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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11628213 No.11628213 [Reply] [Original]

1) why are so many restaurant industry workers druggies? not only chefs, servers too. literally why? yeah i get it, it's physically hard, but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.

2) how to deal with it? how do you deal with your druggie colleagues? how do you deal with your own addiction?

>> No.11628221

>but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.

They're alcoholics

>> No.11628225

>yeah i get it, it's physically hard

Not at all. I've done construction work in my previous life... THAT is physically hard and takes discipline.

The real reason is that being a cook is just mind numbingly repetitive & boring. Plus, restaurant workers tend to be loser degenerates with little skills or prospects to do anything else... so they just get high every day at work.

>> No.11628227

It's a fast paced job that requires you to constantly be on your feet, you have to move and think quick, while a laborer is physically demanding it's nowhere nearly as fast paced.

As for your second question, it totally depends on the drug, if it's a stim then usually it's fine, they actually probably function better than when they're not on it, if it's an opioid then they usually get chewed out fast.

>> No.11628228

>Plus, restaurant workers tend to be loser degenerates with little skills or prospects to do anything else

>> No.11628232

>it's physically hard, but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.
It's not physically hard at all. I did construction after high school and it was awful. They just drink a lot after work. Restaurant work different, it's more of a fast paced on your feet all day thing.

>> No.11628243

construction workers use opiates all the time

>> No.11628245

>"non-marijuana debris"
Sooo... heroin?
Vague as fuck...

>> No.11628251

most of them smoke weed on their down time, but they tend to keep it out of work

>> No.11628254

could be meth or crack, our chef was high on crack 24/7, we used to call him whitney

>> No.11628262
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>construction workers aren't known to be junkies

Are you new to this planet,or are you a gay?

>> No.11628267

Except for illegals who have no choice only self-destructive types think working in a kitchen is cool.

>> No.11628278

what about people who legitimately love it?

>> No.11628281

Life is hard op. No matter what job or industry they're in. We all need a crutch wether it be alcohol, weed , drugs, jesus or any other shit that gets our mind off our daily grind. Don't think its a lower class thing either. Lawyers & stock brokers and bankers are alkies or coke feinds. Doctoer are hopped up on coffee and scripts all day

>> No.11628333
File: 28 KB, 620x330, orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>restaurant workers tend to be loser degenerates with little skills or prospects to do anything else.

this guy gets it

>> No.11628452

Long hours. High pace and high stress. It can also be physically demanding due to the previous factors. People go overboard when letting off steam because they're so stressed out.

I worked in a hotel and it's the same way.

>> No.11628474

I have friends that used to be waiters, I hear FOH prefers weed and alcohol while BOH prefers amphetamines and coke

>> No.11628491

That's literally the opposite of what Orwell said, though, you stupid fuck.

>> No.11628521

Working in a kitchen may not be as physical as construction work but it is about 20x more stressful. How often do you see construction workers just standing around doing nothing? You can't do that in a busy kitchen. You are constantly at full throttle. Before you even finish one thing you are already starting on the next 5 things. You stop for even 30 seconds to grab a drink of water and something could burn and then you have to start all over again.

Frankly I can't think of a single job as constantly frantic as working in a kitchen.

>> No.11628537

Every construction worker I know loves uppers

>> No.11628725

The mexican subs I used to build my house busted their ass as much or more than any cook ever could in all weathers. My roofers were up on the roof finishing it before a storm rolled threw and lightening was visible and thunder was reverberating. The only construction workers I had who ever loafed were white. Fortunately I hired them for the more trivial jobs, worthless fucks.

>> No.11628745

Prolly meth

>> No.11628753

This. Cooks love to whine about how hard their work is but it's a fucking joke compared to a lot of jobs. They're just losers who never have and never will do anything else, so they don't have anything to compare it to. There's a reason cooks make minimum wage. Protip- it's because your job is a fucking joke and literally anyone with a functional brain could do it.

>> No.11628766

>Having to specify that it's not "Just" marijuana
What has society become?

>> No.11628778

>be engineer
>no passion like construction or creativity like cooking, just sit in an office every day under fluorescent lights
>could be under the sun drinkan water and getting in shape, instead skinny fat with bad posture
Am seriously considering quitting and becoming a construction worker. Is it hard to get? Any degrees that would be helpful?

>> No.11628823

Good amount of servers are milennial/zoomer part timers. They don't expect to work for longer than a year, max two, and as such, do not care about their work. Even if they will get fired, they can find job elsewhere. For some of them, growing weed and selling drugs is another source of income. Or literally main source. It's mostly generational thing; if you have a lot of young people in one place, most of them are going to be weed smokers.

>> No.11628831

Depends, do you want to go into a trade or just be a laborer. If you want to be a laborer then easy enough you just sort of apply for the job if you want to be a tradie then you will probably need qualifications for, though if you all ready have an engineering degree you might be able to become a sit manager or something like that.

>> No.11628857

Not degrees, but if you became conversant in Spanish you could run a pretty big sub-contractor operation doing framing or concrete easily. If you wanted to get into plumbing, HVAC, or electric you'll have to take a test to get licensed. If you want to build houses for resale by hiring subs, you'll also have to get licensed.

>> No.11628863

It's not physically hard it's mentally hard. Only a blob would think kitchen work is consistently physically challenging.

>> No.11628888

>mentally hard
>'make this thing'
>repeat for a few hours

Wow such challenge. It's a wonder your brains can take it.

>> No.11629250

>so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.

You have no idea how many construction workers are hooked on opioids as result of being treated for workplace injury and being prescribed oxycontin for the pain.

>> No.11629263

Kitchen work is work that 85% of people without major physical disability can do, and that even people with some mental disability can do. They are usually low pay jobs, the establishment offering them usually can't afford background checks or drug tests, and all in all the personal injury risk is fairly low. But druggies in general fall in and out of employment anyhow, and if they're using on the job, they won't make it in the long term if they keep it up, if they don't quit themselves.

Most people know how to keep that shit to off the clock, but unfortunately there's a drug epidemic in this country that everyone is afraid to focus on.

>> No.11629272

>tend to be loser degenerates with little skills or prospects to do anything else
unlike construction workers, those Cadillac of men.

>> No.11629299

And you think construction workers are highly skilled individuals with many prospects? Holy shit lmao

>> No.11629329

Because the kind of people who work low-tier food service jobs are either
1. illegal immigrants who can't get another job.
2. ex-cons who can't get another job.

>> No.11629396

Skilled or specialist construction workers can easily make 6 figures a year. Dangerous, gross, or physically strenuous jobs tend to pay a lot more than you think, it's basic supply and demand. Trades are the way to go nowadays, you can make twice the income of a college graduate with a fraction of the debt from something like a 2 year welding certificate. Enjoy that diploma on your wall and your job at Starbucks.

>> No.11629423

Yeah, I know a guy who worked on an oil right for 6 months, most of those filthy ogres have no capacity for higher level reasoning, they just blow all their paychecks on literal hookers and blow. He quit after he kept seeing his coworkers getting maimed, you can earn six figures but your prime earning "years" are really months.

Enjoy your false sense of superiority and future oxycontin addiction.

t. $120k a year with a humanities major

>> No.11629425

actually yes they do have many prospects.

>> No.11629433
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Restaurant employee here. I have hosted, bussed, served for several years and when I finally got fed up with FOH I became a prep and line cook.

Restaurant jobs force you to deal with the absolute shitty humans on earth. Fat, entitled pieces of shit complaining about anything they can, getting screwed over for a living by hosts overseating you, kitchen stuff that's out of your control affecting your tables and therefore your tips. Serving is one of the worst jobs you can ever have but the potential for that big tip makes up for it to some people. The idea that one a busy weekend you can walk out with 200 bucks in your wallet from tips is what keeps people doing it. Combined with the fact that no experience is required and literally anyone that can hold a conversation has the ability to make those big tips makes it a job that's hard to leave.
But dealing with other humans for a living is the most soul crushing shit ever. Women in groups getting soups and whining about lemons for their waters, teenagers, foreigners who don't tip, black people, the list goes on and on.

BOH isn't much better, just different. Instead of the guests we have to deal with servers fucking up orders and scrambling to tell us to fix something we've already finished so we have to make it again. Getting overwhelmed in the kitchen on a busy day and just getting fucking killed, stuff running out, not having it prepped, it goes on and on.

tl;dr It's one of the worst industries to work in but one of the hardest to get out of, so most people just cope by doing drugs and drinking. Me included.

>> No.11629435

>upper echelon of construction makes 100k a year
nice cope lmao

>> No.11629436

As opposed to construction workers? Get fucked, you're delusional.

>> No.11629446
File: 301 KB, 629x405, 1392206549956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story, Paco.

>> No.11629447

It's the nature of the job. BOH needs to be fast and on the go from start to finish. They have no control over the pace of the job. Coke and speed helps with that.
FOH has breaks between tables and can control the pace somewhat. Weed and alcohol also help them talk to their guests.

>> No.11629456

>this contruction working beaner who needs to project his insecurity with every post

Just stop. This is embarrassing.

>> No.11629458

>top 5-10% makes 100-200k

With the physical toll it takes on your body, how do you expect to compete with new generations of 20 year olds when your 40+? Give me a break man.

>> No.11629466

Moving a brick isn’t a prospect. I don’t work in a restaurant but I’m just saying you constructioncucks cannot genuinely think you’re superior to fags working in a restaurant.

>> No.11629469
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One of my worst jobs I had was a being a dishwasher for a busy restaurant on weekends when I was 16. Backed ached like shit, dishes never stopped coming, always had to GO FASTER, and always left dripping wet. Never got any breaks either so I was in constant movement for HOURS. It makes sense why some of these people start abusing stimulants like METH.

I worked landscaping and a home depot warehouse one time but at least with those jobs I could sit around for a bit if the job got too heavy and the pay was a bit better, but my god dealing with the waiters and the customers at a restaurant is shit. Also pic related.

>> No.11629475

its funny that retards are only slowly catching on that college is a massive waste of time for 90% of people. Do 20 year olds not even bother looking at available jobs and how much they pay, or are they seriously still just plunging themselves into a university to take on life crushing debt and waste time on a whim to MAYBE get a job in their field and then be forced to take a shitty mcjob? Its all blue collar work (including construction) that you can make 70k easy after a year or 2, no anchor of school debt. Go see what it takes to work on an oil rig, which brings us to our next boomer-grade meme parroted by low iq cuckolds, "flyover". Aw man, just imagine how stupid you have to be to make bank working in the oil industry living in a 90% white area thats peaceful, beautiful, has clean air, and is safe, LOL do they even have taco trucks?? Who wants to own affordable houses and land when you can spend 80% of your income to rent a shoebox cuckshed from Schlomo?

>> No.11629627

Yes, my dream is to live in a man camp in Minot, SD where life revolves around natural resource extraction, crystal meth, and spending your pent up sexual rage at the strip club. But hey, $70k, almost half of what I make now, plus I don't even need to pay rent because I live in a company dorm that smells like dried up cum-soaked tissues.

Where do I sign up?

>> No.11629634

>he can't even nofap through one season of work
Never gonna make it bro

>> No.11629638


>> No.11630079

>Skilled or specialist construction workers can easily make 6 figures a year.
Same can be said about servers/bartenders. You think a waiter at a fancy manhattan restuarant isn't making bank?

>> No.11630109

I'm currently a dishwasher and I can confirm all of that. all of my coworkers are either alcoholics or heavy smokers, whether they work back of the house or front of the house.

>> No.11630112

Why do you hear "restaurant kitchen" and automatically assume it's some really common, low-brow place like Olive Garden or Applebee's? It speaks to your class level that the first restaurants that come to your mind at the mere mention of a restaurant are apparently disgusting to you.
Anyway, big corps like that don't tolerate drug use on the job because they can't, and the people who work there are usually too dumb to function with any extra impediment anyway. The big drug use is in high end FOH/BOH because of the exacting level of work that must be carried out consistently.

>> No.11630179

If working in a kitchen is that hard, how come you didn't put forth that effort while in school to get a real job?

>> No.11630213

If you finished school, you wouldn't need someone to answer that question.

>> No.11630241


Tips = immediate cash in pocket at the end of the night. If the US was smart and not full of inbred trash trying to form a working government we might actually pay our workers a living wage with good healthcare but instead we make them work for 2.50 an hour at a server job while they take home $100+ on cash and blow it on ketamine to forget the fact that they probably have a readily treatable illness or disorder that they can't afford to fix

>> No.11630306

i could think of a few things:

>work can get hectic as fuck on the weekend and you have to get a lot of tedious things done in a short span of time while customers are present
>people with families are less likely to take a job with these hours unless they are a manager or executive chef so the industry draws in lots of young people, students, and moonlighters
>by the time you clock out at night the only things you can really do are drink or get stoned and play vidya.
>restaurants hire lots of part time staff on weekends who do other shit during the week so workers try to cram their part time job and weekend partying together

>> No.11630334


Curiosity compels me to ask what sort of humanities major and what profession in what location. $120k a year is very different in San Francisco from what it is in Tennessee, with the former dedicating well over half to both government and union.

>> No.11630340


If you could answer that question, you'd have finished school and answered it in a decisive fashion, rather than trying to snark someone for asking a question asked for the sake of rhetoric.

>> No.11630753

makes it easier to deal drugs, why do you think niggers work at McDonalds?

>> No.11630757
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>too cheap to pay for drug testing
>wonder why the people you hire are on drugs

>> No.11630759

Thank god they at least have real drug addicts in the kitchen and not those fucking pathetic marijuana "addicts". They are weakwilled enough to get addicted to a non-addictive substance, and then they have the gall to try be a part of civil society instead of hanging out down by the homeless landing with the other degenerates.

>> No.11630908

>in my previous life

>> No.11630911

t. Unemployed

>> No.11630932

They're usually poor. Poor people do drugs because they're usually stupid. Stupid people are inbred and/or dark skinned so they're usually skill-less imbeciles.

>> No.11630937

said the stinky drug addict (i can quit any time i want to i just don't want to) to the judge

>> No.11631075

Construction workers and truck drivers are huge consumers of amphetamines

>> No.11631077

Skilled workers that are on the higher end of the chain who actually bothered to get tech qualifications do.

>> No.11631114

Basically this. Food jobs generally only attract low-iq yet highly social losers who never grew up.

>> No.11631175

>repetitive work
>shitty customers
>shitty management
>no breaks
>always covered in sweat and grease
I've never been more depressed than when I was working in a kitchen. Everyone else who worked in the kitchen was either on drugs or suicidal. We would just casually ask each other to stab us and end our misery.
You'd be popping pills too

>> No.11631191

you forgot
>shit pay

>> No.11631403

I mean yeah, a lot of construction trades are pretty much in constant demand.

>> No.11631583

>too cheap
It's not about being "too cheap." It's because:
1. It doesn't matter if everyone is on drugs, it doesn't affect their work as it's not manually difficult, just extremely tedious and fast paced. The drugs usually help people's moods.
2. Restaurants have extremely high turnover so it would be a straight waste of money to bother drug testing people who will only work there for 2 weeks anyway.
3. They would not have any staff if they drug tested people because no one in their right mind would take a restaurant job.

>> No.11631597

The stress of work in with a bunch of useless, self-obsessed druggies made me turn to drugs for relief. But I'm not like them, I'm management.

>> No.11631606

True, you're worse.

>> No.11631629

I bet that nigga made some fucking crazy food. Id fuckin eat at the crackhead cafe

>> No.11631705

amazing how we've built an entire civilization that everybody hates but will fight to the death to maintain

>> No.11631723


> working in a restaurant is so high paced that it requires performance enhancing drugs

You are literally retarded if you believe this is why drug abuse is so prevalent in the restaurant industry.

>> No.11631726

ok fine have druggies working for you then
not drug testing is basically putting up a sign saying "DRUGGIES COME WORK HERE"

>> No.11631729

its because the majority of people would not survive the alternative.

>> No.11631730


> le welding meme

Sure, traveling welders or very specialized ones can, like if they work on an oil rig or do nuclear welding or some shit, but most welders make a low to average salary, it's not exactly a ticket to the upper middle class.

But sure, go ahead and compare welders from some union in NJ or NY to recent college grads in some low cost of living area if you want to mutilate some statistics.

>> No.11631732
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Get you foot in the game by working whatever, but network until you get a spot with a well paid contracting company that pays 90 bucks an hour overtime.

>> No.11631758

If you have the juice to go to a highly competitive undergrad and work worthwhile internships during college you can get into finance and consulting jobs with pretty much any major. If you don't have the juice to get into a highly competitive school then you need to reevaluate what you're actually doing in college and it may not be for you. A humanities major is also often considered a plus in admission to medical and law schools.

I'm not saying everyone has to go to college to live a full life. I'm saying that a lot of people do waste time and money on degrees that aren't worth what they should be, but there are still degrees out there which are very much worth it.

>> No.11631776

>>but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.
>They're alcoholics
And then opiod junkies to cope with the lasting pain

>> No.11631778
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let's rephrase your question:

>Why are drug addicts only able to get menial jobs in the service industry, instead of getting a real job that involves more responsibility?
Is it easier to answer now?

As for the 2nd question, see pic related

>> No.11631829

>be me, 22, work at liquor store
>busiest time of day is 5:05 - 5:30pm
>construction worker after construction work buying 30 packs
""""Not junkies""""

>> No.11631835

cigarettes and alcohol are legal so its """ok""" to be a junkie on those. weed some states too.

>> No.11631933

Fuckin A brother.

>> No.11631955

Like he said. Self destructive types

>> No.11632034

>construction workers

The Amish are a race of construction workers, and they savages. Nothing more than inbred work monkeys.

>> No.11632164

>stressful, underpaid job
>most of the people doing it are degenerates and immigrants

>> No.11632433

>Why do you hear "restaurant kitchen" and automatically assume it's some really common, low-brow place like Olive Garden or Applebee's? It speaks to your class level that the first restaurants that come to your mind at the mere mention of a restaurant are apparently disgusting to you.
Maybe because those are the most common, you sperg.

>> No.11632444

>construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.
They are methed the fuck out
We can tell you've never had a job

>> No.11632496
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This is a good post friend.

>> No.11632860

As an assistant manager of a restaurant, this lad gets it

>> No.11632888

t. Never worked at a high volume upscale restaurant

>> No.11634364

i'm a line cook addicted to coca cola, AMA

>> No.11634484

>but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.

Construction workers are all on drugs. Places that need blue collar laborers to pass drug tests basically can't find workers.

>> No.11634511

Wish my kitchen job would give me more hours. Only been working like 45 a week and my boss thinks she's making me happy by giving less hours when really I just wanna work. Anyway the only drug I take is caffeine and I don't consume that much of it anyway.

>> No.11634513

I used to be an electrician. My old boss went back to school for electrical engineering. Still has his service, but he can design and stamp off on plans now. I can see the point of wanting to get into the field sometimes, but you're going to take a heavy pay cut. You'll probably be a knowledgeable apprentice. Journeyman are required to have 4 years in the field. You can consider being an inspector later on too.

>> No.11634541

Alcohol has anesthetic qualities, and also relaxes mscles to help them recover after a strenuous day.
This is the same readon ballerinas have a drink after a long day of practise or performance.
The alcohol also helps to destress after a long day.

>> No.11634543

I'm a huge proponent of people getting into skilled trades, but posts like this are kind of BS advice. Yes, you can make six figures in a hazardous trade. But the work is brutal and you'll probably have to retire early with injuries or health problems. If you want to get into a trade, aim a little lower and play a long game with something like electrician or machinist. Even appliance repair. A guy I know runs a successful business fixing high-end appliances in wealthy neighborhoods and he can't find anyone to work for him who isn't an addict or a felon.

>> No.11634662

>what the drug addict tells himself
The Post

>> No.11634690

>be druggie
>need job to support habit and you know like rent and food and stuff duuuude
>can't get most jobs because drug test
>hear from a fellow druggie so and so restaurant is hiring and they don't drug test
>apply immediately

its not hard to understand. you either make it clear up front that you won't tolerate drug users, or you will deal with all your employees being on drugs.

>> No.11634696

I have worked in kitchens and am an construction worker (IW720) who made 95,000 this year(In a decent paid trade to give perspective). And I am here to tell you construction workers are way worse then kitchen staff imo. Its bad in the lower rungs of construction and the upper.

>> No.11634733

maybe that's why infrastructure like bridges etc is failing all around the country

>> No.11634872

>The opinion of a 22yo neet /pol/tard

>> No.11636307

I blow smoke in the face of new employees because It's easier to control your workers when you know what they are dependent on.

>> No.11636539


I'm glad that you only cook for yourself and eat exclusively fast food and never at a restaurant. Good for you homie. Do what you love.

>> No.11636627

He said with tears in her eyes. Seething mad that someone could be so content with their own life.

>> No.11636894

There is nothing wrong with doing drugs in your free time
If you want workers to not touch them at all your pay needs to reflect that

>> No.11636923

Are you retarded? Cannabis offers all those things without being a dangerous toxin like alcohol. And no hangover either. The greatest hypocrisy in this world is that cannabis is still widely illegal and alcohol isn't.

>> No.11637000

Same kind of mindset works great to get people into pyramid schemes lol

>> No.11637015

If you had a shit "go nowhere" job like that you'd probably become a druggie too.

>> No.11637019

Yeah, madoff level ponzi schemes.

>> No.11637397

because it's a shitty high stress low pay job. same story in every other of its kind. extremely obvious answer

>but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.

they most certainly are -- alcohol, opiates and meth especially

>> No.11637403

I really don't see how ballerinas can be alcoholics, I thought it was just smoking?

>> No.11637424

you're literally not going to get any employees if you drug test as a restaurant

>> No.11637434

Construction workers are scared of dying on the job if they take drugs

>> No.11637593

It's one of the only jobs you can get with a criminal record.

>> No.11637657

big fucking words coming from some retard cuckold
why dont you come down to my farm with that lip, see what'll happen, faggot

>> No.11637680
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>> No.11637682

Its speaks to your class level that the most common restaurants around you are fucking Olive Garden and applebees.

>> No.11637686

>I need to be paid a certain amount to reapect the law and the rules of my workplace


>> No.11637702

>1. It doesn't matter if everyone is on drugs
It does when someone gets splashed in the face with hot oil and the insurance man stops by and makes everyone piss in a cup.

>> No.11637714

those are common everywhere, find me a google map where theres a 10 sq mile area where theres only places with 30+ dollar entrees.

>> No.11637718

yes im being a nitpicker but thats a catastrophic accident that a drug filled kitchen can go years without experiencing. i would think that minor injuries wouldnt get reported because a. the drug users dont wanna get tested and b. they are high so they work through a cut or burn

>> No.11638456

>In my previous life
Keep telling yourself that, hippie

>> No.11638538

>but so is construction work but they aren't known to be junkies.


>> No.11638579

Degenerate loser restaurant worker detected

>> No.11638596

Sure you do kid. Sure you do

>> No.11638600

Spoken like a true degenerate druggie

>> No.11638614

You'll have plenty of prospective employees. The problem is in this industry we've repeatedly learned the lesson that someone who knows ANYTHING is better than anyone who knows nothing, this is a huge topic of conversation. Managers would rather take someone who knows a bit about the industry and what to expect than someone who's breaking into it- and people who willfuly stay in this industry? They're usually on something, i can count on one hand how many of our crew are completely sober and dont abuse something or other.

>> No.11638703

Because cooking is boring as shit

>> No.11639035

Alcohol is a food idiot.

>> No.11639235
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a fucking sip, babe

>> No.11639332

"non-marijuana debris", nice weaslewording trying to trivialize pot addiction.

>> No.11639352

I quit the job.

>> No.11639435

Construction sucks.

The goal of all construction workers is to be the indoor boss

>> No.11639810

As a line cook with serious alcoholism issues and somewhat regularly abuses other drugs (I don’t buy or seek any out but if they are there and free I will gladly do any of them) this guy pretty much nailed it.

It’s a high stress, low pay, Job where it’s socially acceptable to get fucked up as long as your work doesn’t suffer too much.

If you’re drunk and have a good service no one cares. You get fired if you’re drunk and suck

>> No.11639884

Yes construction workers abuse opiates, what planet are you on? Human beings do not like feeling like shit, so sometimes they self-medicate

>> No.11640146


>> No.11640366

Why are you signalling out cooks? Drug/alcohol abuse is widespread throughout every job and industry.
>inb4 b-but muh drug testing
That's done at prehiring for some jobs as a deterrent but if you know they'll be doing it you clear it out prior to the hiring or take overt countermeasures. Most companies never test again unless they're specifically targeting you.

>> No.11640733

No matter where I treat my guest, they always like my kitchen best.

>> No.11641264

Because at Michelin star rated resruarants line cooks still make a pathetic salary and use drugs more than olive garden wagies

>> No.11641425

Enact a series of laws that allows your supporters free reign to kill their political opponents with the aid of corrupt law enforcement under your control while justifying it as combating public immorality despite you openly admitting to committing the same acts you condemn all while alienating one of your largest allies despite public opposition so you can pimp out your nation's resources, territory, and sovereignty on the cheap and willingly be China's bitch?

>> No.11641438

That's what unions are for. Also, skill and experience beats physical agility most of the time.

>> No.11642692

druggies are losers

>> No.11642735

Why is left wing humour so bad?

>> No.11642748

>Construction workers

Apprentice Sparky here.. I don't do drugs and I only drink occasionally, but there are guys here that have tried to sell me everything from THC vape pods to heroin

But yeah restaurants are bad too that's the industry I'm leaving

>> No.11642750

It's just the culture, also most people who work in the service industry, chefs or otherwise are burn outs or people who can't support themselves with whatever their trade is eg art, writing, music, etc so they cook, wait tables, etc as supplementary income. Most burn outs use drugs.

It just attracts and encourages drug use and it's also more or less accepted in most kitchens that people will get high or drunk ocassionally. So long as you can do your job it doesn't matter to most people. I've worked with guys who snorted Fentanyl during their shifts. Also the work is boring, physically and emotionally draining, annoying, etc.

>> No.11642752

Hahaha maybe in non-union areas but the older electricians literally order the 20 y/o around and make 2-3x what they do if not more

>> No.11642753

In general even unskilled construction workers are better off than kitchen-cucks

>> No.11642756

I'm surprised nobody mentioned that chefs actively try to get you fucked up. On slow days, we get free beer. If we got a new keg, we get some "tester cups." The leads can pretty much just waterfall the cooking sherry or the bottle of Zinfidel left on the prep station. Chefs usually don't give a shit how fucked up you are, you're just making plates.

Fuck, man. In almost every place I've worked I've been given shifties at the end of the night after a couple of weeks.

I'm almost a year and a half sober from booze. When I had to go through outpatient therapy, 7/10 of us were restaurant workers at every meeting.

>> No.11642835

While working at the meat factory I suddenly got a new coworker with extremely hollow cheeks and a withered appearance for being 30, and he said he used to work in a kitchen and his OCD/autism made him 'use bad stuff' as he said lole why is this stereotype true

>> No.11642856

>implying tradespeople aren't degenerates