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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11613023 No.11613023 [Reply] [Original]

>it's still legal to add inedible substances into food
>in the information era

>> No.11613028

Fuck I hope it's sooner than that.

>> No.11613030

stop eating processed garbage, retard

>> No.11613031

At what point is a substance considered inedible?

>> No.11613043

Prob anything that causes cancer, which is everything.

>> No.11613055

Sign me up for the full course then, I'm tired of living anyway.

>> No.11613064

>tfw theres no food that instantly kills you

>> No.11613078
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>> No.11613084

If only there were a word for people who dismiss overwhelming scientific consensus in favor of conspiracy theories that started on usenet chatrooms in the late 90's.

>> No.11613340

Not OP, but I personally think if you don't digest it and don't get calories from it you aren't really eating so much as letting material pass through your intestines like a kid swallowing a plastic toy. The really debatable case this sort of question will lead to is (insoluble) fiber, because that doesn't get digested (not by human enzymatic digestion at least). My unpopular opinion is it shouldn't count as edible either and is something I try to avoid as much as possible with my own food per doctor's orders (Ulcerative Colitis).
Of course the first thing everyone thinks here is "well that's just because you have UC," but its usefulness for anyone is a lot sketchier less well grounded than we're led to believe. The modern pro-fiber meme is reminiscent of that anti-fats meme during the 90s where everyone just accepted it was a good idea to start mass consuming all these modified food products with the fat cut out. Every decade or so some academic authority on nutrition makes a stance for or against some specific component of diet and it becomes insanely popular and turns into a longstanding "common sense" assumption about what you're supposed to eat.

>> No.11613353

Oh, the conspiracies didn't start on Usenet, that was just the first time they were written down.

>> No.11613356

dude i am not reading this

>> No.11613362


>> No.11613367

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.11613614

It's ironic that cheaply made generic brand products are now healthier than leading brands that use a plethora of additives to achieve an extremely specific taste and texture

>> No.11613725

at least add an image next time so I don't get bored while reading

>> No.11613740
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If only we had multiple scientific fields dedicated to studying these chemicals, then we wouldn't have to rely on the common man for his vast knowledge of biochemistry.

But no, I have to listen to my relatives tell me, the motherfucker with an actual degree in biochemistry, about the dangers of aspartame, and how my Coke Zero is in fact so much dangerous than regular fucking coke.

>> No.11613745

Can you tell us then biochemistry degree dude?

>> No.11613766

>Them chain e-mails
Dark times

>> No.11613798

Only darker times are ahead of us.

>> No.11613857
File: 410 KB, 624x1123, aspartame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakdown-wise, it's fucking boring. There's fuckall happening here. Two vital amino acids and methanol. So two good things and one bad thing that we easily process in much larger quantities before it becomes dangerous. And no, you're not going to overdose on the amino acids.

It's a wonder it got discovered at all, really. The guy licked his finger while constructing a precursor for a different chemical. Fucking amateur, wash your hands you fucking shit. Which is why it's constructed from such basic shit, the guy was working up from basic shit. Turns out it actually binds to the receptors in our taste buds. Why does it do this? Because it wants to invade our bodies and give us cancer to fulfill its designed shadow plan. Or because these receptors are fucking sluts, and accept multiple chemicals that are 'sweet', which aspartame happens to fit the format of.

That's it. There is nothing more. The venus flytrap module binding site is an interesting protein structure and the signalling mechanism of the receptor is interesting generally due to it being a taste-related receptor for the signalling pathways for 'sweet', but that's about it. It breaks down through no particular chemical pressure and we absorb it.

>> No.11614076

Its because of the oil lobby and stuff. Watch this:


>> No.11614107

Good comic. Excess sweetness really is the true sin.

>> No.11614108

OP woke AF

>> No.11614129

I grew stevia in my backyard. It used to be illegal in the US until a company was able to import it for a profit.
Is that inedible?

>> No.11614139

based and chartreusepilled

>> No.11614146

Shut up nerd. Aspartame is literally hitler

>> No.11614154

Wow you’re like, above it all, if I may say so. I’m gay btw, if that matters slopashit

>> No.11614164

I always knew my mouth was a dirty fucking slut.

>> No.11614172

I also have my B.S. in biochem and my M.S. in inorganic. Admit that you don’t have a fucking clue, and I will.

>> No.11614230

>no, it's the company's choices that hurt me, don't hold me accountable.

>> No.11615376

that's the spirit

>> No.11615386

I have a masters in organic chem. You know nothing

>> No.11615410

this is why I don't eat anything that has chemicals

>> No.11615874

what if i told you that water is a chemical?

>> No.11615902

>So what if we poisoned all your food, just eat food that isn't poisoned.

>> No.11615909

based autist who can't tell the difference between colloquial speech and technical terminology

>> No.11616000

I'm just pointing out that maybe if you understood what some of those chemicals are, they wouldn't scare you so much.

>> No.11616021


>> No.11616062
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unironically I'm very appreciative of this info my friend. Now I can drink my diet coke without any worry. I love you man

>> No.11616071

It's very clearly a meme. Its origin is literally the Puritanical crackpot John Harvey Kellogg promoting fiber in an effort to make young people less prone to masturbation.
>Dr Kellogg believed so fervently that sex was vexatious for the spirit and body that he never engaged in sexual intercourse with his wife, even opting to have two different rooms in their shared house and adopted all of his children.
>Kellogg developed a few flaky, grain-based cereals, including Corn Flakes, to hinder youths and troubled masturbators from the sinful act.
>Interestingly, Messrs. John Harvey Kellogg and Sylvester Graham (advocates of fibre, of both the moral and dietary varieties) were involved in this movement. Here's what Dr. Kellogg recommended:
>A remedy for masturbation which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment. In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.

>> No.11616186

Kellogg didn't invent fiber you fucking dip. Even ancient Greeks and Egyptians knew fiber would help you shit if you got constipated.

>> No.11616267

>literal female circumsision
Christ, you better believe the evangelical right will institute christian sharia law if they get the chance.

>> No.11616283

>Kellogg developed a few flaky, grain-based cereals, including Corn Flakes, to hinder youths and troubled masturbators from the sinful act
Doesn't work.

>> No.11616301

He didn't invent circumcision either, but he's the reason for both memes today, at lesat in the US. I think a lot of people assume jews as the cause for American circumcision rates being so insanely high (like 90% among whites if I remember correctly), but that's actually ridiculous since jews didn't have anywhere near the population size or clout historically to make that sort of thing near-universally standard. It came from diehard evangelical Christians.

>> No.11616326

Kellogg was a successful businessman, but you are giving his ideas way too much credit. He was a branch off of the Seventh Day Adventist, and his followers numbered in the few hundreds, max a couple thousand.
His cereal is still a big deal (as well as the concept of "natural" food being healthier), but apart from that he was mostly regarded as a fringe wackadoo that had very little impact on the US culture at large.
Also, stop calling everything a meme, it makes you look stupid.

>> No.11616334

Fuck Kellogg and fuck kikes

>> No.11616344


>> No.11616357
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Yeah and the Trump administration is just like the Handmaid's Tale! Orange man bad!

>> No.11616378
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food scientist here. you're going to die one day and it will have nothing to do with how much processed food you eat.

>> No.11616415

You are not wrong about the perception and implimentation of certain nutritional concepts. But, I would argue this is a combination of some very smart (and unethical) marketers capitolising on a general public ignorant of basic nutritional concepts. The general public not being blameless in this, the ignorance being willful and a preference to chase easy fixes as opposed to educating themselves. This leads to people misidentifying all kinds of information and running with it.

Along with that, although we know now the low-fat meme was a meme, I wouldn't say the same for fiber. A mainstream diet of mostly processed foods is lacking in fiber. The solution from the processed food industry is to suppliment and enrich their food with phylum husk, only one type of fiber. The general public then ends up consuming a lot more phylum husk and continue to be defecient in all other types of fiber.

A diet consisting of unprocessed food with enough fruits and vegetables would provide a good amount of diverse fiber...in other words, what >>11615902

>> No.11616579


>> No.11616649

I mean i'll legit be 54 then and i'm already tired of life so I can't imagine how much i'll hate it by then

>> No.11616662

Not quite. Kellogg believed all health derived from the gut. He promoted a grains based diet because of this, and because he felt that stimulating foods - sweet, savory, spicy, etc - promoted sexual arousal. He liked grains because they were BLAND. His OG style cereal was basically bran logs or twigs with no sweetener.

>> No.11616668

Evangelical Christians are worse than Catholics dude

>> No.11617881

Oh God he actually voted for Hillary

>> No.11618052

What people don't get is that aspartame is the most researched food additive of them all, so it is bound to produce research with a false correlation. "8000 studies" sounds a helluva lot but there are probably upwards of 50000+ studies done aspartame alone, if not more.

>> No.11618193

everything is made out of chemicals

>> No.11618199

The colloquial speech is retarded and nebulous
You should avoid being vague when making a statement

>> No.11618206

You can hate Republicans without being a lefty

>> No.11618432

Evangelicals are precisely the same as the Taliban they're just currently restrained by the constitution.

>> No.11619472

the two party system was a mistake

>> No.11619475

>i have no argument and I must meme

>> No.11619498

This thread is kinda gay and aspartame tastes like shit anyways so I don't consume it regardless.

Dubs get

>> No.11619524

>>in the """information""" era
dude, the information era just made everyone more confused

>> No.11619545

thats why kids are going blind and have all kinds of neurological disorders like GAYDHD/Autismos/Clinical retardation
but yeah its safe just remember to discard the foreshots

>> No.11619549
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>7000 side effects
>have felt zero of them

>> No.11619557
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Checked and Wrecked

>> No.11619613

>diet soda cans say they contain phenylalanine
>don't say they contain methanol

>> No.11619705
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>> No.11619848

>voting for Hillary makes you a leftie
Not how it works, anon.

>> No.11619895

is there any practical point to replacing sugar with aspartame unless one has problems consuming sugar/diabetes/etc?