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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11650411 No.11650411 [Reply] [Original]

How do we feel about Ethiopian food ?

>> No.11650418


>> No.11650426 [DELETED] 

interesting a few times

they do nothing to modernize it

theres not really a focus on local or seasonal ingredients nor any creative fusion.

>> No.11650437

What kind of bread is that? Also do they really serve their food in this way?

>> No.11650444
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Overpowering and foul smelling. I pretend to like it so I don't get fired from my job and charged with hate crimes

Obviously in a perfect world, we could all be honest, but the PC police took over at some point and nobody stood up to them, so...

>> No.11650445

It's called injera. It's a sourdough spongy bread.

>> No.11650447
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Injera, and yes.

>> No.11650451

It’s actually dank af if it’s done right. It can really be hit or miss, though. Ethiopians offer terrible customer service. I went to an Ethiopian restaurant with my gf today and it was fantastic. They gave us too much food, though.

>> No.11650452

I presume they don't expect you to tip them either

>> No.11650458
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It's delicious.

>> No.11650480

Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.11650484

I agree with the PC police thing, but you clearly have a case of white people taste buds thing going on there.

Ethiopian, as well as a lot of North African cuisine, use spice mixtures that include things we typically use exclusively in sweets. It has a tendency to be offputting to people who only season things with salt and pepper.

>> No.11650486

>t. Cletus

Stick to your Burger King, faggot

>> No.11650518
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>> No.11650522

>too much food

excuse me what

>> No.11650523


>> No.11650526

Honestly it's surprisingly delicious. Not sure why it's not more popular. Sourdough, meat and lentils. What's not to like?

>> No.11650533

Listen man, just cause I don't find the idea of some obscure regional cuisine appetizing doesn't mean I enjoy good food.

>> No.11650534

It's good. As a big sourdough fan I actually like their sour bread a lot. I also like sitting around the table with popcorn and coffee after the meal.

>> No.11650577

Looks like shite

>> No.11650584

It's a bunch of slop that shaved apes eat with the same hands they wipe their asses with.

>> No.11650593

>implying they bother wiping

>> No.11650609

Ethiopians have food?
Sally Struthers lied to me.

>> No.11650621

Gotta appreciate a man who sticks to the same jokes for 33 years

>> No.11650630
File: 206 KB, 731x546, Addis Ababa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty in Ethiopia has falling around 50% in less than a decade.

A lot of the problem was people outside the city, but now that agriculture and the overall economy has been on a steady rise they're becoming more and more stable.

>> No.11650634

That looks like an ideal climate, it's a shame they're probably polluting the hell out of it. Too bad it's the Chinese who are helping leapfrog African development and not Switzerland or Norway

>> No.11650635

The only Ethiopian place in my city uses bleached flour for the bread and you can honestly taste the subtle bleach-ness in the bread.

>> No.11650790
File: 73 KB, 640x359, ethiopian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethiopian food is a myth, like the unicorn, santa claus, and the non-man-hating lesbian.

>> No.11651258

Ethiopian was a new hip thing for a while. So every city now has at least one Ethiopian restaurant.

>> No.11651269

Had it like a year ago, was kinda gross, also too spicy for my civilized palate

>> No.11651274

Looks like someone had the squirts all over that plate. What even is it?

>> No.11651294

Stuff you're supposed to pretend to like because it's mildly hip and also black people. It's obviously slop.

>> No.11651318

Where's the red Cross symbol?
I thought that was on all their food.

>> No.11651394

Looks like shit.
I’m told Ethiopian food tastes good but I guess if you hear that and then look at that plate, someone is clearly fucking lying.

>> No.11651406

Kill yourself

>> No.11651443

>non-man-hating lesbian
My best friend is lesbian. Some lesbians are total bros bro.

>> No.11651616

8/10 are delicious and 2/10 are acquired tastes
Not bad tho

>> No.11651638

Nice try schlomo

>> No.11651645

I agree. They're so much more down to earth than homo men. They just get a bit ticked off when hetero men obsessively sexualise them, but that's kind of understandable.

>> No.11651725

Looks pretty good.

>> No.11651745

It's considered rude, greedy, and wasteful to have your own plate. Everyone eats from a central plate.

>> No.11651746

Sorry that your racist inbreed taste buds cannot enjoy other cultures.

>> No.11651748

Every couple weeks one of my ostensibly lesbian friends texts me and she gives me a blowjob in my car while we're parked behind a mom and pop gas station

>> No.11651793


That looks good as fuck

>> No.11651801
File: 24 KB, 652x737, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally always wanted to try this shit but the Eritrean place around the corner literally never ever has white people in it.

I thought of finding some black girl on Tinder and use her as a human shield for when I go in there but then they might hate me for being a race mixer and spit in my food anyway.

How do you eat at Eritrean/Ethiopian restaurants as a white man?

>> No.11651807

i want to know this as well, but its for a jamaican place thank you

>> No.11651808

Eritreans are some of the best Africans. Nobody's going to bother you. You'll probably be really welcome there.

>> No.11651817

>Eritreans are some of the best Africans.
in Britain?
idk about that senpai

I got into a conversation with one about their dictator (Isaias Afwerki) who is LITERALLY the black Kim Jong Un (worse in fact, North Korea's press are actually freer than Eritrea's somehow) and the motherfucker defended him and got all mad at me as if I were insulting the country itself.

Granted, representing an entire country with one guy is retarded but that's 100% of the Eritreans I've ever met.

>> No.11651828

Generally it's a good rule to stay out of politics, especially when you're speaking with third worlders. That's the quickest way to sour what otherwise might be a friendly encounter.

>> No.11651832

99 times out of 100 I would but I thought there was a consensus on how much of a cunt the guy was and I thought I had found a way to bond with him. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.11651847

>How do you eat at Eritrean/Ethiopian restaurants as a white man?

regardless of what ethnic cuisine your dealing with, if anyone in the resturant is ordering in english you're almost certainly fine. Just be polite, compliment the chef, tip well, and above all DONT ORDER ANY MODIFICATIONS ON YOUR MEAL ( this is the most important part. its good practice not to make it complicated to avoid bodily fluids even in the whitest of establishments. also you will be made fun of for any spice intolerance) Its a business, and they'll want good reviews as much as you want good food. Unless you live in a horrifyingly shit part of town i'd do it.

>> No.11651859

Yeah, it's a complicated thing, politics. Especially with expats. You should always let them lead on any thorny subjects.

>> No.11652001

Kino tastography even though it initially looks unappealing. You cant fault anyone for not wanting any based on the fact that it just looks like runny poo. I got hooked ever since some ethiopian kid brought some injera to a class potluck in school.

>> No.11652031

Just go you autist.

>> No.11652306

Yeah, I finally went to this Afghani place that seemed sketchy as fuck. I don’t know shit about Afghani food so I asked them what was popular and ordered one of those, mostly delicious greasy seasoned meat. Ordered a rando veggie dish as well for fun.

Although I despise ME culture generally and probably would despise Ethiopian culture as well, I think it’s generally worthwhile to sometimes just show up and eat a meal without much other high-level thinking. Just “I’m hungry” and nothing else.

>> No.11652313

Hmm I wonder why expats from brutal foreign dictatorships with an extended family still living under the regime might be suspicious of a total stranger walking up to them and "testing" their loyalty. Truly it is a mystery.

>> No.11652369

>leapfrog African development
They mostly just convince african countries to build pointless infrastructure projects financed by unsecured loans. You can bet your ass this shit will collapse in a decade or so. This will then kick the Chinese middle class into poverty, because it is balls deep in debt too. With the most important market being dead, production and sales of goods will drop drastically. Which in turn shakes up lots of producing countries like China, India or Germany. Eventually you'll see a full-blown, wold wide financial crisis.

>> No.11652383

I went to an Ethiopian restaraunt once and had some very similar food to ops pic.
It was damn delicious but i got the hot snakes and the bubble gut for almost 3 whole days.

>> No.11652388

I find it amusing that you think the Chinese underwriters of these projects expect that they're issuing some sort of rock-solid investment-grade bonds.

They fully expect a lot of defaults, they will use that to impose onerous conditions on the local governments so they have more leverage over those regions.

How actually do you think any of this stuff works? Do you also believe US foreign aid is some sort of charity program and we get nothing in return? That it's just handouts to placate "the libs"?

>> No.11652394

The only good stuff is the one with meat and that soup with the egg. The bread is nice though, really spongey

>> No.11652712

>poo in da food

>> No.11652735

>How do we feel about Ethiopian food ?
It's pretty bad. I lived in D.C. several years and friends and family in town inevitably wanted to go "for the experience" and I just internally groaned each time. To say I've had it 30x and never found it grew on me is an understatement. There's is something bad wrong with each and every recipe. The injera bread is like horrible pancake batter gone bad, the kind from the dollar store which is expired and lost the leaving, and had the oil go rancid in it. It's gummy and doesn't compliment flavors nor textures, but it's all they had. It needs to be fusion-ized and made better by the introduction of a different flour to it.
Poverty cooking of simmering hard boiled eggs in sugary herby sauces. Adding sugar to indian food, or to greens. Wrong spice profiles that defy a palate are the traditional recipes. It's a way to make bad food that is spoiled or canned food better defies the logic of good ingredients not needing much. It's all mushy simmered in a pot garbage without the fresh herbs of persian or indian food(s), nor the logical spice balance.

No. Thanks. Stick to African-American foods where prosperity improved the source recipes.

>> No.11652750

Top tier, not too expensive, restaurants tend to serve generous portions.
Conclusion : great with friends

>> No.11652756

Who cares about subtlety, t spic.

>> No.11652768

exactly. the whole point is to establish leverage. they're not gonna sweat some defaults on infrastructure that exists primarily for china's benefit anyways. they'll just cut more favorable development and trade deals to make up for it.

>> No.11652789

Nice Chasing Amy ref

>> No.11652796

i came here to post this

>> No.11652923

>It has a tendency to be offputting to people who only season things with salt and pepper.
plus people who use many different spices, just not a pound of each

>> No.11652927

kill yourself OP. kill your FUCKING self.

>> No.11652932

Multiple and variegated slops o' shit.

>> No.11653162

Tastes bad.
Had some as part of a Culinary and Culture class back in undergraduate school.
I would describe it as being equivalent to the first time you have beer. It tastes foul, and question why anyone would subjugate themselves to this.

>> No.11653227

I've tried it once in Paris. It's edible but nothing to write home about, really.

>> No.11653233

>ethiopian "food"

>> No.11653246

It’s quite shitty desu
Interesting to eat for the first time but not really anything you’ll desperately want to get again

>> No.11653247

Ethiopians don't have food, they eat mud cause they are Ethiopians, and while they may be smarter than any given Somalian, they still aren't overly swift...

>> No.11653277
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Surprised they have it desu

>> No.11653313

uma delicia

>> No.11653338


>> No.11653687

name fag ,he meant a Ethiopian restaurant in the west not the real place

>> No.11653773

Your ass is probably disgusting, you dirty no water washed ass freak.

>> No.11654033

>all these /pol/ funnymen trying to be funny with outmoded, outdated racist jokes
big yikes

>> No.11654079


that looks horrible. Having to make like 10 things separately all for a dish that imitates the world's deepest poverty.

>> No.11654082

Wahhhh no one likes my terrible ethnic food thread!


Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to fuck nigga

>> No.11654159

It does look like shit though bro, it looks like shit you would put on other food, not bread. Maybe is delicious, but past experience has led me not to eat food that looks like a literal taco bell shit.

>> No.11654169

The roastie munchie box

>> No.11654207


>> No.11654223

based and kangpilled

>> No.11654235

I guess I'd rather be a roastie than a bong any day of the week.

>> No.11654244

>mmm sweaty, you got a case of white people taste buds

>> No.11654287

lmao these niggas never even invented fucking forks why should i believe they invented good food

>> No.11654311

She literally looks like my based slutty wine aunt and we're not even jewish, wtf?

>> No.11654341

Bread looks liked burned/diseased skin

>> No.11654390

I love sloppy joes

>> No.11654395

Fuck off jack

>> No.11654500

I had Ethiopian once. My dish had peppers which I hate but overall it seemed okay. My family hated it though.

>> No.11654609

somebody shitted in your plate mate
and from the looks of it he had diarrhea

>> No.11654724

78 posters but 94 replies.

Lots of samefaggotry in these parts

>> No.11654731

Looks like the slop I serve my gfs kid.

>> No.11654735
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>> No.11654775

There was a whole chain of numbered Afghan kebob houses here in NYC that were great, similar flavours to typical middle eastern foods but there was a little something different I couldn't figure out. They had awesome bread too. Unfortunately they all predictably went out of business after 9/11

>> No.11655077

Is the injera supposed to be served without heat? It was rather off-putting.

>> No.11655100

yes served cold, some famcier places will serve it to you in a steamy towel to slightly warm it.

>> No.11655183

Ever had Ethiopian food?................ Neither have they!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.11655350

Had it once. Meh.

>> No.11655360

the casino that I work at almost exclusively hires ethiopian women and men and MOST are well fed

>> No.11655416

You mean they're fatasses in scooters?

>> No.11655443

Reminder that Trypophobia isn't a real Phobia

>> No.11655777

You say that but my sister literally started crying from seeing injeera. My mom was also creeped out.

>> No.11655784

injeera is shit and so is the rest of the food.

I've eaten all over the world and never really had a problem except for ehtiopian food.

>> No.11655852

back to one of the dozens of fast "food" and "tendies" threads that clog this board like the fat clogging your arteries you degenerate

>> No.11655894

Only tried one dish was amazing fuck knows what it was tho

>> No.11655905
File: 123 KB, 339x345, quitgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they also freaked out by sponges and particle board
what the fuck

>> No.11655933
File: 85 KB, 600x484, Abbo CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people these days just grow up so fucking sheltered they grow phobias of everything.

>> No.11655938

That ground beef stuff is fucking disgusting

>> No.11655939

I bet you thought this would be hilarious

>> No.11655942

Agreed. I had a lesbian best friend that let me fuck her because I was such a loser. Had to move but I miss her.

>> No.11655946

Back to r*ddit with you

>> No.11655971

I disagree, but I'll add that the ground beef dish in >>11650447 is the same as the tartare version in >>11650458 (from my favorite Eritrean restaurant, Assab, in SF). I'd been going to Assab for over a decade and only learned from talking to the owner on my last visit that the dish is traditionally served rare, they just default it to cooked for western tastes and to minimize food safety concerns. The extra flavor from the rare steak really takes the dish to another level.

>> No.11656004


>> No.11656006


>> No.11656820

One of the best experiences I have had with food. There is a small place in SD where I took my GF a while back.

>> No.11656827

Is that some Kitfo I spy?

Fuck this thread is making me hungry, haven't had Ethiopian in ages.

>> No.11656837
File: 81 KB, 1224x475, ethiopian cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only thing I remember about Ethiopian food

>> No.11657235

Yeah lmao. I never got the phobia, even though I have an extensive history with phobia disorders.