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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11625464 No.11625464 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to the humble, yet invaluable spoon.
What's your favorite spoon?
Do you prefer a certain spoon material?
Are you a tablespoon or teaspoon kind of guy?
These are some of the things we can talk about. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead without a proper ladle. When a soup needs a'scoopin and there's no ladle to be found, you'll be digging yourself an even deeper pit in Sheol, that's what I always say.

>> No.11625514

I like to use rubber spoons when I cook if what I'm cooking isn't too hot. At higher heats, I'm generally not using a spoon anyway.
Ladles are very nice when you have large batches of soup. It can be pretty hard to get a lot of liquid in a normal spoon when you have a tall pot.
I tend to use tablespoons more, because a lot of times I'm scooping something out (like Greek yogurt from the tub into a bowl). There's no reason to dirty two spoons. That said, I prefer rusty spoons.

>> No.11625553

Interesting about the rubber spoons, I always opted for a nice wooden spoon. I suppose I tend to be bit old-fashioned like that. Especially when I'm making a batch of tomato sauce, for me a luscious, hard wooden spoon seems almost essential.
I never minded doubling up on the spoon usage, all it means is extra lickins before they go in the ole handy dandy dishwasher!
I'm glad we agree about the ladles, although I'm not sure I can say the same about rusty spoons. It sounds like that would be very painful.

>> No.11626429

Is there anything more useless than small spoons? why do people keep them?

>> No.11626443

They come in handy rarely, like when my spices get clumped in jars.
Other than that I can only really think for babies or heroin.

>> No.11627084

I've been known to use spoons from time to time

>> No.11627086

that's a ladle

>> No.11627091


>> No.11627097
File: 37 KB, 436x267, shovelhands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use my shovel hands, no spoon required

>> No.11627108

I think spoons are pretty good

>> No.11627111

Spoons are literally the plebbiest utensil one can go for.

>> No.11627115

>spoon exposure

>> No.11627345

Check out this fork dork.

>> No.11627368

forkfags are not welcome here, kindly remove yourself from the thread

>> No.11627400

I use tiny spoons for yogurt cups and things like that.

>> No.11627537
File: 19 KB, 622x588, spork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*makes spoons and forks obsolete*

>> No.11627553

>Try to make a utensil with the utility of two at once
>Somehow end up with the utility of neither

>> No.11627637

This nigga knows what's up.

>> No.11627640
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only if you sharpen the holdy part so it can act as a knife

>> No.11627832
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the long handled Korean spoon.

>> No.11627864

How is it that Koreans have the best spoons but the worst chopsticks?

>> No.11627993

Where can I find one of these amazing spoons?

>> No.11628029

You have to have the dexterity of a coordinated adult to use korean chopsticks which is why spastic nips and downie chinks bitch about them.

>> No.11628036
File: 39 KB, 348x333, 1543535201578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tablesppon are the only valid use for cereals, if you use a teaspoon for your cereals i got bad news for you.

>> No.11628120

What if i have an extremely tiny mouth?

>> No.11628161

i love to eat with small spoons

>> No.11629103

spoons are for disabled children who never learned to use a fork

>> No.11629119

The feeling of rust…. against my salad fingers… is almost orgasmic...

>> No.11630357

look at smug little bitch he deserved to turn into donkey

>> No.11630381

I like to turn two spoons upside down and use them like chopsticks

>> No.11631876

ur mum

>> No.11631881

This, I eat soup with a fork and straw.

>> No.11631896
File: 36 KB, 620x330, F3RKEAFHMVJBGMB.MEDIUM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the unitensil

>> No.11631928

Send the file, I'm going to 3D-print this shit.

>> No.11631943
File: 15 KB, 488x488, brokenspoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this guys.
It's like a spoon, but it doesn't work like a spoon should.

>> No.11631952

>Eating cereal like a toddler

>> No.11632081
File: 92 KB, 500x374, 3527539221_31a97101f2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I instantly judge anyone who still grips their silverware like this

>> No.11632774

Don't judge the chimps so harshly! They can't help it they're not human!

>> No.11632798

shit son you accidentally the whole spoon, there's your problem

>> No.11632854

>not eating cereal with a ladle
it's like you hate freedom

>> No.11632920

It's for when you're eating soup, but you only want to eat the solid bits and leave the broth. This works for cereal too, when you want to save all the milk for the end.