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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 217 KB, 1300x1029, buffalo-chicken-wing-with-cayenne-pepper-sauce-served-hot-with-celery-H67P7T[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11638074 No.11638074 [Reply] [Original]

>spicy as fuck wings
>curly fries
>a nice IPA
This is literally the best meal ever, prove me wrong

>> No.11638115

is that beer ?

>> No.11638118

Why would you want to eat raw vegetables with those wings?

>> No.11638124

Why are the wings on a board?
Is the cook such a pleb that he has to cheap out on plates?

>> No.11638126

Patrician taste OP

>> No.11638130

the wood soaks up the sauce so that the next wings you put on there are even tastier

>> No.11638139

>Eating from a dirty board
are you a nigger?

>> No.11638140

Its rustic. You wouldnt get it haha.

>> No.11638143

no i'm white. i de-porcelained a couple of years back when i learned of the benefits of woodplating

>> No.11638158
File: 831 KB, 1957x1462, hodads-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. shut the fuck up

>> No.11638174

it really is the best kind of meal

>> No.11638179

>a nice IPA

There is no such thing. Your perfect meal can not exist. QED.

>> No.11638198
File: 18 KB, 361x408, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"spicy as fuck"

>> No.11638202

>he doesn't enjoy habanero wings and a nice cold 8% IPA pitcher


>> No.11638220

That's what queers eat you dumb fuck

>> No.11638971

Fuck beer.

>> No.11638979

The lack of self awareness in this post is astounding

>> No.11638985

>drinking a whole pitcher of perfume-lemonade "beer"
I threw up in my mouth a little

>> No.11638988

ranch with wings?

>> No.11639004

Fucking kek

>> No.11639013

based dipshit faggot poster

>> No.11639020

Yeah. That's a pretty standard combo.

>> No.11639215

Salt and pepper?

>> No.11639219



>> No.11639353 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11639393


Weird way to spell BLEU CHEESE and GERMAN PILS

>> No.11639489
File: 23 KB, 524x336, l2mdisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you pair those with all the cocks you suck, too?

>> No.11639499

Blue cheese or go fuck your mother

>> No.11639500

Pleb filter activated.

>> No.11639531
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>> No.11639545
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 7caa4b8f10859c192d6ef939bfcbf988--mickey-disney-disney-diy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all responded to bait, and now you will all reply to this fucking shitpost, and if you don't or do, I win. Good luck motherfuckers.

t. Only True Scotsman

>> No.11639552


>> No.11639566

no (you)

>> No.11639592

Buffalo wings and IPA is honestly a great pairing, but curly fries are always kind of a let down. I assume the ranch is for the fries, and you just forgot to mention the blue cheese for the wings.

>> No.11639593
File: 286 KB, 1080x1080, 1515824521762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, let's salvage this terrible thread and instead describe YOUR favprite or most ideal pairing of wings, dipping sauce, and alcohol/beer.

>> No.11639619

>IPA instead of some regular domestic for maximum Americana

pathetic OP, why do I want to buy some bullshit """craft""" beer

>> No.11639623

because it doesn't taste like piss

>> No.11639697

Buffalo wings
Blue cheese
Some sort of pale lager or pale ale. IPA is too powerful imo. A standard pale ale is good though

>> No.11639724

>Spicy Garlic Wings
>Mango Wings
>Ranch and Blue Cheese

>> No.11639731
File: 25 KB, 250x232, 1533641050584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Stop liking what I don't like
/ck/ somehow managed to get even shittier than /v/ this year.

>> No.11639734

How new are you? /ck/ has always been autistic over the most pointless shit. It's part of this boards charm

>> No.11639759

/ck/ was always retarded but it wasn't always retarded just for the sake of it.
Back in the day the faggots on here would only get riled up over chili with/without beans, and that fucking landwhale Angie that used to post her. Now instead of cooking threads we get 5 threads a day discussing the finer points of McDonald's, a weekly /r9k/ tier thread about some fat YouTube kike, a weekly hate circlejerk over Binging with Babish and the weekly /pol/ thread shittily disguised as a chick-fil-a thread.

>> No.11639768

Good choices op. Except for the IPA, as those are for sissy’s who are faux fancy. For me, it’ll be a nice porter or stout to help wash down that kinda meal

>> No.11639770

>best meal ever
>includes celery at all
Not in this lifetime
>durr palate cleanser
you wouldn't need a palate cleanser if it really was the best meal ever you stupid fuck.

>> No.11639772

The /pol/ stuff is new, but everything else is pretty similar to when I started coming here in 2011. I'm glad we got rid of the alcoholic threads though.

>> No.11639881

>I'm glad we got rid of the alcoholic threads though
That's strange. I never posted in those threads but they were always a staple. But I guess they were taking up real estate for another McDonald's thread. I noticed a sharp drop in the quality of this board after they got 86ed. /ck/ had way more shitposting than usual over the summer right afterwards.

>> No.11639903

This summer was pretty rough I'd agree with that. The only board that wasnt too bad was /asp/, but idk how much worse that board can get

>> No.11639916

Nice, now you need real beer and get rid of that IPA like a soyboy with $200.000 student debt loan.

>> No.11639918

Honestly I forgot wrestling had it's own board. Kind of strange that they get one but the e-celeb faggots can't get a containment.

>> No.11639934
File: 126 KB, 1242x668, 35434C3D-4345-4641-A73D-A0AA099E2095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11639943
File: 2.91 MB, 294x227, 1529358750958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extra well done
Like, extra cooked? Why would you want dry wings?

>> No.11639955

This motherfucker knows what's up

>> No.11639968

>hot buffalo wings
>blue cheese
>onion rings with bbq sauce
>any crisp finish pils

>> No.11639971

I like them this way too because they are way more crispy and chewy on the edges
like wing jerky

>> No.11639978

Where are the curly fries?
What a shit photo

>> No.11639982
File: 22 KB, 600x498, 1501555039372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11639984
File: 79 KB, 680x1020, 1545087506539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally eating dry chicken
>expecting wings to be crispy after dipping in sauce
I've cooked for a thousand mongrels like you. Kill yourself, improve the gene pool

>> No.11639985


They get crispier

>> No.11640072
File: 1.86 MB, 3674x2529, IMG_0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked it up, Wingstop never disappoints.

>> No.11640080

Standard buffalo style is better than hot for the sake of being hot.

Also if this is your ideal meal you probably have to have it at home because you cant legally drink yet

>> No.11640081

I eat this almost every Thursday as a matter of fact

>> No.11640102

lemon pepper wings. no dipping sauce cus thats for fags. IPAs are good or maybe a Tripel

>> No.11640103

These are the two best wing places in the local area, anyone had the pleasure of going to one of these places?


>> No.11640109

how fat are you

>> No.11640112

Some kid jacked off into your fries, dude.

>> No.11640113

not as fat as yo mama
don't be a hater they're buffalo ranch fries

>> No.11640116

That's a pretty solid cheat meal if it's an OMAD.

It probably isn't OMAD though. Or a cheat meal.

>> No.11640301

Based and redpilled. Flyovers are afraid of flavor

>> No.11640307

Wow. This thread really had me craving wings until you posted this.

>> No.11640368

that looks disgusting, anon

>> No.11640371

they look like normal wings you gay retards

>> No.11640396

The curly fries seem a bit out of place there

>> No.11640403

youve never been to wingstop huh

>> No.11640414

im gay

>> No.11640418

i don't eat at flyover chains, sorry

>> No.11640630
File: 287 KB, 1500x1000, 1543117823945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy as fuck
Kens blue cheese
Generic cheap macro lager. (Not a joke, you can't taste much between the strong flavors of the blue cheese chunks and hot sauce/vinegar, and it keeps you from being bound up with nuke sauce in your guts.)
Prep-H cooling wipes for the day after, real pro tip.

>> No.11641069

Went to a Wingstop, disappointed the hell out of me. Soggy ass wings, no crunch at all.

>> No.11641081
File: 20 KB, 350x374, 0574[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavy ass beer with food
Everyone knows pic related was practically made to be paired with wings.

>> No.11641094

Do you buy that when you go to buy tampons for your pussy?

>> No.11641322

do you get that beer when you are busy sopping up the blood from your vagina?

>> No.11641961

Swap the IPA for a Belgian White, and the curly fries for onion rings, and you've got a contender.

>> No.11641986

i get it when i need a beer to quench my thirst after fucking your mother

>> No.11642038

faggot, weihenstephaner is best you fucking light weight

>> No.11642077

you're right, it tastes like cat piss you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.11642111

faggot nigger

>> No.11642112

Pretty tasty as long as they're not served on a pretentious miniature cutting board like that