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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11622414 No.11622414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Admit it vegans, you're jealous of what we have.

>> No.11622422


>> No.11622431

everything grows from dinosaur bones anyways

>> No.11622511

I'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.11622543

>paying over $8 for fake eggs

>> No.11622555
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one of the stupidest fucking things ive ever read. really caught me off guard.

>> No.11622563

Eggs arnt made from chickens theyre made by chickens, fuckin vegan marketing team suffering mental difficulties

>> No.11622573

>just egg
>*egg free

Surely this is a violation of marketing or advertising law. I'm pretty sure I can't put up a road sign saying "CAR TIRES" and then actually just be selling concrete toroids.

>> No.11622576

Veganism is the diet of the incredibly wealthy self-righteous trust fund kids.

>> No.11622592

That's probably why they have that made from plants tag attached. They made the bottle then realized they need to add that to it.

>> No.11622600

Frankly I think vegans are missing the boat on animal cruelty issues. I think it'd be a better endeavor to invest in cruelty free meat and eggs and such. At least vegetarianism, since you can get cruelty free eggs and milk from local farms and give a big middle finger to big farming

>> No.11622625

IF I opened up a store that was called "Just Tires" and literally sold no tires, I don't think it would matter that I put it in the fine print.

>> No.11622632

Colon cancer? Heart disease? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.11622637

As long as you still for tax cuts for the wealthy they will exist :3

>> No.11622641
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>egg free

>> No.11622646

I went to a place called Sally's and they didn't have Sally for sale, they did have eggs tho. It's the label on the product that matters. I agree calling Just Egg seems to fall into the same problem that happened with American and Parmesan "cheese", but that tag might be their way of getting around that.

>> No.11622652

>vegans don't get colon cancer or heart disease

The majority of heart disease is caused by plant sugars, not fats. that was an old debunked study led by the sugar industry. Also, coarse plant matter like corn causes diverticulitis and colon cancer.

>> No.11622660

Post proof.

>> No.11622676
File: 641 KB, 707x6526, Screenshot_2018-12-16 Fat, Sugar, Whole Grains and Heart Disease 50 Years of Confusion(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11622684

Your mom's dinosaur bones

>> No.11622733

So it's not like carnietards cut sugars out of their diets

>> No.11622739

>get proven wrong
>b-but at least I don't eat meat

>> No.11622780


>> No.11622782

I implied shit, nigger

>> No.11622786

>vegans can't get heart disease
o i am laffin

>> No.11622857

It's similar to other standards issues – fencing up little areas of "opinions" (the adult version of highschool cliques) produces very little, though it's obviously possible and even simple actually increasing the QoL, eventually, by having invested in science, specific studies, especially the responsiveness of animals to sensations and social communication.

>> No.11623246

These taste exactly like eggs and will soon be cheaper than eggs. Very based.
I can't wait to eat them every day for better health.
t. Nonvegan

>> No.11623421

Been meaning to find these for some weeks now.
But i don't think they've been release here in California yet.

>> No.11623431

i eat fruit
i eat veg
i eat cheese
i eat egg
i eat meat
i eat bread
but most importantly
i eat ass

>> No.11623434


>> No.11623575


>> No.11623585

jokes aside could one make pancakes without eggs? i don't wanna get out of my comfy pajamas to go shopping

>> No.11623592


>> No.11623656

Then go shopping in your comfy pajamas?

>> No.11623664


>> No.11623687


>> No.11623709
File: 2.88 MB, 360x360, Vegan Cashew Cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't call vegan products their non-vegan equivalent here anymore. So they produce "Vegan Slices" and package it identically to cheese because they can't use the word cheese on their's

This would never sell here

>> No.11623719

I was going to ask 'do Americans really?', but then I remember that they do fucking go out in filthy sweatpants and hoodies .

>> No.11623721

roight m8. we put on our best trackies like proper gents.

>> No.11623737
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>> No.11624117

We are all star dust

>> No.11624245

Yeah, if you're retarded. Fucking lentils are the cheapest source of protein, mixed with rice and other grains you get a complete amino acid profile along with vitamins and minerals.

>> No.11624254

Yeah, which is why i am launching a class action lawsuit against the Macaroni Grill. No grilled macaroni, nor is the grill made out of macaroni.

>> No.11624263


>> No.11624268
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Preach brutha

>> No.11624281

Sally's. Apostrophe indicates ownership. It's Sally's store. It didn't say Sallys.

>> No.11624355

just is actually damn good, and i don't get the cholesterol

>> No.11624383

your a ass

>> No.11624409 [DELETED] 

>wtf there's no nuts in here, just coffee

>> No.11624415
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>wtf this is just coffee, there's no nuts at all

>> No.11624423

>has egg on the packaging
>contains no egg
why is this even legal

>> No.11624436

If the eggs come "pre" scrambled (obviously their inception is homogeneous) how do I separate the yolks?

>> No.11624441

I do it all the time. Just search vegan pancakes on Google. If you have apple cider vinegar look for a vegan buttermilk pancake recipe. They're delicious.

>> No.11624446


>> No.11624516

Can I get a link to this?

>> No.11624586

>cashew cheese

holy fucking calories

>> No.11624628

In the future, just get some just-add-water pancake mix. They've gotten pretty good these days.

>> No.11624769

You think a skeletal vegan needs to worry about cutting down on calories?

>> No.11624792

>Surely this is a violation of marketing or advertising law.
No, it is not.

>> No.11624839

>in small print at the bottom : not really eggs btw

How is this legal

>> No.11624969
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It's o-over

>> No.11624976

How come anti-vegans are bigger whiners than vegans these days? Back when I was in my 20s we just mocked them. Zoomers these days just cry and slam their fists on the floor screaming "WAAAHH THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL"

>> No.11624984

Theres no way to escape cancer or heart disease via diet.

>> No.11625023
File: 172 KB, 1024x681, chicken_osteoporosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that "cruelty free" and "free range" eggs aren't actually that much better than normal eggs. "Free range" is just a marketing gimmick meaning that they're given fractionally more space, but not really treated any differently. Commercial chickens are bred to lay well over 10x the number of eggs they lay in nature, which takes a huge toll on their bodies. So even "cruelty free" eggs are cruel to the chickens because they're causing osteoporosis with the massive drain on calcium that egg shells take to produce. The only "cruelty free" option would be to take these tortured breeds and feed their eggs back to them, shell and all, so that they can keep their skeletons from falling apart for a little while longer.
In reality, the only way to help *any* of these tortured and disfigured-from-birth breeds live happier lives is either to let them go free in the wild or give them an early daeth.

>> No.11625057

Why is it allowed to be called "just egg" when it is literally anything but egg?

>> No.11625073

>We're Just Mayo!
>FDA: Legally no, stop lying
>Just: O-ok
JUST indeed. Fuck them.

>> No.11625197

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4channel are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.11625779

Using apple cider vinegar to make vegan "buttermilk" pancakes is pretty godtier, honestly.

>> No.11625806

Krusteaz makes some nice JAW mixes

>> No.11625813


>> No.11625827

Tell me something else about you. There has to be at least one other thing that makes you an unaware piss baby.

>> No.11625903

50 year old nonsense.

>> No.11625905


>> No.11625906

b-but muh heart disease...

>> No.11625908


>> No.11625910

Of course. kys.

>> No.11625914
File: 36 KB, 665x574, 1517193184214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JUST egg
>egg free
How is this legal?

>> No.11625924

it isn't, or at least it soon wont be
just like how soymilk and almond milk are soon not going to be allowed to use the word milk

milk is a thing, if its not a secretion of something it isn't milk

>> No.11625943

Wait, really? Have those shitbags in government finally gotten off their asses and done something useful for once?

>> No.11625946

>this guy

>> No.11625947

I mean
I think people are upset for 1 of 2 reasons
They're idiots
They're in the industry and legitimately threatened by new products

Nobody buying this mayo is going to think "oh this is obviously regular mayo" in the same way that nobody would buy a concrete tire

The same thing is happening with lab grown meat, the meat industry is so threatened they are forcing companies to not call it meat
It's happening with non-dairy plant milks too

>> No.11625972

Or people want to know what they are getting. Let one group call things whatever they want and then everyone will be doing it. Vitamin Water was a good example. The name implies it's healthy when it's the same as any other juice with a Flintstone vitamin in it. A pile of protein enzymes shouldn't be called meat. Whatever goo you can squeeze out of a plant shouldn't be called milk.

>> No.11625973

Wasting taxpayer money to satisfy obese triggered carnists fees fees? Useful!

But universal healthcare and not killing young Americans for Israel? Nah!!

>> No.11625985

>t. triggered veganigger upset that he wont be able to sell soy squeezings as eggs anymore

>> No.11625986


>> No.11625990


>> No.11625994

Dumb veganiggers being hypocritical as usual.

>> No.11625998

I want to decide what I eat. Things need to be labeled correctly to make this choice. If I want to eat meat then I want it to be meat. Not meat plus whatever they can sneak in before I notice it's not meat. It can work either way. What if someone slips some actual food in your soy but only labels it as soy?

>> No.11626018


>based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.



>> No.11626023

>just egg
>non egg

does a lack of b12 really make you this stupid?

>> No.11626024



>> No.11626029

>tricking people with grammatical loopholes
Happy Hanukkah.

>> No.11626031

But it's not egg. It might be "just" but it's not egg.

>> No.11626037

This is beyond retarded. Did you get this off their site or did you just pull this intentional deceptive marketing scheme out of your ass?

>> No.11626043

He's a veganigger, anon. Cut him some slack, his malnourished brain isn't thinking correctly.

>> No.11626046

At least you are willing to agree that it is done in a just practice. I know it isn't egg by the way. I believe it is a great alternative, and for the record eastern indians have been doing something very similar for many years with chickpea flour.

>> No.11626049

Okay but it's not egg, you deceitful little shit.

>> No.11626221

Actually the chicken's nutrients are used to make the eggs thus they're made from chicken just like how baby's are made from human.

>> No.11626420

Does soy free mayo exist?

>> No.11626447

Make some yourself with the oil of your choosing.

>> No.11626486

Imagine being this malnourished you think this is a good argument

>> No.11626568

Why would it be legal to torture an animal during a lifetime just for an egg? It's as >>11625023 said. 35% of chickens have ovarian cancer.

>> No.11626574

Chickens do not comprehend pain. They cannot be tortured. That's like saying you "tortured" a cockroach.

>> No.11626599

Why is /ck/ so obsessed with vegans?

>> No.11626623

>first ingredient is canola oil
>oil extracted from fertilized canola egg cells and their products
Dumb akkoposter

>> No.11626624

Because veganiggers are so dumb they think they're entitled to demand everyone else change their diet because of their own personal morals.

>> No.11626630

>egg cells
Oh boy, just turn in your high school diploma now.

>> No.11626646
File: 1.67 MB, 2264x3007, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants-891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be hard being a retard.

>> No.11626778

>cashew pudding