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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11594700 No.11594700 [Reply] [Original]

You still want to enjoy biting hard food when you are old

>> No.11594713

I brush, then use an interdental brush, then brush again.

I also don't rinse my mouth out with water, so all the fluoride goodness stays on my teeth.

>> No.11594722

Grandpa for many years now the advice of professionals was to brush and floss after every meal and snack.

>> No.11594729

Brushing immediately after a meal only wears down your enamel m8

>> No.11594746

How do you fight the sensation of having stuff in your mouth though?
Are those mouth washes a fair alternative?

>> No.11594748

i haven't brushed in 6 months and only ever brush once every 2 weeks max
i am 74 years old and my teeth are relatively white and cavity free
i don't think toothpaste works like they say it does

>> No.11594749

>You brush your teeth after each meal right?
Fuck no. Why would I want to bastardize the delicious aftertaste of my meal with cheap shitty artificial mint?
Besides, as anon >>11594729 pointed out, brushing immediately after a meal actually worsens the condition of your teeth. If you really are one of those annoying germ fags, floss thoroughly (though flossing is recommended after a meal anyway, to remove the bits of food stuck to your teeth) and swish a bit of mouthwash.

>> No.11594766

I spit, but don't rinse. saliva rinses it out gradually.

>> No.11594792

always brush right after meals.
if you think it hurts your teeth, then simply use a soft brush and a non whitening toothpaste.
But never wait to brush, bacteria grow exponentially, and their poop is what corrodes the teeth enamel.

>> No.11594825

What? Is this a joke, 74 and on this site?

>> No.11594828

No, I will never get old.

>> No.11594993

Based kidult

>> No.11594994

i havent brushed in years. I drink a lot of vodka instead. Then i eat liver or something to counteract the effects.

>> No.11595164

hah na, I just see a hygienist every 6 months and brush 2x a day and floss every night.
When I see the hygienist it's very little scraping and always a good checkup.
Also don't just go in and out with floss. Be sure to make that "c" with the floss around the tooth

>> No.11595168

Why would I want to bite into "hard food" at any age? Wouldn't it be better just to eat good food that isn't hard instead?

>> No.11595197

No I am srious little Johnny

>> No.11595204
File: 48 KB, 424x283, spoonfeeding-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay young 4ever !

>> No.11595228

What "hard foods" do you eat? That sounds retarded. If they're hard enough to give your teeth trouble, why would you want to put that into your intestinal tract?

>> No.11595839

Baguette sandwhich like bahn-mi. I also love chewing ice in drinks during summer.

>> No.11595845

I brush them before going outside so every second day or so.

>> No.11595880

I brush every second week
Brushing after every meal is insane
You must be chugging many liters of soda daily to require such an amount of synthetic cleaning agents to keep your mouth healthy

>> No.11597505

>tfw my teeth are too close together to floss

>> No.11597640

brush, floss, water pick, mouth wash before going to bed

chew gum after meals

>> No.11597645
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based and toothpilled

take care of your teeth boys, they are the only ones you've got

>> No.11599512

i have demonic bucktooth fang teeth
i got the whole crazy tooth set

>> No.11599535

no? you also have baby teeth

>> No.11599644

You have to be over 18 to use this website

>> No.11599766

Adult tooth regeneration is expected in China next year. Thank you, Chinese government, and thank you, northeastern Chinese cuisine (with some Manchu influence).

>> No.11600460

It's not "the only ones you've got" if you get two sets in your life you illiterate

>> No.11600478

I'm pretty sure everyone here is over 18.

>> No.11600574

>I know literally nothing: the post

>> No.11600640

I brush probably every 3 weeks to a month.

>> No.11600668

i can't remember the last time i brushed my teeth. i use mouthwash once a day for a few seconds but that's it

>> No.11600827


I have braces, so yes :/

>> No.11601102

>still has his baby teeth
>thinks he isnt underageb&