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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 891 KB, 2159x1202, 1414888811272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11622249 No.11622249 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this dude.

I used to like this guy but he is a naive fucking mongoloid. He is currently posting videos from Pakistan where he brought his wife, son and this total beta s0yb0y fag friend of his that is doing cringey noises to complement Marks cringey faces.

He is bringing his wife and son to Pakistan wich is ridden with rapey poos and assorted genetic refuse, he even brought his wife and kid to Africa on a several weeks long tour from west to east.
Is he naive or just stupid? I just await the news that his son has been kidnapped and used for god knows what by the sub-human inhabitants of some shithole he decides to visit this time.

Also general Mark hate thread

>> No.11622255

>mark weins hate thread
>it's okay to make a general because it's about how much we hate him
Fuck off.

>> No.11622256

Am i wrong if i suggest that you are just a little bit jealous oft him?
Like, a little Tiny bit?

>> No.11622258

His videos are full of comments from normie sycophants praising the shithole, like calling a piece of shit gold will turn it into one.

>> No.11622263

Your beef-curtains are showing

>> No.11622265

A child posted this.

>> No.11622272
File: 123 KB, 461x460, joel-bruner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His friend Joel is really on another level.
>half-laughs and half-chokes when he's enjoying food
>has an even more annoying eye roll than Mark Wiens
>is an """english teacher""" in rural thailand

>> No.11622274

>is an """english teacher""" in rural thailand
a kiddy fiddler in other words

>> No.11622279

jokes on you Im a grown man

>> No.11622283

Can someone explain...what this guy is?

>> No.11622287

All you need to know

>> No.11622293


>> No.11622294

i dislike he never saying anything is bad. also the way he describes mostly things that are not flavour. soft, tender, juicy etc.

>> No.11622297

Ur english sucks

>> No.11622325

He actually literally ate FECES in his Greece video, he did not even say it was bad

>> No.11622330

>he even brought his wife and kid to Africa on a several weeks long tour from west to east.

He grew up in Africa. I'm sure he knows his way around third world countries.

>> No.11622341

I know roaches love shit, but it can't be literal

>> No.11622342

Then he should know better, sooner or later things will go wrong and it will be his fault

>> No.11622350

entrails filled with shit

>> No.11622358

Nigga eating doodoo

>> No.11622376
File: 64 KB, 640x425, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah someone has a passport and took vacation videos
>people should only go to rich white countries and yet inexplicably should also not make me feel like a poor loser despite the fact that I can't even afford to apply for a passport and spend a week traveling in a dirt poor third world country

Did you expect your life to be this much of a flaming wreck this early on, or did it come as a surprise?

>> No.11622390

I never realized how annoying someone's chewing could get.

>> No.11622421

Roastie level reasoning

>> No.11622424

roastie seasoning

>> No.11622449

>it posted a picture of a feeeemale so it must be a feeeeeemale
Incel detected

>> No.11622930

This is not Reddit

>> No.11623383

The recent one in Pakistan was surreal. The one dude with the AK looking around while this idiot was eating some deep fried garbage.

He travels for food.

>> No.11623440

what's the deal with autism and racism? i remember in grade school, the kid with autism would always scream out nigger randomly

>> No.11623653

What did Mark Wiens do? Is there a problem?

>> No.11623703

He puts his child in danger
Yes im so racist I fear for his mutt babys safety

>> No.11623715

The autist has a supersensative pattern recognition, it yields correct conclusions on groups but not on individuals

>> No.11623717

it's okay anon, I'm also extremely jealous of him, I mean imagine, being able to sustain yourself just by traveling around the world, eating food and making silly faces

>> No.11623734

Paki here. His Pakistan street food video was the most accurate portrayal of our street food I've ever encountered from a white dude. Also, OP's grandkids are gonna be brown. Hehehehe

>> No.11623748

how often do you get diarrhea from eating street food over there?

>> No.11623755

Being able to take a solid shit after indulging in street food is a rarity. But you'll be fine as long as you avoid raw vegetables and chutneys. The cooked stuff rarely causes gastrointestinal issues.

>> No.11623759

Thanks for helping me keep my filter list up to date.


>> No.11623765

how's that blue board domain move goin 4chan? Getting more lucrative ads? Advertisers seeing the userbase and wanting to affiliate themselves with the "sfw" boards?

>> No.11623781
File: 192 KB, 825x1006, 0201CB0D-9097-4B96-A090-F5BF6910C545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh so good

>> No.11623804

he's a human trafficker that rapes and mutilates children as payment, the videos are just cover for him visiting multiple countries

>> No.11623837

My kids will be as my wife is brown, just happy they will not be descended from inbred paki child rapists

>> No.11623856

Don't count on it, babe. That kebab skewer's a comin

>> No.11623942

the changes your grand kids will be brown is much higher. hehehe

>> No.11623967

>I travel for toilet flusher food

>> No.11623985

Do you not flush your toilet?

>> No.11624001
File: 375 KB, 1804x1027, 86E3198C-E044-4BE3-99E8-88BDC7CE5830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*leans to the right*
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooh

>> No.11624049

That's Tourette's

>> No.11626013

I have not seen any videos of him in a long while, does that friend make the meme movement too? Cause that sounds too cringey to be true

>> No.11626066

absolutely disgusting

>> No.11626072

Paki here as well this one of the few times I saw food that looked like the stuff I eat in Pakistan

>> No.11626074
File: 440 KB, 956x712, Mark Wiens the last thing you see before you die.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very problematic of you. None of that will happen, it's 2018 and everyone respects each other.

>> No.11626083

>one eye is more close than the other
this only adds up to his already punchable face

>> No.11626101

I stopped watching his videos, cause he is a faker. tries shit gutter African food and loves it. every place he goes puts on the same stupid faces and pretends he loves it for the views.

>> No.11626140

It's almost like he's not even human and every normal dish to him tastes amazing because he never had anything better before.

>> No.11626149

Lol I agree that the other guy is a faggot and holy shit I rarely use this word but you really are a dumb fucking roastie. Just shut up chubby cunt.

>> No.11626159

brown people have better body immune system than whiteys

>> No.11626202

well that's a no brainer if you're born and raised in a shithole, you get used to the nasty germs everywhere.

>> No.11626230

>immunelet coping this hard

>> No.11626232


>> No.11626268
File: 889 KB, 897x881, 1538579241615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He likes some good food and his videos can be educational and entertaining but after you watch a certain number of his videos he starts to come across as very dishonest.

He has a good youtube business model, but for a documentary maker or writer or whatever he is, he's weak and crooked. Usually travel writers or food writers will try to built reputation for integrity by telling the truth and being critical of at least some of the places they dislike, which builds trust from theri editor and audience. Mark doesn't do that. What he does is say, I will come to your country, do a video about your cuisine and culture completely devoid of even the slightest criticism, and in return you will give me some money, and it's a dream for the tourism and government agencies he works with.

In the past and before youtube an audience or editor might respond by saying, "hey, you seem to like everything which means that your opinion lacks credibility", but fortunately for him he has no editor and his audience is mostly international and so less likely to discuss this thing because they A) have little experience of honest journalism or commentary or the education and culture to identify it anyway; and B) because they're geographically diverse and many speaking English as a second language-- they can either not detect Mark's deceit or discuss it in English.

He visits a lot of interesting places and a lot of the food he does seem to honestly enjoy. But when he goes to shithole places eating bush meat, or eating the most boring simple crap, or just literal chunks of fat, and then saying mmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the facade gets blown away. The second he stops saying mmm!! the second his contacts in other countries will stop inviting him and the viewers will stop liking him. His international tourism partners want a yes-man and the international audience want a big smiley man to validate their developing countries and cuisines. Neither care about honest reviews of food.

>> No.11626319
File: 204 KB, 941x1145, 95ADCBBA-09F6-4648-99DF-A3AA76E3C081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know there’s only one video of the other guy doing it but I can be wrong because I don’t really watch Matk’s videos. I only make screenshots of him doing stupid/creepy faces.

>> No.11626322
File: 367 KB, 577x529, d0a1882fdbc90ffd9913bf5370b72327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to blame it on some form of auts, but it also seems rehearsed. Like when I eat hella good food I do not always make the same obnoxious response just cause it was flavortown.

>> No.11626407

Mark Wiens I know you're here.

>> No.11626669
File: 178 KB, 888x1056, 0FACEAC3-E905-4FEE-8B99-CDB6C3F795ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11626840

This guy looks like dude who raped Tim Robbins in Shawshank.

>> No.11627158

Someone post the picture. You know the one

>> No.11627571

He caught malaria 13 times

>> No.11627700
File: 1.64 MB, 1038x901, 1542991992206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's jealous that he can't afford to have his food spiced with Adrenochrome

>> No.11627925
File: 2.99 MB, 392x300, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11627935

I heard he's some kind of molester and his wife is a man

>> No.11627938

Stop posting this guy, nobody wants to look at his disgusting food stufffed face.

>> No.11628906

I do. I find it pretty entertaining lol

>> No.11628909

he looks just like me if I had a symmetrical jaw

>> No.11628925

that's cause he's doing it for his job, he's an entertainer. It's really not that weird when you compare it to some of the more ridiculous mannerisms/personalities that you'll find on broadcast tv.

>> No.11628931

he was just doing it as a playful joke, it's not like mark isn't self aware about how he acts.

>> No.11630246

I love Mark Wiens.

>> No.11630264

i believe you but examples of places hes gone or videos of him eating shit food where he's pretending to like it?

>> No.11630271

how come his wife never talks?

>> No.11630578

>not knowing what tripe is
>thinking it's made of entrails
>thinking dem 3rd world countries so trash they eat literal shit

Damn you're retarded. Go suck on your chem-processed meat byproduct paste, ameriturd.

>> No.11630588

Shes trained well.

>> No.11630822

Every video of these bigger food YouTubers is full of Indians and Pakistanis saying "come to my shithole village"
Extremely annoying

>> No.11630836
File: 462 KB, 917x681, DFDC4061-BFAC-47EA-8EEA-B8998D05E1CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure you want it?

>> No.11631418

it's pretty well established that these travel and food channels cater to the citizens of the third world countries that the host visits because it's a honour to see someone from a higher status society enjoying their culture.

>> No.11631451


this picture will never fail to make me giggle like a retard

>> No.11631480

>looks just like me
I am so sorry.

>> No.11631485

The real tragedy in all of this is that people actually consider his content entertaining, faces and all.

>> No.11631488
File: 2.37 MB, 410x338, tenor.gif?itemid=11251076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11631763

Rare Mark

>> No.11631820

>t. Thailand boys

>> No.11631975

Kek at least they won't be Pakistani

>> No.11631991

I fucking hate him, OP, and this bullshit reddit tier thread.

>> No.11633571

Alright he's just taking the piss at this point

>> No.11633694

imagine the smell......

>> No.11633715

>I do. I find it pretty entertaining lol
You're a terrible, defective excuse for a human being if you don't experience visceral disgust and discomfort every time you see this guy's picture on /ck/. It's possibly the most obnoxious face of all time.

>> No.11633726
File: 214 KB, 974x1091, 9C98DCBB-F7B1-4437-82E6-BA8CA89CDDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s up guys?

>> No.11634964


>> No.11635751

> glasses too wide for his face
> somehow still has a big head
That’s unfortunate

>> No.11635756

why are you all so damn hateful fuck off

>> No.11635797

Jealousy. Everyone dreams of living his freewheeling travelling lifestyle but goes back to their wageslave job after 1 or 2 days off simmering with envy at those who are free and living the good life. Pretty simple, psychologically speaking.

>> No.11635802

based and replied

>> No.11635997

I've had African food. It's actually really fuckin good. Ethiopian food, that is. Lotta spice. I like that. They can't develop their countries that well ATM but they can at least do really good food

>> No.11636001

Hey, man. We all do when it comes to real talk

>> No.11636231

I would never want to be a food reviewer.

I rather be a popular video game streamer because I could earn money playing games rather be forced by viewers to travel to possibly dangerous places just to eat food.

Weins probably barely breaks even.

As for food channel, Food Wishes is a desire to aim for. Never have to show your face but still earn money.

>> No.11636231,1 [INTERNAL] 

A lot of jealous people posting here.

>> No.11636231,2 [INTERNAL] 

He is a great ambassador, WE watch every video h3 makes