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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11606363 No.11606363 [Reply] [Original]

It’s chili night yall:)

>> No.11606383

that's a slop a shit

>> No.11606408

I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

>> No.11606416

we doing 90's Adam Sandler now?
>boomer site

>> No.11606418

I hope you didn't put beans in there.

>> No.11606434

Of course i did jerk off

>> No.11606435

neck yourself

>> No.11606439

>putting gross beans in your chili

Might as well have a salad at this point.

>> No.11606444

That's ground beef and bean stew, chili doesn't have beans.

>> No.11606446

You freaking fools, its fine

>> No.11606448

Beans are poor-people filler that ruin the taste and texture of a true pot of chili.

>> No.11606457

Not gonna complain about the beans, but why the fuck are you using ground beef?

>> No.11606494

Because it’s fucking chili??

>> No.11606503

Lol what does that even mean retard.

>> No.11606512

Looks good. Could use some greens but it has the essentials

>> No.11606521

Why is it so soupy?
That needs to reduce by like half

>> No.11606527

A chili should have proper fucking pieces of beef in it you nigger

>> No.11606654

Looks like a sloppy shit

>> No.11606659

not traditionally.

>> No.11606664

This. Let it simmer while you cook the rice.

>> No.11606667

if it doesnt have beans its not chili you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.11606729

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.11606765

imagine being this anal about a fucking dish

>> No.11606772

Chili without beans is boring, the texture of the beans is good in chili, plus they soak up some of the acids. Chili with beans or no chili.

>> No.11606775
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>Beans are poor-people filler
care to share with us where chili lies on the economic scale?

>> No.11606791
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>literal poor person slop dish with no finesse can be made poorer using beans

>> No.11606985

Beans literally always make chili better. It's fucking pointless not to have them, they are only slightly denser than the onions and tomatoes you cook in there anyway and provide more fiber and protein, and they fuckin taste good.

>> No.11606989

What are you some retarded tex-mex fag?

>> No.11606991

Snobby assholes. It’s chili ffs

>> No.11606995

I live in Japan where beef is prohibitively expensive so I use pork in my chili!

>> No.11607000
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Let me show you how to prepare an authentic Texas style chili anon

First assemble ingredients~!

>> No.11607007
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Next prep your veggies, I've sliced and diced a kilo of onions, one whole celery and half a kilo of red and half a kilo of green bell peppers.

>> No.11607011
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Set that to the side and start cooking off your protein. I'm using a 11 litre stock pot for this. First I start with two chorizo sausages sliced and diced and fry them in oil, I like the subtle flavour it gives the oil, I would use some bacon here but I don't eat pork.

>> No.11607020
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Next I fry off half a kilo of beef mince and half a kilo of kangaroo mince and set aside, it doesn't really matter what mince you use, I just get what's on special.

>> No.11607025
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Next I fry off two kilos of chicken thighs and set aside.

>> No.11607029
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Protein mountain

>> No.11607034
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Next I turn down the heat to very low, add the prepped veggies and slowly soften them for about an hour

>> No.11607035

>kangaroo and chicken

feel like I've seen this guy's chili before. this weird but I'm intrigued

>> No.11607038
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An hour later

>> No.11607043
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Next I add two heads of garlic and 100 grams of anchovies in olive oil drained and rinsed

>> No.11607047
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Into the whizz cutting thingy

>> No.11607051
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Garlic and anchovies paste, thrown into the pot and stirred

>> No.11607057
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Next I whizz up some chilis, here are 10 habaneros and 10 thai chillis

>> No.11607061
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Smells like danger, added to the pot and stirred

>> No.11607065
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Next I'm going to whizz up the tops and bottoms of the bell peppers because waste not want not and the texture just isn't the same as their skins

>> No.11607068


>> No.11607069
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Whizzed, added to the pot and stirred

>> No.11607094
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Next I add 5 tablespoons or so of tomato paste, stir it through and let everything I just added it cook off for a bit while increasing the temp

>> No.11607100
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Next I'm going to add some pickled jalapenos and chillis juices and all and a drained and rinsed jar of fire roasted red bell peppers

>> No.11607108
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Added to the pot and stirred through

>> No.11607115
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Time to add back to brotein and mix it through

>> No.11607122
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Time to spice the bitch up, I got 50 grams of chilli powder, 30 grams of cumin powder, 15 grams of cayenne powder and about four tablespoons of oregano (420 blaze it), I usually throw in some smoked paprika but I forgot to buy some, please forgive me

>> No.11607129
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Next you add 690-700 grams of passata or 2 cans of diced tomatos, I prefer passata, stir that through and then add a litre of beef stock and stir that through

>> No.11607135
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Bring to a boil, throw on a lid and simmer for four to eight hours, stirring every half an hour

>> No.11607142
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Four hour mark

>> No.11607149
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Now an hour or so before you want to finish you want to add your authentic texan good ol boy kidney beans to the pot, six cans rinsed and

>> No.11607158

Dont wanna make a thread but every time I try to cook dry beans I fuck up. Half are too hard and half are broken to mush. What is the secret bros?

>> No.11607187
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Added to the pot, I do this so they don't get too mushy

>> No.11607190
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6ish hours DONE, heat off, I leave it sitting out overnight to stew in it's own juices, it was still warm when I divided it up 14 hours later

>> No.11607195
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Divided it up into on average 480 gram servings, which gave me 20 nutritious meals

>> No.11607202
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Cook up half a cup of uncooked rice add the chili on the top and wa-la

>> No.11607306
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>I start with two chorizo sausages sliced
>I don't eat pork.

wut ?

>> No.11607333




>> No.11607380

Nice bean soup. When are you making chili?

>> No.11607606
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the main ingredient of chili is peppers. if your pile of peppers isn't as big as your pile of meat you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11607658

You mean chili sauce? Because without beans its not chili, its sauce.

>> No.11607713

I guaruntee people like this are eating tomato and ground beef soup, not chili. real chili is basically pure meat in pepper gravy. no one would confuse something that dense for "sauce."

>> No.11607731

Based and true. It's like when people put breadcrumbs in their meatloaf or meatballs. They're literally only doing it so you get more quantity of food for less money.

>> No.11608845

Lol @ deluded poorfag.
Is right. My recipe is 2.5 lbs of peppers (prepared weight, store weight is just over 4 lbs) to 2 lbs of beef.

>> No.11608861

You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

>> No.11608865


>> No.11608873

Meatballs have shit texture unless you add day old bread soaked in milk then they become tender with a pleasing mouthfeel. Same with adding beans to chili, it's all about the texture.

>> No.11608888

Where' s the rest?

>> No.11608918

Very nice anon looks tasty. That’s a lot of chili, how much do you think it cost you to make?

>> No.11609080

>frantically justifying fillerbbeans
You're not fooling anybody poorfag, the stench of your poverty permeates the tubes.

>> No.11609123

Jesus christ... anchovies and pickled peppers into a chili. I was cool with the chorizo but God damn dude that's some real tastelet shit right there. Why would you waste good fresh ingredients by mixing them in with that fuckin shit? I fucking wish Gordon Ramsay had house calls so he could lay into people like this.

>> No.11609253

It's permeating your mum's tubes after last night.

>> No.11609414

Boomer here, my mom died in her sleep 3 years ago when I didnt reply to a thread on /b/. You're into some seriously sick and frankly illegal shit.
Also FBI notified.

>> No.11609867

Are you really trying to claim that youre rich because you use more ground beef instead of beans? Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.11609881

Technically you spend more money buying a can of beans to go with all of the beef.

>> No.11609895

>t. assblasted poorfag
Get a job and maybe one day you can afford to eat actual chili instead of larping with bean soup.

>> No.11609913

this is like the last boomer board

>> No.11610006

You can buy beef for 1.99 a lb fucking trash moron. Enjoy your chili sauce idiot.

>> No.11610007

Why would a poor person buy canned beans when dried beans exist?

>> No.11610014
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This is what actual chili looks like u lot of bean cramming niggers. No beans, not soupy, whole cuts of slow cooked beef

>> No.11610016

>Walmart paper plates
Opinion discarded.

>> No.11610021

Ok except thats not chili. Chili has beans in it. What you have there is chili sauce.

>> No.11610027

>chili con carne
Pretty easy to translate.

>> No.11610033

Yes, chili with beef. The chili part implies beans, along with other things my guy.

>> No.11610046

Your Spanish sucks.

>> No.11610053

>Chili sauce
It's a literal spoon full of meat

>> No.11610112

Ok... that doesnt make it chili because chili has beans in it.

>> No.11610246

Usually equates to around $3.50 - $4.00 a serve, so roughly $70 - $80 (Also depends what's on sale at the time)

>> No.11610525

Not everyone enjoys nasty as fuck beans in their chili, which is why Texas style (no beans) exists.

>> No.11610953

I've had canned chilli that looked better. Thicken that stuff up.

>> No.11611111
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>implies beans
Outstanding display of ignorance, old chap. You couldn't have done better if you were the official village idiot, instead of merely vying for the job.

>> No.11611122

Where in "chili con carne" do you discern the word "frijoles"?

>> No.11611200

where in "chili con carne" do you discern the words "boiled in water"?

you don't.

fuckin imbecile.

>> No.11611227
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>boiled in water
wtf are you on about now? did you accidentally the wrong thread?

>> No.11611741
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Aw shieeet y'all. Made chilli for the first time tonight, loaded it on some jacket potatoes with some steamed broccoli, fried mushrooms, baked carrots. Shit's pretty delicious and costs fuck all, not sure why I didnt do this earlier

>> No.11611758

Chili implies beans but chilis define Chili

>> No.11611789
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Fun fact: The original chili con carne was meat pounded together with salt and chilis, formed into bricks, dried and rehydrated on the trail with branch water obtained on the prairie. If you add anything else, then you're not making chili con carne, ok? Really, really true, believe me ok? Everything else is just fake, really, ok?