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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.85 MB, 853x480, couple at airport.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11650759 No.11650759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you cook for your girlfriend?

>> No.11650775

Why the fuck are those creepy old boomers staring at them

>> No.11650778

yes. I've started a food instragram account. So I always make something new for her every week.

>> No.11650779
File: 34 KB, 580x548, no gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11650784

damn you know they fucked like god damn rabbits as soon as they got home

>> No.11650788

That's so sweet :D

>> No.11650792

they are reminiscing about shooting zipperheads.

>> No.11650796
File: 26 KB, 400x343, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kissless hugless virgin
>want to cook for someone, have nobody to cook for

>> No.11650801

I make the main course and she makes dessert/bread. Also sometimes a side or a salad depending on what she has in mind and how occupied I am.

>> No.11650805

they're enjoying the sight of young love, probably reminiscing about their own lives and the love they've felt

Also her ass is pretty great

>> No.11650813

Is that what passes as fashionable in the West today? Isn't she embarrassed to be showing her ass like that? I don't get it.

>> No.11650820

I lived with my last gf, but she was a clean freak and never let me use the kitchen

>> No.11650827

>also her ass is pretty great

boomers never die

>> No.11650835
File: 6 KB, 183x275, ugly goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's confident enough to show her body off
Unlike ar*b """women""" who look so much like goats that ar*b men get confused between the two and force their women to cover their ugly face
pic related is average ar*bian woman

>> No.11650842

Maybe you're just gay?

>> No.11650844

pretty specific counterpoint there bud, just get dumped by an arab girl?

>> No.11650849
File: 400 KB, 1008x755, moot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much luggage do you need to carry before girls let you kiss them?

>> No.11650863

No, but he clearly does.

>> No.11650867

and her bull.

>> No.11650876

thats her job bro

>> No.11650878

It's strange. Imagine if your daughter dressed like that. And I don't think it's that women are shameless; it's that most don't understand the effect it has on men. Every single man who sees that woman wearing those pants is thinking the same thing: I want to fuck her. She's having that effect on every red-blooded man, and I think only a minority of women fully understand this. Most of them just think either, "it's fashionable", or "it looks good", but they aren't engaging with the core truth which is that those pants cause only one exclusive feeling in men which is, it's time to fuck.

>> No.11650904

lol they know

>> No.11650925

They know and are always on the prowl for a better boyfriend that's why they advertise the only good thing about themselves. Women don't have a concept of loyalty her 'looking good for her man's is also 'looking to attract the better meal ticket'

>> No.11650944

Yes but it's been hardwired into their brains for millions of years. Women will always want a better provider for her/her kids or eventual kids. My theory.

>> No.11650958

she fucked around? a lot.

>> No.11650967

i cooked my first exgf after she broke up with me. let's just leave it at that..

>> No.11650968

Yes mostly japanese and thai food

>> No.11650971

>I think only a minority of women fully understand this
I think they have a sort of idea, but unless you've been a man with a man's sex drive I agree there is no way most of them fully understand exactly what they are doing

>> No.11651048

Just another wave of r/asianmasculinity spam.


>> No.11651078

I don't know that I'd call 3 posts "spam"

>> No.11651114

I made my wife and I spaghetti and an apple pie tonight. She rarely cooks.

>> No.11651235

Every chance I get!

>> No.11651244

Jesus Christ, you're pathetic.

>> No.11651250
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20180214_140127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bud. She works nights at a bakery, so during the holiday season when she's extra busy I cook something so she can eat well when she gets home at 1 AM. Usually I'll make a meat dish of some kind since she does so much physical labor. Last night it was pulled pork sandwiches, but usually I'll try to make stew or an oven roast. She does a lot of cooking too, though.

>> No.11651266

My wife does 95% of the cooking, which is great. She's awesome at it. The other 5% of the time is when I get bored and want to try a dessert. She doesn't like sweet stuff, so I do that.

>> No.11651270

you can always go live in saudi arabia if you want """"decency"""

>> No.11651275

yes. I make my girlfriend orgasm with food. Women are trivial if you can cook.

>> No.11651276

I miss moot :(

>> No.11651278
File: 20 KB, 852x480, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have an Asian boyfriend
It's not fair, sisters!!

>> No.11651279

I've done this, but make sure the drumstick has cooled down before you start. I learnt this the hard way, and it was a very unpleasant night I can assure you.

>> No.11651284

Go to hawaii. You'll bag one in less than a year. Unless you're a hamplanet, then you need to settle for a morbidly obese Polynesian.

>> No.11651291

I'm Australasian. Wanna meet up? I've got some holidays in February so can go anywhere in the world.

>> No.11651305

Single atm but in my last relationship I was the one who cooked 90% of the time because I actually like it as a hobby and she saw it as a chore. It was a a win/win because she did most of the cleaning which I absolutely hate.

>> No.11651734

>asianmasculinity has to post this one webm across several boards

>> No.11651879


>> No.11651888

I'd fucking love it

>> No.11651895

Then do it. Nobody's stopping you.

>> No.11651930

but anon, they behead faggots there
you'd be in danger

>> No.11651964

I think he just got dumped by that specific arab girl

>> No.11651979

>Not based Gatwick
Pleb tier webm detected.

>> No.11652002

Good job I'm straight then.

>> No.11652003

Sorry, I just assumed you suck cock after reading your posts

>> No.11652008

I do, but only for money. I can find other careers.

>> No.11652011

No you just subconsciously projected. Have as many slave wifes as you want is gay to you.

>> No.11652013


>> No.11652130



>> No.11652169

Unlike America you cant just show up at the border of another country and be let in. They have immigration laws.

>> No.11652176

Have you considered cooking a bit less for yourself then you fat cunt.

>> No.11652181

What kind of creepfag films this stuff?

>> No.11652220

You can, here in Germany.Just claim you are being persecuted for rape, murder or genocide in you home country and are facign the death penalty or prison torture and we will let you in and provide you with free housing, food and medical services for the rest of your life.

>> No.11652259
File: 40 KB, 163x225, 1447566170560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*flies drone over runway*

>> No.11652378

Cook for your neighbour. Homeless ppl on street or your pet

You will get a heart warming hug

>> No.11652382
File: 132 KB, 507x507, 1545508584887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this insecure

>> No.11652400

How smol is your penis?

>> No.11652410

Yalll like spring rolls?

>> No.11652439

I did. She went to college out of town, about 5 hours away. I would drive up every Saturday to make her a home cooked meal and spend the evening with her. Things like pancakes and sausages, home made mac n' cheese. Nothing too special or complex, but things I or her parents had made for her back home.

>> No.11652457

The children of Asian men and white women are serial killer tier mental illness sufferers

>> No.11652465

It's the other way around. If an asian man can get a white woman he's a chad. If a white man has to settle for an asian woman he's a beta.

>> No.11652470

>boomers staring at them

>> No.11652472
File: 73 KB, 600x396, David-Eyres-Pancake-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast for my wife most mornings. on special days ill do a david eyres pancake (grandma always called them hawaiian pancakes)

>> No.11652474

fuck off cuck

>> No.11652480

>implying she has any ass at all

>> No.11652486

How black are you, christ

>> No.11652491

amazing ass, amazing feet, amazing waist, amazing hair

>> No.11653044

The one closest to them is laughing because the girl won't let go of him.

>> No.11653096

You need a thesaurus

>> No.11653108

astounding ass, remarkable feet, staggering waist, stupendous hair

>> No.11653142

>She went to college out of town,

Good on you for being cool about your open relationship

>> No.11653219
File: 35 KB, 765x758, 1491235433707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fuck y-you skinny

>> No.11653226
File: 562 KB, 133x128, 1541294614140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tells everyone to fuck off

That's why you're alone

>> No.11653232

They were wanting to see some hand on arse action but the zoomer let them down, as per.

>> No.11653902


have you ever gone through the airport process . i have, and i have a bit of anxiety even: hours after the point you say to yourself eyy i got to do the stoic thing and not even bother to have a negative feeling about all that waiting... you will realize after the fact that you still had as much time to go before being done with all that!| keeping compusure , chill with zero thought sort of help... but it's pretty bad.

>> No.11654143
File: 89 KB, 800x802, spock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11654205

They're just some randy ol' chaps.

>> No.11654230

Yeah alot of those clothes are just begging for attention tbqh. There are plenty of fashionable and cute clothes a girl can wear that don't just blatantly show off assets in a way that draws immediate stares from thirsty guys. Just the way our society went I guess.

>> No.11654233

Yeah but only if you're brown.

>> No.11654238

They're waiting their turn.

>> No.11654260

now this is incelposting

>> No.11654431

he (male) cooks for me or we cook together

>> No.11654485

No because I don't have a girlfriend or know how to cook.

>> No.11655706

The latter will help a little with the former, but more importantly it'll help you better yourself.

>> No.11655717

ffs I feel for the Asian trap meme, I have to cook everyday even though I'm the fit chad

>> No.11655722

I have a white trap. I have to cook, but the asspussy is worth it.

>> No.11655739

thanks bro, helps to know I'm not alone. I'll try to focus on the silver lining, I've gotten a lot better at cooking

>> No.11655797

Thats such bullshit they know exactly what they are doing and it makes them feel good about themselves its exactly like muscular men wearing revealing clothes they are trying to seem attractive to the opposite sex because when they see someone checking them out it raises their self esteem
its completly understandable and normal

>> No.11655820

Same here dude but mines works in a restraunt I always get so exited for her to get home so I can give her a nice meal and let her decompress after a stressful shift
I mostly Cook Italian for her cos she grew up there before moving to America then to here to study so I make mostly Italian or American cos those are her favorites I would Cook Japanese but I can never get the right ingredients cos produce sucks in Scottish supermarkets and I cant get it anywhere near resturant quality like I can with pretty much anything else

>> No.11655826


>> No.11655877

I'm from Mexico, and I meet my wife (Canadian) while I was working in a bar at Mexico City. She took me to Canada and got married. I can't work right now due to some paper problems, so while she works I clean the house and cook for her every single day. I make her something new every week thanks to many of the family recipes that I got to learn while I was living in Mexico. She absolutely loves it and we don't even go to restaurants anymore.

>> No.11655922

I'm only calling out a rat that sneaks his shit onto boards that are completely irrelevant to his cause.