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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11622227 No.11622227 [Reply] [Original]

So, when you reheat your Whoppers you should heat it for about 40 seconds upside down, and then 40 seconds or so rightside up afterwards with like a 10 second breathing break.

>> No.11622229
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When you reheat your fries, you should wrap them like this with some paper towel.

>> No.11622243

very informative anon thank you :)

>> No.11622254

How should I reheat my chicken tendies?

>> No.11622257

Bless your heart anon

>> No.11622261

That's almost certainly too long.

>> No.11622266
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And in case you guys are wondering, here's how it looks.

Same as the fries to be honest, I would wager about 50 seconds will suffice.

>> No.11622269
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what about big mac tho

>> No.11622270

how many watts?

>> No.11622284

i would never reheat vegetables in a microwave.

>> No.11622289

Are we talking from the fridge or straight from the freezer?

>> No.11622296

looks great. hope you enjoy xoxo

>> No.11622298

what about steam cooker then? bun shouldn't get soggy if whooper is nicely wrapped

>> No.11622300


You gotta let it rest before you dig in, they kind of get their cells tightened again.

Fridge, never tried freezing desu.

>> No.11622304


>> No.11622317

hmm...when I re-heat, I usually take the meat patties out and place them on a plate then heat them , that way the rest of the burger isn't just a warm mushy blob...also if you have it put a little butter on the pattie let it melt into the meat .. it improves flavor..

as for fries , if you have the time and the inclination , put them on a oven sheet into a preheated oven at 350 for about 5 to 10 minutes if you have had them in the refrigerator... makes them crisp again

>> No.11622321

They put chemicals in modern food to make you want to eat more of it. Try putting down a box of cheez-its before finishing them. You can't. Now compare those to some salted peanuts, which you can stop eating any time. It started with MSG in the 20s but they've invented tons more since then. You can't escape these chemicals either, unless you're eating a pure vegan and unprocessed food diet. They even started putting them in the store-bought meats (they do it through the red food coloring) to make you think that ground processed beef actually tastes good.
My advice? Go vegan, buy organic foods, stop throwing junk at your body and bring it back to its natural state. You'll find the weight loss remarkably easy once you do that, and you'll stop craving food in the middle of the day like some nabisco sheep. I stopped eating processed garbage 10 years ago and never looked back. Most of my food now comes from my garden and I couldn't be happier or healthier. To top it off, you're saving the environment by stopping them from putting chemicals in the water and food supplies and not eating factory farmed animal products which are known to abuse animals.

>> No.11622327

you are the biggest cock sucking faggot cunt on this entire board and that is saying a lot. You are inherently worse than ja/ck/ posters, egg fort posters and that idiot who keeps posting knife option threads. Dig a hole in your faggot garden , put your head in it and just die.

>> No.11622490
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>> No.11622552

>when you reheat your Whoppers you should..
...go ahead and kill yourself.

You start OP.

How fat are you by the way?

>> No.11622701

Would this neutralize any fecal matter transferred to the whopper from the ghetto nails on the girl who wraps it or the spit from the cook with the greasy cornrows? Pls let me know. Really want to go back to having it my way again.

>> No.11622703

You fat?

>> No.11622829
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Eating at Burger King

>> No.11622858

Depends on your level of poverty and how shitty a microwave you could afford

>> No.11622861

Of course it you you fucking fruit

>> No.11622884

how long does fast food last in the fridge

>> No.11622893

>Wonder what kind of degenerate mutt would end up buying too much fast food
Of course it's you

>> No.11623982

Qt pinkie <3

>> No.11624043

Worst pony

>> No.11624087

>80 seconds nuking time
My whopper would burst into flames, A good 25 seconds is enough for the cheese to be so hot it runs out the sides. Is your microwave weak or is mine just really overpowered?

>> No.11624104

The trick is to only reheat the meat patty.

>> No.11624304

What a wrong moron you are. Say that to me and you'll find your life slowly expired.

>> No.11624315

>reheating whopper
It's a five dollar fast food burger, just buy another one and try not to get more food than you really want to eat next time.

>> No.11624345

>i would never reheat vegetables in a microwave.
I can't imagine being too much of a snob to use a microwave on a fast food burger yet at the same time also having such low standards that you'd reheat a leftover fast food burger in the first place. If you really care that much about the quality of the lettuce and tomatoes to the point where you're afraid to run them through a microwave then why the fuck aren't you just buying a fresh new burger instead of resuscitating one you had sitting in your refrigerator from the other day?

>> No.11624352

I ate a whopper cold the other night while drinking some beers. It was really delicious.

>> No.11624360

It's more convenient to buy all the week's whoppers in one trip

>> No.11624365

You're not supposed to heat the packaging. Some of them even print the warning on there. Very carcinogenic, especially when heated, they say. Lets say its true that this food causes cancer, even if eaten right after purchasing. Do you really want to exponentially increase your risk by 1. microwaving it to reheat and 2. reheating it in that plastic/paper wrapper that even those pricks warn about?

>> No.11624371

He's not eating at burger king though.

>> No.11624405
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