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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 1196x903, 51Fe4TwHCPL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11657457 No.11657457 [Reply] [Original]

This guy's a fucking faggot.

>> No.11657459

he's an idiot

>> No.11657464

What did he do now?

>> No.11657475
File: 405 KB, 1196x953, 51Fe4TwHCPL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11657477

Lives in OPs head rent free

>> No.11657479

He’s a little pussy antifa lover and has some black nationalist tell us how we should feel guilty for being white and takes subtle jabs at trump because he can’t handle a real president in office

>> No.11657487

>triggered by the orange fool drink
wow ur really gay.

>> No.11657504

so what if i am?

>> No.11657511

d-do you wanna come over?

>> No.11657516

you got a problem with liking the founding fathers? are you saying that george washington wasn't one of the greatest MEN ever to live?

it sounds like you don't like america you mexican nigger loving communist piece of shit. why don't you go join isis if you hate america so much, cunt?

the founding fathers built a great country and its FAGGOTS like you that destroy it, while MEN like Townsends are out there working really hard to keep it from crumbling into the hands of virgins like yourself.

not to mention he has a wife who he fucks, and procreates with to create more white AMERICAN children.

you probably have never had another human touch your dick.

>> No.11657518
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Triggered, Magapede? ;)

>> No.11657526

Oh i get it, the santa hat fits this time haha haha haha haha haha

>> No.11657538

When did the psychologists diagnose your profound retardation?

>> No.11657539

my presidents in office and is reversing every single fucking thing you communists want

>> No.11657553

This guy's a fucking legend, all his witty banter and jabs at the current government. From mocking small hands to having an episode entirely dedicated to burning cheeto bags.
That or when he adds some spices to his food because "He's not some boring, white, Republican." Fucking genius.

>> No.11657560

>moves embassy to jerusalem

>> No.11657576

>"your" president
>she ACTUALLY believes this
sweetie, he isn't your president unless your net worth is in the billions. he's bought and paid for by the richest of the rich

and reversing anything? oh honey. he couldn't even get a measly 5 billion for a border wall, even though he could have gotten 5 times that six months ago in exchange for DACA amnesty. Art of the deal indeed!

>> No.11657588

the government is shut down until we get the wall. you fucking lose commie. six more years.

>> No.11657614
File: 52 KB, 748x567, 15379943806133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>withdrawls troops from Syuria and soon the rest of the region
>Israel gets torn appart by angry arabs

>> No.11657622

that's not gonna last long.

wall street isn't going to tolerate more government shut down shit, and it's not going to look good for his re-election if he is the cause for an economic meltdown.

just sayin' if you don't want people to get interested in socialism, then don't cause an economic crash.

obviously dipshits like you don't understand the confluence of how economics pervades society and politics, which is why you focus on issues like "muh wall" and other relatively inconsequential shit that you're given to chew the fat over. wrapping it up in some empty thoughtless saying "x moar years" isnt an argument. it just makes you look stupid.

>> No.11657630

Suck my dick, commie. go back to your discord you worthless tranny filth.

>> No.11657644
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>He actually thinks his president is a 4D chessmaster instead of a barely competent old man who has no idea how to use the levers of government, completely squandering 2 years of a Republican triumvirate on his personal political vendettas

Oh-oh no...

>> No.11657653

calling your fellow countrymen dipshits is why trump won, just saying

>> No.11657664
File: 303 KB, 152x152, damn gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually a good point.

>> No.11657669

>dude just tolerate a bunch of hateful white nationalist nazis

>> No.11657679

>nationalist nazis = trump supporters, republicans, veterans, white guys with an identity

How do you still not get it?

>> No.11657685

Clinging to your race as an identity is pathetic and I don’t have to tolerate intolerance. Fuck nazi punks.

>> No.11657688

This is a cooking board, you shareblue shill. Take your commie shilling back to /pol/.

>> No.11657689
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>> No.11657693

>muh sharuhblue

>> No.11657692

Oh but when niggers do it it's okay. Sure, NOT! Fuck Jewish subversives.

>> No.11657697

>Clinging to your race as an identity
so why do you attack whites?

>> No.11657699

you talk like a fuckin 40 year old the_donald chud

>> No.11657702

It triggers the fragile nazi snowflakes. Only a nazi would be offended by it.

>> No.11657703

you say that like thats a bad thing

>> No.11657705

get ready for more losing, you people have STILL learned nothing.

>> No.11657706

we all know youre projecting

>> No.11657741

Kek, tres apropos!