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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 720x720, eggnog-720x720-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11636926 No.11636926 [Reply] [Original]

Non-american here, Ive been reading /ck/ through the years and always thought that this egg nog thingy sounds tasty but was always too lazy to try making it. Anyway, this year ive decided to make some of it for Christmas.
Any recipes, advices and hints for an absolute beginner? Easiest/tastiest way to do it?

>> No.11636939

>he hasn't glugged the 'nog

>> No.11636969
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>> No.11636996

melt some ice cream until it's liquid and mix a teaspoon of nutmeg in there before you drink it.

That's basically egg nog.

>> No.11637026

What liquor do I use?

>> No.11637062

Traditionally it's whiskey.
Americans prefer bourbon, but irish whiskey can be used if that's all you have (as evidenced by its use in making irish cream)

>> No.11637068

My grandma always made it with brandy

>> No.11637089

Brandy, and/or rum. Sherry is optional.

>> No.11637104

It's worth a try for sure. Not something I like having more than one or two glasses of

>> No.11637124


>> No.11637151

Can I use cognac?
Have a bottle of Hennessy right now, can I use it instead?

>> No.11637278

Cognac is a kind of brandy, so yes.

>> No.11637332

have a bottle of jim beam, can i use this shit?

>> No.11637596

I drank 5 glasses of whiskey/rum split home made nog. Im bloated and hungry and its frustrating as fuck.

>> No.11637721


>> No.11637857

Just use alton browns recipe. I've used it many times and it always comes out good

>> No.11638211
File: 435 KB, 809x1532, victorian eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non-american here,
How is this relevant? Eggnog is British.
Here's a proper English recipe distilled from several period sources.

Alton Brown's recipe is bland, like all of his recipes. He does it on purpose, giving you a base on which to expand.

>> No.11638253

just do what everyone else does:
ice cream custard base
add cinnamon, nutmeg, maybe a touch of clove
add liquor until you think its too much then add some more

>> No.11638273

It's relevant because you literally can't even buy it here and virtually noone drinks it

>> No.11638278
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Ask Noone for his recipe, then

>> No.11638289
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Its been almost 200 years since "that".

>> No.11638328

striking resemblance to Gordon Ramsay

>> No.11638342

Zabaione or eggnog, anons?

>> No.11639034

>Eggnog is British
Not anymore, faggot, it's ours now.

>> No.11639125

We just call eggnog, Advocaat. I don't know why so many people think it's an American drink.

>> No.11639130

Alton Brown has a good episode on egg nog OP

>> No.11639134
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'Merica is a literal shithole and what little tradition they do have is pure shit.

>> No.11639173
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>recipes, advices and hints
Here you go, dude, makes just over 1/2 gallon. Scale up or down as needed. This is similar to the George Washington recipe that I've been working with recently. The keys to success: using a whisk on the eggs, milk, and cream to create a light, airy body to the nog.

1/2 quart heavy cream
1/2 quart whole milk
8 oz brandy
4 oz whiskey
4 oz rum
2 oz sherry
6 eggs
7 tbs sugar
1 tsp nutmeg (optional)
fresh nutmeg for garnish (optional)

1. Add booze and sugar to a bowl and mix.
2. In a separate bowl, add milk and cream, and whisk until frothy. Add the booze to this mixture slowly while constantly stirring.
3. In a separate bowl, add the eggs and whisk until frothy, then slowly pour in the booze/cream mixture while slowly stirring. Once everything is together whisk the shit out of it to aerate it and make it frothy, then either store in jars, a flask, or cover the bowl and stick it in the fridge for a good week before you tap into it, and it'll be delicious. Of course you can taste it frequently while you wait, but don't, just give it 7 days and it'll be fine.

Key points:
1. Whisking the eggs together until they become frothy, as the trapped air will keep the drink light. Some recipe's call for separating the yolk and white, but there is no need to do that as you can achieve the airy consistency you're looking for by just beating the eggs together.
2. Whisking the milk and cream together until they, too, become frothy to keep the nog very light and airy.

>> No.11639183
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>I said America sucks, right guise!
Why are foreign children such attention whores on /ck/?

>> No.11639539

Its only bongs, yuros and latinos/chinks/aussies are usually chill

>> No.11639675
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>> No.11639682
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>> No.11640131

are there any good non alcoholic recipes

>> No.11640570


>> No.11640576

I buy it at costco and it's fucking amazing

>> No.11640582

Spiced rum and whiskey

>> No.11640642

Looks like a delicious recipe, but I'm not leaving anything with raw eggs in it in the fridge for a week before drinking.

>> No.11640647

I doubt salmonella can withstand ethanol

>> No.11640763

You'll be fine. The booze and the low temps keep the funk at bay, and the time transforms the body and flavor into something truly delicious.

Quit being a pussy.

>> No.11640794

Yeah mate fucking cunts are chill mate Vegemite cunt mate kangaroos right mate? I'm Australian btw def not an attention whore.

>> No.11641333

It's really nothing special imo

>Christmas comes along
>buy carton of egg nog
>Delicious for the first few sips but very heavy
>Senpai drinks maybe a quarter of it over the holidays and then gets sick of it
>Sits in fridge for a few weeks then throw it out.

It's very heavy and difficult to drink more than a cup of it unless you're a fat glutinous sack of shit or a child, maybe if you make your own and lower the amount of sugar and fat it would be more drinkable.

>> No.11641419

what do you think the raw eggs were doing before you put them in the drink

>> No.11642240

Eggnog is a cocktail. What you're asking for is just custard.

>> No.11642244


>> No.11642713

egg nog is good with heavy rum

>> No.11642715

It's good creamer / sweetner for coffee

>> No.11642811 [DELETED] 

i sort of use Alton Brown's recipe.
it turns out that i never need to fold in any whites and use them for some meringues to throw in the oven and toast gently.
i'm not posting my recipe though because i hate the fucking faggot ass mods and i'd rather see this board turned into worksafe /b/ like those blue haired dyke, nigger, faggots want.

>> No.11643199

I just made a batch and dont have enough cheap whisky to throw in. Anyone tried using single malts before or is that a waste?

>> No.11643372

Brandy. You don't need to use expensive stuff since it's mixed. I use E&J XO

>> No.11643397

anything expensive is a waste unless you've got money to burn.
One thing people like to do is mix in a shitton of bitters though so if you only need 2 tbsp try that

>> No.11643566
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If chocolate eggnog was a thing, would it be called nignog?

>> No.11643688

I only like alcoholic egg nog with white rum. I'm not a huge rum guy though, i loathe it by itself

but yeah, give white rum a try. It's a much cleaner tasting drink, if you're making it alcoholic.

>> No.11644056

Eggnog is an invention from a time when you actually needed to bulk up to get through the winter.

it is delicious but it is so rich and high calorie. expect to gain weight on it.

>> No.11644076


>> No.11644079

that's just not fucking accurate at all. this would be much sweeter and not at all eggy.

don't call it EGGnog if it has no egg you fucking nog.

>> No.11644088

>flyover states
Looks like inner city detroit.

>> No.11644217

>Looks like inner city anywhere, USA

>> No.11644635

No it isn't.

>> No.11644821

>keys to success
>uses a whisk to incorporate air
Wow, that's fucking genius!

>> No.11644839

>If chocolate eggnog was a thing, would it be called nignog?
No, because nobody wants nignog in their house.

>> No.11644942
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>> No.11644948

Does store bought eggnog w Bourbon poured in taste good? What else can I add to it.

>> No.11644959

Sooo, flyover?

>> No.11645068

Do a lot of flying do you anon?

>> No.11645078
File: 10 KB, 165x211, IMG_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting alcohol in your eggnog

way to ruin it idiot

>> No.11645089

some frozen custard calls itself ice cream.

i think they called them egg cremes.

gran marnier
cinnimon schnapps
honey liquer