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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11637512 No.11637512 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty hard he wants to eat a lot and also asks for meat all the time and there is only so much I can make with the same 15 ingredients I can buy at a reasonable price and most stuff takes a long time to cook and he asks for food fast ive been cooking him for a year and the food tastes good but its hard sometimes any advice?

>> No.11637521

Look online for recipes
set a specific time for dinner so when he whines for his tendies, you can tell him it'll be ready at x time

>> No.11637535

>asks for meat all the time
Do you actually prepare "meals" without any meat in them? I would dump you in an instant for such an insult.

>> No.11637540

Also, show your feminine bepis.

>> No.11637551

We arent very well off and I try to explain that we arent royalty and we should be a bit frugal but he likes his meat too much

>> No.11637559 [DELETED] 

post your asshole baby please

>> No.11637561 [DELETED] 

does your boyfriend have big penis i have big penis we trade space i show you big penis from me ok

>> No.11637562

How into meat is he? Does meat have to be the main part or can it just be there. If he insists it be the main thing then tell him to stop being a baby and eat other stuff, hes a full grown adult.

>> No.11637564 [DELETED] 

he's VERY into meat because he's gay because OP is a gay man too

>> No.11637566

chicken is cheaper than dirt you stupid bitch

>> No.11637569 [DELETED] 

im gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.11637574
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Lol nice projection dude

>> No.11637576 [DELETED] 

btw youre gay and it matters

>> No.11637606

Are you both unemployed and on food stamps? Do you live in the third world? Raw meat is cheap, and prepared meat is (especially in the US) often cheaper.

>> No.11638123
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Tell him to cook for himself, wew.

>> No.11638142

That sure is one hell of a run-on sentence ya got there OP. We're all gay btw if it matters.

>> No.11638160
File: 401 KB, 720x591, Screenshot_2018-12-20-05-34-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you like to drink, Kowalski?

>> No.11638796

Doesnt work

>> No.11638827

im gay btw and its relevant to the thread

>> No.11639104

Just make something else and tell him he's not getting anything else. Quit being so fucking spineless.

>> No.11639195

Im doing that sometimes

>> No.11639203

i'm not even reading this zero effort sentence. jesus christ

>> No.11639223

Please, it was a two effort sentence at the very least

>> No.11639376

idk, personally I am so used to gf that never cooked for me that I am just thrilled to death that my current one does, its not necessarily a given that your gf will cook for you in the current decade.

if there is something he likes particularly much then you can get away with cooking that more often. Also, don't be afraid to try out your own takes on recipes, if you understand cooking theory and technique then you should be able to experiment with reasonable success.

>> No.11639405

what can you afford OP?
if there's any recipes where you can do most of the work ahead of time (stews, soups, chili, that sort of thing) then those are 'fast' if you prepare them the day before
does your boyfriend tolerate little pieces of meat scattered through a dish or does he want meat to be in big hunks?

>> No.11639501

He likes porkchops which also happen to be the cheapest meat around usually so we end up eating them 2 or even 3 times a week
Basic fresh food like root vegetables and crucifera pork meat and sometimes
poultry and lot of dairy
I try to squeeze a bit of beef every other week but its always minced or cheap stew cuts
Also I always end up making everything with either pasta rice or potatoes, sometimes bread
Always got a pantry full of herbs, oil and some vinegar and cheap wine to cook with.
He always needs a bit of coaxing to eat legumes instead of something meaty even though they taste nice and he eats all of it.

>> No.11639532

Good for you. If he's gonna be a manchild, he doesn't need to eat.

>> No.11639537

Make it all the time.

>> No.11639548

Try using tofu or tempeh as a meat substitute, healthy nutritious delicious and ethical. He won't know the difference :)

>> No.11639551

Yes, big pots of slow cooked stuff is a good idea like chilli and stews. Just make a giant batch and portion+freeze. Very economical as well

>> No.11639557

Oh also I get fruit but usually just apples and bananas cos theyre cheap
I tried baking a few times but its messy and not too great and takes too much time
I only make basic sweets like cooked fruit cream and maybe a cake but rarely

>> No.11639562

Too expensive hard to come by plus I dont know what to do with these even if I find

>> No.11639578

We lack a big pot and I wanted to get one for a while maybe I should do it soon also how would I warm up frozen stew or other foods made before without a microwave?

>> No.11639582

Hm how about cooking soylent powder into paddies?

>> No.11639596

I can't even get a feedie bf...

>> No.11639602

On the stove

>> No.11639613

Make your boyfriend cook. Cooking is a life skill and if you can't cook you may as well be an invalid.

>> No.11639650

He says theres no point since I make the food a lot better I tried to get him in the kitchen but I feel he doesnt want to spend time and effort to improve his cooking
Im just trying to organise better so that I can make food faster and with less effort and cheaper
And some more variety

>> No.11639666


>> No.11639689


>> No.11639702

What a dumbass assertion, any life skill can be nullified by earning enough to pay someone else to do it for you. It's called specialization of labor, this isn't 1750.

>> No.11639720

>any advice
Use some punctuation in everything you write or else people will interpret what you're saying differently than you intended

>> No.11639729
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>> No.11639740

What about your desire for a degree of independence from society?

>> No.11639749

but we live in a society

>> No.11639754

There are several countries that all their food is the same, just change the shapes... Italian, Mexican...

>> No.11639763

Take your own advice first.

>> No.11639776

Send his bitch-ass back to his mommy then

>> No.11639938

Ask him to stop being an autistic fatass. If that doesn't work, then knock back his chair that's already supporting 300 pounds and ask again.

>> No.11639951

Do you work, or is your bf the sole provider?

>> No.11640360

Yes I said have a degree of independence, not total independence

>> No.11640557


>> No.11641064

Cool projection my dude

>> No.11641072

I'm underweight. OPs boyfriend seems like an autistic fatass manchild based on what they described, maybe you're the one projecting.

>> No.11642677

suck his cock

>> No.11642945

I guess I can suggest a few things you could cook, based on that description. Quiche is always a winner, jambalaya or paella can be a good way to stretch the flavor of your meat using rice, stews and gumbos over mashed potatoes or rice is a good option in the winter, and lastly I would personally reccomend my favorite, red beans and rice with either a ham hock, left over pork bones or just stock/cubes and a bit of liquid smoke.

Obviously you should research these more on your own, but I hope they at least helped steer you in the right direction.

>> No.11642949

Reminder that behind every single one of these cutesy anime girl photos is a transsexual man with man breath that smells like a man and has a fucking penis. This isn't exactly /ck/ related but still, very relevant information

>> No.11642952

Use a fucking comma. Or, shit, maybe a few? Punctuation in general? Reading your sentence was like listening to a line cook on speed babble.

>> No.11642954

I asked you a question, slag.

>> No.11642957

Tell him to cook for a change

>> No.11644042

Word has it he has a fat cock. I have a fat cock too. Maybe he and I could get together some time, rub our fat cock together, maybe add a little oil, just two fat cock.

>> No.11644175

Based and gachipilled

>> No.11644792

I'm really impressed with this reply. That was such a stupid question I thought for sure it would end with "you fucking retard" but you just gave the info. Very mature.

>> No.11644895

I live in a high cost of living city and I regularly see chicken thigh for $0.99, do you look for deals? Look at the catalog and see what's on sale. Beyond that, this is weird cosplay.

>> No.11645883
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3rd time today seeing 666

>> No.11646477

Good S&P goes along way. Use cast iron. use decent wine to make gravy for that cheap meat. Organs make things really tasty. Cook the flour. Use onions. Roast bones for the marrow. Good luck and don’t be scared to use him as a guinea pig.

>> No.11646544

tell him to cook food himself or stfu and eat
another alternative is to withold your vag

also postits

>> No.11646694

It's not that cheap. There are much cheaper alternative ingredients.

>> No.11646708

Fuck off veganfag

>> No.11647921

Thank you.

>> No.11648308
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The real red flag is that this guy actually cares about his boyfriend enough to cook for him, as opposed to the roasties in this thread screeching that he's a manchild who needs to cook for himself.

>> No.11648320


>> No.11648339
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1525564969027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf doesn't like your cooking enough that he doesn't mind eating a selection of a few of his favorite dishes a week
are you even trying? enjoy him leaving you, faggot.

>> No.11648355

I bet OP's fag BF hates this little neet queer for taking his hard earned wagey bux and spending it on soy beans and shit when he probably just wants some fucking chicken. Learn to cook you retarded homosexual.

>> No.11648939

Being on the receiving end I can atest for this strategy. Whenever my gf fucks something up she knows ill forgive her if she sucks me real good. What can i do? Im just a man.

>> No.11649294

Do you have a freezer? Go to the grocery store after 8PM and you'll get the food on sale for twice as cheap, then just stick it in the freezer. Rice / pasta / flour is dirt cheap, shouldn't cause you problems there. If possible, find a nearby farm where they have milking cows, buy straight from the supplier and it's not pasteurized. Porridge for mornings, go berry picking, freezing them with sugar is god-tier, and eating frozen berries with porridge is the way man was meant to eat breakfast.
Tea, if your boyfriend doesn't like tea, start goading him into it. If the still after many unsuccessful attempts doesn't buy it, dump him. Tea is the best alternative for any drink.

>> No.11649799

Who said he doesnt like you gaylord
Im going for deals for sure cant do the others though im not in the countryside

>> No.11649967

leave him, he's a man child