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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11598442 No.11598442 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better for grilling?

Charcoal or Propane?

>> No.11598450


>> No.11598451


>> No.11598454
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Microwave masterace

>> No.11598455

Only manlets who don't know how to control fire and heat use propane

>> No.11598494

How long does it take for a seasoned grillmaster to get a charcoal kettle bbq roaring and preheated to 5-600F? As a zero carb carnivore I grill steak almost exclusively every day. I'm wondering if charcoal is as cost/time efficient as propane. My entire routine lasts 20 minutes (15 preheat/2.5 per side) and I'm spending about $20/month on fuel.

>> No.11598505

stove top with cast iron pan

>> No.11598517

Only manlets who don't how to taste the meat not the heat use charcoal

>> No.11598524

charcoal for sure

>> No.11598526

It takes about 20 mins to get the charcoal nice and hot. Ignore any directions to wait until the charcoal gets white/ashy. Use the flames they are throwing off to cook your steaks. Fucking awesome.

>> No.11598528
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>> No.11598544

Charcoal, easily

>> No.11598552

for everything

>> No.11598555

Humans covered in gasoline work pretty good

>> No.11598560

Propane for convenience, charcoal for flavor

>> No.11598578

Propane. I prefer to taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.11598585

>t. can't into heat control

>> No.11598591
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>not propane

>> No.11598622

What cut of steak is this even?

>> No.11598627
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>> No.11598633
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>> No.11598640

For me it's wood. I use birth

>> No.11598667

>Not using propane and propane accessories

>> No.11598724

If you have to ask I will say propane.

Because it is clear investing the time in explaining why Charcoal is superior to you is a waste of my time. Which is time I could be using to grilling glorious meats on my brick Charcoal grill. Or making another batch of my home made Charcoal, as I blend the best woods to make the best Charcoal based on which meat I plan to cook next.

>> No.11598730

Maybe an eye of round? Shit cut.

>> No.11598739
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charcoal is for bbq smoking, propane is for grilling.

>> No.11598757

only poor, lower-middle class use (((charcoal))).

>> No.11598764

Love the show, but Hank is wrong about this. Charcoal is the better option and you actually do want to taste it a little. Otherwise you might as well use a pan.

Dale, however, was right about literally everything.

>> No.11598769
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>computers dont make mistakes, hank! what they do, they do on purpose...

>> No.11598864

Charcoal for flavor, propane for speed/ease. Learning charcoal was easier for me because it was harder to burn shit. Charcoal takes about 2x if not more time, however. Its possible to use woodchips and shit to make propane better but it still won't match charcoal's flavor.

>> No.11598871

>Charcoal for flavor
Taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.11598876
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Feels awesome when you got the perfect coals going (briquetfags please leave) and you just feel that insane heat emanating from the grill. I only grill a few times a year during the summer so it’s worth it for me

>> No.11598916

Mesquite master race reporting in

>> No.11598971
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>> No.11598979
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>> No.11598991

Charcoal for comfyness. Propane for when you are in your late 20s-40s and are always fucking busy all the time

>> No.11598994

>not stewing your weeks meat on your day off

>> No.11599022

Nigga i work 6 nights a week 12 hr shifts. My 1 day off i run errands. Ain't nobody got time for that

>> No.11599044

pressure cooker

>> No.11599262

in my househould we mainly use the griller outside for cooking in the summer, so it will get used at least 8-10 times a week, for that propane is the best.

but if you only grill at weekends and want to create the best flavor go for a charcoal.

if you dont plan on doing crazy techniques get a decent propane and a cheap charcoal, and from there you can upgrade!

>> No.11599276

lump charcoal > propane > briquettes

>> No.11599750

Use wood like a fucking man

>> No.11599772
File: 2.65 MB, 640x360, charcoal vs gas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11599788

This is more disgusting than anything I've seen on /b/ in a year.

>> No.11599794

>2017 ““““““““““/b/““““““““““

>> No.11599858

Electric stove

>> No.11599910

Charcoal if you want something to taste really good and don't mind the time it takes to setup, propane for everyday use.

>> No.11600098

Precook them and then heat them up in an oven senpai. Cheaper fuel cost

>> No.11600177

>he can't afford a green egg

>> No.11600814

i have both, 2 smaller Webers charcoal grills and 1 oldie but goodie 4-burner Weber propane. pick n choose based on the occasion and time allowed to cook.

>> No.11600860

Well, that settles it.

>> No.11601066

>he doesn't use $300/box binchotan

>> No.11601089

Propane has a cleaner flavor and is easy to use, can basically autopilot whatever you're doing and flicking a switch is all it takes to get it going.

Charcoal gives a dirty flavor that some people might like. It also takes forever to use properly and is for homosexuals.

>> No.11601100

Do Americans seriously grill on gas?

>> No.11601126
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It's both a liquid and a gas pleb

>> No.11601595

what kind of slop'o'shit is this?

>> No.11603243

Natural gas.

>> No.11603290

My god.
Imagine how tough and shitty that meat would be.

>> No.11603677

Jesus Christ, don't you know how to cook meat in the microwave?
You have to dice the meat first and marinate it over night. Then you put the cube in aluminum foil and place it in the micro for 15-20 minutes.

>> No.11603701

Charcoal of course. It adds that distinctive smokey flavor. Otherwise you might as well cook inside.

>> No.11603703

It’s easy if you use a weber chimney starter. Takes no time at all.

>> No.11603706

Looks like pork loin.

>> No.11603710


>> No.11603715

Charcoal. Propane is a boomer meme.

>> No.11603718

Thanks, I just tried this and my boss fired me

>> No.11603721

just cook 3 days worth of steak them reheat it bro

>> No.11603799

>cooking pork loin medium rare

>> No.11603823

Using coconut shell

>> No.11603931


>> No.11604082
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wood. Every day I have to light this gay fuckin $20,000 woodfire grill.

>> No.11604102

Why...are you grilling corn?

>> No.11604119

>doen't eat grilled cereal

>> No.11604122 [DELETED] 

make turkey and call it steam salmon heh

>> No.11604134

what's so unusual about grilling corn?

>> No.11604154

How about them corn?

>> No.11604179

Why not use Both?

>> No.11604186

absolutely based, a true warrior's meal

>> No.11604411

Authorities have been contacted

>> No.11604417

Flyovers slabber it in cheese and butter then call it a delicacy

>> No.11604576

>puts a piece of grass on a grill
>calls it a dish

>> No.11604579

Imagine living this life I would kms

>> No.11604601


I know that fucking feel lad, warehouse work?

>> No.11604788

Meatglued meat

>> No.11604836

Propane is just a half step from just doing it over your stove. Charcoal brings flavor.

>> No.11604846

You can also get it started even faster with these:

>> No.11604857

>Not getting that it's funny because Hank is an overreacting industry shill for Propane

>> No.11604863

Hell yeah. Only takes about an hour for awesomely tender braised short ribs.

>> No.11604877

It's great how the Japanese looked at the "charcoal is bad for indoor use" problem, and just made a better charcoal that burns cleaner and hotter.

>> No.11604884

>It also takes forever to use properly and is for homosexuals.
Says the lazy limp-wrister.

>> No.11604893

>Thinks commercial pork is dangerous medium rare
The last known case of Trichinosis in the US was caused by an idiot eating undercooked cougar meat.

>> No.11604900

Grilled corn is delicious?

>> No.11605066
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>Chimney of Insanity

>> No.11605083

Doesn't matter Heat is Heat.
Your high end steakhouse will use propane/natural gas Salamanders to cook your steak. But since residential gas grills suck you can only get high heat with charcoal.
If anyone knows an intense gas grill that can get to charcoal temps let me know the brand. I know my napoleon can't get as high as my weber kettle.

>> No.11605091

Flyovers boil corn and drown it in sweet creamed butter and salt.

>> No.11605098

Printing. Weekly grocery store ads and the such. All the garbage that gets stuffed into your mailbox a couple times a week. Theres still a market for it believe it or not

>> No.11605144

The probem is that "heat is heat" isn't really true.

Coals from wood or charcoal have a much higher heat output than a gas flame does. Also, a wood or charcoal fire has additional flavor from the smoke.

>> No.11605153

Reminder that hank ate a charcoal grilled burger and said it was the best burger he had ever had in his life.

>> No.11605182

>Doesn't matter Heat is Heat
Maybe if you're cooking in a pan, but if it's over a direct source there are obvious differences, as well as the fact that radiative heat effects the meat differently from convective heat.

Also let alone charcoal, most of the places around here make a big deal out of being wood fired.

>> No.11605406
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Slow N Sear is a great tool. Easy control of the indirect heat, and there's a great "cool grate" technique for searing.

Basically, you use a thin grate, and rotate it so the coolest part in over the coals right before you put the steaks on, then rotate it off the coals and flip the steaks on over the heat. Creates a much more even sear from the coals themselves instead of burning from the grate.

>> No.11605584

>cook meat on propane
>"hey anon why dont you use charcoal"
>"charcoal? Are you kidding me? I like the taste of MEAT not COAL or SMOKE.
>put my meat, which i seasoned before cooking on a bun
>put ketchup on it

>> No.11605596

Coal or wood anytime.
I only use my charcoal grill like 10 times a year for social gatherings. If i am by myself i use propane unless i wanna try out new stuff.

>> No.11605680

>Maybe if you're cooking in a pan
So you have no idea what a salamander is....

Thanks adrenaline bbq shill, but I have one.
doesn't make my gas grill any hotter, which is the topic of the post your replying to, dumbass.

>> No.11605692

>So you have no idea what a salamander is....
A direct source which will highlight the difference between heating methods? You seem confused.

>> No.11605713

Congrats. why are you talking about pans in a fucking salamander? When It comes to steaks it all about heat, steaks aren't on grill long enough to pick up any smoke or flavor from the heat source.

>> No.11605724

Most people aren't going to spend what it takes to get a good salamander in their kitchen.

>> No.11605728

>on grill long enough to pick up any smoke or flavor from the heat source.
are your tastebuds broken?

Obviously the smoke flavor won't be as strong as something that's spent hours in a pit smoker but the difference in taste between a steak cooked over a gas grill vs. a steak grilled over wood is nontrivial.

>> No.11605733

>are your tastebuds broken?
nope, how is your delusion?
If you think your quick seared steak is picking up a lot of smoke then you're retarded.

I mean how long does it take you to sear a fucking steak? Are you baking the damn thing?
Learn to sear a steak; it's very quickly done.

>> No.11605744

no shit sherlock; But those high end steakhouses use salamanders for a reason.
HEAT and lots of it. nothing else.

>> No.11605783

Here, let me walk you through it.
>Heat is Heat
>this may be true in a case where you're just cooking in a pan, but it is not in any situations (such as a salamander) where you're applying direct heat. In other words, the example you've given is one where heat is definitely not just heat.
>what the fuck a salamander isn't a pan I'm confused

>> No.11605786

>If you think your quick seared steak is picking up a lot of smoke then you're retarded.
I don't think it's picking up a lot of smoke.
But I do think it's picking up enough to taste.

>>I mean how long does it take you to sear a fucking steak?
about 2 minutes per side.
plenty long enough to pick up enough smoke to taste.

>> No.11605789

Heat is heat when searing pan or no pan.
Salamanders are gas fueled.
I can't understand why you're not getting this.

>> No.11605793

Shut up faggot. Jesus christ you are a pretentious cunt.

>> No.11605794

>plenty long enough to pick up enough smoke to taste.
placebo, you can get smoke from rendered fat dripping on a gas grill too though.

>> No.11605800

Put your face on a 450˚ pan then stick it in a 450˚ oven and tell me heat is heat.

>> No.11605808

>first he thought a salamander was a pan
>now he thinks a salamander is an oven.
Man you're all over place

>> No.11605812

Next you'll tell me you were just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.11605813

are you implying you can't sear in an oven?

>> No.11605823

oh I get it, you forgot context.
When i said heat was heat I meant fuel source doesn't matter as long as you get the heat you need to sear.
I"m sorry for your autism. I'll donate to autismspeaks and hope they can cure you one day.

>> No.11605835

No, I'm giving an example of the differences between mechanisms heat transfer.

Gas combusts into CO2 and H2O, slightly steaming your food. Pure charcoal combusts into CO2, and conducts heat largely via radiation instead of convection, giving you faster heat transfer and a better sear. Carry on being wrong if you want.

>> No.11605843

>No, I'm giving an example of the differences between mechanisms heat transfer.
again context. fuel source (the topic of the thread) has nothing to do with heat transfer.
you failed to understand context.

>> No.11605852
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>> No.11606102

Yeah, but they also get way better beef and handle it in ways that make the flavor better, such as dry aging. So the goal in that case is to maximize the beef-forward elements. But for home cooking charcoal can be an excellent option. And propane sucks for that.

>> No.11606123

I like charcoal more, but both are fine.
I prefer to cook my own food, since others usually burn it.

>> No.11606152

when will the "heat fuel" adds flavor when searing meme end?
Most of the "smoke" coming from searing is from drippings hitting the heat source and combusting.
You get the same flavor compounds whether the meat is dripping on a gas burner or a cherry charcoal.

>> No.11606195

>Thinks gas burners work that way

>> No.11606256

Nothing I posted had anything to do with how gas burners work.
You do know that smoke is produced when oil hits flames right?