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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 469 KB, 841x852, f4231432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11624023 No.11624023 [Reply] [Original]

How is KFC still around? I'm being honest.

There are so many better tasting and even cheaper choices fast food wise. I never ever hear people at school or work ever talk about KFC but I've heard everyone asking for more Chick-fil-A.

>> No.11624031

theyre still around because people are still buying KFC

>> No.11624033

people who eat at kfc don't talk about it that much i guess

>> No.11624034

You must not visit the ghetto. Blacks love them some shitty fried chicken and will happily support multiple shitty chicken establishments

>> No.11624040

Toonie Tuesday boi

>> No.11624057

Subsidies from mass chicken farms. The same place that prides itself for cruelty-free raised chickens can still turn a profit off of bones, cartilage, other inedible tissue. Fun fact, the main ingredient in soft-serve ice cream is chicken feathers.

>> No.11624066

KFC is yum desu

>> No.11624078

Only in areas with no black people. Any KFC will act as a magnet for every negro in a 10 mile radius.

>> No.11624102

No its not

>> No.11624123

Probably a case of foreign markets keeping the company going. From what I've read China is actually KFC's most profitable market.

>> No.11624135

When Kentucky Fried Chicken changed it's name to KFC so niggers could think of it quickly then it started going down the drain by quality and it's demographic targeting, it's only getting worse. It's what happens when a company lets marketing and advertising types take over, they without a doubt fuck it up. Time and time again.

The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil

>> No.11624138

>he main ingredient in soft-serve ice cream is chicken feathers.
Cite, please

>> No.11624145
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>> No.11624152

>How is KFC still around?
black people

>> No.11624156

Lol, imagine being this fucking ignorant.

>> No.11624157

have you ever actually met a black person? they almost universally prefer popeyes/churches. even they know KFC is shit.

>> No.11624163

KFC is huge internationally, if you ever travel you will see them everywhere in Europe and Asia.

>> No.11624191

Are you the same idiot who insisted in that other thread how nobody had gone to KFC in over a decade even though they're the most successful fast food franchise worldwide after McDonalds?
>I never ever hear people at school or work ever talk about KFC
And what is that a sample size of, ten people? Twenty? The number of customers they serve is 12 million a day, so congratulations, you almost have two ten-thousandths of a percent of the KFC customer base informing your belief here.

>> No.11624196

It's huge in the US too. Not sure what the fuck OP is talking about. It's easily one of the most popular fast food franchises in any nation that has fast food.

>> No.11624230

Black people aren't anywhere close to the only KFC customers. They're more likely than white people to have eaten KFC recently but not overwhelmingly so. White people in the US will still constitute more customers than blacks after you factor in the different starting population sizes you'd be applying these percentages to.

>> No.11624232
File: 114 KB, 700x420, chinese kfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is KFC in china, absolutely nothing like we have here, except a few sandwiches

>> No.11624234

>I never ever hear people at school or work ever talk about KFC
This is my favorite part. Where does OP live that the main topics of conversation revolve around fast food joints?

>> No.11624237

>have you ever actually met a black person? they almost universally prefer popeyes/churches.
How many black people have you surveyed on this? Why don't you understand the amount people you know is a ridiculously tiny fraction of the people you're trying to infer information about?

>> No.11624241
File: 165 KB, 640x468, kfc in china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More chinese kfc.
>In america, you get a bucket of greasy deep fried skin with extra oil dripping off it

>In china, you get a bucket of white rice with some americanized chinese food on top

>> No.11624243

From Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution:
L-Cysteine a softener used in food processing "Jamie said it is made from duck feathers and/or human hair. It can be made synthetically but it is cheaper to make it from feathers and hair."

bon appetit

>> No.11624247

I mean, all you have to do is watch the commercials. Popeye's/Church's always feature black people/black narrators, whereas KFC is usually around 50-50 with an old white dude playing the Colonel

>> No.11624266

>popeyes commercial
>big black woman comes out
>snaps fingers and smacks lips
>MMMHMMMM honey you are gonna LOVE my brand new SmokySweetFire Chicken with a brand new Sweet and Savory HoneyMango BBQ sauce.

Repeat with a new seasoning or dipping sauce every month

>> No.11624276

It's an amino acid in mass produced products like soft serve. There are plenty of places that serve it without. Even fucking baskin robbins, DQ, ben and jerry's, coldstone all have it free of the acid, because it never lasts longer than a day or two anyway.

And if you want to disgust people, instead of telling them it's made of chicken (or duck) feathers, you should be telling them it's made of fucking human hair. And it's also found in most shelf breads.

>> No.11624284

>the main ingredient in soft-serve ice cream is chicken feathers.
Is a lot different than
>L-Cysteine a softener used in food processing
What does "main ingredient" mean to you? Also, do you understand what an amino acid is?

>> No.11624292

That doesn't support what you're claiming here. Black people go to KFC more often than Popeye's or Church's. Just because black people go to Popeye's more often than white people doesn't mean they go to Popeye's more often than they got to KFC. Those are two unrelated numbers.

>> No.11624293


>> No.11624296

So you have a marketing or advertising degree? Shame on you.

>> No.11624314
File: 3.93 MB, 5104x7116, frefckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gave to fit everything I write into a headline because no one wants to willingly read what I write

I bet he's proud of himself, writing about chicken scented fire logs.

>> No.11624316

I found a source for you
>Among African-Americans, Church’s indexed highest (311), with Checkers (256) and Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits (236) following.

>> No.11624335

Splitting hairs (heh) but still valid points, at least you do your research as well.

>> No.11624347

They aren't shit outside of the states. It is the most surreal shit to eat to eat KFC in Canada or the UK and realize what it could be.

>> No.11624348

I mean it's like saying people are eating shit and bile when they stomach and liver and all that stuff, even though it's cleaned and processed.

>> No.11624357
File: 102 KB, 767x960, prachett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you

>> No.11624363

I think the grossest thing I've heard is using beaver ass glands for vanilla flavoring, but AFAIK they don't really use it anymore.

>> No.11624377

You keep making the same mistake. That's an index number comparing the race demographic's propensity to eat at those restaurants against the national average. It doesn't mean they eat there more often than they eat at KFC. It means those are the restaurants where black people constitute the highest portion of each restaurant's respective overall customer base.
To clarify, if Group A constitutes only 30% of the business at Restaurant #1 but constitutes 60% of the business at Restaurant #2, while Group B constitutes 70% of the business at Restaurant #1 and 40% of the business at Restaurant #2, does this mean Group A eats at Restaurant #2 more than they do at Restaurant #1? Or that Group B eats at Restaurant #1 more than they do at Restaurant #2? The answer is those statistics don't tell you anything about whether each group is eating more at the one restaurant than the other. They only tell you how over or under represented the given group is compared to the overall dining population. Group A could be going to the first restaurant ten times as much as the second and still be more represented in the second restaurant's demographics than the first.

>> No.11624390
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1538177093420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't go to KFC so that must mean no one else does!

>> No.11624401

Honestly, I don't mind it. Most fast food places here (Canada) are expensive as fuck, very few places have value meals.

My "go to" places for a $5 "meal" are Burger King (two cheeseburgers, small fry, small drink), A&W (buddy burger combo), and KFC ($5 fill-ups).

Best chicken is a toss-up between Popeye's or Mary Brown's, but I'm not always in the mood to spend >$10 on some fast food chicken.

>> No.11624427

PS: An index number of 311 in that context for Church's means that blacks are eating at Church's over 3 times the overall national average for eating at Church's. But again, this does not in any way mean they're eating at Church's more often than they eat at restaurants where their index number is much lower than 311. Blacks go to McDonald's way more often than Church's (everyone does), but their index number will be way lower for McDonald's because they aren't eating there at a rate significantly higher than the national average.
Or to use one last example to try to make this concept clear, a logging worker would have a much higher index number for how often they end up in a hospital due to accidental injury than they would have an index number for how often they end up in a grocery store. It wouldn't make sense to take that information and conclude logging workers are in hospitals more often than they're in grocery stores. What it actually means is they're more over-represented in the first setting than the second setting.

>> No.11624430

I understand your argument, but so far I have provided multiple reasons to support my reasoning, and you have provided only the above refutation for yours.
Drive through a black neighborhood sometime, and tell me what chicken fast food you see. Hint: it's not KFC.

>> No.11624449

>An amino acid is the same as the organic material it's produced from
yeah, in the same way that woolen thread is an entire sheep

>> No.11624503

I don't think you understand since your "reasons" were wrong. Popeye's has been assessed as having a 40% black customer base, but they have an overall revenue of 200 million which is 115 times less than KFC's overall revenue. That means black people would still be going to KFC more often than they do to Popeye's even if they constituted only ***0.35%*** of KFC's customer base. So you're ridiculously far off here and seem to be how much more they eat at a restaurant compared to the national average of how much everyone eats at that restaurant with how much they eat at the one restaurant compared to the other restaurant.

>> No.11624560

>which is 115 times less than KFC's overall revenue
Now you are making the mistake of comparing Popeye's, a predominantly US chain, with the annual earnings of the second largest fast food franchise internationally.
>So you're ridiculously far off here
You're not doing so hot yourself

>> No.11624564

even the darkest nigger knows popeyes, bojangles, or even churchs is better than kfc

>> No.11624571

>he doesn't realize KFC doss this all the time
please die and kill yourself and stop posting this utter drivel any time now

>> No.11624596

there are way more kfcs than popeyes in the country. I eat at kfc more often than popeyes because the nearest popeyes is a 40 minute drive away while the closest kfc is a 5 minute walk. show me a study that says basketball americans would eat at kfc instead of churchs if they were both on the same street.

>> No.11624626

I wish I still had Chick-Fil-A near me. KFC is not at all the same, but it's pretty good. I don't get huge chicken meals from them, but a chicken little ($2) or a famous bowl ($5, with a drink) is a solid deal if I want to grab a quick bite on my way home.

>> No.11624629

Shill centers. I've made that point numerous times. No one, and I mean no one, ever talks about fastfood irl.

>> No.11624635

It's almost as if this is a place exclusively for talking about food, and most posters don't cook and likely eat exclusively fast food. Crazy that they'd want to talk about what they're eating ON THE FOOD BOARD.

>> No.11624641

Thanks shillkenstien.

>> No.11624644

If you really wanted to nitpick about which way to show how insanely far off you are you could've just checked the regional breakdown yourself to realize this doesn't help your case at all. 21% of KFC revenue is from the US. Using only US transactions KFC is still doing 24 times the business Popeye's is, which means you would still have blacks eating at KFC more often than they eat at Popeye's so long as you agree >= 1.7% of KFC's US business comes from black customers.
>there are way more kfcs than popeyes in the country.
Yes, that's kind of the point.
>show me a study that says basketball americans would eat at kfc instead of churchs if they were both on the same street.
Stop moving the goalposts. The fact is blacks go to KFC way more often than they do to Popeye's. It's not even close.

>> No.11624649

What are you some kind of secretary where you kibbitz around a coffee machine talking about your latest fast food score? GTFO!

>> No.11624650

>No one, and I mean no one, ever talks about fastfood irl.
People talk about fast food in real life constantly. Do you never go out for lunch with co-workers? Usually when you're in the habit of doing that you're going to end up discussing fast food places if for no other reason than you're trying to decide where to eat.

>> No.11624654

Why would any normal human being care about your "regional breakdown?"

>> No.11624661

>I don't care that you're right!
OK, fuck off then?

>> No.11624664

My city doesn't have Chick-fil-A or any of the other options. If I want fried chicken and don't want KFC, I got to stop by the local Walmart for their fried chicken.

>> No.11624665

Low level types, no offence but I'd rather get something from a deli and bring it back to my office and be done with it. Sometimes I have to meet up with other folk and then it's at a real restaurant.

>> No.11624671

You must have a pretty shitty job if you can quote regional breakdowns. Just sayin'.

>> No.11624674

>Low level types
OK, let's assume only "low level" people get fast food with their co-workers for lunch. Are you seriously arguing now that 4chan is composed more of "high level" people than "low level" people? What even happened to your attempt at a point here?

>> No.11624675

What does my job have to do with anything? I don't think the work week has started yet for any nationality posting here, and also I google-ed it you idiot. My job has nothing to do with sales, I do software development.

>> No.11624695

>Do you never go out for lunch with co-workers?
Correct. I eat a peanut butter sandwich and an apple every day for lunch, and I invest the savings of not spending $$$ on lunch.

>> No.11624696

I don't know and I don't care. I never really thought about it before, why do you give it concern?

>> No.11624705

Because you were making an argument a minute ago. But if you want to admit you were wrong now that's fine.

>> No.11624706

There's Koreans and Japanese, it's just like 9:13 AM there on their Monday.

>> No.11624711

OK, then understand you aren't like most other people and it's stupid for you to try to claim nobody talks about fast food in real life.

>> No.11624713

so I order a three piece and I requested that they include at least one breast meat piece and they told me that isn't allowed and it's random

wtf has it always been like that?

>> No.11624719

I didn't make an argument, I said that I generally don't go to fast food places and prefer to get something from a local deli. What's the argument? You seem to have a corn cob stuffed way up your ass.

>> No.11624732

If you weren't making the argument then obviously I brought up the point for whoever was making the argument. Why ask what it was brought up for when you can clearly see someone else was arguing?

>> No.11624738

Becuase I like annoying people like you.

>> No.11624740

OK. That sounds pretty retarded but at least it makes more sense than what you were trying to communicate a minute ago. Maybe get a better hobby.

>> No.11624744

This is 4chan you know, if you want polite bullshit go to reddit or marthastewart.com or some shit like that.

>> No.11624747

Politeness is a different topic than you pretending to be retarded.

>> No.11624755

No problem! Don't forget to try the hot honey!

I'd get Popeye's but they let a homeless man act as a doorman for them seemingly 24/7.

>> No.11624757

It's good this way, then I can see other's attacks on me. Not that anyone is attacking me but then one never truly knows.

>> No.11624760

hahaha the hot honey pot! Yeah I'll get right on that one.

>> No.11624764

Nah no blacks here like kfc
t. NC black

>> No.11624766

>churchs is better
It most certainly fucking isn't. The biscuits and potatoes MAYBE but the chicken is the worst on the market.

>> No.11624774

I've only been there once but the chicken was way better than kfc.

>> No.11624779

I just go for grocery store chicken myself, If I get it within a certain hourly range then it's better and less expensive then any chain stuff.

>> No.11624790

I wish that were the case here because churchs is much cheaper.

>> No.11624794
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>> No.11624800
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Tony_Chacheres-Creole_Seasoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get grocery store stuff and put seasonings on it like pic related.

>> No.11624821

Are we also gonna breeze over Church's which has a $872 million annual earning?

>> No.11624883

Oh man, elf sauce is the shit. Fucking amazing taste, my anon.

>> No.11624902
File: 42 KB, 521x767, 1543101351488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you order JUST a biscuit at Popeyes?

>> No.11624932


nobody says they went to kfc

but they did

>> No.11624940

>go to japan
>finally try kfc because its better here
>its not
>same grease bomb
>but with better packaging

>> No.11624958

It's literally because of their overseas locations. Foreign KFCs actually have good menus. American KFCs are garbage that only old people like. Literal boomer food.
>muh green beenz
>muh mashed taters
>muh cole slaaaw
>muh bizcuts
>muh greasy ass shitty fried chicken
The double down was literally the only good thing they've done and boomers threw a fit over it and they took it off the menu.

>> No.11625443

Popeyes has better tasting chicken, Chick-fil is better everything.

>> No.11625475

So they give you grease, sugar and more carbs?

>> No.11625597

Blacks go to Popeye's and Church's, not KFC. KFC is a white people fried chicken place, comparatively speaking.

>> No.11625602


>> No.11625739

Blacks like popeyes or churchs like that other guy said, I'm a spic and I've always done the latter but my black friends prefer the former. I don't know who the fuck is eating at kfc but it sure as hell isn't minorities.

>> No.11625763
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>Almost 100 posts and none has posted the video
For shame

>> No.11625768

KFC used to be so much better. Wtf happened?

>> No.11625811

Decided to try KFC after switching to Popeyes for the first time in years. My entire meal smelled putrid. Must have been bad oil. I still ate in doused in sauces but shit what the fuck
Never ordering from y
Them again.

>> No.11625848
File: 3.66 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181122_140531662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Popeyes thread and why you should get the savory juicy turkey next year

>> No.11625861

The chicken is never extra crispy.

>> No.11625894

Is it just me or is the chicken always swimming in oil?

>> No.11625920

Here's an idea for KFC, stop changing who plays the Colonel every 3 months, stop doing stupid shit like this and tell the US franchisees to get their fucking act together !

>> No.11625928


It's been that way for a while; oily and salty.

>> No.11625931

Bojangles is god tier

>> No.11625940


>> No.11625957

KFC in Australia > KFC in UK

>> No.11625984

I used to eat KFC but at some point, they decided to put a shitload of salt in it, so I don't anymore.

>> No.11626044

Why is no one addressing the fried chicken-scented firelog thing?

>> No.11626082
File: 341 KB, 824x798, ohmygodjcabomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely nothing like
>it's the same shit, just with rice instead of potato wedges and some sauce in a bowl

>> No.11626095
File: 52 KB, 800x668, 1539548677109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have girl interested in me
>go on a few dates, including one to the mall
>go to food court for dinner
>aw, sweet, there's a Chick-Fil-A
>girl sees me looking that way and says "You know I don't eat Chick-Fil-A, right?"
>look confused
>she must see this as a moment of weakness and starts going on a rant about how they hate gay people
>"Fine, we can just eat sushi instead"
>fast forward two weeks
>been trying to ghost her as much as I can after that because I hate gay people myself
>end up talking about KFC and how Japan always eats it for Christmas
>she starts ANOTHER rant about how Colonel Sanders is a racist remnant of plantation culture and how she never would eat at KFC either
>break things off with her officially after that

>> No.11626115

I've gotta be honest, at first I thought you were going to fucking trick me into reading a text version of the Unforgivable video.

>> No.11626120

The best part of going to a food court is going to different places and then sampling each other's foods when you get to the table.

>> No.11626135

KFC is too expensive for blacks, which is weird because KFC is terrible

>> No.11626143


>> No.11626175

It's pretty good here in New Zealand.
Maybe your American staff need to take care with the product they are serving you.

>> No.11626185


Americans just live in their own little bubble, don't need a passport, don't need to leave America, because they are always right.....

>> No.11626196

>He posts anime to state his case.

>> No.11626199


>> No.11626253

If KFC is so bad why can't your other fried chicken chains get a foothold in the international market? It's because KFC is so fresh and delicious that nobody can compete.

>> No.11626266

It used to be a common practice, but isn't economically viable anymore.

>> No.11626275

idk if these are everywhere but kfc has a chicken burger called booster here that is really fucking good
everything else is disgusting though especially the fries

>> No.11626388
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>> No.11626582

sympathy for the chikkin

>> No.11626637

It's an amino acid derived from animal products. People who cannot distinguish between the product and the source are idiots.

>> No.11626747

Zoomers don't know about OG YouTube

>> No.11626991

nobody is stupid enough to invest money into a dead market, the first KFC in china has been making more money then any other KFC for 30 years

>> No.11627007

popeye's is 10x better than KFC

fucking nobody goes to our KFC location except for obese old people who drive handicap modified minivans. it is a brand that needs to die in the USA

>> No.11627028

KFC overseas is good, clean, and nigger free. You visit a KFC in the land of the free and you're likely to leave in disgust.

>> No.11627045

it isn't even nigged up. We have KFCs in the suburbs that have never seen a black person.

It's just that the food is horrific. KFC's chicken has an odor to it, it's chemically processed in some disgusting tenderizer compound that just smells like jet de-icing liquid mixed with kerosene. On top of that it's fried in disgusting oil that hasn't been changed in months. They are clearly using some kind of non-sodium salt substitute too to salt the fuck out of the chicken without adding muh sodium presumably to get around the fact that otherwise one breast piece would put a healthy adult into renal failure.

All their side dishes are gross too, the potato wedges are from frozen and just taste like salt. The mashed potatoes are ok but it's obviously processed crap, and the cole slaw is terrible.

This doesn't even mention the fact that the restaurants are physically disgusting. Every surface is coated in fryer grease and there is usually trash and dirt in every corner. The whole place smells like rancid fryer grease and chemically processed chicken.

Popeyes, Church's, etc are generally way better. Not to mention every city has a local place that is going to be better.

>> No.11627076

They're good but I prefer Popeye's

>> No.11627123

I commute through Newark daily. Tons of locally owned fried chicken places here. I don't think I've even seen a KFC.

>> No.11627163

it's amazing because sometimes I think to myself, there's no way it's even worthwhile or profitable to make such garbage industrial food, but I guess at that point the food is just an abstraction and it's all about churning profits from every possible angle, they just happen to have to sell 'fried chicken' in a 'restaraunt' on some passable level to a certain amount of people

>> No.11627326

Poor people gotta eat tho. If you look at KFC corporate (Yum Brands) all their restaurants are basically similar in that it's industrially processed, cooked from frozen garbage. The same company owns Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and formerly had Long John Silver's.

You wonder how KFC has slid for so long because it's literally inedible. You can at least get some edible calories at Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

>> No.11627393

Who /Zaxbys/ here

>> No.11627410

I've been to China many times and have never seen these items before...

It's basically the same but it's much higher quality. They have hot egg custard tarts which they love, some chicken wings, normal stuff.

>> No.11627431 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 466x572, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we also gonna breeze over Church's which has a $872 million annual earning?
How is doing the same math with $872 million instead of $200 million going to help the end result of KFC still having more black business when KFC's at $23 billion with $4.8 billion from US sales alone? I'll do it for you anyway, but really you should've just inferred from the first time around that the difference is still way more massive than what an extra few hundred million would change. We can set the percentage of black customers for Church's at an even higher of 53% based on the relative difference between index numbers from that marketing link the other anon posted earlier (53% black customer patronage for Church's is a +31.8% relative increase over the 40% black customer base Popeye's has i.e. (311-236) / 236 = .318 and .4 + .4 * .318 = .53).
21% of KFC revenue from the US is 5.5 times Church's total revenue. Church's has plenty of revenue outside of the US that goes into the $200 million number, but I'm giving you 100% of it along with the higher black patronage rate of 53% just to show how far behind they still are.
.53 * $872 million = $462.16 million from black customers. For KFC's US business alone which is at $4.8 billion blacks will be using KFC more often than they use Church's if black customers constitute some portion of their US business greater than 9.6%. For Church's to draw more business from blacks than KFC does blacks would need to be heavily *underrepresented* among US KFC customers overall since the percentage of the US that's black is something like 12.3%. And as it turns out, blacks aren't underrepresented among KFC's US customer base. They're overrepresented, like they are in every successful fried chicken franchise's customer base.

>> No.11627435
File: 48 KB, 466x572, FastFood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we also gonna breeze over Church's which has a $872 million annual earning?
How is doing the same math with $872 million instead of $200 million going to help the end result of KFC still having more black business when KFC's at $23 billion with $4.8 billion from US sales alone? I'll do it for you anyway, but really you should've just inferred from the first time around that the difference is still way more massive than what an extra few hundred million would change. We can set the percentage of black customers for Church's at an even higher of 53% based on the relative difference between index numbers from that marketing link the other anon posted earlier (53% black customer patronage for Church's is a +31.8% relative increase over the 40% black customer base Popeye's has i.e. (311-236) / 236 = .318 and .4 + .4 * .318 = .53).
21% of KFC revenue from the US is 5.5 times Church's total revenue. Church's has plenty of revenue outside of the US that goes into the $872 million number, but I'm giving you 100% of it along with the higher black patronage rate of 53% just to show how far behind they still are.
.53 * $872 million = $462.16 million from black customers. For KFC's US business alone which is at $4.8 billion blacks will be using KFC more often than they use Church's if black customers constitute some portion of their US business greater than 9.6%. For Church's to draw more business from blacks than KFC does blacks would need to be heavily *underrepresented* among US KFC customers overall since the percentage of the US that's black is something like 12.3%. And as it turns out, blacks aren't underrepresented among KFC's US customer base. They're overrepresented, like they are in every successful fried chicken franchise's customer base.

>> No.11627444

i've lived in china for years and they're exactly right... and kfc's main items are pork burgers and congee. do you think this is sold in america?

all other items are chinese staples except for chicken nuggets and french fries which are very soggy. (all fries in china are soggy)

>> No.11627450

Then where the fuck are you? I have been to KFC in Shenzhen, Guilin and Shanghai. None of them were different to UK branches besides the egg tart and some wings (January/ July/ April) all this year.

>> No.11627463

By that token, every drop of water you've drunk was someone's piss, perhaps even your own.

>> No.11627466


Implying your opinion matters in this -- that's bojangles territory and it's fiercely defended by both the poor and rich. KFC never stood a chance in your state

>> No.11627474

>wait for the $5 box promotion at Popeye's
>go and order the $5 box with chicken, not tendies
>pay an extra $1 to get two breast pieces because fuck anything else
>add an extra biscuit for $.79
>get two fried chicken breasts, two sides, and two biscuits
>the price is Jesus ($7.77)
Feels good to eat at Popeye's.

>> No.11627502

>Go through KFC Drive-Thru with my friends
>Had been there once or twice in the last four days
>Cashier at the window remembers me
>"Ah joo muss really like da chicken huh?"
>Friends make fun of me the whole drive home

Fucking asshole KFC

>> No.11627527

they exposed and fatshamed you, anon.

you know what you have to do.

>> No.11627532
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I'm ready Anon!!

>> No.11627556

both the kfc and the popeye's near me are full of black people, and it's not even a black neighborhood

>> No.11627692
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sorry tim, you may have found a couple fully westernized kfcs in first tier cities, idk. i've been through several eastern provinces and it's generally the same through beneath 4th tier.

do you eat salt donuts and soymilk for breakfast in the UK? how's the teaching career?

>> No.11627708
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Roscoes >>>>> Jolleebees >>>>> KFC >>> Popeyes >>>>>>>> Grocery store premade

>> No.11627758

Except you're wrong you dumb flip.

>> No.11627821



>> No.11627862

In Central Europe it’s the second most favorite fast food chain after McDonald’s

>> No.11627903


KFC belongs below Popeyes, just barely above grocery store heat lamp fried chicken.

>> No.11627984

>muh blacks

>> No.11627995

Never Mary a woman who won’t share food.

>> No.11628102

it's like the walmart of fried chicken.

>> No.11628599

Not him but Xi'an has a kfc with a few'american' items on the menu that are like the weird bucket when i've visited family

>> No.11629092

in small print on the back
"this product is 30% injected water by weight"

>> No.11629105

yeah! gay people bad!
Racist people good!

>> No.11629163

you mean loonie toonie tuesday because they're fucking kikes
>$3 + tax for small ass drum, over cooked thigh, soggy unseasoned fries
you want a drink with that? total is over $5

>> No.11629224

Do americans really allow corporations to charge them the same price for water as meat? And accept it with a shrug of the shoulders? Wow, just wow!

>> No.11629308

Yes. Usually instead of buying bottled water I'll instead buy whole turkey from Popeye's and squeeze it into a glass.
I save a lot of money on my grocery bill this way.

>> No.11629320

KFC sucks in america, along with MickyD BK and PizzaHut and Dominos
they're all fine if you're not eating them in Clapistan

>> No.11629361

Because people are thick as pig shit and all they want to eat is shit they've seen on TV.

>> No.11630565
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>Jamie Oliver

>that time he got btfo'd by little children eating chicken nuggets

what a little bitch

>> No.11630567


>> No.11630590

Watching a generation of white kids eat like niggers and mexicans and get the ensuing diabetes and whooping "Yuh, freedom!".
People like you should have your kids taken away, fucking degeneration.

>> No.11630593

Your great great great great grandparents would have been ecstatic to have access to the processed foods you're denying your children. Stop being a hipster faggot not that there's anything absolutely wrong with homosexuality but overall it's better to not be a faggot obviously.

>> No.11630607

>Your grandparents struggles to find carbs and sugar so you should feed your kids waffles at every opportunity
Neck yourself

>> No.11631010

oh I had forgotten about all those processed foods that the mexicans and africans brought over with them. Think of the white children who are now forced to eat their food!! how could we let this happen...

>> No.11631072 [DELETED] 

Whites are the only decent race. Everyone else should just die. You Brown people are uncouth and obnoxious. You have no culture so you steal ours, then claim.it as your own. You know what Brown culture is? poverty.

>> No.11631083

asians, poor people and a decent number of lower to middle class white people all love kfc

>> No.11631130

now this is what I call edge

>> No.11631201

Sunday’s they are packed with old people, and here in north jersey it’s really all we have, sure we’ve got Popeyes too but it’s always a dirty run down shithole in the ghetto. The kfc’s are usually nice and clean. Bojangles is top tier anyway

>> No.11631205

KFC Gravy

>> No.11631224
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Okay, I really don't understand the KFC hate. Yes I understand they probably get their chickens from shitty environments, and yes I understand it's not the best quality food on the planet. However, this is to be expected from any fast food place to be honest.

Every month or so my parents order KFC, usually they just get a bucket of chicken and some sides with biscuits. Honestly, it tastes like fast food fried chicken, it's extremely salty greasy chicken. I don't see what about that is shockingly bad, isn't that exactly what you're trying to taste if you're eating fried chicken? Salt, breading, grease, and chicken.

>> No.11631230

The idea that black people love KFC is a CIA psy-op by white people to try and trick blacks into going to KFC, so that the lines at Popeye's, the superior chicken place, will be shorter.

>> No.11631584
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>oh no, skin and connective tissue

Only the whitest, blandest meat for my soft tummy wummy

>> No.11631650

Is going out to lunch a big thing where you are? Nobody I know leaves work to get something to eat, they all bring food or use a work canteen. Takeaway for rare lax workplaces

>> No.11631681

I keep seeing threads like this, and the answer always seems to come out the same:
It's better quality outside of America
McDonald's, Burger King, Subway. KFC, Pizza Hut, Dominos, They all serve decent quality food over here. Nobody would call them perfect, or high dining, but it's not over-processed garbage like these threads constantly tell me

>> No.11631712

Out of those, I would probably say Subway, Pizza Hut, and Dominos are the most obviously shit quality. BK has gone downhill as well, McDonalds tastes the same to me as it did growing up which isn't bad tasting at all though obviously unhealthy and cheap. Subway is probably the most "fake food" I've ever had, you can buy the cheapest options for sub ingredients at a grocery store and still have a higher quality.

>> No.11631886
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KFC is dying

>> No.11631895

It's not that bad but it's relatively shit compared to both Popeye's and Bojangles (if your region has it). Their sides are also pretty bland.

>> No.11631925
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KFC and CFA are both low tier, the only reason why people like CFA is because it's a white christian establishment and they have a playground to keep the kids entertained after McDonald's and other shitty fast food chains tore theirs down. The food is honestly not that great. Raising Cane's has the best tendie in town easily, and their prices effectively keep poorfags out of the establishment so it's always nice. Good house lemonade too.

Popeye's and Church's are the only decent dark meat establishments yet both are always fluctuating in quality anyway because they hire high school kids and people with broken dreams. Gotten cold food at Popeye's multiple times and Church's has given me weird orders and heckled over their own coupons. At that point you may as well just fry your own dark meat chicken.

>> No.11631957

KFC has really gone to shit recently in the UK
They moved to new supplier half a year ago and they fucked up the logistics so KFC was closed nationwide for a few days

>> No.11632533

Chick Fil A is high brow white people fast food. It's not going to get a Michelin star but it's consistent enough that you can bring your grandparents there and let your kids play while you chow down on a perfectly consistent chicken sandwich. It's like the opposite parentheses to Waffle House, the other main southern fast food staple, serving a different but equally important purpose.

>> No.11632939

Reminds me of that time KFC ran out of chicken a few years ago and all the trailer trash lost their shit and starting breaking stuff in the parking lot.

>> No.11632979

Raising Cane's was one of the most disappointing restaurants I've ever been to. I thought since they basically only have two items on their menu (chicken or chicken in a bun) that they'd do that one kind of chicken amazingly well. It's crap though. KFC, Church's, Popeyes, and Chick-fil-A are all better without even trying.

>> No.11633038

I was astounded by how shit KFC was in the states when I stayed there for a Summer. Is it a regional thing? They're solid in Ireland.

Noticed the same shit with Subway

>> No.11634002
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Im from germany and honestly its pretty good, a whole bucket of chicken breasts, bites, fries and wings for 20 euros with 2 sides is awesome, 3 of us couldnt finish the thing

>> No.11634020

Citation you nigger

>> No.11634045

Bojangles kicks the shit out of CFA and doesn't (publicly at least) support pray-the-gay-away nonsense.

>> No.11634047

What are Crispys?

>> No.11634057
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Why has nobody mentioned local chicken shacks? Oh yeah, white people don't know about them unless they have to pick up their dealer.

>> No.11634072

The only local chicken places near me in Brooklyn are those multi-cuisine places with chicken, pizza and shawarma. None of it is ever very good.

>> No.11634073

KFC is the most disgusting food I had in USA.
And I ate at shady chinese seafood restaurant in Pennsylvania and even shadier Mexican restaurant where people didn't speak english in North Carolina.

>> No.11634091

>even shadier Mexican restaurant where people didn't speak english
That's where you get the best mexican food.

>> No.11634276

ghetto mexican places are the best

>> No.11634288

this, I only ever see popeyes in the hood, you think black people will go to a store with an old southern white man named The Colonel?

>> No.11634295

Might have something to do with franchising, some places are just better than others because the owner isn't a retard.

>> No.11634316
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> ITT flyover trailer trash & niggers who have never heard of Jollebees

Minds will be blow...

>> No.11634341

Went to local one recently.
Order a bucket of chicken.
Told Extra Crispy would be a 45 minute wait or I can get get all Original right now.

OK, I get all Original.
>stand there as the only customer in the place for ten minutes then sit down for twenty five minutes more...

That’s why people don’t come here.

>> No.11635991
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blocks your path

>> No.11636176

How is this thread still around? I'm being honest.
There are so many better tasting and even cheaper threads fast food wise. I never ever hear people at school or work ever talk about this thread but I've heard everyone asking for more Chick-fil-A threads.

>> No.11636230

CFA has far too much homophobic closeted gay baggage plus they aren't comparable since CFA only deals in flavorless, bland, molded white meat, not different whole pieces.

>> No.11636277

EU KFC is leagues above US KFC

>> No.11636300

when I cracked open the bones to eat the marrow. I thought I was going to be sick. I really think they use some sort of preservative here.

>> No.11637178

why is KFC in Europe and Japan so fucking good but its awful in the US? I haven't had a good bucket of KFC in the US in over 15 years.

>> No.11637290
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>> No.11637307

KFC exists outside the USA so the chicken and ingredients used aren't as processed and shitty as the Americans.

>> No.11638770

I take it you've never actually had to work with or be around Homosexuals.

>> No.11638817

You need to get a Roy Roger's in your town

>> No.11639240

yikes, yikespilled and yikes with a capital YIKES

>> No.11639255

that's pretty much all American food chains outside of the USA. Even mc donalds. Even fucking Pizza hut.

>> No.11639267
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All fucking animeposters must fucking hang!

>> No.11639276

I mean i don't really hate gay people but that
>rant about how Colonel Sanders is a racist remnant of plantation culture
would've annoyed me too. Come on now, the fucker is more or less a cartoon character

>> No.11639297
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>> No.11639347

ive tried kfc in quebec and ontario and it is foul stuff
every couple years ill go "man it cant be as bad as i remember" and ill get some and its still shite
the restaurants ive seen in montreal are always empty, i have no idea why they are still open

>> No.11639351

>frogposter calling out anime

>> No.11639612

Yeah thats why i enjoy eating at those chains compared to the outside takeaway stuff from other "local" shops around here (uk).

>> No.11639898

All the time. Why?