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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11619579 No.11619579 [Reply] [Original]

What can a jew eat on x-mas day, /ck/?

I feel so left out. ;~;

>> No.11619583

Perfect, this is what /ck/ needs

>> No.11619585

Chinese food with the other jews

>> No.11619586

fucking chinese food

>> No.11619592

A bullet you commie scum

>> No.11619593

These you fucking kike faggot

>> No.11619602

Why wouldn't you be able to eat normal food like any other day? That's what non-Jews do on christmas.

>> No.11619605

a frog in a hole followed by ants on a log

>> No.11619610
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>> No.11619623
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Penance for killing the Savior

>> No.11619627

Bacon wrapped pork chops

>> No.11619630

a bullet, hopefully

>> No.11619634

my family doesn't do anything christmas day, but we go out for chinese with the neighbors every year on christmas eve. pretty comfy

>> No.11619694

Eat Chinese food while searching for Khazar milkers on the Internets

>> No.11620052


>> No.11620058

But you got have Hanukkah?

>> No.11620061

a bullet

>> No.11620178

What this anon >>11619585 said, get some roast duck. It's real popular in the New York jew crowd and has been since way before my time.

>> No.11620306


>> No.11620319

Probably Hakka style Chinese food that is popular in the Muslim parts of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. All kosher-able.

>> No.11620321

General Tso's foreskins and foreskin fried rice

>> No.11620323

Anon please that's what he eats every week, Christmas is special

>> No.11620332

>I feel so left out
You don't get to kill the savior then turn around and celebrate his birth.
Commune with the bugmen of Asia over noodles and cat meat.

>> No.11620336

came here to post this

>> No.11620367

Gillette fish or exhaust fumes from my 1999 Subaru Legacy SUS

>> No.11620372

5 bottles of manischewitz with no solid food. feel the spirit

>> No.11620377

>Gillette fish
The best a Mann can get.

>> No.11620547
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>> No.11620552
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Zyklone B

>> No.11620553

Orange Duck and Cyanide.

>> No.11620558

Make what you want to and have friends over.

>> No.11620826

why are you feeling left out retard, there's plenty of things jews or other people with dietary restrictions can eat on christmas

>> No.11620848

If you have any friends that celebrate Christmas just join them, unless there devout Christians then I' m sure they wouldn't mind

>> No.11620849
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>falling for the magic sky jew meme

>> No.11620891

Chinese you tard. How do you not know this? My guess is youre not even a jew and just wanted to make an "lol jews xD" thread

>> No.11622148

Why do kikes even eat Chinese food on Christmas? Are they so buttblasted about someone else's tradition that they have to make up some gay rules just to try and overshadow it?

>> No.11623248

Rat Poison.

>> No.11623263

Originally it was because the Chinese were the only other people besides Jews who kept their businesses open on Christmas. That’s less of an issue now, more businesses stay open, but now it’s a tradition.

>> No.11623282
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but they also invented him

>> No.11623309

Soap made from grammy and grampy.

>> No.11623327
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that's what I was always taught

>> No.11623366

Oy vey, they know.

>> No.11623551
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This took three posts longer than it should have.

>> No.11623560

God that looks so delicious. Imagine living your life according to some 5,000 year old sand religion forbidding you from enjoying delicious pork.

>> No.11623563
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Fucking kek, well done gentlemen.

>> No.11623566

Big black cock

>> No.11623590

>Blaming the Jews for it when Jesus literally absolved them all for not knowing what they were doing, along with everyone else involved, not even like 2 hours into crucifixion.

Looks like you need to hit the book, anon.

>> No.11623626

i thought they didnt have them??

>> No.11623646

A fucking bullet, you Christ killing fuck.

>> No.11623668

Scripture states that it would have been better for Judas to never have been born, since he obviously ended up in hell for betraying the literal Son of God for a few shekels

>> No.11623850

No, he's sitting on the right hand of jesus because if he hadn't fulfilled his predestined roll of betrayer, christ couldn't have died crucified and been resurrected as savior. W/O Judas, christianity just fades away into another obscure kike cult.

>> No.11623864

How about a nice bleach and battery acid soup?