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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11653844 No.11653844 [Reply] [Original]

>you're not a real man if you dont drink at least this much alcohol
why are boozefags so cancer?

>> No.11653851

I'm a little boy btw

>> No.11653852

Getting a little close to a "toxic masculinity" argument there, buddy. You haven't been exposing yourself to feminist propaganda, have you? Have a drink.

>> No.11653853

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11653858

its just fags being fags. i've heard every alcoholic call other alcoholics unmanly based on them drinking a different type of liquor or drinking mixed drinks or using a chaser, anything that doesn't fit their personal taste is "unmanly"

>> No.11653861

Drinking to get drunk is fun but drinking to compete is nonsense.

>> No.11653862

He's not quoting anyone specifically, just a shitty group of people. Not very hard to figure that one out.

>> No.11653865

18+ kid

>> No.11653881

sounds like someone got triggered

>> No.11653893

I wish I was a little anime girl so I wouldn't get judged for being such a lightweight

>> No.11653914

>being so new you don't recognize ancient /jp/ memes

>> No.11653915
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Usually these tough guys stop talking shit once I've drained their balls dry. And if they confront you about this a few days later just blame it on the alcohol

>> No.11653950

I just laugh it off. Often call the person who said that "Big Guy". Literally never had someone double down after that and keep pushing that shit on me.

Nothing Toxic Masculinity about it either. People often have ideas about how people should act. An adult should be able to conform and deviate from those norms when he chooses with assertiveness. You are an adult aren't you, OP? Not a little boi, right?

>> No.11653955
File: 92 KB, 580x358, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manliest thing to do is to drink whatever the fuck you want, having zero regard to what anyone else thinks or what's deemed as 'manly'.

>> No.11653960

I've been into the drinking culture since high school and literally never heard anyone say or even imply this. Is this just frat boys insecure about their masculinity?

>> No.11653965

whoa there champ, doing what you want is soyman talk

>> No.11653976

flip fun and nonsense around and you're right. i come from a family of alcoholics and ill be damned if anybody out drinks me
t. completely mentally healthy 21 year old

>> No.11653981

Frat boys and then later, co-workers will always try to judge others for not binge drinking hard enough. It's even worse in the military. Almost everyone has to drown out their sorrows with straight whiskey or you're just a "little bitch" for not doing so.

>> No.11654147

I served in the US Israel/Multinational Corporation Offensive Army, albeit as an officer, and while almost everyone drank shitloads of beer there was never any pressure about it. It was just what you did when you got off duty.

>> No.11654209

If you were an enlisted grunt or maintainer, or if you were any kind of aircrew, then there is definitely peer pressure to drink your own ass off as much as possible. Pilot culture is essentially built around binging hard liquor.

>> No.11654213

I know this is bait, but goddamnit I want to correct the shit out of you

>> No.11654232

>"You have to drink!"
>"You shouldn't drink!"
Both are cancer for trying to tell me what to do.
I can drink, and I will drink when I fucking feel like it.

>> No.11654245

Were sad and lonely and we just want friends

>> No.11654300

In the army, pilots were basically retarded frat boys. Ironically, they acted macho but were all under 6', many even 5'8"-5'10". They had serious issues about their masculinity and were shunned by all other officers so it's not hard to believe they went full macho on the drinking game.

>> No.11654303

No one thinks this outside of your cum-stained hovel of a mind.

>> No.11654305

heh. You only hang around a limited type of person, don't you? You don't sound experienced with the broader world.

>> No.11654306

Stop hanging around teens and drink by yourself.

>> No.11654309

I drink hard liquor straight and folks still call me a faggot because I'll do the 8 year aged instead of the 10.

you can't give a shit about people here.

>> No.11654407
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>have to go to family christmas party tomorrow
>turned 21 a few months ago
>going to be hounded about drinking even though I have no desire to (and can't, because of the antiandrogens I'm taking)

>> No.11654418

>haha what a lightweight, you only need 3 beers? What a loser.

I have never understood the hate towards lightweights, is it jealousy?

>> No.11654435

>hurr durr long line of alcoholics

>> No.11654443

Well no need to bring height into this...

>> No.11654452

its mostly when people get too drunk off of small amounts of beer. ive only ever seen someone get made fun of when they get way too drunk

>> No.11654456

Eh, peer pressure after college can't be blamed on anyone but yourself. If you put yourself around people that put pressure on you to act a certain way then it's your responsibility if you choose to keep them in your life

>> No.11654461

You're not a real man if you dont drink beer.

There. I said it.

>> No.11654510

Because they kill their braincells with alcohol

>> No.11654517

I'm from a family of alcoholics and don't drink at all. The brain damage isn't worth it.

>> No.11654519

I tried beer once and I didn't like it so I don't drink it. Still open to try other alcoholic drinks.

>> No.11654524

Try other beers. Almost everyone's first beer is bad.

>> No.11654534

That sounds more like people in their late teens to mid twenties than "boozefags"

>> No.11654567
File: 362 KB, 298x610, 1542965494360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen OP, we only encourage one another to drink "at least" how ever much alcohol as the rest of the group has had.

We're purposely trying to make sure that everyone in the group is getting equally fucked up, and that nobody is left behind feeling to sober to have enough fun with their more drunk buddies.

Maybe one day you'll understand the concept of socialization, and how we become competitive at trivial things to entertain ourselves.

If you have any friends, I recommend you don't chastise them for wanting to have fun with you.

>> No.11654579


>> No.11654739

disgusting tranny freak

>> No.11654764

Because they’re alcoholics and either hate themselves for it or they just don’t recognize it and use that attitude to justify their behavior.

>> No.11654784

I don't think that if you don't drink. It's better you don't. But you're here and you're going to post jap cartoons about anything you like or don't. I liked talking about certain things that pertained to us in particular, and a lot of people in the old general had valuable cooking advice too. More than the webm threads anyway. It was a unique way to talk about our stuff that outside people wouldn't be ok with. It's shameful but it's reality, and I don't think it got our of hand across threads and boards the way Jews and Ponies do.

>> No.11654798

The people with this mentality drink light beer. It's easy to discard their, and all similar opinions.

>> No.11654810

Turkey heh

>> No.11654822

I unironically wish I was a lightweight. Takes 4 steel reserve tall boys before I get drunk. If I could get drunk off one I would have a lot more money

>> No.11654837

you're cancer if you're not a man, fag

>> No.11654850

LOL my aunt polishes off bottles of wine like no other and she's filling everyone's glasses uncomfortably full, even women can drink and will make fun of a lightweight like you since it means you're either indigenous, or autistic

>> No.11654900

ones ability to consume poison and keep on functioning normally is a test of strength.

it's been scientifically proven that people who are smarter and more responsible are able to actually lower their own blood alcohol on purpose if a situation calls for it. so there's something to be said for a guy who can still get to the bathroom after drinking a whole 750ml of whiskey and the guy who pisses himself after half a bottle. although it's relative to your size.

>> No.11654912
File: 137 KB, 340x340, smuganimegirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alchies seething in this thread that other BASED /ck/anons aren't addicted to their silly little drug

>> No.11654914

Size, experience, and tolerance (how often you drink and genetic factors influence how much enzyme your body produces), even what you've eaten that day

>> No.11654932
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I drank a 750 and I'm working on another half pint. I feel like I'm floating

>> No.11654936

>tfw when too intelligent to be sober

>> No.11654940
File: 10 KB, 208x314, 1431711990728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other BASED /ck/anons
>anime poster

>> No.11654946

dumb animeposters

>> No.11655000

Being the least-drunk man is actually a lot of fun. You can appreciate how retarded everyone else is acting and pick and choose which shenanigans to partake in with relative rationality.
If done right no one else notices a thing, and all it takes is shortchanging a few mixed drinks. A new world of entertainment awaits.

>> No.11655014

Yeah until shit goes south and you're the responsible one trying to take care of people

>> No.11655040

Depending on how South and how close friends you actually are, being soberer also avails you the opportunity to more effectively avoid responsibility.

>> No.11655087

you faggots

>> No.11656072

Best mosaic

>> No.11656243

It’s also been proven that proven that the man who downs a fifth of whiskey will die of liver cirrhosis in 6 months. Congrats to him on how manly he was tho. What an achievement.

>> No.11656266

Fuck yon about? I'm on Spiro and E, and drink all... fuckI'm drubk now.

>> No.11656614

Ok, shorty.

>> No.11656618

I'll drink whenever I damn well want to. Which is never, so far.

>> No.11657382

I profit from this attitude so I might feed into it desu, sorry senpai


>> No.11657397
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no right amount of alcohol to drink, but drink none is definitely wrong

>> No.11657580


>> No.11657998


>> No.11658001

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11659027
