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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.64 MB, 1242x1239, 72CE6A24-5673-450F-B6EC-F93ED9BAC743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11583969 No.11583969 [Reply] [Original]

I wish it was that easy.

>> No.11583974

It is, it just takes such a long time that you have to be more extreme about it if you want to see results before you hit the point where you say fuck it and give up.

>> No.11583975

Rejoice! Your wish has been granted! Now you too can lose weight by eating less starch and meat and more vegetables and drinking more water while dropping the soda. I know, it's unbelievable but true! Doctors hate him.

>> No.11583979

I fucking love shoestring potato chips!

>> No.11583984

They’re carrots you fat doofus

>> No.11583986

Na I refuse to believe an adult would eat carrots like that.

>> No.11583994

believe it, coward.

>> No.11583995

fatty here. It really is that easy. Calories in, Calories out. Medical professionals who aren't looking to fleece you will tell you this. I'm still fat because i'm lazy and addicted to the endorphin and insulin rush of eating. But mostly because i'm lazy.

>> No.11584015

medfag here: if wt loss was easy, or if we knew all the secrets, everyone would be in board; fact is, your body hates losing weight, and has built in strategies to prevent it; just think in evolutionary terms....why would it be beneficial to early humans to lose weight? its much more advantageous to store excess calories for times of famine; you have to fool your body (like with Beta HCG or keto diets) OR have a prolonged period of negative calories....none if which is sustainable long term

>> No.11584047

Do asian people really eat a bunch of raw vegetables with fried hot dogs? That's literally a meal parents give to five year olds in the USA

>> No.11584055

I could see this combined together as a salad of some sort, maybe with a light vinagarette? Lose the rice to cut back on cal.

>> No.11584063

knock it off you asian apologist.

>> No.11584073

so fat people are genetically superior humans with better weight loss blocking mechanisms? based

>> No.11584078

fat people are worshipped as gods in some cultures :)

>> No.11584085

in a world where food is scarce, yes....but we dont live there

>> No.11584154
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, powerleveling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is that easy though. Eat below maintianace to lose weight and eat above to gain.
alternatively, fast to lose weight and stuff your face with carbs without giving a fuck to gain.

>> No.11584160

Same here fellow fat brother. I'm well aware these meme diets don't work as effective as just countint calories and exercising but holy hell would I rather much eat taco bell while watching TV

>> No.11584434

it is

>> No.11584439

i need to eat big meals.

so i've been losing weight successfully my just eating one ~1500 cal meal a day.

>> No.11584523

So what do I eat to gain weight?

>> No.11584539

It is that easy, you're not a "medfag" because you read the active ingredients on your aspirin bottle

>> No.11584543
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prepared meals

>> No.11584544

Starchy foods, meat, and fat. And just more in general. If you're underweight but think you eat a lot, you're overestimating how much you're really eating. You could also just drink more milk, which is fairly high in calories.

>> No.11584549

drinking calories is more efficient. things that are calorie dense, like milkshakes, olive oil, soda

>> No.11584552

Where does the extra 40 grams of fat come from in the second pic? There's around double the sausage, not five times more.

>> No.11584555

This is true but it's also extremely unhealthy to have that quantity of sugar in these drinks. I would eat a lot of carbs and unsaturated fats supplemented with fruit and vegetables.

>> No.11584559

If you don't want that much sugar, then you could try blending walnuts into plain milk and adding a little bit of honey or sugar if you want. Could probably just buy walnut butter or use peanut butter too, but it'd be an easy way to add more calories to a drink without the sugar of a milkshake or soda.

>> No.11584566

cleaning bedpans is different from medicine

>> No.11584576

I thought that was cheese

>> No.11584604

Drinking soda is not that efficient due to carbonation. Semi-skimmed milk has the same amount of energy per glass as Coca-Cola does. Whole milk even more.

>> No.11584613

>addicted to the endorphin and insulin rush
Thats just the carbs messing with you. The meme keto diet fixes that.

>> No.11584631

Yeah everyone should know if you want to lose weight just go Keto, it's 2018 for goodness sake.

>> No.11584739

>29g brotein on a bulk
>eating this every mean gets you 77g
Ngmi. 170g a day MINIMUM.

>> No.11584914
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>drinking olive oil

>> No.11584968

Protein is very calorie dense compared to carbs and fats. Also lift weights. Muscle mass weighs more than fat and increases your metabolism.

>> No.11585020

Its kielbasa you fucking idiot.

>> No.11585203
File: 48 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat only 1500 calories of garbohydrates daily
>lose fat
>lose lean muscle mass
>feel like shit

>eat only 4500 calories of rare red meat daily
>be completely satiated
>lose fat
>gain lean muscle mass
>feel amazing

Bitches don't know 'bout zero carb carnivory. CICO should be medically classified as neurosis, as should macro counting. Eat meat, drink water, and become the alpha wolf. Jannies don't like carnivory so you'll have to google the following to find out where it came from. I ain't tryna get banned for advertising AGAIN.

>> No.11585210

Fat has more calories per gram

>> No.11585211
File: 114 KB, 768x768, 6monthsfullcarnivore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months full carnivore. Can’t even begin to explain how it’s changed my life. Thank you so much for all you do and negativity you have to put up with. I feel like I have a new life.

I had reconstructive ACL and meniscus surgery on January 23rd, and thanks to this way of eating and lifestyle I’m already back skateboarding and to my normal routine 5 months before they said I would be. My physical therapist said she’s never seen anybody return to sport after surgery like that so fast, and I fully attribute that to this way of eating/lifestyle.

Before going carnivore I had horrible gastrointestinal pain for 8 years, multiple cameras put down my stomach just for them to tell me they didn’t know what was causing the pain. 3 weeks into carnivore and I’ve never felt that pain again. I feel like I have my life back again.

Also, here’s a fun story for anyone that feels like having a “cheat” day or thinks sugar doesn’t do anything. So my 30th birthday was a few weeks ago, and I was in the grocery store, and I don’t know why but for some reason a box of Little Debbie cookies caught my eye, and I don’t know if it was a flashback to my childhood that made me want them or what it was, but I gave in and bought those cookies and ate them all. Not even five minutes after finishing the cookies, my stomach began to twist and turn in ways I’ve never felt. The next day when I woke up I felt like I had been in a car accident. Every inch of my body and insides were aching. I had the biggest knot in my stomach, I had shooting pain’s throughout my entire body, and it had also given me a horrible hemorrhoid. Those pains lasted 10 full days. It took 10 full days for that crap to get out of my body! I couldn’t believe how much damage I had done from a few cookies. It was really eye opening.

Anyways. I just wanted to say THANK YOU! again for spreading the word. This way of eating has really opened my eyes to so much.

>> No.11585212

Literally flat earth levels of delusion

>> No.11585216

Just ignore it

>> No.11585221

"Hi Doc,

I’m a 34 year old male. I used to weigh over 400lbs. After getting my life together and doing BJJ, Muy Thai Kickboxing, and intermittent fasting I lost 165lbs. The past year I had a rough year and blew back up 50lbs.

When I heard about the Carnivore lifestyle I decided to give it a try. It’s been about three months with a couple of backslides but I’m back down to 235lbs. I’m still overweight but I can’t begin to tell you how much better I feel. My back that I had surgery on 12 years ago feels better. My joints, especially my bad knee, have been slowly improving. And any time I’ve been weak and eaten outside of the diet I feel like I have a hangover the next day as well as joint pain and inflammation. I’ve been strict carnivore again for two weeks with no plans to stray anymore.

I’ve learned my lesson. Humans are meat eaters."

>> No.11585232

During mid-January of 2018 I switched to a carnivore diet out of desperation because despite all my attempts I could not lose weight. I was then 189 lbs. and willing to do anything to stop gaining weight, and to that point all my attempts had failed regardless exercising 2+ hours a day and eating as “healthy” as I could with the information I had at that time. I was following a low-fat diet, heavy on organic plants that kept me always hungry and frustrated with myself; depressed and ashamed. I suffered from chronic joint pain, migraines, severe environmental allergies, and I thought I had to get used to these “normal” changes of my aging body. Working as a Canadian health provider I had never been exposed before to other health preventative measures other than those politically correct, and accepted by the American Heart Association and the Heart and Stroke Canada; which (I thought then) were unquestionably and unanimously viewed as solid institutions where health practitioners and the public go safely to get educated on the “ultimate” guidelines and get answers to stay healthy.

I discovered the Ketogenic diet and decided to try it, and as I really don’t like to measure macros, ratios or any of the such, in a few days I naturally drifted into a meat-only diet. I discovered soon that many others around the world were recovering their health and naturally losing weight by avoiding plant-based food and eating only meat and drinking water.

>> No.11585235
File: 35 KB, 400x392, 50lbs6months.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the student is ready, the teacher appears and I found Dr. xxxxxxxx and Dr. xxxxxxx. I discovered the carnivore community and I continued to get educated on how mankind evolved and our original diet and I continued to read about the formidable results of many brave and desperate men and women from around the world, from diverse age groups, ethnicities, and genetic propensities were healing from many illnesses.

Today, 6 months later I’m 50+ lbs. lighter eating steaks to satiety when I’m hungry and drinking water to thirst. My workouts are much shorter: 45 minutes of moderate weight kettlebells almost every day and rowing three to four times a week for a few minutes.

I’m full of energy and I feel better than when I was on my twenties, and I’m on my fifties. I feel alert and focused all day. My chronic joint pain and migraines are gone. My outlook on life is much more positive and my mood has been very stable, regardless of changing life circumstances. My allergies are gone: I haven’t needed any bronchodilators, antihistamines or NSAIDS for these last six months! I’m no longer bloated, after years of chronic bowel pain.

After eating my delicious steaks, I experience a deep sense of peace and contentment, a solid sense of wellness that encompasses body mind and spirit. #meatheals <3

>> No.11585241


>> No.11585246
File: 126 KB, 768x768, 140lbs1year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this, sugar industry shills!

"Well folks, the time has come..
One year of carnivory!! Celebrating with a big ole’ chuck roast & decoration.

Couldn’t thank H*** ****s and S**** ****r enough for challenging my beliefs into carnivory at the beginning along with many others soon after, even after over four years ketogenic.

Here is my before/after, from S.A.D. to keto to now thriving on red meat, stronger & feeling better than ever, being asked “What high school do you go to?” at 25. Over 140lbs lost for good.

To those who think they “can’t do it” or this lifestyle “isn’t sustainable”, allow those who have been carnivorous for years to teach you their ways, educate yourself (J*******t.co has many resources) & build off your own personal successes.

While some may tolerate modern foods & the familiar state they’re in, I challenge you to remove yourself from them, experiment & learn from your body.

This lifestyle has been nothing short of extraordinary: Little/No inflammation, constant energy, mood significantly improved, clear skin, calm/relaxed state, perfect bowels, increased sun tolerance, muscle gain, fat loss, the list goes on & on.

Plan to continue the carnivorous lifestyle indefinitely, learning every step of the way.

>> No.11585254

I'll take both, thanks

>> No.11585262
File: 76 KB, 768x768, left34right25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The pic on the right is when I was 25. In the current pic (on the left) I am 34.

When I started trying to lose weight, I tried everything imaginable. I tried juice cleanses, shakes, eating nothing but steamed broccoli, starving myself, etc. You name it, I tried it. My initial weight was 300+ lbs. I was in size 48 jeans (that were already stretched, so more like a 50). I was able to get down to around 250 lbs. but plateaued and couldn’t break my stall. Again, trying everything I could to get rid of my fat, I starved myself for days on end and tried eating “healthy” veggies for the majority of my intake. That failed.

At this point, I stumbled across keto. I tried it out and had amazing results. I dropped down to 200 lbs. in about 4 months at this point with ease. After a year of keto, I noticed that the fewer carbs I had in a day, the better I felt the following day. So it only made sense to cut out all of the carbs all together. I have now been carnivore (zero carb) for 5 weeks and I fell amazing! My energy is through the roof and I’m still able to workout twice a day with no supplements.

I’ve spent thousands of dollars over the years on supplements. Taking multivitamins, protein powders, BCAA’s, pre-workouts, etc. in the hopes of attaining a healthier me. Once I went carnivore, I decided that I was going to cut everything out and give this an all out chance to heal my body. I have successfully stopped the use of all supplements and notice no ill effects without them. Plus, I now have about $200 a month extra for meat.

This is definitely sustainable. I don’t foresee myself getting off of an all meat diet in the future."

>> No.11585280
File: 60 KB, 1598x898, banned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight trippin' on mind boggled JP lobsta ethics
You's a blind goggled sucka' G
Now I'm dippin' with all 'ya hos and tricks
Meat mobsta on my flow I'm on my death mix
For my homies in the Carnivore Clan
I'll lend your girl a hand and teach her more and more
She can listen to my feature while she eat'cha
I don't have to meet'cha to meat'cha

Later dawgs. See you next week when my spam/flood or advertising ban gets lifted. Funny how the 24/7 fast food generals get to stay up but genuine healing wisdom gets censored!

>> No.11586003

Oh, you're right. Got 'em mixed up.

>> No.11586019

>carnivore (zero carb)
That's not what carnivore means

>> No.11586036

Keto does the literal same thing as fasting. However you're gonna lose weight quicker if you fast and not have to stick to retarded diet if you eat modestly when refeeding. Both diets are dangerous if you're a fat diabetic fuck, however.

>> No.11586093

Based retard poster who has it exactly wrong.

>> No.11586099

>this cancerous faggot
Humans are omnivores, you limp-wristed beta pussy. NOT "carnivores". NOT "vegetarians". Your picture is shit and I could have got you to your "6 month" pic in about 8 weeks eating a normal diet and doing nothing but moderate body weight training.

You can take your "carnivore" bullshit and fuck right off with the vegan faggots that shit up this board.

>> No.11586110

>being such a loser you spam "carnivore" shit on an Asian mud trading board

>> No.11586168

I’d like to see his bloodwork

>> No.11586240

>I'm a medfag and your body is capable of defeating the laws of thermodynamics

>> No.11586268

>white people food


>> No.11586374


>> No.11586408

I am a physician and you are an EMT-B in Hoboken, don't bullshit

>> No.11586771

I'll meet you at Mamouns

>> No.11587113

It can be that simple, but not everyone. As a net equation, it does indeed simplify to calories in versus out. But, there's many factors on both sides that effect everyone differently. Genetic factors, stress, lifestyle, diet, meal frequency, medications and medical conditions, insulin sensitivity, etc etc. And many obese people are depressed and self-conscious, hardly the type of people to handle stress and potential short-comings.

You really need to figure out which factors are relevant and make a plan from there. Sometimes it can be as simple as eating less, especially for someone who is young and healthy. Exercise can be helpful, too, and some people have successfully lost weight by eating just as much or more cals, but making healthier choices. For example, you could have an alcoholic that gets a lot of calories from alcohol and is inactive, eating junk food and sleeping, if he cuts out alcohol and starts exercising he would likely need to eat more food even while losing weight

>> No.11587133


me on the right

>> No.11587140

The only way to use diet to your advantage is to do it thoughtfully. Fat people are fat because they thoughtlessly shove food in their face all day, excessively skinny people are skinny because they thoughtlessly don't eat enough all day. You have to make the food you intake into a conscious thought process - a checklist you have to review each day.

>> No.11587163


don't let your brain kill you

>> No.11587257

Top kek

>> No.11587302


>> No.11587704


The problem is that fat fucks want more carbs and skinny fucks usually think carbs like rice are too plain/bland for them to eat so much of.

>> No.11588031

Did she need to get her stomach pumped after drinking all that cum?

>> No.11588084

If there's one good thing to come out of this ridiculous fad, it's bringing attention to the word carnivory to describe the eating of flesh

>> No.11589516

I literally just cut my potion sizes and did daily exercise for the first few weeks to get my metabolism going, and I shed 50 pounds very easily over a 5 month period(Began at 250).
It honestly is that easy if

>> No.11589521

both meals need more protein, especially when losing weight to avoid the wasting of lean body mass.

>> No.11589523

>Americans don't know what Carrot julienne is

>> No.11589826
File: 155 KB, 1024x576, 75843902hjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11591296

you should probably read the /fit/ sticky. :D


-t. someone who read the sticky then ate less for an extended period of time.

>> No.11591313

All this picture really shows is more food = more calories. The only thing adding more vegetables does is filling up your stomach with more non-food crap like cellulose that can't be processed by human enzymatic digestion.

>> No.11591320

It fucking is anon, it just takes time to do. once you have your portions down, its easy sailing from there. Its a numbers game dude.

>> No.11591453

Weight loss sounds so easy. Like, literally just eat when you feel like it. Done. Now weight gain is tough, you have to force yourself to eat when you can't stand even looking at a plate anymore.

>> No.11591601

enjoying citrus and water is huge

like I am currently trying to loose weight and have an orange after each meal,

you have to consciously eat the segments and its pretty filling for 100 calories

>> No.11591612

>loose weight
why the fuck do so many people misspell this?

>> No.11591632

mistakes like that are a diamond dozen

>> No.11591637

The same reason you didn't capitalize the first letter of your sentance?

>> No.11591660


>> No.11591677

what happens is you get dizzy drowsy and can't function

>> No.11591680

>t. Fatty

Weightloss is extremely easy, hint: humans were never meant to eat more than one meal a day, and you're supposed to WORK for it, i.e. by fucking running.

Eat once a day, get outside and run like you were supposed to do. Humans are the greatest long distance runners on the planet.

Instant weight loss

>> No.11591833
File: 20 KB, 200x150, wolf_pack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans are the greatest long distance runners on the planet
Wolves would like a word with you out on the high plains, friend.
>Wolves may travel 10 to 30 miles each day in search of food. Dispersing wolves, those leaving packs in search of their own mate, have been known to travel distances of 550 miles away form their home territory.


>> No.11591932

Wolves for ants?

>> No.11591960

>medfag here
Well at least you got the fag part right. More like medfat, you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.11591990

10-30 miles a day is a cake walk for humans

>> No.11591994

As an actual human I'd rather eat cake than walk desu :))

>> No.11592031

I hate cake

>> No.11592049

It's a basic scientific fact humans are the best long distance runner on the planet you plan, we're bipeds who sweat through our skin, dogs release their body heat through their fucking mouth and can only move for short periods of time before they overheat.

Humans running down animals to the point they get too exhausted to move is we caught our first meals.

>> No.11592139

Why even post this shit when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.11592153

Were you at a Company Christmas party last night?

>> No.11592199

>le keto diet
no such thing. The only way to obtain ketosis is to fast. You are not in keto just because you remove eating starch from your diet. Whoever started this trend is either really stupid or really fucking clever to meme people into believing it

>> No.11592203

Nope. We killed animals through sophisticated planning and tools, not by out "animaling" them. The hairless ape is one of the weakest predators and any mammals for that matter except for 2 things: The opposable thumb and greater capability for analysis. Physically the hairless ape is much weaker than even herbivores slightly larger than rabbits. Face it, you're an exposed weakling in terms of the animal kingdom except for a physical mutation of the hand and larger brain developed hundreds of thousands of years ago among your true ancestors in blackest africa, lol! Support your heritage!

>> No.11592226

You are so fucking stupid

>> No.11592227

There are literally tribes in Africa to this day who run down game in the wild.

>> No.11592340

What is it about keto that triggers people so much. Since doing keto, I eat one meal a day which saves me ALOT of money and i'm never constantly hungry like when I ate carbs, I never exercise yet I lose weight (not saying I shouldn't exercise but just the facts), my co-workers ask me how I lost so much weight and I tell them I mostly eat meat and that's it, and they refuse to believe it, they think i'm lying or something. Meanwhile all the bitches at work complain how they spend hours at the gym and are still the same weight. It is like a Konami cheat code to life.

>> No.11592373

because a lot of keto people try to think CICO is not true

>> No.11592520

Did you lose weight and meet your goals, anon?

>> No.11592555

>skateboarding as a balding manlet in your 30s
nice tats you overcompensating faggot

>> No.11592563

They probably think that's an actress' name or something

>> No.11592581

huge, huge cringe
holy shit i wish announcing reports wasn't bannable

>> No.11592594


No one who likes food eats fucking shredded carrots jesus christ.

>> No.11592604

works for the savanna but not dense forest

>> No.11593182

Losing weight is hard because you pretty much have to give up 90% of good tasting food or maybe eat one bite of it per meal.

>> No.11593217


thermodynamics don't apply here, smartass. how many calories are in your feces, you fucking retard. your body isn't a fucking fire. it doesn't have to do anything it doesn't want to. it can refuse to absorb any nutrition at all and shit out 100% of what you eat. thermodynamics have NOTHING to do with any of this and you are a brainlet for even imagining that it might.

>> No.11593614

Hate who, you insufferable fagmotron?

>> No.11593648

I thought humans we're the best distance hunters, but damn those goalposts can move!

>> No.11593656

I would agree that long distance running was a critical factor, but it seems undeniable human intelligence was as well. What about native americans running buffalo off cliffs?

>> No.11593664

I'd say it played an equal part. The ability to create tools to overcome our short comings. Cold? Make cloths. Thirsty? Bring water. No fangs, antlers, or tusks? Sharpen a rock, strap it to a stick. Humans are an evolutionary storm.

>> No.11593740

In which case they would have no issue losing weight. There is, however, a limited amount of energy you can possibly get out of any given food. As again, your body cannot create energy out of nowhere. It can be inefficient at extracting it, but still never more than it started with. Because thermodynamics.

>> No.11593777

>if wt loss was easy


>> No.11593901

Fun fact, long distance running stimulates your brain and can create a zen like experience, when those endorphins kick in and you feel like you can forever, it's a good feeling, desu.

>> No.11593914

yes, you are clearly smarter than everyone here for pointing that out, well done anon, reddit gold for you

>> No.11593945

Stop being fat.

Just don't eat so much food, fatass.

>> No.11594682

If you're bulking, a friend of mine drinks 2L of uncarbonated Cola before workout. It's the most efficient calorie intake

>> No.11594715
File: 51 KB, 1525x200, CDBBCFF3-4EDB-4D38-A79B-F151BEF1BEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11594716

>I wish it was that easy.

Well it's that easy if you have a shitton of patience.

It's not gonna get you Beach Body Ready by dropping from 300lb to 200lb by summer, but it might drop you from 300 to 200 over, say two or three years.

Citation: I started tracking my weight and eating just slightly less in November of 2017 because I'd reached 300 pounds. By November 2018, I'd gone down to 260 pounds. It's slow fucking going but I'm not looking for miracles here.

>> No.11594756

orrr, skip the rice and you lose fat fast.

>> No.11594772

The part where you run down your game until it's too tired to escape was way before Sapiens was a thing. Earth has seen several different species of humans, and we as Homo Sapiens thrived because we finally stopped being animals and started believing in things larger than us.

>> No.11594780
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, 1543043277921m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing weight is one of the easiest things to do i ever tried.
Two and half months ago i was a 115kg obeast (didn't look all that fat since i'm 190cm tall) but wanted to slim down.
Cut all sugar (aside from sugar that's already in the meal) so no sugary drinks, sweets and any kind of snacks. Also stopped eating past 6 PM and limited myself to just breakfast and dinner. Combined with physical job anf some lifting i already lost 15kg and i'm on my way to target 90kg of weight.
Haven't even changed my meals to "healthy" stuff - just limited the amount of food eaten.
Losing weight is riddiculously easy if you have any sort of self control.

>> No.11594787

Pfft I can easily do that. Just not a betacuck who needs pussy that bad.

>> No.11594799

Yup, weight loss is one of the most overrated challenges in life. Its easy as fuck but everyone bitches about it. I got fat because I didn't care, started to care in July and lost about 40 pounds since just counting calories and not going above 1500. You can still eat good shit and keep it under that amount if you plan ahead.

>> No.11594881


If its extremely easy why do most people who have access to excess calories struggle with it? Isn't the definition of something being easy "most people can do it"?

>> No.11594932

>a food that has been in the human diet since we firsted need to use all the meat in the animals and store it for long term storage.
>a child's meal

I see we have a fatty. Those five year olds eat better thank you.

>> No.11594935

>stuff your face with carbs
That is nowhere near true for fasting. You still need to watch what you eat or else you are literally just doing nothing. Worse, you could be gaining weight because you're eating far more in your meal than you normally would.

>> No.11594941

You're losing weight because your body physicially can't process that much protein. You are going to have liver failure.

>> No.11594947


>> No.11594961

just keep in mind
soda and soft drinks in general are calorie dense, they also give you diabetes

>> No.11594962

2nd vote for thought it was cheese

>> No.11594967

Peanut butter my dude! One jar has something like 3 days worth of calories in it

>> No.11595007

It's extremely easy if you have any degree of self control. Being a gluttonous piece of shit that can't keep their sugar rush urge under control is the issue - if you get over it, it's easy as shit.
This isn't exclusive to humans - look at the case of monkeys in India or Thailand that are given enormous amounts of food by locals and tourists - animals have no concept of limiting themselves and will eat as much as they physically can - resulting in monkeys so obese they can barely move around

>> No.11596081

This picture is misleading. The amount of meat is similar in both pictures yet the fat content is more than halved?

>> No.11596105

>yet the fat content is more than halved?

Are you blind?

>> No.11596314

In the pic on the right its layered on top. There's probably a depth of around an inch to the container, so it would be very easy to fit nearly the same amount of meat in the left picture.

>> No.11596320

Wait that's the part that you're taking issue with? I might be an idiot but I'm pretty sure 8 is less than half of 46.

>> No.11596347

I'm talking about the NUMBERS you dense fuck.

Protip: that says 46, not 4.6

>I'm pretty sure 8 is less than half of 46.
>>11596105 here, that was my point exactly.

>> No.11596371

You literally have the internet at your fingertips to look up the nutrition of anything, scales to weigh your portions, and software to track everything.

It really is that easy.

>> No.11596375

Since I started a diet 3 weeks ago i've reduced my daily calories to around 1800 and I have ZERO strength now, I cant even do a single pushup and cardio is painfil and feels like a pointless grind. The worst thing is, I have hardly lost any weight. I am suffering, forced to quit the gym so I can lose a measly .03 kgs a week at best. Its fucking depressing.

>> No.11596388

You can't lift weights if you are trying to lose weight. Try losing over 50% of your strength, it's fucking demoralising and pointless.

>> No.11596429

>OR have a prolonged period of negative calories....none if which is sustainable long term

I kept it up for 4 years and lost 125 lbs. I've kept it off for 7 years at this point.

Losing weight is fucking hard, but it's absolutely possible.

>> No.11596447

I remember when it was called the Atkins diet and it was just as stupid and unsustainable then.

>> No.11596460

>6 months full carnivore.

Come back in 5 years and let us know how you're doing.

>> No.11596469

Half is used a verb in the first post.

>> No.11596470

>weight loss
>more carbs than protein

>> No.11596474


It's interesting how all of these carnivore "success" stories have only been doing it for a year or less.

>> No.11596484

The evidence that supports ketosis as the best diet for weight loss with minimal negative effects grows over time as people understand the harmful effects carbs have for your body.

>> No.11596494
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it is?

>> No.11596510

Evidence like having zero metabolic advantage over a standard non ketogenic low carb diet?

>> No.11596531

It also increases your risk of type II diabetes


>> No.11596537

Nigella Lawson eats meat but she doesn't eat the retarded "carnivore" diet that dude is shilling.

She's also had plastic surgery

>> No.11596553

It is that easy. If you burn more than you eat, you can not not loose weight.

>> No.11596689

All the studies make sure to point out "atkinson/keto is the best diet for weight loss but...". As for metabolic advantages people feel less tired on keto, which makes sense given they don't rely on carbs to provide energy and instead use their fat mass that isn't going away in 3h.
on mice, short term.

>> No.11596964

Food is an addiction. Its literally like trying to tell someone with a chemical imbalanced to "Just stop smoking. Just stop crack. Just not depressed lmao." Its not that people don't know about calories in calories out. Fat people basically have a voice in their head constantly shouting DO IT EAT IT ONE MORE DAY WONT HURT and they cant stick to a diet unless pressured by outside factors.

>> No.11596973

You just completely shifted your argument, fuck off

>> No.11597417

Jesus fuck your stupid.

>> No.11598380

No one's claiming the body makes energy ex nihilo.
The idea is that the body is really inefficient of converting all of the energy in food, and thus efficiency can vary wildly between people.
If one body is 10 percent efficient and another 15 percent, for example, then the latter acquires 50 percent more calories than the former from the same quantity of food.

>> No.11599111

so cut out all the potatoes and soda and i should be good?

>> No.11599296

America was a mistake

>> No.11599306

>cut out all
What part of "less" did you not understand?

>> No.11599340 [DELETED] 

Genes and makeup exist and they basically kill science and research and atheist - Dipshit.

>> No.11599344

>falling for the fat meymey
our body is shit at digesting fat and you likely already reached the max amount you could with the serving on the left, meaning all fat calories on the right don't count and will be shit away

>> No.11599349

it helps get your turds out

>> No.11599537

You will still lose weight at a deficiency. There is no way around that.

>> No.11599549

you should abstain from fat and get most of your calories from natural starches like beans, wheat, oats, potatoes, squash, and rice ( I hate rice, though)

>> No.11599642

Any reason to follow keto or any diet if I am not a fatfuck? I just want to eat healthier

>> No.11599660

>800cal is weight gain
an adult man needs like 2000cal if he's moderately active

>> No.11599671

Those are singular meals, he probably eats 3 of those per day for weight gain. 850 x 3 = 2550 kcals

>> No.11599673

The post above stole what I was going to say.

>> No.11599677
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gotta eat big to get big

>> No.11599738

Do one meal a day and you can still eat the meal on the right. OMAD with eating high fat high protein high carb is more natural to human physiology than 3 meals a day is.

>> No.11600150
File: 162 KB, 1060x796, 1405971500610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I decided I wanted to be a trap, I dropped the pounds easily.
Now I'm skinny and have a qt fujo gf with a trap fetish.
You just need a reason to lose weight and not be a fat fuck.

>> No.11600201

yeah that looks like cheese to me

>> No.11600203

Piss off, weeab.

>> No.11600330

peanut butter out of the jar, copious amounts of eggnog or dairy products with sugar added.

>> No.11600794

Sure, but I think some fatties have the problem where they eat about as much as their healthy friends do and don't realize that, given their metabolic profile, they're not actually at a deficit

>> No.11600984

>pretty much have to give up 90% of good tasting food
That's just not true, anon.

The only reason you think healthy foods aren't "good tasting" is simply because the processed food and drink market sells shit that has way too fucking much salt/sugar/fat in it, so by comparison, real foods will taste "bland". It's just the conditioning you've recieved ala Pavlov. Quit eating and drinking shit, and normal foods will start to taste fine and processed shit will taste like pure salt/sugar/fats.

>> No.11600995

>I'm a moron that can't tell my moron friend is also part of the moron club
>It's slow fucking going
So was accumulating 300 pounds, but that didn't bother you, did it? Regardless, positive waves to you and good luck, anon, I hope you lose and keep that weight off.

>> No.11601026


2 tablespoons of olive oil a day could easily add over 200+ calories each day.

>> No.11601037


Also, cook. It's legitimately difficult to make food as nasty as restaurants / manufacturers do when you do it yourself, and you can still season things to your taste and eat all kinds of meats and sweets and stuff.

Like sure, I'll make a salty, fatty burger. But it's not going to compare in unhealthiness to a burger at a fast food place, where literally 99% of the components of your meal have extra salt, fat, and sugar dumped into them. Which you barely even taste, your brain just registers it as good, nutritious food because it's scientifically designed to hit the right buttons.

Even a burger at a nicer restaurant is likely to have way more salt, sugar, and fat than any one you make at home, even if you make it as good as you want. And portions and additions are a big thing, too. Why does every single meal have to come with salt-blasted fries? I love fries more than almost anything, but some people eat that shit *daily*. We should not be eating fried potatoes every day as just a normal thing.

So yeah, cook. Sometimes you'll revival eating out for unhealthiness, but more often that not you will create something delicious and a lot healthier.

>> No.11601064

>99% of the components of your meal have extra salt, fat, and sugar....because it's scientifically designed to hit the right buttons.

I don't think people in society truly understand the implications of that fact, thought they should, and I'm trying my damnedest to explain it to people. These fucking companies hire the shitbags in academia to conduct experiments to find out exactly how much sugar they can dump in their products to trip the "sugar dopamine" in the brain without making it either detectable or overpowering.

Those fucking faggots put sugar in their g'damn hamburger buns.

>> No.11601223


>less meat
>more vegetables

spotted the faggot

>> No.11601928

this. i dropped soda and after a few months whenever i did try to have a soda it tasted like diabetes. your overloading your shit hardcore

>> No.11602008

>whenever i did try to have a soda it tasted like diabetes.
I can't imagine why. There's only 39 grams of sugar in a 12 oz can of coke, which is equal to 11 teaspoons of sugar in 12 oz of liquid. ELEVEN fucking teaspoons. That's just ridiculous.

>> No.11602067

>yfw you went to get some tonic water so you could add some sugar free cancerpowder to it for something different and learned tonic waters got like 22 grams of sugar in it

>> No.11602118

>from BLM white ally to gay guy who only wears marvel movie T-shirts and looks at Grindr in the gym

>> No.11602546
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>> No.11602552

Sparkling water/seltzer bro, start getting that. Most brands are literally 0 calories.

>> No.11602568

Hoboken is nice now. Rich white hipsters moved in and kicked all the niggers out.

>> No.11602613


>> No.11602721

>proven science is stupid
>you should be eating my literal fucking meme diet
>jordan memerson swears by it!
I want you to call me when you get prostate cancer or have your first heart attack, so I can drive to the hospital and laugh in your stupid fucking face.

>> No.11602799
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this has got to be one of the most retarded things I've ever heard

>> No.11602805

But thats the thing. Home made burgers will never taste as good as the way they make them at fast food or restaurants.

>> No.11602815

Is that...just a pile of shredded cheese?

>> No.11602824

>if wt loss was easy, or if we knew all the secrets, everyone would be in board;
Except we do, and have for decades, and the answer is "Eat less and run more".
This isn't some weird crazy secret, it's not a medical mystery, it's the general apathy and lack of discipline that all fat people have.
Nobody worth the saline they administer in the medical field would think otherwise. You should quit your job immediately before you end up killing somebody because of how fucking retarded you are.

>> No.11602835

its not even run more, its literally just eat less. literally. millions of desk nerds can testify to this.

>> No.11602847

I was 180lbs 3 months ago and I smoked a lot of weed, got too lazy to grab food/snacks, and am now at like 160lbs. Shit works, just stop snacking and eating so much. In fact, replace most of your meals with black coffee and cigarettes.

Am I going to die?

>> No.11602854

"Run More" is obligatory because most people shove more calories in their face than they realize by snacking or other means (booze, soda, whatever).
Plus it makes it easier because now you don't have to strictly just starve your body, you can exercise and still eat a fair amount.

>> No.11602873

if they cant control their diet, what makes you think they will have the discipline to regularly exercise. keep it simple

>> No.11602900

>The only way to obtain ketosis is to fast.

Ok I'm not disagreeing per se, but I did keto for a few weeks and tested my urine with ketosis strips. Before I got nothing, during I tested positive for ketos, and after back to nothing. So surely keto has to induce some form of ketosis? Is there another explanation for this I'm not aware of?