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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 728x728, fat brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11630129 No.11630129 [Reply] [Original]

>start new job
>part time while I go to school
>most of the people in my office are women
>holiday season rolls around
>they are constantly making me cookies, baked goods, giving me boxes of chocolate, etc
How do I get them to stop? I don't want to be rude and refuse but I don't want to get fat again either

>> No.11630133

Accept them and throw them away at home.

>> No.11630163

Report them to HR for unwanted sexual advances. Claim that the gifts and cookies are making you feel uncomfortable about their intentions.

>> No.11630263

Do you know how many people would fucking kill to be in your position? its like you live in a fucking anime. enjoy it while it last.

>> No.11630270

don't do this unless you are a massive faggot
Do this or give them away to other people so they think you are crafty

>> No.11630282


>> No.11630283

>t.female with pending sexual harrasment suit

>> No.11630451

Marry one of them.

>> No.11630453
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Live entirely off baked goods while you drown in pussy. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.11630480

Sincerely thank them for thinking of you and then take them home and freeze them to eat over time or throw them out if you don't have the will power to not eat them all at once. Or give them to someone you know or a homeless person.

>> No.11630482

>work at mcdonlads
>have sex with two coworkers
>they make me shitty ass cupcakes with terrible frosting every birthday
>bring them home
>they sit in fridge or on counter for a couple weeks
>throw them away
>"yeah those cupcakes were delicious! thanks again!"

>> No.11630503

FFS, put them in the freezer and eat them later. Or eat only baked goods until February.

>> No.11630568
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>start job at office
>office is full of women
>they bring in some snacks or whatever but its all garbage
>start bringing in my own stuff
>all the women adore me since I can actually bake
>Realize they are going to eat what I bring in no matter what
>start adding more butter to everything
>they like my baked goods even more
>start bringing in stuff on a weekly basis
>watch as a couple of the women with limit self control start to bloat up
>slowly but surely you have been fattening up all the women in your office

I am a sculptor and my medium is the female body.

>> No.11630575

Caused any divorces yet?

>> No.11630577
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Not yet. New girl in the office however. She's seems to be a health nut.

I'm going to try and break her.

>> No.11630765

sounds fucking great. the better question you can ask is why are you such a fag?

>> No.11630799

They are being nice, but some really want to be with you. Women crave attention because its in their nature to nurture and enjoy thank you's.

>> No.11630806

>making women obese, so tyrone can have at people with low self esteem.

>> No.11631199
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>> No.11631935

Definitely do this. People need to respect your boundaries or you'll never feel safe at work.

>> No.11631959

If I had a girlfriend/wife, I'd make her huge. James Bond knows what's up.

>> No.11631973
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>> No.11631976

Based and redpilled

>> No.11631980
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, aisyamocaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are also down with the THICCness

>> No.11631985

mommy gib

>> No.11631989

The Architect is doing his work. He is building a bigger, larger woman.

>> No.11632612
File: 579 KB, 1411x1451, 1533669602439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For England, James?
No, for Wales