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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11610292 No.11610292 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best microwave popcorn?

>> No.11610344

Only children eat popcorn. Please leave.

>> No.11610434
File: 46 KB, 602x446, main-qimg-25809d383bf24e48c937ef431e1fcefa-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be medieval commoner
>Walking down the street
>See popcorn shoppe
>Grab a bag for 2 pence
>Eat the shit out of it
>Continue eating popcorn as a snack for the rest of my life
>All of my children for the next 500 years
>Except for the most recent one, he just posted
>>Only children eat popcorn. Please leave.

>> No.11611457


Also Orville Stove-top

>> No.11611466

orville movie theatre butter

>> No.11611474

How do I get my packaged popcorn to taste the same as it does at the movie theater? Store-bought popcorn always lacks that crunchiness and saltiness and I wanna fix that.

>> No.11611509


I always fuck it up and burn it. Popcorn button dont work. And ill either stop it a few seconds too early and get half kernels, or a few seconds too late and have to toss the whole burnt ass bag. Halp.

>> No.11611550

I am fairly certain that the popcorn button on any microwave never works. The best bet is to set it at 3 minutes but make sure to listen to the pops at around 2:20. Sadly its really hard to get the perfect ratio of popped to burnt. Even when I have some burned I still get a few non popped corns.

>> No.11611620

Add crunch add salt

>> No.11611632


You could buy one of those makers on amazon. They're on sale for like 50$ rightnow. I bet those get it pretty close. Just drench it in fake butter and some salt. And den pop it.

>> No.11611640


PLUS added bonus i just thought of. Take it to all your future office/party get togethers. Itll pay for itself in like...3 potlucks.

>> No.11611651
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>All of my children or the next 500 years

>> No.11611685

Jolly Time Kettle Corn. It's the only microwave kettle corn that comes out fantastic and doesn't get charred if you nuke it for 10 seconds too long - it will actually carmelize instead of turning black and smoking in the middle the way Orville Redenbachers and Pop Secret both do.

Good luck finding it though, since every store in my area stopped carrying it about 2 years ago despite it being the best selling variety (they continue to carry the shitty "Butter" and "Light" Jolly Time).

>> No.11612675


>> No.11612688

brown bag recipe popcorn
>1 brown lunchbag
>1/4 cup popcorn kernels
>1/4 tspn desired seasoning (salt/popcorn flavor mix)
>if needed for seasoning to stick: 1/4 tspn coconut oil (only needed for non-salt seasonings)

>1. shake/mix kernel/seasoning mix thoroughly together
>2. place into brown paper bag
>3. crimp paper bag opening closed twice to ensure a good seal
>4. microwave as you would any store-bought microwave popcorn

>> No.11612695

>Kettle Corn
But what if I want real popcorn?

>> No.11612699

Works on my machine.

>> No.11612711

Just cook it on high and wait until you can count to five between pops. Don't leave it unattended, half the fun is watching the bag expand anyway.

>> No.11612716

Nigger just make it on the stove. It's cheaper, harder to burn, and taste 10 times better. Microwave popcorn tastes like shit.

>> No.11612730

legitimately the most unexpected teppanyaki use I have ever seen, even though it's stupidly obvious after watching it once

>> No.11613201
File: 143 KB, 974x810, popper_silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get pic related. Add:
>1/2 cup popcorn kernels
>3 tablespoons coconut oil
Turn burner on stove as hot as it can get. As long as you keep cranking that thing, the kernels won't burn and you'll have fully popped corn in less than a minute or two. Remove from heat as soon as it's done popping. Pour into large bowl and butter and season as desired.

>> No.11613206

You don't even need to buy that. Just use an ordinary pot and shake it back and forth gently over the burner.