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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.19 MB, 2736x1824, worm eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11644762 No.11644762 [Reply] [Original]

>gives you worms
Heh nothing personnel, gaijin.

>> No.11644796

Even lettuce can kill you, lad. Dafuq are you on about? You’re probably deathly allergic to peanuts, too. Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.11644804

Jokes on you. I only really like smoked eel.

>> No.11644807

I'm more likely to die from spics wiping their ass with my lettuce than getting worms from sushi

>> No.11644811

I don't think I've ever had eel on its own. It always come with that sickly sweet eel sauce and i can't stand it

>> No.11644843

>sickly sweet eel sauce
What the fuck is wrong with you? The eel sauce is the best part, I don't know why they don't add it to everything. I also never even thought of it as particularly sweet before.

>> No.11644849

It's raw salmon that has the worms. If you stick with tuna, yellowtail, shrimp, or eel you're fine.

>> No.11644853

>being too much of a stomachlet to digest a few worms

>> No.11644863
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>gives you stomach cancer
heh, nothing personal, gaijin

>> No.11644869
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>> No.11644881

Yeah, stomach cancer sounds pretty fucking bad. I might be OK with cancer in my pancreas or liver, but I can't handle even mild amounts of upset stomach as it is. I don't know why but pain in the stomach or intestines is infinitely worse than pain almost anywhere else in the body.

>> No.11644960

>It's raw salmon that has the worms
not if it's farmed

>> No.11644966


Unagi is amazing

>> No.11644983



I hope you die

>> No.11644989

i bet you also buy cage free eggs and free range chicken and think it's superior right? lmao.

>> No.11645037
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>gives you salmonella
Heh nothing personnel, vegans.

>> No.11645041



How is the rent on your studio? Do you pay extra for a parking spot?

Taste wise... well I have my opinions, though it is much easier to boil store bought eggs. Farming salmon is like spray painting your mouth. Sure it has flavor, but you just fucked up many many future meals.

>> No.11645051
File: 88 KB, 768x752, 5fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Farming salmon is like spray painting your mouth

>> No.11645052

It tastes different. There's a reason why hunting is still popular. They eat different foods. If you don't think there's a difference, it's because you eat ketchup on your tendies, and that's it.

When you grow up, your pallet will broaden and develop. You don't notice all the flavours. Kids eat a cookie and taste cookie. Adults can taste the separate components, more so.

>> No.11645063

>It tastes different.
it doesn't. I have tried both, there is no discernible difference. if i were to blindfold you and give you free range chicken vs non free range I fucking guarantee you would not be able to tell the difference, I would bet everything I own, everything I will ever own, that you wouldn't. If so called wine experts cannot tell the difference between wines when blindfolded then some common schmuck certainly cannot tell the difference between free range and non free range meat.

>> No.11645079

>You don't notice all the flavours. Kids eat a cookie and taste cookie. Adults can taste the separate components, more so.
That's bullshit. I was a really picky eater when I was a kid specifically because tastes were way too intense. As I got older I started eating all the different foods I used to be disgusted by because my tongue's mellowed out with age and I hardly taste much of anything anymore unless I empty a salt shaker on top of it or drench it in hot sauce or something. I don't think I'm unique with this either, it seems really common for people to be turned off by food when they're kids and the flavors are too loud only to grow out of it as they start to go tongue-deaf with age.

>> No.11645099

I bet everything taste the same covered in ketchup. So no obvious reason for you to be concerned about it. I am not saying it's for the common schmucks, but quality of eggs only matters for cooking. If you're just hard boiling, that's literally what I do with my old eggs.

No shit you can't tell the difference. Try meringue or poaching and there's a difference. Obviously if you're just burning a scrambled egg until it's dry and brown you won't notice any discernible difference to your delicate and developed taste.

>> No.11645118

Picky eaters are actually the worst at discerning flavours. They react so negatively to off flavours they never actually develop a pallet. This is why they're usually grossly obese and fat because they don't actually have an understanding about cravings.

It's just feeding the diabetes. Also don't brush your tongue so hard is why your taste 'mellowed out' it's a sensitive membrane that most people go at like it has hardened enamel on it, which you shouldn't brush too hard either.

Tell me you don't ever brush your tongue and I'll agree that everyone goes taste blind like you are, and that's natural for literally EVERY FUCKING PERSON ON THE GODDAMN PLANET. (it's not)

>> No.11645127

blah blah blah

get back to me when you grow up

>> No.11645134

>picky eaters
>usually grossly obese and fat
Are you just pretending to be retarded? I'm 6'1 and the most I've ever weighed is one semester in my early 20s where I deliberately ate as many calories as possible plus boost high calorie shakes. I made it to a little over 150lb, then went back down to 140lb almost immediately after I got tired of keeping that routine up.

>> No.11645160

>talking about actual cooking
>pfft, children don't understand food

>> No.11645166

Thanks for the anecdotal stories mate. Most diabetes people are underweight or target.

>> No.11645167

>children don't understand food
exactly. get back to me when you grow up child

>> No.11645176

Is every sushi thread doomed to failure?

Miso soup yes or no?

>> No.11645192

>Most diabetes people are underweight or target.
Where are you getting all these completely backwards and wrong ideas from?
>Almost 90% of people living with type 2 diabetes are overweight or have obesity.
>Dubois found that picky eaters ate fewer calories and were twice as likely to be underweight as non-picky eaters (Dubois et al., 2007a; Dubois et al., 2007b). A previous study of 135 children aged 5 years from the Stanford Infant Growth Study found that picky eaters consumed fewer calories than non-picky children and showed a less vigorous sucking style as an infant, suggesting that picky eating has trait-like characteristics (Jacobi et al., 2003).
>Hence, there is evidence in childhood that picky eaters are likely to consume fewer calories and to weigh less, and in later childhood to demonstrate behavior problems and in adolescence symptoms of anorexia nervosa.

>> No.11645229 [DELETED] 

So what's your experience with cooking meirgange with average and fresh eggs? Or you just talking about hard boiled eggs taste the same?

If you scramble and egg and it's dry after, you've probably never cooked with eggs properly in your life.

>> No.11645237

So what's your experience with cooking meringue with average and fresh eggs? Or you just talking about hard boiled eggs taste the same?

If you scramble and egg and it's dry after, you've probably never cooked with eggs properly in your life.

>> No.11645266

Diabetes is a complex set of diseases with no single cause.

Thanks for explaining type 2 diabetes. I am sure that's the entire disease in a nutshell. No need for further debate. A WINNER IS YOU. Unless there's another type of diabetes...

>> No.11645275


The stomach has actual brain cells and nerwork within it. Its why certain emotional states like anxiety can be felt in your stomach.

>> No.11645300

What the fuck are you talking about? Here's your claim, idiot:
>Most diabetes people are underweight or target.
Here's reality:
>Almost 90% of people living with type 2 diabetes are overweight or have obesity.
>Unless there's another type of diabetes...
We're talking about diabetes related to eating and weight. Bringing up type 1 diabetes is completely retarded, serves no point, and still doesn't make you right because over 90% of diabetes cases are type 2.

>> No.11645344 [DELETED] 

95% of people with diabetes have type , which is the more dangerous type and usually causes weight loss.

But ya, type 2 sure are fat. Even tho it's talking about 4% of people with diabetes.

>> No.11645346

95% of people with diabetes have type 1, which is the more dangerous type and usually causes weight loss.

But ya, type 2 sure are fat. Even tho it's talking about 4% of people with diabetes.

>> No.11645357

Actually looking at the figures and including the entire 5% of type 2 people it would be about 38% of people with diabetes are overweight. Which is a lot higher than I was expecting. They say the figures are growing, so maybe you're right.

>> No.11645376
File: 2.90 MB, 800x450, sushi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raw fish very safe stupid gweilo, you pay me now

>> No.11645383

YES. The sushi restaurant I used to go to burned down a year ago, and reopened just recently. But, when i ordered my sashimi special, I didn't get miso soup and rice like they used to, literally just sashimi, and it was bland, to boot. Never going back tbqh

>> No.11645506
File: 515 KB, 889x499, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>95% of people with diabetes have type 1
Seriously, are you just fucking with me here? Where do you keep getting these ideas from?

>> No.11645542

Hiro returned that fish for a full refund

>> No.11645733
File: 621 KB, 2048x1536, misery en place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're that worried about worms, make sure the fish has been flash frozen. bug niggas can't survive being frozen

>> No.11645962

But how do I know if I have worms?

>> No.11645989

That's ludicrous.

>> No.11645995

Eggs though

>> No.11646007

why not... cook the fucking fish? I'm sick of asian scam food culture. Eating raw fish is not ok. It is not cool. It's just fucking stupid and japanese food is a disgrace.

>> No.11646015
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 20181122_152700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggs die too
there is no need to be upset

>> No.11646079

Pork is also a dangerous one. You either get worms or you cook it well done and get stomach cancer and heart disease.

>> No.11646128

>why not... cook the fucking fish?
Obviously because cooked fish tastes different from raw fish. Also it's not like you're going to get tapeworms from any sort of sushi. You could eat raw tuna all day every day and I would bet all my life savings you'll never get a tapeworm. It's a salmon thing, and even then a salmon thing from a particular region of the world.

>> No.11646151

while we're at it why not just boil every single food and avoid seasoning it since putting "dried seawater" on your food sounds fucking revolting desu

>> No.11646162
File: 191 KB, 964x639, bears invented sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is making sushi even considered cooking?, everything is raw, you don't eat an apple from a tree and call it cooking, what the fuck animetards?

>> No.11646181

Free range is superior

>> No.11646205

The rice takes skill, its tough to make and roll to get the sweet spot between crumbling apart and sticky paste

>> No.11646206

>how is making sushi even considered cooking?
What? The OP post you're replying too doesn't claim sushi is cooking. Where are you getting that from?

>> No.11646215

your mom

>> No.11646386

Sushi refers to how the rice is cooked. Anything can be served with sushi, including veggies and fruit. It's actually really hard to nail the correct consistency and taste of vinegar sushi rice, it has to be just sticky enough to hold in a nori wrap but also sweet enough to be complementary and not overbearing to the main serving wrapped on top or in it.

>> No.11647449

this triggers the weeb

>> No.11648082
File: 823 KB, 1600x1118, 1476437076944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*places raw fish in freezer*
pssh...nothin' personal, helminths

>> No.11648090

is he ok?

>> No.11648106

>eats shitty poorfag sushi and get diseases
you're basically asking for it

>> No.11648110

I love paintings like this. With the meat cuts and game animals and that.

>> No.11648122

Check your stool.

>> No.11648123

Yeah me too we should have another food art thread, some real beautiful works were posted last time

>> No.11648133

>I'm better than you because I know how unhealthy meat is.

>> No.11648161

Giro can detect a worm infested eel from a yard away

>> No.11648671

Was this sushi koo

>> No.11648857
File: 122 KB, 492x317, 1514108977256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why but pain in the stomach or intestines is infinitely worse than pain almost anywhere else in the body
Yeah, when I shattered my elbow which would need 2 surgeries to fix it, I just got up and walked to ER, but when I eat a tiny bit of tomato skin the pain I get a few hours later is so debilitating I can only curl up in fetal postion and cry.
I don't even know how is this shit viable from an evolutionary standpoint. "Hey brah, your intestines here, gonna incapacitate you with pain for a few minutes since you ate something I don't really like. Hope you're not getting chased by a sabertooth or something right now!"

>> No.11649717


Personally I don't like wet slimy eggs.

>> No.11649789


>Wonders why the intestine warns with extreme pain when the body has ingested something harmful

t. Brainlet

>> No.11650102

>Lives in a fly over state
>Lives in a poor area
>The sushi restaurant he goes to get shit tier fish

You've obviously never had good sushi op

>> No.11650243

Fat as fuck

>> No.11650707


>> No.11650729

Nah, but I'm amused to hear about another sushi place that burned down

>> No.11650760

Most sushi fish is imported.

The Japs didn't eat raw salmon until the 80's when it was imported from Scandinavia (cleaner fish)

The more you know.

>> No.11650891

It's a valid question. Vomiting in response to something harmful you ingested would make a lot of sense. Just feeling massive amounts of pain way worse than the pain you get from pretty much any other part of your body being injured is a bit mysterious. It's not like you need a hundred times worse pain than the pain of that anon shattering an elbow to make it clear something you ate was harmful and you should avoid it in the future.

>> No.11650912

Just don't eat wild sockeye salmon and you will be alright. Only that incredibly red variant can have worms, farm raised salmon can have only sea lice, usually don't. I prefer my salmon smoked though, true.

>> No.11650932

It's almost like completely different species. Wild salmon has vividly red colourof meat, and feels like modeling clay to touch. Farm salmon meat is orange to yellowish in color, fat/slippery to touch, incredibly bland taste. Without smoking and/or spices, it's the most tasteless meat you can get.

>> No.11650949

Depends on worm. Some incredibly tough shitters eggs die only in high temperature. And these ain't tapeworms, but way deadlier species.

>> No.11650974

It might not be enough. Some of them burrow into your muscles, or liver/lungs/etc. I don't know what wild salmon might be carrying, but there are truly disgusting, deadly parasites out there.

>> No.11652301

Thid. Fuck sweet asian sauces, they ruin everything.

>> No.11652331

How could anyone not like eel sauce? Is this one of those contrarian backlash things because it's gotten so popular?

>> No.11652582

Reminder that no eukaryotic parasite at any stage of life will survive freezing. Which is done to your fish before its served to you raw if you live in a nation with health and safety standards

>> No.11652663

>more nip lies
Okay ching chang I'm sure parasites that evolved millions of years will totally be completely genocided by your shitty ice box.

>> No.11652680

>hurr durr liking sweet things is bad

>> No.11652683

That's a big fish

>> No.11652722

Yeah, this is one of the craziest food criticisms I've ever heard of. Also I'm below target for BMI and still full hungry skelly mode well into my 30s now so it's not even like he's right about it being a fat person thing.

>> No.11652761


Kill yourself you retarded. Ive done plenty of blind tests on free range, cage and organic eggs and the latter win every single time. You're a tastelet, simple as that.

>> No.11652815
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>Most diabetes people are underweight or target.
>95% of people with diabetes have type 1

>> No.11652832
File: 969 KB, 250x175, 1538587213283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolve to live in the muscular tissue of a fish
>this also perfectly adapts you to survive freezing temperatures

>> No.11652929

Regular home freezers dont get cold enough to kill those parasites like an industrial flash freezer.

>> No.11652933

Then why couldnt parasites evolve to live in extreme heat too???? CHECKMATE