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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11593486 No.11593486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do fast food chains really shill here?

>> No.11593524


>> No.11593628

would you if you had advertising money to spend?
don't answer that, actually

>> No.11593636

Does a bear shit in the woods?

>> No.11593659

No, but I'm excited to wake up and enjoy an AM Crunchwrap® in the morning!

>> No.11593668

Nothing beats Beefy 5 Layer and Crunchwrap Supreme

>> No.11593683

No, but please eat at Jack in the Box.

>> No.11593688

Why can't people profess their love of tasty fast food without being accused of shilling?

>> No.11593694
File: 526 KB, 687x989, 20181205_014930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ppl say that Bon Appetit shills here
Tfw you're responsible for 90% of the Bon Appetit threads and they're just shitposts

>> No.11593705

>fast food
Only one of these is applicable to reality in any given statement. Unless, of course, its in n out.

>> No.11593709

That's ridiculous anon. If you pay close attention you will just see that people love the taste of a fresh, made to serve burgers on McDonald's premium artisan roll buns with fresh veggies and all American cheese.

>> No.11593726

Have you tried using the McDonalds® app? I usually get my Big Mac® on an artisan bun. It tastes just like a gourmet burger from a big name restaurant!

>> No.11593741

No, it's retards from r/The_Donald who think that people actually want this shitholes business. They see someone who wants to discuss a certain company and immediately begin crying "SHILL" even though it's just some retard trying to figure out if he should order a certain burger.

>> No.11593746

Some obscure marketing corner probably has some person posting every other week about mcdonalds to trigger you fat weebs into buying their shitty overpriced burgers.

>> No.11593762

That would be a fantastic job. They're probably behind the vegan threads too false flagging to rile up their burger loving base.

>> No.11593764

>attacking mcdicks
>while wearing nikes

fucking idots

>> No.11593789

go back to >>>/pol/ you conspiracy addled retard.

>> No.11593794

Yes, and they also make posts like, "LOL you really think they want business from this shitty place???" as if this board doesn't get millions of views a month.

Oh look there's one here

>> No.11593801
File: 99 KB, 565x500, REDDIT NIGGER FAG FAG FUCK OFF CUNTFAG FUCK FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo

>> No.11593820

I'm sure they don't, although lots of anons here are convinced they do. Advertising on 4chan is about as cheap as it gets, yet I don't ever see paid fast food ads here. And if fast food chains with billions of dollars in spending money can't be bothered to pay a couple bucks for ads here, why would you think they'd care enough to have some marketing person shill their restaurant here?
Social media marketing is definitely a real thing, but a good part of social media marketing is trying to keep the brand clean and scandal-free. You would realistically shill on acceptable to the general public / news media friendly websites like Twitter and Facebook. You will never convince these anons of that though. It's the same as trying to convince anons on /pol/ you're not being paid to disagree with their claim some recent shooting was a staged false flag ploy. I don't know why, but I personally find this kind of conspiracy thinking obnoxious as fuck and can't relate to that mindset at all. I wish I could magically show the people who believe posts on this board are shilling how the anons making these posts are just ordinary 4chan NEETs who either find it amusing to use commercial-esque wordings (e.g. "for me, it's the McRib") or else genuinely enjoy the fast food they're posting about and are therefore using the food board exactly the way it's meant to be used.

>> No.11593830

because buying ads on le racist neonazi frog site would give them a bad image retard.

>> No.11593833

>"LOL you really think they want business from this shitty place???" as if this board doesn't get millions of views a month.
Why do you think you never see paid ads for fast food here? You know there are actual ads here, right (not sure if maybe you're using adblock or something and not even aware of them)? Advertising isn't motivated solely by views. If it were you'd be seeing a lot more mainstream businesses taking out ad space on porn sites.

>> No.11593839


>> No.11593859

>because buying ads on le racist neonazi frog site would give them a bad image retard.
Exactly, and that's the same reason these businesses don't pay their social media teams to do work here either. A major fast food chain has much more to lose than to gain with doing something like that. All it would take for that to turn into a PR nightmare is having one employee going to some news outlet with the story that Burger King or whoever has been marketing to neonazi pederasts. Also you need to actually be able to discuss your work with other people at the business. Would you want to stake your career on being the guy who put together a team to try to appeal to racist and sexist right wing incels?

>> No.11593864

PS: Do you have an office job of some sort? If so, check out what your own company's department in charge of social media (probably Sales or Marketing) actually works with. I guarantee you it'll be shit like Twitter and Facebook, not 4chan.

>> No.11593869

Only KFC. Nobody has eaten there in over a decade.

>> No.11593878

>Nobody has eaten there in over a decade.
Where are you getting this idea from?
>It is the world's second-largest restaurant chain (as measured by sales) after McDonald's

>> No.11593890

We're talking about the US here, not 3rd world countries like Japan.

>> No.11593898

You said "nobody has eaten there in over a decade," not "they're low quality." Stop moving the goalposts. They're obviously one of the most popular chains in existence both worldwide and in the US so that's a retarded thing to say.

>> No.11593930

Improve your reading comprehension retard. I was talking about worldwide quantity in 3rd world countries. Just because mcdonalds has millions of locations in 3rd world countries doesn't mean mcdonalds is quality. Being "number one" or "number 2" "fast food chain in the world" doesn't mean a thing in terms of quality.
So let me rephrase my original statement for you smart ass.
Nobody in the US has eaten KFC in over a decade. Only mouth breathing 3rd world country savages in china, japan and africa enjoy KFC.

>> No.11593939

I enjoyed KFC a month ago and I live in california and I'm even white.

>> No.11593951

>I'm white! Hey guys I'm a single white heterosexual male just like you guys! And I enjoy this corporation's products! Do you guys relate?
Found the shill.

>> No.11593965

>I was talking about worldwide quantity in 3rd world countries.
I know you retard. Don't lecture anyone on misreading ever again:
>They're obviously one of the most popular chains in existence both worldwide and in the US
>and in the US

>> No.11593971

In the US I'd be surprised if they would even make top 20 most popular chains

>> No.11593979

You'd be wrong, retard.

>> No.11593983

I'm married actually

>> No.11593985

>he's getting emotional while defending a shitty chain
Found the shill. I've literally exposed all the KFC shills in this board. I am /ck/'s ultimate savior.

>> No.11593998


>> No.11594004
File: 132 KB, 1000x842, helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make ridiculously wrong claim
>Get proven wrong
>durr you're a shill!

>> No.11594013

haha yet another buttmad shill exposed. fucking BASED exposer of shills

>> No.11594019

Would you like a cookie? They come part of a $5 fill up box btw!

>> No.11594028


>> No.11594040

Yep. McDonalds "guerilla marketer" here. Ask me whatever.

>> No.11594044

Do people really not understand the concept of getting annoyed by a stupid or dishonest internet arguments, or is this an intentional form of trolling where you're aware no shilling is going on and just do it to annoy people even more?

>> No.11594045


>> No.11594049


>> No.11594061

The shill is devastated, he's on his knees begging for just one person to believe his israeli lies

>> No.11594066

Somehow that post gave me zero hints in either direction for which of those two possibilities you're doing. I could honestly see either case as true.

>> No.11594106

>Why do you think you never see paid ads for fast food here?
Because viral marketing is cheaper and more effective. If it comes across as a regular anon expressing his opinion, it carries a lot more weight than a paid ad.

>> No.11594141

You could easily afford the pocket change required to advertise here even if you were a single random unemployed anime fan on autismbux. The cost difference you're talking about would be an absolutely negligible concern for a fast food franchise.
>If it comes across as a regular anon expressing his opinion, it carries a lot more weight than a paid ad.
Who would want to start that initiative? It's clearly not a cost issue as I already pointed out a couple times now (or are you going to brag to the McDonalds executives that you saved them twenty-five cents a month through shilling in place of ads?), so what that leaves you with is someone needing to convince their corporate franchise leadership that making secret shill posts on 4chan is a good investment of their team's resources. That's an awful idea no matter how you look at it. Even if your shilling somehow worked, it would still be an awful idea because now you can't bring up your success without constantly reminding everyone that you have people on payroll trying to market to neonazi virgins into "loli" cartoon porn. Would be a lot easier to just market on high traffic websites like facebook and twitter that aren't toxic to your reputation.

>> No.11594164

Found the In N Out shill

>> No.11594361

Yes. You been to /v/ in the last 6 months? 50% smash threads.
Even /wsg/ is going the same way.

>> No.11594363

Because it's all bad tasting over priced shit

>The whole website is the same as the board

>> No.11594455

I’m gay btw

>> No.11594458

I’m lovin’ it

>> No.11594477

I don't know about you man but I'm thinking Arby's. Let's grab some 4th meal on the way back too. I could use a crunch wrap supreme and a Baja Blast. After that we could stop by 7 Eleven for a refreshing smooth pack of Marlboro Black cigarette's.

>> No.11594514

I only smoke Djarum Black

>> No.11594517

>implying it is even possible to buy any shoes except nike/puma/adidas/reebok etc. at a reasonable price in 2018

>> No.11594522

>Anonymous 12/09/18(Sun)22:22:00 No.115
haha that's epic but seriously let's not post pictures like that here. McDonalds restaurants are where I go to eat before fighting the liberals! MAGA!