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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11634680 No.11634680 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer eggs normal or scrambled? This is pretty much a normal egg meal for me.

>> No.11634687

Define "normal". Also,

>ketchup on eggs

>> No.11634722

Do you go to school or something? You seem to post more regularly at the moment. I'm not mad. At least it's relevant.

"normal" isn't the word anyone here is looking for.

Pink pony worst pony.

>> No.11634726
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I used to prefer soft boiled or poached, but then I found out stirring constantly over low heat and making soft scrambled is the best and only acceptable way

also using ketchup on anything home cooked is idiotic, just order fast food

>> No.11634820

I like soft scrambled and fried scrambled eggs at the moment, 90% being soft scrambled. It's been awhile since I had them sunny side up or over easy/medium.

>> No.11634850
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Boiled, with runny eggs and soldiers to dip in

>> No.11634859

*trigger warning for faggots and dykes who can't get prego*

>> No.11634879

I forgot to mention that eggs may be the most spergy of foodstuffs. Texture, taste, and appearance will all be different. If you only like one method of preparation, that's kinda sad but I guess I can see why.

>> No.11634881

Non flipped fried eggs piss me off

>> No.11634913
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I like to poach eggs in one of those poacher pans. So they come out like perfect little eggy domes. Heavily butter the cups. Serve on hot buttered toast, season with salt and black pepper.

>> No.11635001

Wow a pic that doesn't look absolutely disgusting, finally

>> No.11635019

Pretty much this. I only do eggs one of two ways. Beat in a microwave safe bowl, add a little lawry's or montreal steak seasoning, microwave at 30sec intervals stirring in between, top with tapatio or sriracha.... or i cook bacon first and about halfway through the bacon's cooking process i drain the excess fat and crack 2 or 3 eggs over the bacon and finish cooking the bacon and eggs together.

>> No.11635046

>microwaving eggs

truly a sad existence

>> No.11635070
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Ms. Pie is best.

I find that Ketchup works well with the sulfuric flavor of eggs, one of the few perfect pairings for it in my eyes.

See here how it's more white, I have to cover my eggs with a lid because they always break when I try to flip them and it's a waste, but they are close enough to a consistency for me of Over Easy with minimal slime.

>> No.11635080


>> No.11635096

>sulfuric flavor of eggs

how fucking long ago did you buy them?

ketchup is like cheese, used to either create cheap flavor or mask unpleasant taste - wither way learn how2cook

>> No.11635097

Similar to yours, but either flipped or use pot cover trick. Put inside bread with half a thing of microwaved frozen breakfast sausages and eat like a sandvich.

>> No.11635110

i put oil in a pan, throw a corn tortilla in there, and then crack or or two eggs on it and cover it so it cooks onto the tortilla. The bottom of it gets really crispy and the whites stay firm and the yolk runny. Sometimes i'll put cheese on it.
Cover it in hot sauce when it's done.

>> No.11635114
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>cheese, used to either create cheap flavor or mask unpleasant taste

>> No.11635124
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it is used like that (in america)

>> No.11635128

Dude, c'mon. Although I think it's retarded, I can at least understand ketchup on scrambled eggs or an omelette. But sunny side up? Nope.

>> No.11635145

Soft boiled is normal

>> No.11635150

>Any single thing with a powerful flavor is used to either create cheap flavor or mask unpleasant taste.
Are you consistent and think truffles are the same as Ketchup and Cheese, or do you think it's exempt because it cost more?
The thing about flavor interactions is that what you've described is a simplification that hyperboles literally the interaction between any food items. It's not really a valid point unless someone is using way too much and drowning something with them, to the point that you'd want to ask them "Do you want any [original food] with your [condiment]?".

>> No.11635171

>Are you consistent and think truffles are the same
they are the same is novelty gold plated dishes, but ketchup is never part of any actually good food

>> No.11635181

no, cheese is used because it is good, on both good and bad things, it may mask some bad things but it equally likely to be used on good things, the masking ability has nothing to do with it

>> No.11635190

i've done it both ways and there isn't much difference

>> No.11635349

You're a lying bastard

>> No.11635392
File: 246 KB, 1000x571, MeatloafMashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but ketchup is never part of any actually good food
Meat Loafs

How do you eat it then? As is or do you wrap it up?

>> No.11635406
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that's an XOR for me

>> No.11635472


No ketchup and I eat real bread.

>> No.11635777

could've just said "I'm not an amerimutt"

>> No.11635782


>> No.11636027

>that's an ⊕ for me

>> No.11636064

Goddammit you queer
That looks great though

>> No.11636109

I hate you so fucking much.

>> No.11636110

>an exclusive or (XOR) is a direct sum (⊕)
somebody failed their math class

>> No.11636123


>> No.11637889

I've taken to soft boiling eggs, it's the easiest way to cook them and turns out pretty clean

>> No.11638696

>no hooves

>> No.11638699

>Do you prefer eggs normal or scrambled?

>> No.11638702

Some of my earliest memories is of Mum setting this up for me.

>> No.11640607

either ⊻ or ⊕ can be used to denote XOR in boolean algebra mr. Brainlet