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File: 356 KB, 1574x1208, LambEasters_Mar2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11596139 No.11596139 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't American eat much lamb? It's the ultimate patrician meat.

>> No.11596151

Because we herd cattle here. Lamb rearing was never able to get a foothold because they had to compete with cattle for grazing lands. Also, most of our Midwestern agricultural workers are the descendants of German immigrants, and they don't eat much lamb there, either.

>> No.11596156

expensive and scarse

>> No.11596164


I assume there's more labor involved, and there's no demand for it. Older generations have no taste for it, and older generations are put off by things with flavor. Older generations are also put off by higher cost even for higher quality products.

>> No.11596189

sheep don't really take to factory farming

>> No.11596208
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>sheep have distinct economic advantages when compared with other livestock. They do not require expensive housing, such as that used in the intensive farming of chickens or pigs. They are an efficient use of land; roughly six sheep can be kept on the amount that would suffice for a single cow or horse. Sheep can also consume plants, such as noxious weeds, that most other animals will not touch, and produce more young at a faster rate. Also, in contrast to most livestock species, the cost of raising sheep is not necessarily tied to the price of feed crops such as grain, soybeans and corn. Combined with the lower cost of quality sheep, all these factors combine to equal a lower overhead for sheep producers, thus entailing a higher profitability potential for the small farmer. Sheep are especially beneficial for independent producers, including family farms with limited resources, as the sheep industry is one of the few types of animal agriculture that has not been vertically integrated by agribusiness.


>> No.11596228

north america also has predators, like coyotes, cougars, and in parts wolves, that no longer exist in europe and never did in australia, that find it much easier to prey on sheep than on cattle

>> No.11596233

How is any of that applicable to the conditions of the 19th century agrarian America?

>> No.11596236

I always forget that western Europe is essentially devoid of any interesting wilderness.

>> No.11596239

I don't see USA on that list
is it "World" ? between israel and kenya?

>> No.11596240

We dont have shepherds every 5 miles like old world countries. Instead we have a rich history of cattle ranchers and a shitload of space to raise beef on. Nearly all the lamb cuts I see around my area are australian imports that costs more than locally sourced beef

>> No.11596242

There are only around 40 countries on that list. Clearly the USA doesn't eat enough lamb even get on a non-exhaustive list of lamb-consuming nations.

>> No.11596248

There was once a huge wool industry in Kentucky. It is long dead, but the tradition of mutton BBQ still continues in some areas like Owensboro, That's what they'd do with the old sheep after they didn't produce wool anymore.

>> No.11596255

Arabs in my neighborhood (Dearbon) eat plenty, but the stuff is not cheap. I like it.

>> No.11596269

See Sheep Wars. Basically in the West it was cattlemen vs sheepherders, and cattlemen won. The further you get away from the West the more you see lamb in the supermarkets and on menus, but there's no way it can compete with beef. It's not uncommon in the Northeast where I'm from, so I grew up eating it every now and then. But I know a guy from Iowa who never even tried it until he was in his 40's. It's just not an option in some parts of the country.

>> No.11596282

Any area with large Indian/MENA populations is going to have more lamb than areas without.

>> No.11596306

Lol, the domestic cat is reeking havok on Australia right now because turns out they're better than snakes at murdering dumb fucking rats

>> No.11596311

We order it in from New Zealand these days.

>> No.11596318

True, but I've bought domestic lamb here in the Northeast.

>> No.11596333

My girlfriend wanted to make gheymeh on her birthday so we called around to three different places to find one that sold more than just those puny, vacuum sealed packages of lamb. Eventually found that Meijer sold entire legs, from New Zealand no less, and it was delicious.

>> No.11596346

The Basques who began to immigrate in the mid 1800's were the prominent sheepherders in the US primarily in the western states. But they produced wool for profit, not so much meat which they kept for themselves. Like others have said there was so much land suitable for huge herds of cattle that it just never caught on.

>> No.11596350

Because it's chink food.

>> No.11596355

I'm not made out of money but you better believe I'd be having proper lamb gyros and shawarmas every other god damn day if I was

>> No.11596366

Based mongols

>> No.11596576

>India at the bottom of the goat eating competition
These statistics are completely wrong, no matter what.

>> No.11596591

Nice Pareto diagram, OP.

>> No.11596678

Because we're plebs, if I want lamb I pretty much have to go to an Indian restaurant. Which is fine by me because Indian food is GOAT but I still wish I could have it more frequently.

>> No.11596692

>lamb meat

Pick one.

>> No.11596730

Read the picture.

>> No.11596755

It’s a food people from the congo and bangladesh enjoy! Patrician?! More like 1.0$ a day povertician!

>> No.11596764

Hows about you stfu? Let the amerilards eat their plebian meat and not let the price of lamb skyrocket when they discover it
t.americano buying lamb a dirt cheap price

>> No.11596786
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Is this what happens when you have a large black population?

>> No.11596805

Cattle ranchers launched a pretty massive "four legged locusts" smear campaign against sheep back in the day because they didn't want to compete for market share and grazing land. The sheepherders never really recovered.

>> No.11596812 [DELETED] 
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Because Americans are the lambs

>> No.11596842

How about you get some better colors for that graph of yours. My blind ass can't tell the difference

>> No.11596848

Fake news. Pork should have peaked in 2013.

>> No.11596856

>13% of the 'murrican population is the root of all the problems
This is your mind on MAGA, everybody!

>> No.11597239

>complains about statistics
>doesn't understand the difference between total consumption and consumption per capita

>> No.11597286

Y you think beef is declining?

>> No.11597313

Literally this. Lamb never really stood a chance with beef as it's competitor. Lamb is expensive here and not something you find everywhere. Regardless, I will enjoy it whenever I can.

>> No.11597317

if they affect food as much as they do crime then he's right

>> No.11597400
File: 616 KB, 1070x601, yqqy1z079ltz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I eat smelly, noxious-tasting "diversity food" when I can have normal food?

Hmm, do I want a delicious hamburger from McDonalds or some shitskin kebab that will give me explosive diarrhea, OH I BETTER EAT THE SHITSKIN FOOD BECAUSE OTHERWISE I'M A BIG MEAN RACIST.

Liberal logic... except liberals can't afford to eat McDonalds because their all unemployed LMAO

>> No.11597516

Nice dubs, weak bait.

>> No.11597649

Because lamb smells like shit.

>> No.11597698

Youre looking at 7-10 bucks a pound for lamb here, id rather get a nice filet. Would prolly eat lamb/poultry exclusively otherwise.

>> No.11597832

More expensive, bad rep for muh saturated fats, chicken seen as leaner and healthier

>> No.11597858

because good beef is so cheap both currently and historically in America

>> No.11597864

people perceive chicken as healthier than beef but pretty much everyone perceives beef as better

>> No.11597870

Yet more and more people choose chicken.

>> No.11597899

>never did in Australia
the Australian government had to build a thousand miles long fence to keep the dingos out of the south

>> No.11598081

>I know a guy from Iowa who never even tried it until he was in his 40's
Kinda mindblowing. Did he like it?

>> No.11598495

I'm in my 30s and ive never eaten sheep or lamb or whatever. Fuck that bullshit.

>> No.11599027

You are clearly an US citizen.

>> No.11599062

domestic cats shit on literally any ecosystem you put them in except a human's house. it's kind of badass, they're so good at killing everything that moves they can literally wipe out entire ecosystems by being such efficient hunter.
people need to stop buying housecats and then letting them live outside. either keep them indoors or don't keep them at all. they're killing machines that breed like crazy when you let them get together. basically irl Krogans from mass effect

>> No.11599081

>I have never eaten this thing
>Fuck it, I bet it sucks
You're an idiot.

>> No.11599089

It is a fucking shame, though I love me some lamb.

>> No.11599191

I'm an American and have never had lamb or even seen in before me. Never seen it in a store or prepared in real life only on TV. I wouldn't even know where to get it.

>> No.11599217

I came here to shitpost about American taste but the very first post is a quality answer
Good on you anon

>> No.11599225

beats me. my local supermarket has lamb chops, ground lamb, and lamb fillets though, its a pretty good stuff. i make gyros probably 2-3 times a month.

>> No.11599227

Its sandnog food and it tastes like shit.

>> No.11599919
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>replying to bait
>calling someone an idiot

>> No.11599923

This. I could probably find it if I tried but it's just not a thing round here.

>> No.11601247

I think that would be more of a cost thing.

>> No.11601257

the dingo fence was erected in AUS specifically to keep them away from sheep, the reason australia farms sheep is cultural primarily

>> No.11601263

>the dingo fence
Kek, didn't know this was a thing. Did you at least make the dingos pay for it?

>> No.11601268

I guess it is for those who eat a lot of meat - adds up. I don't eat meat all that often, so when I do cost isn't a consideration. I just buy whatever I want.

>> No.11601460

'Murikuns are psychologically manipulated into only buying a limited variety of foodstuffs produced by corporate global business's. Any deviation from the norm is prevented by higher prices on unapproved items, such as lamb.
As a reference, look at the menus of any major chain restaurant. Those will be the only approved selections. Any deviations will be hit with much higher prices, forcing the plebs back into the corporate approved menu. Only the elite 1% venture outside the norm, because of the higher prices.

>> No.11601697

>psychologically manipulated into only buying a limited variety of foodstuffs
>Any deviation from the norm is prevented by higher prices on unapproved items
Well, that sounds more physical than psychological as it implies the real producers of products (aka the 99%) aren't being paid wages high enough to withstand the artificially high prices of meats like lamb not approved by the megacorporate fascist oligarchy.

>> No.11603457

>As a reference, look at the menus of any major chain restaurant.
That's only within specific social classes. Plenty of folks don't eat at chin restaurants.

>> No.11603469

surely this can't be because poultry, specifically chicken, is much more resource efficient and generally easier to produce than beef

>> No.11603489

American here, this is the truth.
Lamb is excellent, I get it p regularly from kabob places because they're the only ones in my neck of the woods that offer it. Most Americans eat lamb only on Easter, which I think is a shame. I think there's a minor attitudinal barrier to it, but then again I have no stipulations about eating 'weird' things.

>> No.11603628

The tradition of americans not eating goes back to agriculture, and wealth, along with foreigners.
1. sheep can be raised on much poorer land than cattle, as they are more nimble and eat brambles and shit, it was a status symbol to not seem poor, to make it seem like you had good enough grass for cattle. also, with the large amounts of germans and other northern europoors( England is an exeption cos of poor highlands, population developed taste for lamb), germans and dutch tended to prefer beef, as it generally has no taste. also, small ruminants(sheep and goats) are generally raised in more southern climates (southern Europe) and normal americans didn't want to be associated with immigrants.

>> No.11603994

2014 wants its memes back

>> No.11604100

I think that more importantly, the Americas were full of grass good enough to raise cattle. The British and Scandinavians had lots of sheep because their grass was shit.

>> No.11604165

America isn't tiny nor hilly enough for efficient land use to be a factor. The price of feed crops is also ludicrously cheap so that's not a factor either. Family farms barely exist in this country anymore so that's not a factor either.

Sheep work in England and New Zealand and the like because they're limited in land resources. Cows dominate in Australia and the United States because they're not, with a skewing of cattle predominance in the United States because it has far more grazing land available than Australia.

>> No.11604226

Which is ironic given that cows are fucking awful when it comes to feed ratios per pound of live animal growth. Literally the shittiest animal in terms of feed conversion.

>> No.11604239

WTF are you on, England is shit but they do have good grass since it rains all the time

>> No.11604319

Yeah but not enough of it since cattle eat shittons of grass
And they also have huge tracts that are basically badlands, like the entirety of Wales.

>> No.11604399

>Flyover thinks anyone cares about his redneck roadkill festival

>> No.11605412

Good rundown my friend.
Because only blacks eat chicken? You're a fucking idiot. Big industry mass-produced chicken is cheaper to produce for better profit and can be sustained with less land use and is less affected by drought than beef. Also in the 80s (since you weren't alive then to be aware of this), there was a big campaign by dumbshit "nutritionists" to villify red meat as being bad for you, so during that time dumbshit suburbanites and flyovers started switching over to "healthier" chicken meat instead (along with the economic factors of chicken meat being less expensive).
You've probably seen lamb chops in your supermarket and didn't know or care. Usually pretty pricey for the amount of meat though.

>> No.11605589

Sheep is for injuns

>> No.11605859

I recently spent 6 months in Wales and can confirm you're full of shit.

>> No.11606043

lmao get fukkin shit on kid

>> No.11606051

where are you getting cheap lamb in the us m80

>> No.11606058

but that's factually correct?

>> No.11606059

FPBP + replies

>> No.11606101

kill yourself and let your parents find the body you coastie niggerbrain.

>> No.11606153


>> No.11606174

t. confirmation bias

>> No.11606203

>t. using new words
if you remove browns from the stats, white americans are approximately equal to the europeans in all the categories usually used to mock us; i.e. crime rate, obesity rate, iq, etc etc etc

this is just what the numbers say. not """confirmation bias""".

>> No.11606302

My first time trying lamb was when I was 16. People just didn't really eat it very often where I grew up, it was all about Beef and Pork.
t. Ohioan

>> No.11606828

Goat is really good desu.

>> No.11606846

>Why don't American eat much lamb?

1. Historically focused on cotton and very depreciated attitude towards sheep
2. Super-subsidized cattle industries

>> No.11606937

Nope, you don't just get to say that. 38% 'murrican obesity, yah, when nogs are removed drops to 36%. If you remove gang related crime, it's still a sky high crime rate. White collar crime involving billions instead of a carton of cigs? C'mon. Stop being stupid.

>> No.11606951

i'm not sure what you're arguing. are you from italy or something? your english sentence structure is a little wonky.

>> No.11606963

I wish lamb chops were cheaper

>> No.11606968

Your wiki page can tell you what ever it likes but if you have ten sheep on a hectare of land they'll drive it to sand within a year, but twice that amount of cows will have grass all year long.

>> No.11606988

A lot of them are vegetarian, and its per capita so you can have most of the population not eating it and still have a million goats eaten per day because of the population.

>> No.11607359

This is so fucking retarded from start to finish I don't even know where to begin to break it down, but I'd put infinitely more faith in somebody simply blockquoting wikipedia over an ignorant townie laying down nothing but bullshit.

Profoundly stupid scenario besides, a 400kg British breed dry cow or steer eating at weight maintenance is 7 DSEs, which means it's the equivalent to 7 50kg wethers at maintenance, which means that the pasture you clearly don't have would support only about 50 less kilograms of dry sheep for every dry Angus cow or steer you don't run.

>> No.11607403

Americans are dumb

>> No.11607540


Well, the *ultimate* cause is the kikes and their puppets on the political left, of course, but yeah, niggers are a pretty serious infestation on their own -- this being borne out by all manner of hard evidence (if you're, ya know, into that sort of thing).

>> No.11607553


Oh, but fences don't work, right?

>> No.11607856

The ultimate cause is rich kikes and WASPs and their puppets on the right and the left. You pea brains are so close to the right conclusion about billionaires and politicians; they’re all shitty, not just the Jewish/liberal ones. Also, nearly the entire neocon movement is made up of Jews, and conservatives love to shill and send people to die for Israel. Start thinking bigger.

>> No.11607900

I grew up eating lamb and it's one of my favorite meats, but I know quite a few people that say what they don't like about it is the smell. I imagine it's that coupled with the price that stops most Americans from eating it more often.

>> No.11607971
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I don't disagree, but the left is the more overtly dedicated to pushing (((their))) social agenda, while the co-opted right serves mostly to furnish the illusion of choice.

>> No.11607974


>> No.11607988

I’m pretty far left. My problem is that Democrats are just as much puppets of greedy globalist capitalist scumfucks who want to replace us all with robots. They pay lip service to non-threatening social causes, but they only care about money and power. Then you have dipshits like >>11607971 who think that think niggers and fags and poor people are the problem while he’s getting fucked in the ass by the long dick of the global economy and his tax dollars are used to fund Israel and Saudi Arabia’s wars. The whole thing’s fucked.

>> No.11607989

Thanks to subsidies.

>> No.11607998

ah, that explains your stupid opinion.

>> No.11608004

What’s stupid about it? Either actually engage my points or fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.11608011

>it's the jews AND the wasps!
>ALL politicians suck, don't you guys GET IT?
let me know how your poli sci classes go

>> No.11608016

How is a quotation of my point a refutation of it, cunt?

>> No.11608201
File: 62 KB, 534x1024, 1530833603535m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>niggers and fags and poor people are the problem

Refute this.

>> No.11608218

Niggers are niggers because having an easily identifiable underclass is good for distracting poor, oppressed whites from the actual source of their problems. Fags are a non-issue. Poor people who don’t work hard and contribute to society are a small minority.

>> No.11608302
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>Niggers are niggers because having an easily identifiable underclass is good for distracting poor, oppressed whites from the actual source of their problems.

Ah, well *that* explains why niggers are niggers the world over. Oh, wait.

>Fags are a non-issue.

Tell that to the CDC.

>Poor people who don’t work hard and contribute to society are a small minority.

I'm actually going to leave this one on the table, as I have little familiarity with the pertinent data and even less inclination to study the poor.

>> No.11608323

All that lamb consumed in NZ, and still we're overrun with sheep. Need to eat some more of the little bleaters.

>> No.11608337

Sheep farming is dwindling in New Zealand and Dairy is rising.

>> No.11608801
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>rich history

>> No.11608813
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They missed the best part of sheep.

Seriously, all y'all who eat lamb might have eaten some of my offspring.

>> No.11608826
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>Coastfag thinks his shit covered state is superior to flyover states

To anyone wondering that is a 20 pound bag of human shit just sitting on the sidewalk in California

>> No.11609305

>dumb namefaggot
The trifecta. I don’t engage with namefags, so piss off.

>> No.11609320


>> No.11609353

but if that furry web dipshit can read statistics and you can't, where does that leave you?

>> No.11609361

>I don’t engage with namefags
yet you still gave him a (you)

>> No.11609368

>come to thread to view posts knocking America
>learn something instead

>> No.11609677

Here are some statistic to read: income growth by income percentile, productivity vs wages, and ceo pay vs average pay.

>> No.11609695

mmmmk... but what does that have to do with niggers committing way too much violent crime? which you said wasn't true?

>> No.11609700

I never said that it wasn’t true; I said that niggers gonna nig because our rulers want them to be that way. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.11609702

I’ve been thinking about making a rack of lamb some day. Had it once before and it was absolutely delicious.

>> No.11609711

Roast lamb with mint jelly is amazing.