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11651191 No.11651191 [Reply] [Original]

Is this stuff basically fruit punch?

>> No.11651197

There is literally a flavor called "fruit punch".

>> No.11651228

wine-strength fruit punch, yes.

>> No.11651231

Their punch is shit, Natty Rush has a decent one and Steel Reserve is the best. Two tallboys to get turnt.

>> No.11651312
File: 65 KB, 600x800, steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Steel kept making this.
The only reason Four Loko is preferred is that it is usually 14% or 12% for a tallboy.

>> No.11651353

I had a girlfriend who would drink one of these and effectively blackout. Fucking embarrassing

>> No.11651370

I drink Steel Reserve regular beer, I actually don't like the sickeningly sweet taste of Four Loko or other fruity beverages, I only drink it for the higher alc content

>> No.11651387
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, four loko gold 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken to watering down my Four Loko Gold. 2 parts water to 1 part Loko. It makes it last longer and dilutes the sweetness.

>> No.11651392
File: 119 KB, 320x295, nerv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-what did you do when she "blacked out"?

>> No.11651495

give her the ol' lickaroo

>> No.11651516

This shit makes my heart race like mad, i thought i was going to die last time i tried one

>> No.11651526

but they took out the caffeine almost a decade ago....

>> No.11651534
File: 642 KB, 804x833, Ricky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I drank the caffeinated one in high school

>> No.11651667

What's the flavor of this?

>> No.11651673

Tasted exactly like Red Bull to me.

>> No.11651683

I agree with the other anon that it tastes like Red Bull

>> No.11651685

i can't drink four loko anymore because i had a can of gold and a can of blaze and threw up in my garbage can and had a seizure over the toilet and then passed out and woke up to a room that smelled of four loko and vomit

>> No.11651689

malt beverages are overrated anyways if you're a true alchie you keep liquor at home

>> No.11651950

I used to have a job, I drank a large variety of things ranging from regular beer to hard liquor but my main thing was whiskey. I would start the day off with a "jack and coke" but really any brand and any dark soda would do, I drank pretty much the whole day. Eventually I became unemployed though and relied on my parents to enable me, in which they refused to buy me liquor, so yeah malt beverages are pretty much the best I can get.

>> No.11652014

you ghetto trash faggots actually purchase and drink that garbage?
$10 bottle of rum is better.

>> No.11652124

I water mine down too. Less alcohol per sip but still the same amount per can, and frankly easier to drink than a cheap pisser beer thats been open for more than three minutes/

fruit punch actually is the best flavor, as well.
Gold tastes like red bull as others have said, and thats nauseating to me.
"Red" (another 14%er) is ok, but even so much sweeter. Like melted strawberry candy. But watered down who cares,

>> No.11652166

"if you're a true alchie" you don't keep booze at home because you drank it all, silly goose

if you have some sort of a stocked bar you're only drinking casually

>> No.11652318


Very shitty fruit punch.

>> No.11652596

Wayyyyy to much sugar for my taste. A can is something like 1200 calories if i remember correctly. I drank a lot of those vile things in high school, the watermelon flavor tastes like watermelon airheads. But ive been told the peach flavor is best now, that one wasnt around when i was drinking lokos

>> No.11652620

So you just take 2 no doz’s And drink one of these for the same effect.

>> No.11652637

give her the ol' dickaroo

>> No.11652641

Malt liquor is the last stop on the alcoholic train

>> No.11653577
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1490256724458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to drink these in highschool because it was the cheapest and easiest way to get drunk from the only place that didn't id. Even just looking at the can makes me feel sick.

>> No.11653668

Op lives in a trailer. That's all he can afford.

>> No.11653702

I feel that way about orange juice, because I used to mix it with Skol vodka. Just the taste of OJ induces gagging, vomiting and dry heaves.

Makes me sick just thinking about it

>> No.11653823

four loko is based. you can get shitfaced for $2.50

>> No.11654995

Yeah, but for poor niggers

>> No.11655363

I used to fuck with 4lokos every once in a while, especially if I saw a new flavor. But my go to was usually watermelon. Black cherry and peach we're good too.
Last time I bought one though, I woke up with the absolute worst, most painful headache Ive ever had in my entire life. I didn't even get trashed, nor was I hungover. Just that headache. Never had a reaction like that before. Haven't touched one since, must have been about 2 years ago. I can't drink sugary shit anymore.

>> No.11655381

I fucking hate these things. Would drink two then always pukes a watery punchy liquid. Also I left a half open 4loko open in my room once and it made the whole room stink of a artificial peach flavor, its fucking poison.