. Look at my phone and we’ll i’ll be, it’s just after midnight... huh, I says.

>> No.11661146

please, just go back and stay there.

>> No.11661154

Fuck off cunt, literally no one is talking to you.

>> No.11661282

I've got goon, a bottle of bundy and a slab of xxxx. I was all set yesterday

>> No.11661290

Myron man. You should be in bed passed out by now then?

>> No.11661350

yeah I'll go to sleep soon. didn't really drink that much today honestly,spent most of my time cooking

>> No.11661351

fuck off larper

>> No.11662289

I don’t really notice much change in the states.
Alcohol is still available 24-7.
Must suck to live in such a backwards country.

>> No.11662306

The united states of america? You can't even get alcohol 24/7 on a normal day in many states.

>> No.11662373

Convenience store around the corner from your place begs to differ.

>> No.11662380

you mean the one subject to the same alcohol sales restrictions as the others in my state?

>> No.11662390

Well OP was asking that exact question, no need to be an ass about it.
I’m just saying that here in Albuquerque it’s business as usual for the most part.

>> No.11662570

You literally can't buy alcohol in my county anytime, faggot.

>> No.11662593

Mudslime detected.
Please stay there instead of being like the rest of your non-assimilating relatives and stay the fuck there.

>> No.11662716

It's a predominantly white county in the southern US run by christian sharia law evangelicals, fagfuck.

>> No.11664845

>Christian sharia law
Just kys already, Jesus.

>> No.11664878

I live in Virginia, we have no special Christmas laws but year-round we have some dumb bullshit:

>stores can't sell you alcohol from midnight to 6 am
>bars and restaurants can only serve alcohol until 2 am
>you can only buy hard liquor at state-run ABC stores, grocery stores and gas stations and such only have beer and wine

>> No.11665149

It’s annoying how the politicians get to make all these rules, and for what?
I guess they get to put their hand up and say ‘I did that.’
Autistic cunts

>> No.11665170

In Virginia it's probably because of religious maniacs, but we have laws like that in NYC and it's to prevent a race to the bottom in terms of alcohol retailing. Right now since grocery stores and giant big box stores are prohibited from selling wine, the market can support a small boutique wine shop on practically every block, and you get extremely niched specialty stores that will, for instance, only sell wine made in one region of Chile, or only sell biodynamic wine, or only wine made by women, or they'll pre-stock all the stuff in Asimov's latest column for the neophytes who need to be told what to drink.

These kinds of shops still pay the rent by selling Bulleitt and Tito's en masse to people who don't give a shit about alcohol, but the political support for protecting these shops comes from the people who know what they'd lose if every Whole Foods and CVS could sell alcohol.

>> No.11665274

Pretty based
In japan they sell alcohol in the supermarkets, but the actual liquor stores are generally a bit cheaper so they keep in business. It must be tough though, with every other corner having a 24 convenience store selling all kinds of alcohol and cheap, too.
I don’t know if the convenience stores ever close?

>> No.11665279


>> No.11665294

Mabye a little late but in Melbourne Victoria bottle shops are open on Xmas day.

Hard to believe there closed on Queensland

>> No.11665314

I work at a restaurant/bar in Queensland and there was a like 100 people who wanted to just drink. I'm pretty sure there were so many cunts drinking that they scared off anyone wanting to have a meal there. They didn't even order food they just drank while standing for hours because there wasn't enough seats.

>> No.11665327

Was that Xmas lunch or dinner?

I was at the casino today and asked someone there and apparently when they reopened at 12:01 Boxing Day, it was like a scene out of the walking dead with the droves humans all headed for the bar

>> No.11665330

Yeah? I wonder when the laws will change here...
I actually don’t mind it.

>> No.11665346

Dinner, but they could have been there earlier for all I know. It was kind of sad to see people subjugate themselves to standing ass to face with 100 other people just to drink.

>> No.11665354

Where was this if I may ask?
Not establishment, just the town.
I read the law was that it must be with a meal in a proper dining area and you get 3 hours to drink, 1hr pre meal 1hr with meal and 1hr after meal.
So many gay rules the politicians like to make up but yeah if they have to drink, just plan better the day before and buy an extra carton...